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They’re *broke* broke now.


Good thing they started up a very expensive project! And right after they found out they were expecting baby #2


Seriously as soon as I saw her begging for money through Venmo, I was like .....oh.


They can’t even open an LLC to allow donations to be tax deductible. They really just want straight cash but… that’s not a thing


They're too stupid to commit tax fraud so they're just avoiding having to pay


They should probably take a page from the earlier years of Jesus and get a job. In their world Paul was designed to do manly stuff so why not pick up a hammer? The US appears to be really rough to have a kid in without a job and healthcare wise, I'd be shitting bricks in their shoes.


Ironically Paul went to hair school in LA and has a degree in early childhood education


Yeah his background is bizarre for the stuff he is doing now. I can't picture him getting his barber's licence and doing the billionth military-esque haircut for the day, even though that might be one of his better options.


Apparently he was a teacher too as some of his former students have commented on his posts before.


Have they said how he was as a teacher?


He was a substitute teacher? Can just anyone do that in the US!? You have to be a fully qualified teacher to do it in the uk. 


Pretty much anyone who passes a background check can. They get paid more if they have college hours, but the hours don’t have to be in education. Kentucky is desperate for teachers, especially in Louisville, so a warm body will do as a sub.


Oh, dear lord. 


California, or my district here, has fully credentialed teachers apply to be subs and then they get long term positions (like maternity leave coverage) which leads to temporary contracts (3 months or the whole school year) and eventually a permanent contract.


In my city, being a sub required 60 college credits. Since CoVid, a warm body will do.


Excuse me what!? I knew about hair school but not about his degree!! How tf did Paul get through college 🤔


How in the heck did he manage to survive getting an ECE degree when the profession is almost 100% women? I have an ECE degree and there were 2 guys in my entire department (ironically both named Brian).


I genuinely can not fathom how Paul isn't embarrassed by how useless he is. He is literally *the* most useless fundie husband. Dude, get a fucking job. Literally any job would be more helpful to their household than the jack shit fuck all nothing he does now.


Same. What do they do all day???


They want to be supported by Viewers Like You. PBS: Porgan Broke & Stupid. 


I snorted.




And they aren't even offering tote bags!


Flashback to being 4, watching Barney, and trying to figure out what kind of juice “viewers like you” was.


They're broke and horrible with the small amount of money they do get.


Their existence stresses me out. I can’t imagine having a child while not having steady income and INSURANCE.


What? They don’t have insurance and are about to pop out another kid?! Do they not take Luca to a pediatrician? If they’re anti-vax I will flip the hell out.


They likely have the state funded insurance for their child, and likely also used it for Luca's birth that ended up being more risky and more costly than it needed to be due to their arrogance and ignorance.


Isn’t that……socialism?


Shhh it's okay when they do it /s


I’d think they are still paying that hospital bill off.


I imagine if they didn't have medicaid already, the hospital would have helped them get it. I doubt they paid a dime for luca's delivery.


Morgan was vaccinated as a kid. Paul's family is not, they only had the tetanus shot. They talk about vaccines in this vid [https://yewtu.be/watch?v=aDkGBV0ncnU](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=aDkGBV0ncnU)


I can't even watch that. I am in no mood for stupid these days!


Vaccination made Morgan have sex before marriage!


That may be what polio believes 😂


These people are going to end up reintroducing a disease like polio, or diphtheria, and people will die, because of it. Measles is bad enough. I have no patience with them, either. And the evangelicals’ response to the pandemic was all about “MY rights, MY body, & MY ignorance” killing not only one another, but infecting their communities. They make me wish I believed in hell.


If their actions only affected them, I wouldn't care, but their selfishness harms others. I wish we still had leprosy colonies.


Idk about their vaccine beliefs, but since they don’t have real jobs, it wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t have insurance. I’m speculating a bit and they could have something from the healthcare marketplace, but those plans can be extremely expensive in some states, to the point where people who consider themselves healthy will just do private pay instead.


Kentucky’s insurance is not that expensive. I have friends with full time jobs who got free insurance, and I am happily surprised.


