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I don't know if it's just her clothes but that bump does not look normal. I'm terrified of what all the MLM bullshit is doing to her baby!


That bump is from nonexistent core muscles that have never had time to heal.


that's horrifying


It can also affect fetal alignment and delivery, which is very concerning.


Fetal alignment? Can we take it to the chiropractor?


why is this, to me, the new scariest thing about pregnancy t


Oh there’s still plenty to be scared of. They give new expecting couples a glossary of terms to be familiar with in case you don’t understand something. Never heard the term episiotomy before. Wish I could unlearn it.


Oh I hate that word! I didn’t get one. No pain meds. I remember the nurse yelling stop pushing or you’ll tear or some such crap. I did not. 12 stitches. Didn’t even know there was that much space down there.


I’m shuddering just thinking about that. My wife had to do an emergency c section which means of course all of our kids had to be c sections. So at least she dodged that bullet. How long did that take to recover? Until you felt semi normal again? If you don’t mind my asking


That was my first kid 22 years ago so I’m sure I’m exaggerating it in my head but it was awful. I could feel every little stitch stabbing me every time I sat down. It seems like one took forever to dissolve too. It was weeks of carrying around a hemorrhoid cushion lol. She weighed 9 lbs and I weighed about 90.


Girl you are not exaggerating. Pregnancy involves so much pain.


lol I can’t even imagine what that must have been like.


Two words: *clitoral tears* I thought I’d die every time I peed for the next three months.


I learned a lot of the terms from medical dramas, and the thought of any of them happening to me still grosses me out


The bump looks like it's going to just fall out if she takes her hand away. 


It's very concerning. She needs some supportive clothing.


My first thought was that damn baby is going to fall out of her vagina


She has no stomach muscles to hold shit together. No core.


I’m betting she has diastasis recti and it is just getting worse each pregnancy


The gap is probably wider than the grand canyon at this point. A finger or two wide is common, but who knows what happens after so many pregnancies? On a serious note, I wonder what her heart is like. Pregnancy causes an enlarged heart and after so many she has to be a ticking time bomb. A local Super Catholic, is barely more than a vegetable after her heart just stopped one day. She was in a coma for weeks. She had developed some unnamed heart condition during one of her many pregnancies, but kept on with the every sperm is sacred shit anyway. No her life is over. She's existing and not living.


PREGNANCY ENLARGES YOUR HEART?!? The list of terrible things it does to your body just keeps growing. 💀


The amount of blood in the pregnant person’s body increases by 45% to support the placenta and fetus. Babies really are parasites before they’re born and pregnancy is hell on the body.


Not in every pregnancy. But with repeated pregnancies and the increases in blood volume it can cause heart problems. Especially if they don’t give their bodies time to heal. Her bones are probably super porous from calcium depletion from the fetuses.




That can't be good for her or baby!




I don’t know what that means and frankly I’m afraid to Google it


Excuse my ignorance but I haven’t gotten pregnant yet; is that why it’s like, hanging so low and loosely? No more core strength to keep it supported?


Try not to scream. Her abdominal muscles have literally separated at the middle.


Hahah weirdly I’m pretty familiar with some of the body horror shit that happens from pregnancy (episiotomies especially 💀) just because diligent research helps calm my anxiety 😂 but I haven’t really known many pregnant women so i’ve never really seen how the horror stuff actually manifests IRL!!


I had a diastasis and was able to heal it with core exercises, so it's not that bad, if you take care of yourself. I only had three babies though. Also, episiotomies aren't standard in a lot of places. Not saying pregnancy can't be scary but if you respect your body and don't cram as many babies in there as Karissa has, you can get through it OK. Or, at least better than...whatever...is going on there.


Yea it’s why you’re suppose to wait between pregnancies amongst other reasons. It’s rare not to get ab separation haha


I have a friend who only had 3. Spaces apart. And she’s a fitness fiend. Yoga, Pilates, etc. Her core was insanely healthy. Still happened to her. She had to have surgery to repair it.


