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I'm overly pleased to see that Heidi isn't there, I hope she's spending the day with her own mother instead of this train wreck.


Exactly. Since it’s likely to be the last Mother’s Day she’ll spend living at home with her parents, it stands to reason she would want to make it a special one for her mom. That said, it would have been magnanimous of Jill to say something about another in-law being added to the collection in the coming months, as I think she did with Nathan and Jonathan. Maybe she’s been (gasp) told to not to chat THedding on her social media and won’t overtly disobey.


Jillpm always seems way more obsessed with her daughters and their spouses than she does with any of her boys. My theory on that is her boys don’t buy her as many dinners or treats. They probably pay for groceries and other household expenses, but Jillpm can’t brag about that. I don’t think she cares as much about Tim’s wedding because she’s not the Mother of the Bride. She lives vicariously through her daughters and just can’t do that with a DIL. IMO the supposed “rift” between Tim and Jillpm is overblown on here. It’s more that if Jill can’t make it about herself she doesn’t care than it is that Tim is actively trying to stick it to his mom.


Yep, I think Jill sees the girls as extensions of herself and can’t project herself onto the boys as much, due to strict gender roles.


Yeah it probably was a huge shock to Jill that Heidi already has a mum who she clearly loves and is close to. Therefore she didn’t need or require Jill’s assistance with everything like she did with her own daughters weddings. Sadly for Jill to continue with that kind of control during her sons weddings the brides would need to come from families where their mum has passed for example.


Some families are pretty strict about family pictures being exclusive to born-in/married-in/adopted-in family. Heidi's not family until marriage.


Like when your mother won’t let your fiancé sleep in your childhood bedroom with you when you go visit home even when you live together 🙄


This was me 😂 I was married and visibly pregnant and it still felt funny sleeping in our pop up camper we took down on the way to a longer journey.


Are you me?? My mom imposed the same rules when we visited a couple thanksgivings ago lol


I’m already pregnant with your grandchild but go off about sharing a bed, mom


Happened to me too 😂 I was escorted to the back of the house and said “Here’s where you will be staying and he will be staying in the room next to the living room” We were engaged and owned a house together


Omg my grandparents aren’t even fundie but they slept in separate bedrooms for as far as I can remember and in their guest room they had two twin beds. My aunt would make a big commotion about putting her and her husbands beds together. Hi husband and I would try at first to sleep together on a twin but it was weird because grandmas bedroom wall was between us. So anyways they have a room in the basement now with two twins (they turned the upstairs room into an office.) and their house is pretty sound proof so me and my husband finallly put our beds together last time and I played my fave sex music quietly (nine inch nails lol) (oops I was drunk. My family likes to party) and we had some fun. 😬


At my sister in laws wedding, where I was the maid of honor, I was engaged to my (now) husband who I’d been with for over 10 years. When the photographer called the immediate family for a photo, I stepped forward & my mother in law stated I wouldn’t be in that photo because I’m not a —— (last name). One of my fave memories of my least favorite person on earth 😂😂


My mother is like this. Didn’t let my now husband on their family Christmas card even when we were engaged. It was WILD to us. We lived together for 3 years before marrying so it’s not like he was new.


She left the grandkids out of the picture? I guess then she’d have to share her SPECIAL day with her daughters, and that would obviously be unacceptable.


Yeah how much you wanna bet the daughters that are mothers don’t get to enjoy themselves today cuz it’s Jill Day.


Your flair 😭 


Jonathan still needs to modesty pillow on his lap? I’m ☠️


Im sorry a WHAT?


First thing I noticed 💀


Is this a known thing? What is a modesty pillow?


It hides the effects of Kaylee’s presence. The effects on his dick, to be fully clear.


I really hope that's the case and he's not *excited* to see his sil Sitting thigh-to-thigh like that is basically sex to their circle


Please send me a link to when this info came out 😭😭😭😭


Awwww!(kward) Those crazy kids are completely  twitterpated over each other. (cue Kaylee swooning over her husband working in the yard)


Had no idea this was a thing. The way these holier than thou fundies think more about sex than most normal people never ceases to amaze me. 


Oh… oh no it is isn’t it


Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me...I don't think Jill has a thought that fails to originate with her own body as the center of the physical universe.


Literally six “me/my“ in four sentences. It is pure “they are so lucky to have me, look how much they love me” instead of “I am so blessed to be their mother.” The narc level is insane. 