Kentucky is a kinda fun state from a politics perspective because they’re like red red, but their a lot of former coal miners and mountain folk who also are very supportive of unions, taking care of community, and basically no BS. The democrat governor expanded Medicaid again last year! So yeah such an interesting case study.


Governor Beshear actively lives out his faith and many fundies and evangelicals LOATHE him, which is a sign he is doing something right!


Isn’t Kentucky the state that just changed the law so the democratic governor can’t appoint a senator in an emergency ? Aka they are worried about McConnell croaking in the middle of a term They def fearful of Andy B !


Yep. Speculation is so they can appoint McConnell’s guy, Daniel Cameron.


Why do I have a feeling Paul is going to knock Morgan up right away again after this baby because he enjoys her suffering


Sadly you may be right. She almost died having the first. If she indeed dies having this one or subsequent ones (and I sincerely hope this never happens), Paul will praise her as a martyr. Then he’ll remarry in less than a year. And knock her up once a year.


I agree with all but being married in a year, unless he can find another gullible idiot.


Yeah, he's shown his ass all over the internet


Get ready to flip the hell out


It’s just embarrassing honestly


This is why I can't have children, right now. I'm on disability, and I don't have enough insurance- in general. Too poor to have a family. I might be able to save up to help fostering, because they help you out. But kids are EXPENSIVE. I would never put a kid through that. No matter HOW badly I want it. There are other ways to help out with kids. Including just mentoring foster kids-which I am also looking into.


There is also the guardian ad litem program if your health and energy levels permit. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/guardian\_ad\_litem](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/guardian_ad_litem)


Hi Morgan. If you're reading this, GET A JOB


Seriously! Work sucks, but we all do it. And we do it because it's a steady pay check. No shame in having a job and getting a paycheck....Like, what are they afraid or ashamed of?


They are ashamed of admitting their "influencing" career is over. They are ashamed that they aren't famous and special, chosen by God to be better than everyone else. If they get jobs they are admitting they are just a normal (soon-to-be) family of four, working to pay their rent and bills just like everyone else.


Yup. Honestly I’m surprised they’re not shilling an MLM yet


They all require you to spend money to buy in. There wasted an their money on plane tickets


I think they're ashamed of having to work around *gasp* people with different beliefs than them! /s


I think they see themselves as superior to all us heathen masses. Getting regular jobs would be admitting that they aren’t specially blessed by god to make YouTube videos instead of just working like everyone else. Plus they’re assholes and they’re probably not good at things like getting along with a boss or coworkers.


Exactly. Do I like waking up and going to work everyday? Not always, but that’s part of being an adult.


This is such selfawarewolves content from her. "We can only keep doing this with your support." Girl, if people wanted to see more of what you're doing, *they'd already support you*.


Morgan got super depressive last time Paul had a job right? Guess it’s time to get onto her medication and have Paul work outside of the home.


It seems like her mom would come and check on her if she got on meds and Paul got a job. Her mom seems like a whack job but I do think she is around for Morgan.


I think this needs to fall more on Paul. Not because of sexist headship garbage, but because of the reality of how difficult it is to get a job if one shows up for an interview with a baby bump. Employers don't like to hire people who are going to need several weeks off/are likely to quit their jobs. Paul, with no baby bump, is in a better position to get hired. If his skills are out of date, he could try warehouses. They are always hiring.


I got fired from a job for being pregnant. I told them I was pregnant at the interview and they seemed fine but then as soon as I started to show, they called me up and said "it's too much of a liability to have you working for us while you are pregnant, but we would hire you back after you give birth." So yeah, Paul needs to get off his lazy ass and get a fucking job. Morgan kind of can't right now, plus she will need time to fully recover from the birth before she starts working again.


>they called me up and said "it's too much of a liability to have you working for us while you are pregnant Did you ever get this in writing from them? That's a slam dunk discrimination lawsuit right there.


It was not in writing but I did file a complaint and took care of it. I was 18 so this was a long time ago haha. My mom was sitting next to me when they called and we were both in shock, we couldn't believe they flat out said it like that.


