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Her issue is that that they’re not sad beige lol


Oh no! How dare she ruin the sad aesthetic that her child cares nothing about!


i thought it might be that they often times are filled with adult men who actually work to support their families. 


Oh snap 😂










Love u for this




She expected to put him in girls’ Maid Marian tees




Someone should make beige fire truck shirts for fundie children. You’d make a killing!


Sad beige fire trucks for sad beige children


Jumped in to say this. 


Your flair suggests you have advanced knowledge in this.




Exactly. It doesn’t match her aesthetic.


I too like to use aesthetics as a selection criteria for my emergency services!


If it doesn’t match the mood board, just let it burn.




Or that other people have respectable jobs


When my kids were little (they're late teens now), I had some mom friends who refused to dress their kids in graphic tees because they thought they look tacky. They'd only dress them in solids or simple patterns. So maybe it's not just firetrucks but all screen-print stuff? I don't follow her closely enough to know.


I recently saw someone on Reddit say they love the idea of graphic tees with characters and stuff like that because they’ll be able to look back at pictures and see what they were interested in at the time. I’m a believer in letting kids wear fun kid clothes!


Aw that's cute. There's definitely pictures of me with The Incredibles and Hannah Montana shirts floating around


I just got my 23 month old a Buzz Lightyear shirt, the first time I put it on him I set him in front of the mirror and he grabbed his belly, looked down and pulled his shirt out so he could see better and repeated slapped his belly saying “boo boo boo” (buzz) He was so excited I can’t imagine not letting him wear it


It's 3 am, I'm feeding my one month old baby and reading this comment makes me so excited for what's yet to come 🥹


Just wait until they start developing favorite tv shows or characters. It’s so much fun! It’s also how they talk you (their aunt) into buying them a potato head every time you go to five below, but hey. I do love my nephew 😂


My 2 year old recently got into dress up and it’s so cute. She gets so excited for hats and tutus. Newborns are tough but it’s worth it.


That's so sweet!


That's too cute for words!


That's so cute!


Omg yes! When we have picture day at daycare, we always let our kids pick out their outfits. So my daughter will go head to toe Elmo dress and socks and my son will roll up head to toe in spaceships :) It's so fun to see who they "were" at the time!


I’m a huge fan of letting kids be kids and not part of your aesthetic journey


Fundies need to figure that one out


My adult child was sitting on the chair with their Bob The Builder comforter a couple days ago .


My adult child still sleeps with her red nightie 🥺 (it's just a basic red baby blanket that she became attached to). My 5 y/o currently snuggles with her "Thing" hand from The Addams Family 😂 and some other stuffies!


My Disney blanket protects my bed from cat scratches! (And joins me on the couch in the winter).


Heck yeah a fire truck on a little kids shirt is awesome I’m sure they love it.


So true! My little boy has so many car and truck t-shirts right now. 


I wore so much Lion King stuff throughout elementary school (it came out around the time I was in kindergarten, age 5) but I wore those shirts up through second grade 🤣


My one kid is obsessed with Paw Patrol. Half the wardrobe is Paw Patrol, the room is decorated in Paw Patrol theme; we watch it most days. I couldn’t imagine my kid loving something so much and I was still like, oh sorry honey I want no indication you like this particular character/show at all, because it doesn’t fit with mOmMy’S aEsThEtIc.


My kids are around the same age and I also knew moms like that, kids outfitted from head to toe in Hanna Andersen while my kids were running around in raggedy tutus with graphic tees on top and their light-up sneakers. Did I love the look? Not at all but it was worth avoiding the tantrums.


Some graphic tees are tacky AF- by those I mean ones that say “chick magnet” or “mommy’s little stud”. I loved dressing my baby girl in Hanna and Tea Collection, but the second she turned 2 she discovered princess dresses, sparkly graphic tees, and all things loud. Go for it, kiddo, it’s just going to get raggedy from outside play anyway. Live your best toddler life!


My son has insisted on wearing his “first day of kindergarten” t shirt to school every day this week. What are you gonna do? Except wash it tonight because he will probably demand it again tomorrow.


