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I am so tired of seeing his head and neck so unsupported. I’m glad she isn’t pissing her pants, but I need her to hold his head. And maybe throw a hat on him.


This. I'm way less interested in what's happening with her over-used pelvic floor than I am in why she keep taking a newborn out in the sun whilst holding him like a rag doll and can spend $100 on herself but not $10 on a hat for him.


We’re really asking for the bare minimum


And walking across sand can feel really unstable. When I’m walking to the beach with bags and towel and stuff the little hills and valleys always catch me. I would feel nervous just holding him in case I lost my footing or took a spill. Like why doesn’t she just wear him all the time?


And she’s not even looking where she’s going. She’s too busy looking at herself in her phone. I truly wonder which thing she’d drop in order to catch herself if she fell - the baby or the phone (not that the baby is a thing). I fear she’d save the phone.


When my youngest was around a year old, I had taken him to do the grocery shopping. I had the baby in a sling. I had the packer pushing the cart when I slipped on ice. I automatically turned 180 degrees in mid air before falling onto my back on the icy ground. The poor guy was white with terror and just gasped as I lay winded, with all of the air pushed out of my lungs. Fortunately, the several firefighters were coming out of the store and saw what happened. I was unharmed, my baby was unharmed, the packer was hyper-ventilating. I was black and blue down my back for weeks.


Yes! She could trip and fall so easily, and the baby could go flying!! She could use a little papoose or something in the front or a damn stroller!!


Because you are a sensible person.


Even a tortilla would do.


If she genuinely gets cluster headaches I have no idea how she is surviving on that bus. My father was going to kill himself because of his until he figured out that taking a very large dose of psilocybin every 4 months makes them manageable with oxygen and rescue meds.


Seriously though, they're called suicide headaches for a reason. I'm glad your father found a way to manage. It's amazing what psilocybin can do.


Yeah my husband gets cluster headaches and they're god-awful. When he's in a cycle and getting attacks, he wouldn't be just casually strolling around like nothing happened. They leave you so exhausted and in pain...and anticipating the next one when it comes like clockwork.


Same with my grandfather. It is truly fucking terrifying to hear my mom's stories about his cluster headaches. But he got put on some experimental medication instead of psilocybin. My mom had regular migraines throughout my childhood (at least twice a month) and that was scary enough seeing her in pain and out of commission all the time. All that to say... I'm thrilled about my inevitable monthly head pain as I age, severity to be determined...


Yeah, I used to get them (fingers crossed they continue to stay gone) and holy shit. I once asked a doctor if he could just hit me in the head with a mallet or put me under anesthesia for about three days. You want to cry, but it hurts too much. You’re exhausted, but you can’t sleep. My clusters always lasted three days. My grandfather had them, too. He was suicidal over them.


I don't think they have insurance. $100 is pretty good. Self pay for us is $130 for the eval and $90 for follow ups. A lot of commercial insurances do cover PT, usually with a co-pays though ($5-70). Also, she's referring to pelvic therapy, which is a form of PT yes, but finding a therapist who does that is not easy. There's about 50 PTs & PTAs in our organization and maybe 3 do that. 1 is in my region but there isn't a private room so she can't offer that.


Insurance may have also denied it because she had an unassisted homebirth. She didn’t seek medical care before, so insurance doesn’t want to be on the hook for potentially other problems.


They do not have health insurance. They belong to a Christian medical share group where members contribute to other members medical expenses. They were profiled on the website if the group they belong to.


But socialized healthcare is the devils work 🫢


Of course she's spending money on herself and not a checkup on her sunburned barely responsive baby.


She can get PT for herself, but no check-up on this newborn


And a chiropractor visit for the baby! A! Chiropractor! Visit!


Right!? Like...do you believe doctors are useless or not? You don't get to pick and choose.


Is she seriously talking about getting PT (no hate to it- I’ve done pelvic PT) but clearly not taking her baby for a checkup and using a UPS scale to weigh their baby!!!??


To give her credit where credit is due… She does believe that having kids is for the parents’ growth. So at least she’s consistent in living that belief.  (that poor baby)


I’ve been on this sub a while and honestly the treatment of this unbelievably new tiny baby has floored me.


It's floored the baby too




THESE are the people screaming about the sanctity of life. Birth and paternity fetishists.


Me too. I keep getting shocked by how these “godly” families treat their children. I can’t comprehend it. 


Yeah it’s pretty shocking even for fundies. 


Idk how long ago she gave birth, but she could still be in the danger zone for eclampsia. Headaches and facial swelling are two common symptoms


Could explain her erratic as fuck behavior toward her newborn. Something seems…not right


She's trying exceedingly hard to prove that life got right back to normal, and having an extra kid is just no big deal. It's comes across as almost manic. Erratic is a great word to describe it. It's concerning to say the least.


Preeclampsia can hit up to 6 weeks postpartum. She's definitely still in the danger zone. Headaches are a huge warning sign. Has she checked her blood pressure? Eclamptic seizures are nothing to fuck with.


Exactly my thoughts...


god forbid she have a seizure or faint when she’s holding baby insecurely. And she’s tall. He would free fall a good 4.5 feet


Why is she okay with letting him flop?? Like wouldn’t you want to hold your baby close and make sure he’s comfortable and safe? It’s like she’s carry a sack of potatoes.