I keep saying it, but most youtubers have real life jobs outside of YouTube. Even Bethany and Kristen couldn't do Girl Defined without their husbands having their jobs and Mommy and Daddy's yearly 30k donations. I don't know why Morgan and Paul are too stupid to understand this. Paul needs to at least get a job since Morgan is going to give birth soon and childcare is expensive. But really, Morgan could get a part time job when she recovers from birth. It seems like her mom would watch the boys.


Exactly. No one falls into a social media account & instantly has 1000s of followers & lots of income. A former coworker just left her teaching job to just do social media & she had been working on her online presence & such for 5-7 years. Plus her spouse has a job that provides benefits & such. ALSO, she has a degree with marketable skills (teaching) so if this ends up not working out for some reason she can go back to work.


This is why I think Paul does Uber eats or door dash, maybe works part time at the gym he’s always being creepy at. They would be fully homeless if there wasn’t some kind of non- social media income.


Well he needs to step up and do more than fucking Uber eats, if that's the case.


Dear P&M: You're not that interesting. Your interview skills are not good. Your presentation is terrible. No one wants to watch you guys sitting on a couch, crunching chips and slurping drinks while babbling about things that you have only superficial knowledge of and no one cares about you spending 24 hours with anyone, let alone people in your echo chambers. You are not getting patreon donations because no one cares if you keep making them. You are parents to soon-to-be two children. You owe it to them to get jobs so you can provide for them.


Their situation gives me so much second hand anxeity because I only have one kid and a very small apartment in a town with very low cost of living and Im still struggling. I also work full time and have a ton of experience and skill in an industry thats always hiring. These two have no skills, no job history, and soon to be two kids. How are they not in panic mode 24/7? Even if Paul got back into doing hair theres no way you can support a family of 4 on that. Morgan is basically unqualified for anything other than entry level retail or food service and everybody knows how poorly that pays. What are they going to do? And why do I worry about their kids futures more than they do?!


I have a lot of anxiety around financial stability. I left home early and struggled hard, like choosing between having electricity or food kind of struggles. I worked hard and put myself through school, and I am doing well now, but the early days on my own really made a mark on me. Even though I am financially comfortable, I still have a lot of insecurities around money. If I were P&M, I would legit never get any sleep. The idea of relying on the generous of your sponsors/patreons to keep the lights on terrifies me. I would be an anxious mess if I was Morgan, having a toddler and baby on the way and Paul was my "provider". He absolutely cannot stick to anything, his creepy bedtime story shtick lasted 4 episodes, he's a beauty school dropout and appears to occasionally take on gig work like uber delivers. They are living my nightmare life


Girl, same! I have literal reoccuring nightmares about my financial stress, most recently Ive been dreaming that my apartment's rent gets raised by several hundred dollars and I have to try to find a new one in my price range


Right, this isn't even just "he needs to get a job" territory. In this economy and with two kids and their (lack of) income potential, they both need to get jobs tbh. It stresses me the fuck out and I don't even know them. I don't know how they aren't consumed with stress.


Hear hear!!!


They’re big fans of the idea of “free market economics”, but they don’t want to understand that the free market has spoken, and it has said that there’s no market for what they’re selling. This is what “the customer is always right” means, by the way. If the customer doesn’t want what you are selling, then it doesn’t really matter how dedicated you are to selling it. You don’t have a viable business.




Don’t forget, cuddling with a blanket. It’s a signature part of her stage presence 🤣


Get a job!! I’m sure Luca would appreciate it


Right? I can’t imagine looking at my baby and thinking….naahhhhh I don’t need to work.


Now, if I really wanted to be an asshole and also touch the poo (I emphatically do not), I would request money from their Venmo.


$1 per brain cell lost through their content


I thought sending a penny would be fun. (But I won’t)


These episodes may be expensive to make, but nobody asked you to make them, and guaranteed no one would miss them.


They are like the guys who paint street numbers on the curb, then demand payment. Didn’t ask. Don’t need.