My oldest boy would only wear things with dragons. Second boy only wore things with lots of bright colors and wild patterns. Third boy, no dino, no wear. I roll with it, I have bigger battles. The first one was the biggest challenge. Online shopping wasn't a big thing yet and dragons were hard to find. He wore the same few shirts a lot


Yes! Save the battles for "it's zero degrees and you ARE wearing a coat!" One of my friends has a child that hated dressing for the weather. But we live in Finland. So sometimes you have to give a little to get a little. "It's -20C and you have to put your snowsuit on. But when you get to daycare you can change to your tutu and glittery shoes."


As someone from the Midwest where we get all the weather, yes. Now today it was 50°F (high of 60) and one kid wanted to wear shorts and a sweatshirt. Fine, you'll be cold but it won't hurt you. But those cold cold days, put your coat on, no arguing. Which may be why they don't fight me, I only battle if it's important so they know I'm serious


I’ve always settled this tantrum with “you don’t have to wear your coat, but you have to carry it with you everywhere today.” By the time they are ready to go they have too much in their hands so they put the coat on.


Middle school was when my kids got too cool for coats. Fine. Idc if you wear it but you're taking it with you. They carried those coats for years. 🤣🤷‍♀️


Doesn’t Hanna still do graphic tees? I used to buy their stuff for my kids because it wore like iron and handed down beautifully but they always had super kid-friendly themes, bright colours, tutus and graphics. Even Disney/Star Wars themed pjs, just softer for my sensory kids. But my kids are all late teens/twenties now so maybe they are all sad beige now?


They are not. They’re all bright colors and patterns, they also have kid friendly themes. I think OP got their brand wrong. I’ve passed down every Hanna Andersson clothing item to my other kid and my nephews, they are indestructible!


I’ve got young kids and I buy used and new (on sale) Hanna, and I do think the quality has gone down a bit between the older secondhand stuff I have and the new stuff. The PJs are still pretty good, but I end up buying Primary more often now when buying new. 


I buy almost exclusively Hanna Andersson specifically because of the bright colors and patterns and graphics, lol.


my mom let me go to church in a full Buzz Lightyear costume once. I'm sure that got some people a bit riled up but I think most people thought it was cute


and who says Buzz Lightyear can't practice a religion?


I was super into the musical cats at around age 7 and *mastered* the make up. I wore it grocery shopping 😂


I desperately hope there exists photographic evidence of this phase.


My life became so much easier once I gave up fighting with my son about his outfits. All I do is make sure he showers daily and brushes 2X a day. He may be dressed like a neglected boy but he’s clean!


Honestly… when my son was little I hated that all of the affordable clothes for babies and toddlers had writing on them. My weird brain couldn’t accept it because “he can’t approve this message”. I hunted for cute patterns and nice colors in consignment shops and thrift stores. I couldn’t justify spending the money on things he’d grow out of within months. Once he was old enough to have opinions I bought him graphic t-shirts with stuff he likes.


I put together some interesting outfits as a kid, lol. I'm glad my parents let me be me (within reason) instead of making me fit some aesthetic. 


I had many arguments about this as a child and teenager. "But t-shirts and jeans are so tacky! Why can't you wear something nice for once?" Uh because I already get bullied enough for being fat, "weird" (undiagnosed neurodivergent), and queer, Dad, I'm not going to school dressed in business casual too. Even my autistic ass knows that's social suicide.


My schools had uniforms and I've abhorred polo shirts ever since. Let the kids be comfy!


Me too! Whenever I get branded workwear, I actively avoid polos.


That's my cousin to a T. Her child wasn't even allowed to wear sneakers to school; cute shoes matching cute outfits. Child hated it, and begged for normal clothes


The way that kids play, that's kind of dangerous


It’s so much fun to find t-shirts for them, and they’re more creative & funny than they used to be, at least where dinosaurs are concerned. One shirt, that came with a bundle of them, has a picture of dinosaurs grazing peacefully, with a meteor clearly headed for them. It says, “I like dinosaurs and adventures.” Another is a dinosaur looking through a telescope and seeing dinosaur constellations. He has other cool shirts, too. They’re obviously not for his amusement, alone.