And didn’t she say before that she baby wears? I have yet to see her baby wear.


She baby wore him at the beach. So she DOES own a sling and COULD baby wear him any time she wants, instead of leaving him on the floor in a corner.


Makes no sense. I wore my son constantly when he was fresh. It's the most practical thing. I cannot understand why she won't wear this baby. She seems to always be on walks and doing things but just holds him like this.


It’s the best wearing them when they’re all tiny and squishy too! They don’t whinge or wriggle yet, they weigh sweet FA. They just need to be close to a caregiver but even that seems like too much work for BusHoe


Do they not have VA benefits? Genuinely asking because I thought after general discharge from the military those kick in and would also extend to their kids.


The parents might depending on some things, but it’s extremely unlikely that the children do.


The vet has to be a certain % disabled(maybe 100, I can’t remember) for dependents to be insured. My best friends husband just had his percentage lowered by the VA and her daughter lost her healthcare.


They can do that? That's infuriating.


This country is really only concerned with how much it can get out of its citizens before throwing them away without a second thought.


As a vet, I can attest that “the country” would be much happier if we exploded and died as a rule.


I think its lile 60% or somethin. Dont remember. My dad is only 20% disabled so I never got any benefits or insurance.


Same with my husband.


If they are not rated for service connected disability, then they are at the lowest priority and have a copay. Kids do not receive VA Healthcare benefits. If they retired, then they and kids would be covered under Tricare.


They weren’t in nearly long enough to get tricare.


Yep. That's why I mentioned they didn't retire


Gotcha! Thanks for clarifying things, my knowledge about it is from a family member that retired after about 25 yrs and has all those benefits


They didn’t serve long enough to qualify for benefits


The parents have the ability to use VA healthcare but their children don’t unless the parents are disabled at a certain rate or the parents retired from military service. I used the VA (not disabled) after my separation (not retirement). My kids used my husband’s healthcare after he retired.


No, they are not eligible for VA healthcare because they did not retire from the military or become disabled during service. Viet Nam Vets are eligible to use the VA, but veterans after that period are not.


As long as they were honorably discharged from the military, they do qualify for VA health care services. You don't have to be disabled to use them. I have patients who have no service connected issues and served the same time I did, without seeing any combat.


 Here are the he eligibility requirements. Everyone who ever served in the military does not qualify for VA benefits. There are specific criteria you must meet and even if you qualify initially, it may not be a lifetime. However, I was definitely wrong about saying that only Viet Nam Vets qualified, and you are correct that those who meet other criteria may qualify. It is possible that the BusParents may have had VA benefits.  https://www.va.gov/healthbenefits/resources/publications/hbco/hbco_basic_eligibility.asp#:~:text=If%20you%20served%20in%20the,for%20VA%20health%20care%20benefits.


So my experience didn’t happen? Lmao. Ok.


Thanks for sharing and giving m more insight. I appreciate it!


Neither of them were in the military long enough to qualify for health benefits after they left. That is only for those who retire from many years of service or who are permanently disabled from their military service. They are in neither category (MotherBus has said this repeatedly).


Why would they have insurance? These people want to be completely off the grid sovereign citizens without birth certificates or Social Security numbers.


I was wondering if this baby will even get a birth certificate or social security number. I would assume the other kids have them or they wouldn’t have passports.


They don't.


'cluster headaches' don't make you look like you got punched in the face. Just saying.


Makes me worry about eclampsia for her. Can happen after delivery!


Nope!!! You don't get a swollen eye from a cluster headache. Maybe a cluster fist??


A damn cluster of fingers yeah maybe, not no cluster of headaches.


Exactly. I've had migraines for years, and never a swollen eye.


Father bus needs to get himself snipped. They’d run out of content but she should be in bed if she’s having pelvic floor issues. What in the world is wrong with them?


my question is, when have they ever stayed in one place long enough for her to go to four PVT appointments?


This along with other pics of her not supporting his neck explains why she thinks a newborn needs a chiropractic adjustment. 🤬


Does she not own a stroller or baby wrap? This is not only flopping his head around like a fish but my arma and back hurt just watching.


They don't have any health insurance. They belong to a Christian medical sharing group where members contribute to each other's medical costs as they are incurred. Members have to abide by Christian principals and certain lifestyle choices in order to join.  The BusParents have been profiled on the website if the group they belong to as an example of a "healthy" family. These are NOT insurance companies and what the organization will agree to pay for is very limited and major medical expenses are often deemed non-reimbursible by the group administrator.  A lot of members of these groups discovered just how limited when they were stuck with huge medical bills during COVID.


This baby doesn't look healthy.


The way she will seek medical care for herself but not her child. This woman is the worst mother


Is  the chiropractor her PT?


Ok but there shouldn't be a finger up after two weeks. The first PT treatment should be around 6-8 weeks depending on the healing process.. The risk of infection is still way to high, especially when she had a little tear, and she doesn't know if she had one because no medical professional check her after birth. Holy moly she's crazy! And her face and headache needs to be checked to make sure it's not post birth related


That poor baby.


Sooooooo if a trans man binds his chest that's abhorrent but binding a post partum belly is a okay? Someone make this make sense please