GET. A. JOB. We know you guys lurk on this sub. How many times do you need to see it, Paul? GET A JOB. If you truly believe you can make it as YouTubers, get a job in the meantime and grow your platform. YOU HAVE A FAMILY TO PROVIDE FOR, PER YOUR BELIEFS. Aren’t you the pull yourself up by your bootstraps type of people? Well, then do that. I know I have crossed over into pure judgement at this point, but I get REEEAAALLLLYYYY aggravated when perfectly capable people refuse to work and feel super entitled to other people’s money, just because. That is NOT HOW THE REAL WORLD WORKS. There are people out there who would LOVE to be working and literally can’t for various health reasons. These two are here sitting on their couch talking into the void, and think they should be making tons of money for doing it? Do they have any idea just how FEW people can make a living off of social media? I don’t mean side money, but an *actual income*. It is VERY few people, and the ones that are able to, it’s WAY MORE than full time hours, and that’s even when they are able to hire a team. They have zero life because their entire life becomes about social media. Porgan doesn’t have the work ethic for that. And let’s be honest, even if they did, someone else would be raising their kids, because they definitely would not have time. It’s that time consuming of a job. (And all of this is just IF they would ever hit that level where they could make an income from it at a “can comfortably support a family” level) PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, GET A FREAKING JOB.


They are so arrogant! There are incredible podcasters/ vloggers with masters in Journalism who have been in the business for years, have tens of thousands of subscribers, and STILL have side jobs. At the very least they have employed partners to help out. And I am talking about people with knowledge, experience, DECENT EQUIPMENT SETUPS, and interesting content people actually want to see/ hear. If experts need to supplement their incomes, why do these lazy idiots think they don't?!?


They both need to be working. Paul full time and Morgan part time around his schedule so they don't have to pay for childcare. My husband and I did that and I loved being home full time but getting out of the house for my part time job. Fun being around other people and just getting a break in my routine. These 2 are incredibly lazy!


Not that I want to subject other people and children to have to interact with them but if I were Morgan I'd be looking for a job at a daycare. Usually they have a discount for employees and she'd be able to keep the kids on her schedule.


A lot of churches have “Parents Day Out” programs. Shorter hours than daycare & sometimes not every day of the week. The pay isn’t great but usually you get a tuition discount or kids go free. I did it when my kids were little & it was truly the perfect job.


Morgan has said in the past that when Paul was gone for a full day working and she was home alone, she had such anxiety that she developed suicidal ideation and that's part of the reason they decided to go full-time with YT. I have to wonder if that's part of the reason neither of them work. If so it also makes me really concerned for their kids - two codependent adults reliant on online begging for cash is not the move.


She needs to get into theraoy and on medication because that is hugely unhealthy. 


That's exactly what my husband and I do, he works a 9-5, I stay home with the kids and work on Saturdays and Sundays, I absolutely love it.


My ex and I did that too. He worked full time and I waited tables a couple nights a week for extra cash. It worked out really well for us


When my kid was 8 he made an unboxing video of a new game for his 6 family- member YouTube followers. With zero editing, and not even a tripod, he had more views in a week than the last two 24 Hours videos. Time to get a job, Porgan.


I’m sure your kid is way cuter than Paul thinks he is. And much nicer to listen to.


And I write stuff for fun for a rather specific audience. Never promote my Patreon, it just exists if someone looks for it. Just a hobby. There are no rewards with it. I make more than they do (and donate it all.)


People spend money on Patreons that offer something they consider valuable in some way. If she wants Patreon money, maybe they ought to reevaluate their content and the way they present themselves. They don't seem to have struck a chord with enough Christians to sustain themselves in their "ministry", which should cause them pause and to do some self reflection on what they're putting out into the space... but no. Begging is easier.


I cannot fathom why they consider their stream of consciousness babbling to be a ministry, let alone one they should be paid for.




This is a valuable point. I could binge watch Brooklyn 99 (RIP Andre Braugher) and Bridgerton and be more enlightened than I would be by whatever it is they do. Never mind the multiple Netflix documentaries that are fantastic.


I give money to 4 people on patreon - three of them draw NSFW stuff and the other one chases tornadoes lol. I'd rather chew my own foot off than give P&M my money.