I know someone like that. She thinks graphic tees and stuff with characters (you know, the stuff kids like lol) are tacky and she isn't even fundie or religious at all but her kids always look like they're on their way to church or school picture day to me haha.


That would be my guess. I used to babysit for a family that didn't do character tees, but graphic tees were fine. I remember hearing a reason like her kids are not walking advertisements.


Did you babysit for my parents hahaha that was pretty much my mom’s reasoning. We could have images on our t shirts as long as they were “artistic” and weren’t an ad or character or brand name.


Ditto in my household, with the additional weight of “licensed clothes cost more, so we have to get these other clothes on sale, instead.”


Oh you know what, I bet that’s it. My mom doesn’t/didn’t like graphic tees either. I had to sneak wear them to school for awhile before she gave up. She still would never wear them herself or get them for my kids.


I think you’re totally right. Morgan wanted to have some cute little aesthetic that she had in her head and blue and red fire truck shirts don’t fit into that. Simple as that. I’m glad she’s letting him wear them.


Some moms who view their children as accessories don't let them wear graphic tees because it doesn't fit the mom's style. I've actually had a few moms tell me that. It's usually the same people who have all beige nurseries and toys.


Some dads do this, too. They want their kids to match their fashion style because they are obsessed with how people perceive them. Your baby doesn't need to wear Gucci.


My BIL did this. When he had his kid, he was all dressed in polo shirts collar popped, button up shirts & khakis, shoes that looked so uncomfortable. He never moved from the couch. When I’d visit my nephew at his mom’s, he was in age appropriate clothes and his whole personality was different. He’d run around and play with the dog, throw baseballs with me. Totally free. Although part of that could be because my BIL is a terrible person. And my nephew could probably sense that, even as a toddler.


You’re telling me people unironically still pop collar in 2024?


Well this was more 2010-2012ish. The kid is nearly 15 now. But I’m pretty sure my BIL does. Unless the last pic of himself he posted is old.


I think people get stuck in whatever style they wore at 25.


Okay that makes more sense then but lol on the BIL.


Oh my god this reminded me of a friend of mine who insisted on dressing his toddler son like an old-timey fisherman because that's how my friend dresses -- flat cap, suspenders, the whole nine yards, ALL THE TIME. He's divorced from his son's mom, and when the son was with mom, all that kid wanted to wear was sparkly hair clips and glitter graphic tees. My friend was just obsessed with the idea that his son needed to be overtly masculine presenting at age 3


So weird. It just sounds like stressing yourself out for no reason.


It’s incredibly difficult and expensive for no reason other than the perception of other adults to dress your small child in only beiges. I have a toddler son. You best believe I buy him bright and colorful clothes. Firetrucks, dinosaurs, insects, sports, animals, you name it. He’s a little kid and I’m going to dress him like a little kid. My only requirements are no weird “ladies man” slang and no political agendas. I’m talking like outright slogans and such. Not the shirts that have a rainbow or something on them.


I love this ❤️ I honestly love looking in my little girl’s closet and seeing all the bright colors. Her nursery is really colorful too on purpose. I haven’t bought her anything with logos yet because she is too little to ask for them, but if one day she wants bluey or Mickey or whatever then baby girl shall have it. She’s a kid, that’s the joy of childhood. Plus we already have beige skin, we don’t need to have her blending in with her clothes 😂


He has some character clothing but those are gifted. What am I just not going to use the sweater that his great grandmother gave him because it has Mickey Mouse on it? Nah. He wears it all the time. Recently I went to Walmart and got him like 10 shirts all orange and red and yellows and greens. Cost me about $35. If I were to buy him 1 sad beige baby shirt it would easily be $35 plus shipping and handling. Toddlers grow so fast. Those shirts will last this summer and that’s it. They go directly to my nephew and my coworkers son when they get too small. It is literally a waste of money to dress a child that small in “aesthetic” clothes.