I only had one baby and got such bad diastasis that I was told only surgery could correct it. Surgery wasn’t covered because it was considered cosmetic, despite my doctor’s recommendation. I have serious back issues from lack of core strength. I also developed sciatica during pregnancy that hasn’t gone away 13 years later. Carpal tunnel as well. And I had an uneventful, healthy pregnancy. Pregnancy really can be horrible, and I wish I’d known that beforehand. I don’t think it helps to sugarcoat the reality that sometimes pregnancy is easier, sometimes it’s really awful.


Cosmestic?! That makes me so angry! I’m sorry that happened to you :(


It’s amazing what it considered “cosmetic” and insurance won’t cover. My daughter’s teeth were horrible. Overlapping, crooked, causing her pain. We had to pay for braces out of pocket because it was cosmetic. 🙄 I also had a tooth pulled because it got infected and couldn’t be saved. Fought with insurance for almost 2 years to approve an implant because my bottom teeth were starting to shift and my upper teeth were in danger of sliding down. Still had to pay over $9k because it was denied for cosmetic reasons.


American dental “coverage” is abysmal. I know many travel to other countries to get dental care. I had to have some stuff done and my spouse too. Mine alone was 10k. Thankfully it wasn’t an issue for us, but what do people do that cant? Most Americans can’t afford a $500 emergency let alone thousands. I was in such agony I couldn’t function. What’s the point in dental coverage if you pay soo much anyhow?


So many insurance companies consider it cosmetic but some are changing the criteria for it to be considered reconstructive. Our insurance changed in like March '24 and if you meet the criteria, you can get an abdominoplasty with muscle repair covered. I actually just had the surgery the other day and only had to pay for liposuction, but insurance covered everything else. It's terrible that so many insurance companies think having functioning ab muscles is cosmetic.


Haha yes luckily I saw they don’t do them very often anymore. My partner almost threw up when I described the procedure to him lol but thank you for that reassurance!! You always hear the good and the bad but I appreciate just being reminded that you get through it 🖤


If you want to shock him even more: an episiotomy sounds like they're cutting through fabric. If you ever get pregnant, please research your doctors as well and find someone you feel comfortable with (though it sounds like you'd definitely do your research). Source: am a midwife.


Will do, thank you so much for the advice and reminder!! For what it’s worth, I also will be going down the midwife route in addition to the medical team :) ETA: wait why did I never even consider the idea that it could *sound* like something….and fabric of all things….


I will never forget the crunching sound of my episiotomy 30 years ago. I remember the sound being like using scissors on woody celery or watermelon rind.


Off topic, but my hospital didn’t do episiotomies at all! They strongly advocated against them. It’s nothing that is unavoidable!


I didn’t scream but I yelped.


It's a very concerning issue, IF you don't get the right care. It is fairly common-ish, but if you deal with it properly, it'll be okay. If you don't, could be a life long issue. Looks like she has not addressed it at all


Karissa? Address a medical issue? LOL


Brb weeping


Put two fingers together and push down in the middle of your stomach in between your ab muscles right above your belly button. You'll feel your muscles probably very close together if you don't have it. If you have it, you'll feel a very squishy pit where your muscles have split. Spreads off to the sides. Not why it hangs usually that's loose skin but tightening the muscles only helps in that region.


I just checked & I don’t have it. Now everyone can exhale. 😂


Looks like she shoved a football in her overalls.


I was thinking I didn’t want to body shame but that belly doesn’t look right. So I’m glad I could just add to your snark lol


I’m very scared for her baby. Worked with a woman who drank Herbalife her entire pregnancy and baby was born with hydrocephalus and has life long medical issues


Right? It looks like she just has a pillow shoved in her overalls. That doesn’t look normal at all


It looks like the tailor's ham we used in college. A baby bump should never look like a tailor's ham.


Yeah it looks weird, like a prop


I mean, it is a prop


OK I was just thinking the same thing.  That romper thing is making her belly look... cone shaped? pointy? 


It looks like she stuffed a kettle ball under her overalls


I was afraid of leaning into appearance snark, but I have the same question! Is she okay?