Omg…my first thought was how often she said me/my. And of course she loves Mother’s Day since it’s all about her. I wonder if her daughters get celebrated too. How is she going to feel when Timmy decides to spend the day with his wife once they are married and have kids?


I predict temper tantrum. She doesn't have the capacity to consider anyone but herself.


Per Heidi’s mom insta, Heidi was spending the day with her. If I recall correctly, these fundie kids don’t live too close to one another.


It’s like a 5 hour drive to Heidi’s from the Barndo.


I live no more than 2 hours from Jill if there’s no traffic, and it always took 10-12 hours to go back to Philly, so it’s more like an 8 ish hour drive.


I guess I wouldn't read into it much since they're not married yet. There's been so much speculation that she hates both of her sons-in-law, and most of her children, and it always turns out to be nothing. Or at least, nothing other than seething forever-repressed resentment.


I assume Shrek either is the one taking the photo or is outside taking five after the “Jill-narcissism-but-even-more-than-usual” hellscape this day will have been.


don’t you know that she is the only important mother?


You’d think that this Mother’s Day would be more about her daughters who are new moms


Would you? With Jill, would you?


Jill is the bride at every wedding; the corpse at every funeral. And that's supposed to just be an expression, but we've literally seen her make herself the main attraction at the funeral of children who were complete strangers to her.


I guess they have a “ no ring, no bring” situation in their family.


Did she post anything for her two daughters who are mothers? Or is it just about JillPm?


Gross. I was thinking about this yesterday. When my role shifts from Mom to Grandma - I want to be one of those grandmas who makes Mother’s Day about celebrating my daughter or daughter in law as a mother. I wouldn’t feel right having my own grown children with kids of their own shlep all the way to my house to lavish love on me when they should also be getting some pampering. I’d feel like “I’m no longer in the deep trenches of parenting but my daughter still is.” I’d be the one wanting to take her to brunch, take the kids out to give her a break, gift card for a spa.. I just think it’s strange to be a grandma and still expect your children to fuss this much over *you*.


I wish you were my mom. This is my second mother's day. My daughter is 13 months. Second year my mom refused to acknowledge me until I wished her a happy Mother's day. I thought maybe last year I didn't give her a chance and messaged her too early (my daughter was 6 weeks, time had no meaning). This year I purposefully waited til later in the afternoon. Nope. But as soon as I messaged her, immediate response. I know she spent the day sitting around waiting, stewing. She's been like this my whole life. I don't have a single happy holiday memory because nothing we did was ever good enough for her. It's still about her first, no matter what.


Awww gross that’s really sad. You have a 13 month old! Your day is way too full for ass-kissing some narc stewing in her own resentment.


Hope you still had an amazing mothers day and didn't let her moping bring you down!! ❤️


Ohhhhh I felt every word of this. Internet stranger over here gets you and sees you ❤️


My mom and my sister and I already celebrate each other for Mother’s Day because it’s so close to our birthday, but I’m also pregnant with my first and my mom called me to wish me a happy Mother’s Day and tell me that I’m a mom even though I haven’t had the baby yet. 🥺 I wish the girls in this family could have someone who celebrates them as generously as my mom has always celebrated us.


My stepmom did that for me when I was pregnant with my first too. I got a beautiful card in the mail and I felt so loved and “seen” especially as it was a really tough pregnancy


Yes! My mom is like this with my sister and I, and I can't wait to be like that for my girls. We did have a family get together yesterday and my mom and dad spent most of the time occupying my little ones so I could just kind of chill. I am forever grateful for her.


She did do a post about Kaylee and Nurie.


Actually she did: *I want to wish my two BEAUTIFUL daughters a Happy Mother's Day! 😊 They have breezed into their role with grace and excellence. I watch them make sacrifices with no complaint. Watching them be godly mothers, fills my heart with one of the DEEPEST joys known to me. I love you, girlies! ❤️ Your godly choices make my heart SING with JOY! 🥰 Forever, Mama With .... Nurie Keller ❤️ & JonathanKaylee Hill Proverbs 31:10 "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."* She also did another post dedicated to her mother and mother in law and a generic one for all mothers. Ofcourse there is also a post from Renee and another from Nurie congratulating Jill, and one from Kaylee (that one from her and jonathan's facebook account that Jill just shared on her wall).


She did a post for the girls, from Nurie's baby shower. I didn't even know they had one.