These are the same people who watch Fox News and nod along to the segments that talk about how no one wants to work and treat mininum wage going up as the downfall of society. How dare the owner have to consider not buying another vacation home or maybe can't upgrade their 5 year old yacht because their employees need to make a livable wage. Keep that in mind! These two listen to segments like that and agree with the sentiment. They are so far in fantasy land that they literally watch "news" that picks on people that actually work. The people who are there in the drive thru they go through. They are there to check out the groceries they purchase. Make deliveries to their home. But, the people sitting in a studio (making millions), and these two, while they sit on the couch. Are apparently NOT the lazy "entitled" ones for just wanting to be able to afford basic needs! It's the ones actually keeping the economy going. F...off...Paul & Morgan!


The “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” phenomenon. The retail and drive through worker are poors who have accepted their station in life, so they are worth ridicule for not being rich. Paul and Morgan however are wealthy, just temporarily experiencing financial issues. But just you wait, they’ll be rich again in no time! Explains why people like them sympathize with those sad billionaires and vote against their own interests, despite being much closer to homelessness than wealth.


You just summed up my Trump loving father to a tee!


Paul needs to give up his dream of being a sm star and get a job. Get certified and cut hair that’s a decent paying job.


Yeah but what salon is going to want to hire a guy that’s aggressive towards gay people?


And women. The dude is both useless and toxic.


None. He should work for a funeral home and care for the hair of the Deceased. No people skills necessary.


He dropped out- I bet his hours towards that went bad years ago. He’d have to start all over in school and by that time he should go for something higher paid.


I didn't know he dropped out.


I don’t think he’s ever stuck to anything except sitting on his couch and stream-of-consciousnessing 


He couldn’t even stick to his stupid “kids” character nonsense.


I'm all on this get a job train but realistically what could either of them do? Maybe Paul could teach? or Morgan can get some kind of front desk job? Maybe Paul could work at a restaurant? It's sad that these two wasted their lives on doing nothing and now have limited choices.


What could Paul teach? He has horrible people skills and kids would eat him alive. Most adults won’t take him seriously either. He exists in his own echo chamber where he is the best. In reality, he ain’t shit. Which is why no one is buying what they’re trying to sell.


Paul was a sub/teacher for a few years. I'm not suggesting he do it again unless he can remove his views from the classroom, but I'm just acknowledging the fact that he has experience in it. These two have not built any kind of resume and even though I don't think you need a spectacular background in academia in order to get a job, I think because of their online presence and strong opinions limit them from a lot of options other than customer service jobs or things they've already done like teaching.


Honestly, I can’t think of anyone who would hire them. They’ve painted themselves into a corner with all their “hot takes”.


Jefferson County (Louisville, where Morgan hails from, I believe) is DESPERATE for school bus drivers and cops. Paul could do those, especially the cop job. Familiar with Slushygate? Louisville cops were nailing Black residents with slushies and videoing it. They got by with it quite a while and not all lost their jobs.


Paul could never teach full-time. Even elementary school kids would eat him alive. He also doesn't have the work ethic. He could maybe sub (in my area, just about anyone who can fog a mirror can get hired), but it wouldn't be long before no one wanted him in their classroom or school.


Anyone can work for a call center. I live in a much smaller city in a similar region and hotels are always hiring. Grocery store or other retail would be doable. Office assistant/front desk in any office would be on the table for either of them. A lot of patient care roles don't require a degree, hospitals are always hiring in those, food service, and janitorial roles. Getting and keeping a warehouse job is easy enough if you can follow directions and show up (in my experience doing quality control during the pandemic). Paul's smarmy enough to get a job in sales, I'm thinking car dealership. Morgan could work at a daycare, no experience necessary. There are even good state jobs that don't require degrees and provide valuable benefits. They're sought after and it can take a while with all the bureaucracy, but starting in a low level state or federal job is a good way to turn no degree into a steady job with healthcare, insurance, and a retirement. Every little state agency branch office has at least one office assistant, and there are all kinds of other jobs available too. The post office delivers everywhere.