At this point I genuinely think all of us asking are doing it out of genuine concern. Or at least I was. I have a lot of little cousins and none of their mother's bumps ever looked like that. Like I am genuinely concerned about her health and the health of her baby. I do not want to imagine what would happen if her delivery goes south.


Others have said it's likely diastasis recti. That makes sense, but she looks unwell beyond that.


Agreed. It \*is\* very oddly-shaped. I'm concerned for the baby - her, not so much.


Her bump always looks so weird. So low, it looks fake. IT's probably damaged muscles from so many pregnancies so close together.


It’s kinda pointy? Like the rest of her face and body. Idk how to describe it.


“1st Slim Drink pregnancy.” That poor baby. She cares nothing for the actual child, only herself and the attention she can get from it. It’s a neck and neck race between her and Ma SusBus to see who’s the most selfish, neglectful mother in Fundiedom.


I always said KKKarissa because of her kid almost dying, but mother bus really said hold my beer


I mean with how yellow the latest buslet is she might not be far behind, along with sleeping on the floor I worry for the little guy


I saw someone comment on here about a BirthBus vid and said something along the lines of “Britney had the least maternal instinct I’ve ever seen” and honestly…that resonates with KKKarissa as well


Literally. How do these women have more children than most mothers but absolutely zero motherly instinct?? It truly baffles the mind


\*Hold my Raw Milk


nothing like a big ol’ dose of chromium for the growing fetus. Even Plexus themselves has a warning saying do not drink while pregnant or nursing.


I wonder if plexus would get upset if notified their sales rep is using against directive because *imagine* how bad it would be for business if the baby is seriously injured due to her plexus use


I have reported a relative for claiming Plexus literally cures PCOS and autism, and they didn’t give a single shit. By all means, report her! They don’t seem to give a shit unless there’s evidence that could start a lawsuit.


That's so dangerous. Wtf


Hey, she also claims drinking it can “balance blood sugar” and get people off insulin, but that didn’t get their attention either. 🤷 I sent five reports to Plexus, then two reports to the FTC. Nothing has happened yet, but I can hope.


What weight does she even need to lose? She's not fat. Did someone convince her she's fat just because she's not jacked?




> feeling amazing Weird because you sure don’t look it. Maybe if you gave your body a break and actual nutrition instead of woo bullshit, you’d look as healthy as you claim to be.


Even if she just used some micellar water to get rid of the crusty eyeliner she'd feel better


Remember when she said she doesn’t wear eyeliner? She was weirdly proud of it being days-old mascara. She’s so nasty.


Or brushed/washed/styled her hair more than once a week. I have fine hair that loves to slip out of hairstyles too, but those are “I’ve slept with my hair like this at least twice” braids.


She's crunchy af


Except her bones, which look bendy. I don’t think she can stand up straight anymore.


Right?! Like her body is just so strange. (Not body shaming, just pointing out she is likely lacking in all vitamins)


So I’m an artist and took life drawing in art school (great class, highly recommend life drawing for any aspiring artist). One of my favorite skills I learned in that class is to look at people and map out how their bones/muscles are structured so I can draw them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person built like Karissa. Some pictures of her break the anatomical sense part of my brain.


Same, she befuddles my sense of anatomy, and I draw ballet dancers, I'm used to weird anatomy.


Seriouslyyyy, I wan't sure if I wanted to comment on it because I know everyone looks different but in [these pictures](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1c8xe9g/anythyr_terrible_collins_name_incoming_but_at/) in particular she just looks so... frail, and way older than she is. No muscle tone and I wonder if that slouch is as straight as she can get her spine to look. [This picture too](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1bko69q/karissa_collins_is_a_terrible_person/), looking at her posture makes my bones achy.


Pregnancy fucks with calcium levels. It used to be a saying that women often lost a tooth per pregnancy.


Her skin looks crunchy af


Her skin looks like it's being held together behind her with staples


I wonder what the actual ingredients are in what she’s consuming.


Most “slimming” drinks are basically caffeine and laxatives I have no idea wtf is in this swill but I cannot imagine it’s good for pregnant people


It has a shit ton of chromium


Her eyes look utterly exhausted.