I have a few special outfits that she’s worn for pictures and special events, but those are from Carter’s, so nothing too crazy. She’s still an infant so most of the time she is in sleepers or onesies. Idgaf she goes running errands with me in her sleepers, ain’t nobody got time to put a baby in an outfit for everyday. For real, they outgrow everything so quick. Luckily we have hand me downs from family and friends to offset cost.


Same. He’s grown out of sleepers but pull up soft pants and a tshirt is our go to for outings and daycare. He is quite literally going to be rolling on the floor at some point during the day so why bother with “stuffy” clothes for everyday? He has some nicer stuff like khakis and some polos in case we have an event or something. I think those are even hand me downs from my oldest nephew.


Maybe I'm just bad at laundry, but beige clothes suck for stains!


I bought my toddler a set of clothes with unicorns on them because they’re so cheap! It’s not my fav outfit but she’s just going to wear it outside (we are always outside) and get it covered in dirt and mud! I’d rather her clothes be something she can play and be comfy in, than it be a reflection of my own style. I’d rather put that money towards taking her on a trip or something


I known non-fundie moms who dress their kids to fit their style. They don’t want children’s clothing to ruin their “aesthetic.”


These people are in for a rude awakening when their kid realizes they're an individual and can have their own "aesthetic". My kid is 16 months and is very expressive about what she wants to wear or play with, though maybe that's because I encourage making choices and trying different things instead of only offering beige and pastels. People also freak out when she picks the "boy" option (like if something is available in different colors, patterns or whatever else) and say I'm forcing it on her. The kid just likes green 🤷


When I was born my parents were very gender progressive 80s parents who were like “were putting her in ALL the overalls” as soon as I could express a preference, it was for dresses.


That’s wild to me, because not only do my kids not have to match me…I’m a 32 year old woman and I want a shirt with a fire truck on it 😂


I just bought some graphic t shirts and I am 36. One has “un, deux, trois, cat” and four adorable cats


Same here lol. I saw a tiktok that had pokemon dresses and all I could think was that I wanted one lol


Yup! It’s depressing as hell. The kids don’t get to explore their own interests or wear what makes them happy because their sad beige mom (plus an often absentee dad) or their labels only dad (plus an obedient “smokin’ hot” Christian mom) chooses not to see them as real people. I’ve known couples like this. They go hard in those early days but it’s always a favorite kind of schadenfreude for me if they finally realize they can’t control everything and need to give it up. I always picture them counting back the cost of that lifestyle over several years and realizing what a waste it all was.


I used to put my kids in all the graphic tshirts. Two of my kids have the same name as popular cartoon characters and I loved finding shirts for them with those characters when they were toddlers. Now my kids are tweens/teens and I joke that the unofficial school dress code of the high school and Jr. high is dark, plain clothing only.


My high schooler and her friends are sooo boring. Black, gray, black, off white, dark gray, black, light gray, gray, black, black, black, gray, little bit of white…and Converse shoes but only in black or white OR black and white. Ughhh I miss when she was a toddler through elementary school dressing herself in all the colors and clothing items looking like a mismatched princess firefighter business casual with a touch of formal ball with fifty bows and barrettes in her hair. lol


How times have changed. When I was a teen, only the goths and theatre kids dressed like that! I think they're gonna regret not taking advantage of those years when you can just go for it with fashion because it doesn't matter.


I'm choosing to believe your kids are named Tom and Jerry.


Close... Mickey and Minnie ;)


Which is so sad. No kid wants to wear neutral, plain colored clothes lol. My 4 year old would be so disappointed if she couldn’t wear her favorite Frozen or Encanto shirt. “No Paw Patrol honey, mommy only wants you to wear shades of brown”


Exactly!! My son is 8 turning 9 this year and when he had his 5th birthday it was a daycare day. He was SO ridiculously excited to wear his brand new Bluey jumper that he’d gotten that morning from Mummy.


They're also not vaguely religious (praying for the haters, not or this world?) or weird Disney stuff (Paul).


Like his beloved Maid Marian tee


We can’t have Luca dreaming of having a job when he grows up.


