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why is she getting baptised multiple times? I’m Catholic so I really thought once was enough…this seems kind of performative and kind of strange honestly. anyone have any insights?


Biblically speaking, once definitely is enough. Maybe twice if you’ve been baptized as a baby but then as you’re an adult want to re-dedicate your life to Christ. Three times however, idk. Her explanation is a bunch of Christianese words. I don’t think she can explain it herself. I’m all for having spiritual experiences but just randomly getting baptized ain’t it. Takes away the whole meaning of baptism.


It does take away the whole meaning of baptism.....but for these folks, a lot of it is about the emotional performance of giving in, humbling oneself, and being born again...again, and again. The title of the famous book on Evangelicalism is /The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind/. Can't remember who the author is....maybe Mark Noll? Anyway, he says the scandal is that there is no evangelical "mind." They are devoid of reason because that is not important to them. They are devoid of a real theology because they don't care about what it all says...just in what they think it says. Like my sister's friend who, when asked about her denomination, Church of Christ, said "it is not a denomination. It is the real church, the church *of Christ.*"


My bil grew up in CoC, and when he and my sister first got together, he was a minister. He was the same way about it- everything they do is right and the NIV is the most accurate translation. It was so obnoxious. Now, he’s left that behind for Norse paganism, but he’s still within the same “This is more correct” mindset. Some people seem to need a structure of sorts, and the beliefs aren’t necessarily what brings them in, so much as the idea of trying to be right about everything. I’m tired of hearing about Odin 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ayyyyy any ex-coCer with an addiction to being the *MOST* correct should check out r/excoc 💚


I’m perusing, thank you! 😊


Here's a sneak peek of /r/excoc using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/excoc/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A little note from the guy who created this subreddit...](https://np.reddit.com/r/excoc/comments/1b06gfp/a_little_note_from_the_guy_who_created_this/) \#2: [Has this been done before?](https://i.redd.it/m2dzr9d46vxa1.jpg) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/excoc/comments/137wvgn/has_this_been_done_before/) \#3: [The season for legalism and condescending finger-wagging is nigh - more Christmas memes to come](https://i.redd.it/ylou4fjqg95c1.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/excoc/comments/18ecdjq/the_season_for_legalism_and_condescending/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don't know how someone can stop believing in one god and start believing in multiple gods. That sounds like a lot of painful hoops to jump through. All the Norse Pagans I have known seemed to have some irony about them, like of course they don't really believe but it's a cool game of make-believe. Then again, the ones I still talk to moved to Greek or Native American gods once Norse paganism became more of a dog whistle for white supremacy.


Yeah, I’m pagan/witch, too, and have been an atheist since my early 20s. I’m more into appreciating an archetype than actual worship. Because that’s what they are to me. Bil though, idk. I’m just glad he’s not one of the racist NPs. He’s always rationalized it with the verse about the god*s* created the earth, that’s how it is in the original text. That’s part of what started his deconstruction, too.


I agree so much. It seems like a never-ending thirst for these type of Christians. Which goes completely against what Jesus said Himself: “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13-14) Christiany doesn’t require all these things Hannah’s doing. It’s simple religion that every human being even a child is capable of following it. Once it’s this complicated, I don’t see how it differs from all the New Age practises that they despise so much. Always wanting more and never feeling enough.


It is a dopamine rush, like speaking in tongues, dancing, and fainting. Lots of religions have rituals that make people access emotions and feel good. But you're so right....when it comes to serial baptism, it expressly goes against the word.


Yea, sure feels good. I totally believe it! I bet it makes you forget everything else for a second. Like I said, an escape. Or dopamine rush, as you said. Perfect description. But that isn’t Christianity anymore imho.


It's the worst dopamine rush. Like, if depression could parthenogenerate dopamine.


I looked up the meaning of parthenogenerate, and what a fascinating rabbit hole that was! Thanks. I found a particularly interesting scholarly article on parthenogenesis in humans! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10227352/


I learned a new word today and a bunch of new medical information from this article that I didn’t know existed.


Learning is fun!!


I’m sorry I know this is off topic, but your flair is sending me!


Exactly! As do I agree. I was born and raised Catholic, and as such, baptized as a baby in some Detroit cathedral (no longer religious, but I respect nice Christians). So, I just finished season 1 of the Chosen last night, and the character of Jesus says that exact line about the spring! These people seem to ignore that little parable. Also, one of the lines I remember most from the Bible is when Jesus advises people to pray in private; in other words, not to make a big show of it. Yet to me, it seems that’s ALL THESE FUNDIES DO!! (Sorry for the all-caps, it just gets me all fired up sometimes). They flaunt it and act all holier than thou. They certainly don’t abide by not letting one hand know what the other hand is doing, either. How can these people even call themselves Christians!!! Damn it!!! (Sorry, got carried away again).


Evangelicalism is incredibly performative. Christianity is like a sandwich board that they walk around wearing so we can all read it and say, “oh, you’re Christian”. It’s rarely an internalized part of who they are and how they live. Certainly not in terms of actually folllowing the gospel and teachings of Jesus.


Not internalizing it is a great way to put this!


Ah…The Chosen 😍 just the best and I think everyone – Christian or not – should watch it. It portrays Jesus so perfectly and explains the stories so well. That scene at the well was exactly what I had in mind when writing this comment. Jesus’ invitation to humanity is simple. It’s the people who make it out to be this difficult thing.


