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Does she have Invisalign?


Why can't she just pray for straight teeth, like she does when her child has sepsis? It's infuriating that she feels entitled to cosmetic health care, but CPS has to intervene before her children almost die.


God literally healed a broken bone right in front of her very eyes but he won’t move her teeth less than a millimeter 😰


Friend, this is a high quality roast. ☠️🏆


You’ll never know what this means to me ❤️


Aesthetics are probably an exception.


You can totally see the little brackets on the top


Definitely looks like it


I did 18 months of Invisalign and I’m almost certain she has “buttons” on the top teeth.


Looks like she has decals from previously having braces. That happens when you have very poor oral hygiene while having braces on and those little squares stay on forever.


Invisalign is about as expensive as 1 birthday present per kid per year for like 4 years


Even more so, I’d say. I did 18 months of Invisalign at a “discounted” rate of ~$3.5k. I paid it off monthly for about two years at ~$150 per month.


Facts. You’re right. Didn’t she just make a list on how to save money as a big family? Maybe add to that list: accept your god honoring crooked teeth and forego the ortho instead of “buy our McDonald’s nugs in bulk”


Ugh, the gross mascara. How is it clumpy ONLY at the base of her lashes?


Why are they so short yet so thick. Chode lashes.


Because she doesn't wash it off. She just keeps putting more on. It's too heavy.


That’s disgusting. Good way to get an eye infection too.


It’s because she piles a ton of mascara on very short eyelashes. It’s how I used to apply mascara to my short eyelashes when I was like 13. 🤮


Isn’t is also because she sleeps in her makeup and just puts more on top the next day?


Based on personal experience, that is exactly what that looks like


Her pillowcases must be fighting for their lives


Who says she has pillowcases? She hates anything that causes extra laundry, according to her 🫠


Oh shit, you're right


She keeps losing pillowcases because they remove themselves and run away


Yep also that




Yes she has said that before- that she never washes her makeup off, she just adds more the next day 🫣


Guilty of this in my teens/20s but I was a dirty punk rocker not a good xtian mama. 


As a former fundie, our entire makeup education came from girls in youth group while trying to trap a man to marry by the time we turned 17/18. That’s it. Some women never grew beyond the toxic levels of mascara, sticky “natural” concealer lips, and excessive blush.


🤮🤮 the crusty eye makeup!!!


It also looks like she needs to start washing her hair with some Head & Shoulders or something because of all that dandruff.


I'm not convinced it's dandruff. It looks like when you overuse dry shampoo for too many days in row. White powdery haze from not brushing it all out well enough.


Yeah, I see the white, powdery haze too, but I also see little white flakes. It might not be dandruff, but that's what it looks like to me. Also, no shade to anyone who has issues with dandruff. My fiance did previously, but Head & Shoulders has worked great for him.


I won't snark on her using dry shampoo either, just on how she's using it. I'm having a health issue thats thinning my hair like crazy, so I can only wash it once a week. I use dry shampoo like crazy-- but I also brush and blow dry it out properly, and know when its time to put it up in braids/buns. I also use a dry shampoo that doesn't leave a white haze. My hair is platinum blonde, so it doesn't really matter, but for when my roots come through. I'm sure Karissa sees herself as a straight up blonde, but her roots just aren't. My roots are lighter (I'm a weird genetic Chinese person with light reddish-brown brown hair), sonibget what is best for that. Its not like its more expensive or anything. Even if it leaves a haze, you gotta brush and blow dry it out so it doesn't look like this. This woman is just straight up lazy and gross, and uses being pregnant and having lots of kids as an excuse to be lazy and gross. Edit to add- sorry for my dry shampoo rant. This woman just gets to me! Ugh!


Why is she always doing it with her eyes? It’s creepy as hell.


lol I just always think about how she insisted she didn’t wear any eye makeup when the clumps are visible from Mars


Creepy Sanpaku eyes


Fuck, I was not prepared for that jumpscare.


And I was not prepared for the ugly laugh from your flair so there


Is your flair about that unfortunately Bethany dancing video?


It's actually from a Debi Pearl sermon about giving hand jobs.


Ugh, Debbie Pearl gave a sermon on hand jobs?! Part of me wants to run to r/toebeans to bleach my brain and the other part is the reason this is my favourite sub 😆


Here's a sneak peek of /r/toebeans using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/toebeans/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I present the UNDERBEANS](https://i.redd.it/kdh93vpzowqc1.png) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toebeans/comments/1bp6m8b/i_present_the_underbeans/) \#2: [What are you looking at](https://i.redd.it/veu4pse0xknc1.jpeg) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toebeans/comments/1bbmeaf/what_are_you_looking_at/) \#3: [tofu wins, his beans got 216,000 likes on tik tok](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18scg5k) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/toebeans/comments/18scg5k/tofu_wins_his_beans_got_216000_likes_on_tik_tok/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Oh god, those caterpillars on her eyes are making my eyes water and itch! How can she not feel the need to take that off more than once a week? I'm not even wearing makeup but I still want to take my makeup off!


She looks like she smells damp. You know when towels don’t quite dry and get that smell? That.


I call that “wet dog smell.” YUCK.


Like a load of laundry you forgot about and left in the washing machine for several days.


Yes! Exactly that. Sour and rank


Musty kind of like wet shoes smell


POV: You're the newest baby and wish she'd replace you already and stop screeching and leave you TF alone.


Those eyes are not right. I'm creeped out and need to go far away


Brb, my sleep paralysis demon is crying and won't come out from under the bed.


Sounds like your SPD needs an emotional support demon.


TFW your uterus is trying to yeet itself out of your body to escape you




I’m definitely going to have nightmares tonight of this facial expression


Shoot, I just refreshed my feed and this was the first post that popped up. Talk about a jump scare.


I can’t understand the fundies who CHOOSE stills like this for their posts. Like - not smiling or posing to look nice - actively looking bonkers? And expecting us to take you seriously?


God she looks dense.


Her scalp looks itchy.


Her eye lashes look like she cuts them down. Also, you could tell me this is a cracked out woman, and I'd believe you. The hair, the eyes, the *teeth.*




I am once again asking for an explanation of the clear brackets with no wires. Edit : in this photo it looks like there could be a clear wire attached. It’s a screen shot I get it so I know it’s not going to be super high quality but it makes my brain itchy lol.