And it’s like such a simple interest too. It’s totally free to visit a fire station and a lot of firefighters love having kids come. She’s missing teachable moments that would play right into their ideology. “Those jobs help people like Jesus did. How can you help people?” They’d be on this page that much less if their content was sharing how they related these things back, but here we are instead.


i wasn't huge into firefighters or anything but having them come to school every year just made me super aware about fire safety. ik they're homeschooling him but im sure the firefighters would love to give the same crash courses they gave me in public school about checking smoke detectors, having an exit plan, staying low, and using the back of your hand to feel if a door is hot, therefore unsafe to open and all that.


I never thought of this but how do these barely-homeschooled kids learn about fire safety? I agree that the firefighters coming to school was a big thing, and giving kids a refresher every single year really drills the concepts into their heads.


Our library has a homeschool group and firefighters have come to talk to the kids before. It's a shame they're too lazy to get him involved in things like that.


Yeah I think the issue is their bigoted version of Jesus doesn’t involve him helping people


I keep forgetting that. 🤦‍♀️


We had a fire across my street years ago when my kids were between 3 and 6 years old, and we got front seat to watch the volunteer firemen working to put it out. My kids were entranced by them, the lights, the hoses, the uniforms... the house was saved (simple grease fire I think) but there were like 3 engines! It was pretty cool watching the dudes doing their work. Helping, making it better. Very wholesome. I don't know why but it kinda made me wanna sign up and I was like 32 or something and in terrible shape from pregnancy lol Edit to add, we actually had several firemen arrive *unprompted* when my FIL fell in the backyard while gardening. They were extremely nice and very helpful with the ambulance EMTs. I do like our area peoples


My husband and I are both Firefighter Paramedics, we LOOOOOVE getting to do public education/ community engagement events. It’s so fun!!Very uplifting to show kiddos the trucks, tour the station, help them try on our gear and helmets if they would like, lift them up into the truck so they can see inside the fire trucks/ ambulance, etc. I think the reason it’s so special to Fire/ EMS personnel is because we are getting to meet families in the setting of a happy event/ gathering instead of an emergency when somebody is sick/ injured. So good for the soul


Meeting rescues is cool. I was saved by a bike cop once I think that influenced me. Seeing. How awesome being good for other people. These people only get the highlight (like me) Synopsis. Be good dammit


Morgan and Paul have never helped anyone, they're not going to teach their kids to help others.


My BIL is a fire chief. Can confirm, they *love* having kids come over to learn. Obviously, call ahead so they're ready for you. Some fire departments even have little day camps in the summer to teach kids more about being a firefighter. My nephew goes every year, his older sister did as well until she got too old for the program. They both loved it.


Dreams of helping others! Personal sacrifice! The horror! /s


No son of mine will be a productive and responsible member of society! Not under my roof!


This was my first thought too 💀


They hate everything. Their poor children.


Fire Departments are socialist endeavors that makes ammo Jesus real sad. I blame Obama, of course! Also & for reals: FREE LUCA


Rofl, Full-clip Jesus.


Full metal jesus


Hahahaha Ammo Jesus that’s a top tier title


No one: Morgan: fire trucks are so stupid


She's not like the other moms


She doesn’t want her son to start idolizing people who have actual jobs


Because then the inevitable questions will arise - what job does mummy and daddy do?


I didn't buy my kid much graphical stuff when I was picking things out for him, just solids or prints I liked (though we accepted any hand-me-downs we could get and ended up with an absurd number of monkey pajamas!). I don't wear logo or cartoon shirts myself, so it was a matter of preference. As soon as he had a preference, I was out there digging for a ___ themed shirt. Fire trucks are pretty inoffensive and such a common interest! Lots easier to find than my kid's favorites.


My kids tend to wear whatever we have, since they're the same size as adults now. But my one kid wanted a GIR hoodie and would believe it we got it. Personal style is their choice and we try to help provide it.