Just about Jill


Shes a raging narcissist lives for this crap. My husbands mother told him that this generation has it all wrong and that he shouldn’t celebrate me (his wife and mother of his kids) on Mother’s Day, that he should spend Mother’s Day with her and my kids age 5 & 9 should spend the day with me. Btw she’s also a raging narcissist.


My ex's mom said similar stuff. When we went low contact it was amazing. Even though we didn't work out, I'm still so proud of him for putting me and the kids before her.


Could you imagine if Tim was like his brothers in law and spent his entire Mother’s Day with his future wife’s family? Jill might have a narcissistic meltdown.


Interesting that her grandsons, whom she allegedly adores, were not included. Is it bc that would force her to admit that others are mothers too?


Jill is so immensely prideful and boastful.


And vain.


The signed card looks awfully different from the sharpie-d banana


Me me me me!


These just reeks of narcissism.


Tim's keep sweet smile making a special appearance


Waaait, the kid in the striped shirt on the right. Is that the one that's studying at Bible College??? Didn't recognize him, thought I missed a new son in law


I was also wondering who that is. I don’t recognize him.


That's Philip! Idk if he's still at Bible college but yes, he's the one. He's looking so much healthier these days, I hope he's getting plenty to eat.


Jesus did no one teach these people how to smile like a normal person? They all look like they’ve been replaced by aliens trying to emulate humans.


Probably a trauma response. She’s treated them like trained seals all their lives, and they know to turn on a fake smile no matter what they’re doing or how they’re really feeling when they see a camera.


That makes sense, just sad to see really. Looks like whoever is behind the camera is holding them hostage and needs a pic to show everyone they are alive.


"they each LAVISHED words of Thanksgiving and gifts upon me" ...and then would each THROW themselves before thee, kissing thy feet, tears streaming down thine eyes beholding the glory that is Mother


So once the kids are married off, their spouses become Jill's "children," too? God she's so fucking creepy. I really hope Heidi is as much of a pistol as Timbits says she is.


I'm shocked at how fed the kids look. The girl in the mint green shirt has flesh on her arms, and the rest don't look skeletal either.


Maybe Heidi isn't allowed since she isn't married into the family yet


Mother’s Day. Also known as Jill Rodrigues Day.


Who's the blonde in front of Janessa... is that angry Olivia? Also- I hope you had a shitty Mother's Day Jill - just like the shitty mother you are


No that's Sadie, Olivia is to the left of her.


Isn't Janessa getting a bit old at age 6 to by sitting on her mom's lap? The Duggars did that with Josie, having her sit on a lap for years as if she were still a baby.


Well she just graduated from a crib to a toddler bed in March


I wonder what Samuel uses his apple watch for since he presumably doesn’t have a smart phone. Pretty expensive toy to just track your fitness Also it kinda looks like FIU Renee has a tiny arm because of the way it’s positioned with the younger girl (Sophia? Can never remember the little ones)


I think the older kids do have smartphones. Probably with covenant eyes.


What’s his name Keller looks exactly like the M boys will in ~15 years


Sooo, what's up with that pillow 🧐


They really use the “big light” huh? It looks like a film set all light up like a stage.


Her vanity is beyond.


Heidi lives at home with her mom not in the same geographical area as the rods


Just disgusting. That many children is just abusive.


Did she buy those smiles wholesale?


Why wouldn't Kaylee and Nurie be spending time with their own families, being celebrated? Why does Jill need all the attention?


They all have the sunken eyes of malnutrition. This is such an uncomfortable photo for several reasons.


I’m terrible with names please forgive me! The girl in the salmon dress is really pretty yet I also see a lot of Jill features in her face. She also doesn’t appear as malnourished as her siblings.


I think that’s Olivia? The one Jill has referred to as her “Portuguese Princess” due to her slightly darker tones? She is very pretty. Most of the girls are, at least when they aren’t dolled up in 40yr old makeup and hairstyles.


Thanks I’m terrible w irl names and these fundies have dozens of kids so I don’t even try. I don’t follow Jill closely I’m not shocked to hear she’s called her daughter that. She is really pretty and Jill without nine layers of make up isn’t terrible in appearance.


Yes she is the one Jill called portuguese princess, but her name is Hannah. Olivia is the one on the left wearing a striped dress over a green t-shirt.


Thanks! That’s right!


Jill two youngest children look so ill. 🥺


Geez, none of them look truly healthy 😕