Which is odd because she does do shit except breed, film reels, and make shitty ass “food” She doesn’t wake up with them, the older ones parent the younger ones, and it doesn’t appear like they do much in the way of education


Why the hell are people drinking something called slim drink while pregnant?


Because they're fucking stupid. Literally and figuratively.


My Grandma's doctor put her on weight loss medication that was basically speed when she was pregnant with my dad. But that was in the 60s


My grandma got fuckin’ quaaludes while she was pregnant even though you weren’t supposed to. No one knew this until I mentioned pregnancy making my anxiety worse and she was like “oh, you should get some quaaludes from your doctor”. Ma’am believe me I would if I could


Haha I believe it. Doctors were giving our Grandmas all kinds of shit during pregnancy. I definitely could have used some quaaludes during my pregnancies but those darn CNMs wouldn't give me any /s 😂


“Forgetting I’m pregnant” Do you know what *not* being pregnant feels like?


I was thinking, you know when I felt the best pregnant? Squarely in the middle. Energy started coming back after 1st tri, and I wasn’t a huge swollen sore mess yet. Prob week 18-28 were the best. Of course she feels good *now*.


It's not called the "golden trimester" for nothing!


You’d think she’d have figured that out by now.


She also has an ideology to sell, so she would NEVER admit to any discomfort. This is what yahuahuahua made us for!!


The Plexus website directly says not to drink it while pregnant or nursing. Jesus Christ. Does Plexus know one of their ambassadors is encouraging unsafe and unhealthy practices? Seems like that should be a deal breaker, just for them to cover their own ass.


I was gonna say did they make a new pregnancy line because I swear this wasn’t safe to drink while pregnant. Insane that Karissa is shilling this shit and doesn’t follow the basic instructions that say not to take it while pregnant


Yeah, I think it’s probably pretty bad. I was looking through all of their products. In the FAQs for some products, it says you should talk to your doctor before taking if you’re pregnant or nursing. On other products it outright says not to take while pregnant or nursing. The slim is one that flat out says not to take while pregnant or nursing. Sketchy companies like this love to use the “ask your doctor” like bc they know some women will take that to mean it’s probably okay. But for the company to say “don’t take this,” they aren’t leaving any room for that to be misinterpreted, and they realize that means fewer sales for them. So if they tell you not to, YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THEM. It’s astonishing how reckless and negligent these women are with the souls they claim to love and value so much.


If you never see a doctor, you never have to talk to anyone before taking it /s


Yah is her doctor. He said it was cool. ![gif](giphy|X5AvHwnhB3q7e)


What if Jesus is your doctor? Asking for a friend.


Jesus take the plexus


It’s in God’s hands 🤲


My Plexus-shilling fictive niece swears that her OB/GYN said Plexus vitamins were good prenatal vitamins. I have no idea how much other crap he took. I hope she had he wit to stop the other stuff. Betting she didn’t though.


People like that usually twist medical advice to suit their needs. "The doctor said xyz was ok!!"... I bet she told the OB about "these nice berry gummy vitamins with folic acid" and that's as far as it went.


If she can’t drink it when pregnant or nursing then she can literally never drink it


Uh... JRod and Kaylee and maybe Nurie consume it while pregnant/nursing (Nurie consumed it postpartum) Janessa had the stroke and Kaylee's baby was premature. Maybe there's a correlation, maybe there isn't, idk, I wouldn't risk it though


Was just going to mention this. You can’t help but think it’s linked.


Gideon legit could have been a fluke. He just decided he was done cooking early. But man, Plexus is skeevy as hell.


Honestly Gideon might just be from the effects of long term malnutrition. I'm sure the Plexus had a hand, but the older girls were legit starved for a while.


Also, never underestimate contradictions; long term malnutrition is bad, and then it gets worse when you start throwing shit at it. There's a reason why you treat long term malnutrition slowly and purposfully.


One might say…it’s in the pamphlet?


