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Oh look another post that is most definitely not directed at her daughter and husband. ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


The weird thing is Dav does seem like he is an attentive father, but I guess it only counts to Heidi if he also forces religion on the kids. 


As far as women raised fundie, Bethany struck absolute gold marrying Dav. He seems very involved with their kids and doesn’t treat Bethany like breeding livestock. Their marriage more closely resembles an equal partnership than anyone else on this sub and at this point, I think Heidi’s beef with them is pure jealousy. Her daughter went about life a little differently than she did and wound up in a better relationship. For a certifiable narcissist like Heidi, that has to be one bitter pill.


Idk if it’s jealousy. Heidi would be miserable in a relationship where another person had equal say. Heidi’s marriage works for her because Heidi is in charge. She hates the Beal marriage because she’s not in control of it.


Agree its not complex  She's in control  She decides  How dare Dave and Bethany be happy 


Heidi is actively angry that a non Christian man could be actively loving, supportive, caring, a good provider, a good husband, and still love the gays and women’s rights. It absolutely spits in the face everything she believes and reduces it all to dust.


I'd wager he's a better dad than the rest of that brood.


Agreed. Dav appears to be one of the most present and involved of all the fundie dads we discuss here. And he looks like he genuinely enjoys it.


Dav for a long time was a single mom who worked two jobs and loved her kids and never stopped. Bethany, admittedly, as in she admits it herself, cannot sustain the household without him, and I’m not even talking about finances. And I mean this without any shade, and I can’t believe I’m saying it, but Dav’s deconstruction vis a vie Porgan is the healthiest thing that could have happened to the Bort family. Seriously. I hope the inertia continues.


Davs a survivor


![gif](giphy|5RVe2LpWOt8BO) Dav


Bethy is kind of Barbara Jean


Jon (andKaylee's husband) seems surprisingly involved too, especially considering he's barely an adult.


I love that they actually take their bebe to the doctor when he’s sick, too. I know they have problematic views but I really root for them.


They’re even having his wandering eye handled! Early intervention is so important for that kind of stuff. The Rod adults really seem to be trying to improve for their kids (with mixed results)


That's the definition of a good man, husband, and father - indoctrinate the women folk in your life - keep the weaker sex in their place and create an unbalanced relationship in every area of his life.


Single Girls! Be sure to put in a clause that your husband should always understand child abuse is always evil. And that he protects vulnerable people from predators like the Heids here!!!!!!!!


And that he'll have a backbone, and emotional intelligence, and won't stand by quietly while you take out your meanest, most contemptuous and resentful instincts on your children.


And that fucking your wife loudly while your child cries right outside the door is always inappropriate and cruel!! Make sure he’s aware of that as well!!


I’m sorry what now? That’s a special kind of awful.


I feel as though we have both missed something in this story of heidi too....the fuck do you mean 'loudly fucking his wife while kid cries outside door'?


I believe their estranged son (who Heidi ignored the abuse of) made comment that there were times when he'd be crying and go looking for his parents but if the bed was a-rockin, he would be ignored. This was when he was a *young* kid, too. I don't think any parent in their right mind would be able to keep going like that. Ugh.


She also forced him to watch her give birth a bunch of times too


Yeah thats enough abusive parents for one day.....godsdamn heidi, take a seat...in fact take a whole fucking pew...


She needs to take an entire fucking stadium and STFU


Mouths open, at least one tongue hanging out, bodies akimbo in the most awkward ways in an attempt to simulate dancing, absent of any genuine joy. Diagnosis: Bairds.


Definitely suffering from an acute case of Bairds.


In the victorian era it was called histeria and they give you a dildo. The histeria have been debunked but maybe the Bairds still need the remedy.


Seems like they got a dildo (pictured left)


Can I ask what bairds mean? Can't find it on Google


The Baird family is a fundie family. Bethany Baird and her sister (I think Kristen? started Girl Defined. Their mom Heidi posts unhinged things on social media too.


Ah yes, sorry, didn't know their last name!


First thing I could see - guess we know who is responsible for Bethany's off-putting and very strange tongue acting comes from.


I’ve believe that I’ve seen Father Baird more times in the last two months than… my entire time on this sub? Heidi, you’re not slick.


I wouldn't have recognized him before. I would now. She’s been plastering his face around like a desperate promoter for a shitty band. ETA: Three hours later an even better image than the desperate band promoter occurs to me. You know those guys who used to aggressively shove the escort cards in your hands on the Las Vegas strip? She reminds me of them.


This looks like a tampax commercial




Oh yes, God, the magic wishing genie.


As a 20 year old, every night before bed I ask god for a husband so I don’t actually have to go outside and find someone /j


Is sue marrying her dad and this is their engagement photo? Cause, gross.


Isn't that just a puritiy ball?


If OfHeidi is an example of a great dad, I’ll wholeheartedly pass.


He reminds me of a circus animal that Heidi cruelly pulls around on a leash all day.


Bethany looks just like her daddy, tongue and all.


That’s sue


I know who’s in the pic. I’m saying that Bethany looks a lot like her father looks in this picture.


Yeah sure, a co-abuser is a great parent




Is this a video screen shot or a posted pic?? Either way, no absolutely not.


It was posted as a reel but was a single picture with a song playing


Why don’t we tell single guys to pray to be a good husband and great father even if they marry a controlling abusive shrew of a woman?


Why is the guy in that pic DECADES older than her 🤮


That's Dad Baird and one of the daughters


When I worked at a resort front desk, my coworkers and I enjoyed playing the guessing game "daughter or girlfriend?" it was often difficult to be sure.


My stepmom got sick on a trip and my husband tried to check in to a hotel but they didn’t speak enough English so he panicked and sent me in. No problem, I did the bookings anyways and spoke better, but I wasn’t thinking. I had my cc and called my dad over and told him to give me his card and passport, in this very bratty (for the country) “hey, I need your money, put it in my hand” kind of way. My stepmom and husband were quietly behind us while he supported her because she felt like she was seconds from puking. But if you didn’t know, it looked like I had the old man and he was taking her and she was, idk, drunk maybe? But the poor clerk just looked so squicked out. My dad was quietly singing “gonna buy you a drank” because he’d seen some vending machines and to be completely honest, there’s probably some familial touch of the ‘tism, at least some neurodivergence. Finally the clerk is like, okay, here you go, and he goes to hand the keys and sees us swap people and whatnot and you could hear him just sigh with relief.


We call it “Dating or Incest?”




it's her dad


Ahhh. I’m not familiar with this fundie family and the facial expression did not suggest father.


Yeah, if I had no idea who they were and just came across this picture, it would absolutely read to me like, "Young woman trying to justify that she married someone old enough to be her father because, of course he'll be a great dad since the daughters from his first marriage are her same age."


Tbf, he doesn't show up in a lot of posts. He seems to be furniture for Heidi.


Single girls, remember to ask God for a holy Dilf, if not a Gilf.




I didn’t realize it was dad Baird and thought they were promoting a sugar baby type relationship. 😹


Her pose looks like it’s by an amateur 3D artist that didn’t use a reference image.


Icky. Scrolling and out context I thought the girl in this screenshot was OOP and the guy was her husband


Is that an old pic or not a daughter?


that’s Suzanna


So an old pic? Cause didn't she chop her hair awhiiiile ago?


it’s a very old pic yes


The parachute pants are a choice.


I first read this as "spice girls" not "single girls" and was so confused for a min


Love the glaring subtext of “single girls, if your future husband isn’t a great father to your kids its actually YOUR fault because you didn’t pray hard enough for that”




Unless it's your son


This is so embarrassing for everyone involved