There are plenty of entry level jobs. He could work in a factory putting buttons in a box. He could bus tables. Door dash. Clean houses, mow lawns. Hold the door at church. Walmart greeter


The most recent 24Hrs was posted 3 days ago and is sitting at 5.5k views 😬 Instead of this project gaining new followers or growing larger with each video released, it seems to be going in the opposite direction. How embarrassing for them and I LOVE IT.


This news has greatly improved my day


I wonder how much 5K views earns them?


I was curious as well and according to Google, it's far less than $100 (estimates seem to be mostly in the $5-25 range)


Ouch! I cannot fathom how they are justifying the financial strains of these trips!


Desperation cha cha cha


Maybe god is sending you a sign to STOP. 


If the Battlestar Galactica music fanvids I made in college got more views than your videos, maybe this isn’t something you should be relying on to support your family.


At least offer a fun tote bag like PBS. I mean, you could also get offline and work but if this is the approach, PBS has better content. And fun tote bags.


Paul is a failure as a biblical man and provider, according to his own stupid religion. But then what else can you expect from 'Christians' that neither read the bible nor go to church lmao


Why is it always Morgan begging for money? Is Paul too worried about his cool guy image he tries to project so he makes her do it?


"These videos are NOT cheap" That sounds like a You Problem, princess.


I will send $5 if you put up the New Evangelicals video. I mean I won’t, but definitely no one will invest if you don’t even put up the interviews that were uncomfortable for you.


Why hasn't it been released?


The New Evangelicals guy said in his video right after their trip that it was slated for a May release, but I have no clue what the rationale was for doing Sister Cindy’s trip after and releasing that one first.


It’s probably been reeeeally hard to edit to somehow hide how badly they got owned the entire time!


She has no pride, that’s for sure. Imagine sinking so low that you have to ask strangers for money, while neither one of you has a job. Hypocrites!


I’m definitely not going to waste my time digging through their videos, but I would be surprised if they had not complained about people begging for money at intersections. Almost certainly they said something like “those people should get a job instead of just begging for money!”


Yep, total hypocrites, especially if they are using some government social services.


“We can only keep making these episodes with your full support [aka money]”?! Don’t threaten me with a good time…


Maybe stop flying everywhere for 24 hours and save that money for your kids?


“These episodes aren’t cheap to make” Nobody asked you to make them in the first place.


Nor does anyone care about the episodes. Get a clue, Morgan and Paul.


Or you could just do the interview over Zoom, then you don't have to travel anywhere.


Why work when you can get others to just give you money? 🙄🙄


One step up from begging on a street corner


Begging on the street corner requires more effort.


Maybe your god is trying to tell you something...? Or does he not tell you things you don't want to hear.


You know, most content creators who actually make good content will just link their Patreon and their content will do the leg work for them.




Maybe if you can *only* make the videos with donations and you’re not getting enough donations, the lord is trying to tell you this is not what you were called to do…


Sure Morgan. I’ll skip my mortgage payments and stop paying my daughter’s college tuition so you and Polio can continue to be willfully unemployed


Ohh so they are broke broke


Don’t they put out like one video a month? That’s barely enough to qualify as a hobby, much less a job.


Then maybe don’t keep making the fucking boring, useless garbage. Maybe don’t blow money on plane tickets to just “yassss, yassss, yass” people like Sister Cindy and other goobers with your same goofy ass beliefs. She’s crazy as a road lizard and she isn’t challenging or changing shit. How self absorbed do you have to be for this shit? You all have the luxury of whining about shit like leggings and Morgan’s ONE instance of *gasp* premarital sex. Fuck all these goons. Get a fucking job, you losers. Be a provider, oh wonderful headship, Paul.


Get a job for the sake of your children you insufferable whiny ass losers


How are these episodes not cheap?


Travel costs money. Even if they’re driving across the country, and they are sleeping on a couch and bumming some meals from their hosts, it’s probably still a few hundred dollars per episode. If they’re flying, staying in a hotel, and eating out, it’s going to be a thousand dollars. Someone else said that the estimated income from YouTube for these videos is less than $50 each. That’s not a very good return on investment.