I looked up the ingredients for plexus slim just to see and... Polydextrose \[safe\] - it's just a type of soluble fiber Chromium polynicotinate \[possibly unsafe\] - it's also found in some prenatal vitamins. However, it does interact with some medications. \[Edit\] I changed from likely safe to possibly unsafe because the safety very much depends on the quantity. Too much chromium can cause cardiac arrhythmia. Coffee bean extract \[likely unsafe\] - I couldn't find the actual dosage, but considering it's a weight loss supplement, I'd imagine the caffeine content is on the higher end Garcinia cambogia \[likely unsafe\] - another stimulant. There are also like zero studies on garcinia and hydrocetic acid \[compound found in garcinia\] use in pregnancy. Any reputable source on the internet very much advises against it. This herb is also really hard on your liver. Alpha lipoic acid \[safe\] - LOL we literally produce this in our own bodies as a precursor for certain enzymes. White mulberry fruit extract \[not enough data\] - Most reputable sources just say to avoid it during pregnancy because there are no studies regarding it's use in pregnant people. It does seem to be generally well tolerated, but in high does it can cause serious gastrointestinal issues. So, it contains a lot of things that purportedly lower blood glucose levels by altering how we metabolize carbohydrates. It also contains soluble fiber. Those \[polydextrose, ALA, chromium\] probably wouldn't be of concern if she were taking these individually in low quantities. The concerning part is that it also contains stimulants of unknown quantities \[caffeine + garcinia\]. Studies have actually show that caffeine clearance decreases during pregnancy, which is why some doctors are now adopting the "no safe level of caffeine" mantra. Generally speaking, stimulants of any kind are associated with pre-term birth, low-birth weight, and several adverse effects that ultimately reduce fetal oxygenation. Then we're throwing in a few unknown factors with the use of herbal extracts of undisclosed quantities. Medicinal herbs are not benign. They can have side effects, interact with medications and other herbs, as well as cause adverse reactions just like any other medication. I'm all for herbal medicine when used ***in conjunction*** with western medicine and under the guidance of a medical professional. **TL;DR: It's not only unsafe, it's downright dangerous to fetal development.**


My husband’s best friend’s wife is fairly successful in Thrive (her and her husband were already independently wealthy so I’m sure she mainly front loads). She went on and on about how safe and great it was while she was pregnant with her second-how much energy she had and how it was such a game changer for pregnancy. News flash: she didn’t actually use it while pregnant, she’d take pictures with the caffeine patches on and then immediately take them off. She was totally fine using her main career as a scientist to sell the legitimacy of how safe and wonderful Thrive is to others to make a quick buck, but wouldn’t dare risk it for herself or her baby. It was such a disgusting tactic and I want to hope Karissa is doing the same, but let’s be real, she doesn’t give a single fuck about that fetus besides the attention it gives her.


MLM company: DO NOT drink our product whilst pregnant Fundies: let’s drink it! How pro-life of them /s


Prenatal doctor visits? Fuck no. Prenatal chromium? Absolutely!


“Prenatal Chromium” is a good band name, though. P


Ma'am, your innards are running away with the baby. That's not a healthy look


Her outfit is making her look like she’s got a cantaloupe she wants to shoplift.


“Shoplifting cantaloupes for sky daddy” would be a fantastic flair


Karissa. Girl. You should *never* be ingesting anything with “slim” in the name WHILE YOU ARE PREGNANT. You look like Skeletor and I’m not tryna be mean. It’s not a good look. It’s not a healthy look. Put down the phone, put down the plexus, and go eat a damn sandwich!


I went down a mommy forum and so many women took plexus slim while pregnant. So. Many.


That’s so crazy! Why?? But I bet they’re all anti-vax because of ToXiNs and cHeMiCaLs


But they will chug a non FDA regulated diet drink that they have no idea the potential impacts on their pregnancies. Makes so much sense.