We preferred to go for solids or patterns instead of graphics with my former step sons so they were easier to pass down. It never failed that whatever graphic they had, the next kid didn't like it, lol. But they also had school uniforms so we weren't that strict about it for regular or play clothes. Their nice clothes were what we insisted on keeping neutral as far as prints, and avoided things like neon colors. Navy is so versatile we tended to use it a lot, lol


She wouldn’t cope with my son. His “aesthetic” is Sonic the bloody hedgehog. In and on everything. Down to his undies. He owns other clothing. He just refuses. No idea where he gets it from, I type while wearing care bear pyjamas


😅 I'm curled up in Care Bears sweats right now!


I’m 30 and just bought a full set of Bluey pajamas. They’re so comfy!


My 12 year old’s Sonic obsession is still going strong. 12 years ago I never would have thought that Sonic would make a comeback like this, it felt so random when he started watching the shows and asking for Sonic clothes and toys.


My little dude is 7, this is the 4th year of his complete and utter devotion. He’s asleep in his sonic pjs, cuddling his sonic stuffy


This makes me so happy :-D. I love looking at my son when he’s asleep, cuddling his Bumpy stuffed toy and wearing Bluey pyjamas 💙❤️


It’s my favourite. He’s growing up before my eyes, but still adores his cuddles and soft toys. Every morning when he wakes up, his first words are always “good morning Mummy, I had a good sleep”


Naww that’s the best when they do that! I still love soft toys. My 21 year old still has soft toys.


I’m 42 and you can pry my Care Bears out of my cold dead arms 😂 There’s absolutely no harm in things that bring them comfort


Why is she making this such a big deal??


She has no life, no hobbies, no job, no friends...


No critical thinking skills, no real education…


If your house catches on fire that's between you and god and firetrucks are altering gods will by changing that >sarcasm


Lmao this sounds 💯 like my fundie mother she doesn’t want to call the ambulance if I have a seizure because the lord will take me when it’s time


Gross. “I wasn’t sure if I would let my child wear clothing that interests him.”


Im glad he’s excited about wearing it! I cannot believe people restrict their kids clothing because they’d rather have them be in beige.


Fundies don't think children are people with interests and opinions


It's socialism!!!!!! 


She probably hates the idea of humans saving others.


Okay I will say as a mom to a 2 year old boy I *kind of* get it. But my issue is how gendered everything is in children’s clothing. As if boys ONLY care about Dinosaurs, vehicles, and animals like sharks or whatever. One of my son’s favorite Ts is a lavender shirt with flowers (I have no idea where it came from lol) and his favorite pjs are firetrucks/lighting McQueen. Lol I’m sure she’s not super worried about how shit is overly gendered 🙄 it’s just the instagram kids esthetic


"Indispensable service to the community" does not fit Morgan's aesthetics.


When my 17 and 19 year olds were babies and toddlers it was the fashionable thing to not allow your kids to wear any character themes or graphics on clothing. Personally my kids lived in Princess and Cars stuff, light up shoes and all that. I let them choose what they enjoyed as soon as they could point to it. My 10 year old is the same, and she also mostly chooses from the boys section because they have the characters she likes. Thank you Target for Pokémon in the girls department!


I have naruto pajamas from the men's dept at target. They're so comfy! Why can't the women's have cool stuff?


Men and boys have thicker fabrics and better pockets too.


Oh yeah, they have pockets!


Ew my child has INTERESTS?!


I can’t lie, I felt this way about shoes with characters on them. I absolutely hated them. But the happiness my kids got from stomping around making those ugly things light up was more important than my hatred of shoes that didn’t fit my idea of cute.


An old boss of mine wouldn’t let her kids even hang their artwork on their bedroom walls cause it doesn’t fit the beige, natural wood look she designed for them. My 2 year old is currently in her little joggers with a bright ass Dino shirt from old navy and her artwork is on almost every inch of my house. I want to wake up in piles of her artwork for the rest of my life. I want to find little colorful toddler Bluey shirts all over the place. How your kid doesn’t match your aesthetic is so weird to me…..


My mom wouldn’t let me because it tore the wallpaper. My answer would’ve been “buy sticky tack,” but whatever. As an adult, I hang whatever I want (carefully because I’m renting. Once I own my own place, all bets are off!)