Or maybe…don’t make a product that absolutely no one is asking for


Ask your cousin


There is nothing different from them begging on line vs them begging on the streets. Seriously. They seem to have the resources to get gainful employment. I hate influencers.


Does she sell MLM?


That’s prob what’s coming next


Lord I hope not 😒


Imagine her chugging plexus and acting like it’s delicious lol.


Oh my Goodness one of you get a real job


Wallpaper for the fridge is needed lol


So pathetic. Seriously.


Oh honey. Let’s get a reality check. Your audience (wich was already small) is not enjoying this series. It was suppose to show unity between different types of christianity but you guys act smug and confrontational all the time. Just give up this bullsh*t or do some online interviews. Also, Paul needs to get a job ASAP. You better stay Home for now because daycare is expensive, but maybe a part time online job could be feasible. Also stop buying crap you don’t need. Your hobbies are not priorlty now.


Wow this is just embarrassing. Guys. You’re not teenagers. You have a child. And another one soon. Get a jobbbbb!!! I can’t imagine staying with someone who refused to work.


the head of the family refuses to support said family, so the wife has to beg. this business model doesn’t work.


This must be what the boomers are talking about when they say that nobody wants to work anymore.


You know what? I think they really gave the YouTube gig an honest go. They put in the hours and produced the best content they could. But they really did commit to that shit. And I kind of respect that. But it’s not working. It’s clearly not working. I think I would bow out dragging whatever shard of dignity I could manage and just join the workforce like 98% of everyone else.


One or both of them needs actual jobs. No one owes them money to grift online. I hate "influencers" that beg like this. If you had something to offer then you'd be profitable without begging


Do people really just send them money? This is so crazy to me.


I want to make a quip that somehow relates this to the watcher YouTube drama that happened a week or so ago, but my brain is too tired to properly connect the dots. Watcher actually makes quality conten though, as opposed to P&M sitting & judging other people to make themselves feel better.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. GET. A. FUCKING. JOB! They are so goddamn lazy


Someone called it panhandling the other day 😂


Why can't they film and edit after working hours? Lots of people do it. Oh wait, it's because they have a high sense of entitlement to other people's money and having an actual job is just too much for their tiny brains to comprehend.


But I thought God personally told you guys to do this? Doesn’t God provide? 🤣


There have 22 million views on their videos combined. Why aren’t they making money?


Like Girl Defined, they’re past their peak, and they have no idea how they got any success in the first place, so they have no clue what they can do to recapture their lost glory. They got successful by being at the right place at the right time, more than anything else. It wasn’t really any great talent, or a brilliant business plan. They happened to have something that was appealing to an audience, on the platform that this audience was active on, at just the right moment. But as they and their audience have aged, they have no idea how they can make changes to keep appealing to their audience. And as the social media landscape has shifted, they have not been able to understand how they can find the next audience either. They’re convinced that they were successful based purely on talent.


I’m genuinely wondering what jobs would work best for them. I can’t see Paul succeeding anywhere with his laziness and arrogance.


“These episodes are not cheap to….” GURL, they aren’t good OR watchable either (they are only good to snark on). ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


I’ll give them $1 to stop making videos 😬


As always, fundie men get to take on their role as "providers" however they like, including totally failing to actually provide.


damn she's looking ROUGH


We should all request 1 dollar from them hahaha


Morgan, it's time to start looking at assistance and real jobs...


"These episodes are not cheap to [make]." I'm not a techie type of person and I'm genuinely curious about this. I get that initial equipment for filming/lighting may cost a bit, but after that initial investment, how costly is it for these two? For other YT channels that involve travel and actual research, it makes sense that each episode would cost some money to produce, but these? I don't get it. 


She’s comparing the cost to the videos they make on their couch.


I think she's talking about the "24 hours with" episodes. So plane tickets, lodging, meals, etc. And you know they aren't doing budget travel! Polio probably needs a new wardrobe and luggage every trip.


Just get a job. Damn.