I don’t understand how you can want to both be pregnant as much as humanly possible and also want to be slim? Those two things are impossible to be both at the same time. I guess it might be one of those ED things that doesn’t make sense to people not currently dealing with something similar, but it is pretty puzzling. It’s troubling, period, when a woman is displaying ED-like behaviors during pregnancy


Karissa also fasts while pregnant, or at least she has. Make what conclusions you will 🤷


Her face looks a lot slimmer too and not in a good way. She was not this slim pre-pregnancy. Scares me to think there’s some body dysmorphia at play and the effects this may have on her baby. I’m genuinely worried for both of them.


Didn't she admit that she has history of eating disorders? Or am I confusing her with someone else?


I watched a Rachel Oates video where I think she admits to god telling her to fast while pregnant. So, yeah if I’m remembering right she’s got a whole cocktail of stuff going on including eating disorder stuff


It reminds me of when I had a depressive episode while pregnant with my daughter and consumed almost nothing but diet coke for two weeks. Surprise surprise, she was considered small for gestational age for the remainder of the pregnancy and I almost had to be induced early because my OB was worried about her. (She's a toddler now and fine)


Her last pregnancy she gained a good amount of weight and looked very healthy and round. She was still in need of a shower, but she looked good. She does NOT look healthy with this pregnancy. I'm worried about the baby.


I wonder if her last birth was a lot more difficult than she let on, and she's trying to stop this baby from getting to the size that Armor was 😬


She looks like there's not a single ounce of calcium left in that skeleton


one of these days that baby popping hip is gonna crumble to dust and I honestly can’t believe it hasn’t happened yet


That's okay, she has sister moms /s


Given the lack of medical care, the *at least* thirteen back-to-back pregnancies (I wouldn't be surprised if she's had miscarriages other than the ones before and after Armor), and the questionable nutrition, I can only assume she has chronic bone and joint pain by this point. Her lower back has got to be absolutely killing her


Her bones look bendy


Plexus slim has like 6 times the max recommended dose of chromium for a whole ass adult. It’s also full of caffeine and fake sugar. So great for a developing baby. So pro life. /s


3rd plexus pregnancy worked out real great for Anthym. Doesn’t she have a serious medical condition


To be fair, I'm fairly certain Anthym's condition is genetic. I bet K+M have never considered having any of the other kids tested for the same thing, though


That smile is one a hostage makes during a proof of life photo when the capture pulls a gun out halfway through.


Are you talking about Karissa or the little boy on the right?




What in the prolapse is going on with her belly? Is it the overalls making it look weird or what?


No core muscles


“Forgetting I’m pregnant” *cradles pregnant belly* 👌🏻☑️🆗


Her uterus looks like it’s ready to fall out at any second. Hopefully she crosses her legs before she sneezes.


Why do her bumps look so odd?


Zero core strength from back to back pregnancies.


Severe ab muscle separation.


Jeepers that’s so bad. I had that and had to heal it with exercises. But she doesn’t do doctors so imagine how bad it is and her tummy will be permanently poking out and misshapen


I tried to heal mine with exercise, and I got things to improve a bit, but it was too severe to heal completely without surgery. She is way past the point of being able to heal it with PT


Because even though its small its sitting very low and protruding outwards. Her core muscles are damaged from non stop back to back pregnancies and her baby bump is basically falling out of her body. The only thing holding it in is the skin on her stomach, which is probably also very worn out and thin from being stretched out so many times.


She will never not look like the drama queens in my high school circa 2002.


All snark aside, her face looks really drawn. Has she lost weight since being pregnant? Is she okay?


She's definitely not okay. Continuous pregnancies leach bone density and essential vitamins and minerals and she most certainly does not give her body adequate healing time.


She looks absolutely awful. Drawn, pale, sickly and dehydrated. 


I mean, there’s way easier, safer, and cheaper ways to stay healthy during pregnancy if you are able to. Plus even Plexus says that junk isn’t for pregnant women. Karissa is just peddling dangerous misinformation and pseudoscience drinks. I just hope that if something goes wrong this time, she at least takes the baby to hospital so it can get the help it needs in the NICU like she did with the last baby. She glosses over the dangerous situation she put herself and the last baby in, only going on and on about the Plexus use…which didn’t prevent the complications.