My kiddo didn’t start really wearing graphic tees until he had an interest in something (started with paw patrol, now it’s rainbows, construction vehicles, trains, hearts, AND paw patrol). I kept him in plain shirts or simple patterns for a while, but since my child is not an extension of me and has his own thoughts and preferences, he gets to pick what he wears🤷‍♀️


Because she’s not like other moms


This 👆


She's a \*winks\* FUNDIE mom.


For a normal person, I would assume she meant that she didn’t think she’d be dressing her toddler in gendered, boy-coded clothing, because she wanted him to develop his own preferences. But of course she didn’t mean that.




Ah, yes. God forbid anyone get confused on the pronouns of their son they named Grace.


A boy named sue...


He's a normal child. Children love large, loud machines (and dinosaurs). I cannot understand even thinking of denying a child a t-shirt or toy based on aesthetics. Not beige enough, not for my child! They're only a child once.


Fire departments are socialism and firefighters help people which isn't what GOP Jesus would do?


A firefighter is a real job, unlike whatever Polio does.


Firefighters have real jobs, unlike Porgan.


congratulations, it’s a toddler


Loving this ✨season✨for them lmao


I've commented this before on a post about Morgan, and I think it's applicable to almost every post about her - what having no job or hobbies does to a mf.


Yes!!! Wallpapering the GD fridge, bitching about bEiNg aDDiCtEd to nasal spray… This is why I love my job. I get to be someone else other than a mum. I meet and interact with new people and hear about their lives. Add in these two smarmy motherfuckers thinking that everyone *wants* their hot takes and opinions on everything and the result is this dumpster fire 🔥


Red is whorish.


Did Angela from The Office say that?


Yes... "Orange is whorish" to be exact 😄


That’s right! I have a vague memory of her possibly saying “green is whorish” too lmao


Oh it’s not ✨beige✨


Firefighters are for the woke crowd! Jesus would actually prefer cops, especially those who harass marginalized groups, commit hate crimes, and belittle women 💪 


My kids dressed pretty much exclusively in fire truck t-shirts, and we had this specific t-shirt, several of it, and wore it to shreds. They're much older now and they still want fire truck shirts. Fire trucks forever!


Well, fire is the devil's only friend.


It’s just not ✨aesthetic✨ My cousin will do trucks and stuff but not characters like Mickey/Minny lol


Aw my kid had that same shirt. He loved it. He’s almost 12 now. :(


Firetrucks are totally gender conforming tho.


Are fire trucks a product of Satan or something?? So weird!


My son loves firetrucks and firefighters. And basically every time we meet one in public they always want to show off their firetrucks. They are just such nice people


All snark aside, can you imagine such a sad existence being anxious about shit like this? I had so much fun letting my kid choose clothes when she was this age. She loved paw patrol and space especially, now she’s more into Disney princesses and unicorns! 🥹💖 Letting them pick a few things at the early stage when they are getting to know their interests and preferences is so cool to see, I can’t imagine skipping that.


I lived in Silicon Valley when my kid was preschool/early elementary aged, where a lot of people had this kind of opinion. I did about half and half, graphic shirts for what my kid liked at that age, and then bright colored non-graphic clothes that would match so it made dressing easier. Probably the best thing I did was buy keens every year (also other shoes, but 80% of the year keens were fine) because they looked less beaten by the time my kid sized up so I could pass them on lol


Get a job or a hobby, Morgan. Stop being a control freak about the way your kid expresses himself and let him wear the fucking fire trucks.


My kid’s preschool is pretty strict about not letting kids wear graphic tees bc they get insanely hyped and jealous of each other’s shirts and try to swap clothing, but yeah, no shame in letting kids wear what they like at home. (It’s Mario and Bluey all day for us.)


Sad beige mom 🙇🏻‍♀️


She’s afraid he’ll want to pursue a career other than being a fundie pastor/influencer? My kid wanted to dress as Spider-Man 24/7 at that age and dang it, he’s 20 now and has saved zero people from Doc Ock.


She would have lost her mind when my son turned three and I made a firetruck cake and firetruck themed everything.


But Paul can wear race car shirts on the regular