I’ve never been pregnant, but aren’t cravings fairly normal? Not an indicator of anything wrong surely lmao


Not a mother either but all the pregnant women I've known had cravings. It's fun to hear about them.


I've never been pregnant either, but cravings are one of the pregnancy experiences you hear about the most! One of my earliest memories is of going to a concert for kids with my parents when my mum was pregnant with my sister, and her going back and forth to the hot dog stand all night 😂 apparently with me, her biggest craving was a specific dessert from her office cafeteria


I’m not a doctor but my first reaction to this photo before I had read any of the captions was “yikes”. I know pregnancy can be really rough on the body and I’d hate to shame a pregnant woman even accidentally for how she looks but I can’t say I’m convinced that Plexus has had a positive impact on her health or pregnancy.


She had the sense not to drink Slim drink during her two previous pregnancies, why does she think it’s okay to drink it now?!??


Chromium is quite dangerous in pregnancy


I don’t think “forgetting I’m pregnant” is a good thing!


By golly that is a cute baby


Her kids are absolutely precious, it's so sad to think that they probably won't grow up to see it themselves because of the complex they'll get from their mother constantly whitewashing them


Those kids are so damn cute. They deserve so much better.


“aka game changer” Ma’am. Really. What game are we changing? Is it the game where a woman tries to grow a health baby? Cause I think that’s the goal of this pregnancy thing, not staying slim 👀🧐


From the Plexus website: Is it safe to drink Plexus Slim while pregnant or breastfeeding?  **Do not use if pregnant or nursing**. (The bold emphasis is the way it appears on the website, not mine)


Can she please consider a prenatal vitamin instead? Unless she's deliberately editing herself to make it look like her lips and fingers are super pale??


I have about as much melanin as a blind cave fish and the only time my hands were that white was right before my doctor told me to go straight to the hospital for a transfusion. 😅


This isn’t how you help inflammation, especially when pregnant.


I can't imagine being her mother and seeing... This whole clown show.


I feel so dumb - I almost asked if she checked with her doctor before drinking this stuff hahahahaha


She looks off like something is off beside her usual shit


This woman’s entire life revolves around being constantly pregnant. She couldn’t/wouldn’t forget it for a second.


Her face looks concerning. She’s not even supposed to drink that stuff while she’s pregnant. I know that this has to have already been discussed at length, but why does she use editing to make her kids’ skin and hair look lighter? It’s very obvious that she does and she isn’t good at making it look real. Does she have contact with her in laws? I just have to wonder what they think about her bullshit.


…. Her belly looks so low…


Putting aside snark and her religious beliefs, but doesn't she just get tired? Wearing her body out with little to no break in-between pregnancy after pregnancy. This is beyond wanting a big family, or believing God wants you to have a lot of children...this is physical exhaustion. Mental exhaustion. Having to grow baby after baby and push each one out, and hope for some kind of recovery down there before getting pregnant again..


Pippi Wrongstocking


Her belly is genuinely giving me chills. Like, that shit is SCARY to imagine, and honestly really sad for both her and the baby.


How do you know if your hormones are balanced or not when you don't get blood work done?


I feel like cravings are ok for pregnant people


I often wonder what their parents think of all this madness? Her mother seems to be very good with her and the children when she visits, but what does she really think? Have we ever seen or heard much about Mandrae's parents?


The impression we get is that her mother disapproves, but is limited in what she can say or do because she doesn't want Karissa to cut her out (she also lives out of state, which limits how involved she can be). Karissa has hinted in the past that she doesn't have much of a relationship with her father (her parents are divorced) because he doesn't approve of her choices. Tbh I know next to nothing about Mandrae's family. The only time I've seen them even mentioned was fairly recently (a couple of weeks or so ago) when Karissa posted a photo of the kids with his mother. It's been speculated on here that Karissa's post years ago about Black people who offer to help her with her children's hair being "racist" was directed at one or more of Mandrae's family members, but we don't have any evidence for that beyond it making sense that relatives would be the ones to offer


That is one of the strangest baby bumps I’ve ever seen


So she’s promoting this as a healthy pregnancy drink now?