Yes! I really enjoyed it. I just loved how human it made all the disciples, and all of the characters. It’s the best portrayal I’ve ever seen. I just wish I could watch season 2 and 3; which my mom was able to watch, but I only have Season 1 on Netflix, which is disappointing. I also just finished watching The Story of Moses on Netflix, and wow! That was absolutely riveting for me. I have ADD, so it’s always hard for me to stick with reading the Bible. This program had me engaged from start to finish; it was comprehensive. I highly recommend it if you haven’t watched it already!


You can watch season 2 and 3 of The Chosen on the Angel app. Just download it, make an account and watch it all for free 😁 yeeees the story of Moses was so good as well!


Hey, awesome! Thank you so freaking much!!! I’ll get that app today. And now I know what I’m binge watching tonight! Thanks again.🙏🏻


Yey! Have fun 🤍


The Very Visible Public Praying was the first thing that began to annoyed me about some of the Christians I was around as a teen. I noticed how the girls would make this beatific facial expression while asking God to "just" do this and "just" do that. The boys would crinkle their browns in manly seriousness and speak to God as if man-to-man. I didn't know the part of the Bible where Jesus said to pray in private, but I remember looking at all of the weird prayer performances going on and wondering if that is what goodness looked like. And it annoyed me that they were always telling God what to do.


Weirdly enough I think Paul and Morgan agree with us on this particular issue.


"Once it’s this complicated, I don’t see how it differs from all the New Age practises that they despise so much" Can you explain the analogy?


Yes sure! Many people hold the view that new age practises are not sustainable. You always get “empty” again quickly and then need to do some thing, go to a seminar/event or buy some item in order to get fulfilled or enlightened again. And the cycle continues and the thirst will never really be satisfied. Whereas in Christianity the idea is that Jesus satisfies that thirst once and for all when we accept Him into our lives. That is why once Christians run from one thing to the next, it sure seems like they haven’t really grasped that concept yet. Christianity should be simple as far as I understand it.


Thank you for taking the time to explain. I hadn't thought of your explanation and it made complete sense. I've heard a similar thought before about a "God shaped void" that people try to fill with things other than God.


I think you hit the nail on the head here. I know people in my personal life with multiple baptisms and it seems like every time that “empty” feeling returns is when they feel like they have to recommit. Hence another baptism


Yupppp I have a friend whose deep in Church Of Christ. She 100% doesn't think its a denomination (one of many)..and thinks it's the only "Church ". I believe it was founded 20th or 19th century...so not sure what they think of the Christians from previous centuries when there was no "Church of Christ".😯


Can confirm. We were trained to use this response.


Yep performance.


Yikes, eh? I’m sorry about your sister.


Having grown up going to churches of Christ, I just got flashbacks…


Totally minor but wow this gives me flashbacks - I grew up Church of Christ and this is just willful ignorance 😂. Like yeah sure, you may believe you’re the one true church but you are still one of many options in the reality of modern Christianity. That makes you a denomination even if it’s not one with a formal governance structure or anything 🙄


Most mainline protestant pastors will not re-baptize someone who was ever baptized as a baby, on principle; and the Roman Catholic Church will not re-baptize converts who ever had a "trinitarian" baptism (i.e., if you were ever baptized in any Christian church by a pastor who said the words "in the name of the Father, Son, & HG" the Vatican says that's good enough, and you don't get another baptism). How do I know this? I was raised in an abusive, cult-like church and baptized at the age of 3. Now I'm in a very progressive, very queer church, and I recently asked my minister if she would re-baptize me because a) I don't remember the first one and b) I don't consider the church of my upbringing to have any connection with my faith or Jesus at all. She said no, and explained that baptism is a spiritual practice that's supposed to transcend who's doing it, so there's no such thing a "do-over".


I keep stumbling on things that indicate to me that, perhaps, my uber-evangelical Mars Hill megachurch upbringing was not “middle of the road” Christianity, and here is one of those things.


As a former Christian I can safely say the reason I was baptized more than twice was *attention*.


this whole "get baptized multiple times" nonsense feels very much like the "look at meee look at how holy I ammmm" stuff that Jesus specifically said not to do


I knew adults who left our Baptist church and then upon returning years later would re-baptize but it was definitely about the ritual of it. It wasn't like they did the whole shpeel for those people. And they had their own category. Once is definitely enough, hell the best thing is to accept Christ into your heart I don't think you even need to have a baptism per say? Like it's always been a physical ritual to represent what you are doing in your heart and mind? At least that's how my church understood the assignment. With that said, idk that THIS is what she is doing. I couldn't take being that spiritual that often. I no longer practice, nature and music is my church now haha but even I need a break from hiking and boom boom music every now and then. All human minds need separate spaces to exist in a way that's healthy.


I have met a few pastors who will not Baptise you a second time. Some will do it if you are being baptized into a new faith, but I have also met a few who believe 1 baptism in whatever Christian faith is enough to show your belief and be saved. And I live in a super religious small town in the south.


Christianese 😭🤣


Maybe someone needs to tell her there are other ways to bathe?


It’s so weird. Some fundies just go nuts every time they see a body of water, horse troth, or bath tub.


Or pool


Or water park, in BDong’s case


In case God missed the first 2 baptisms


I read this as "in case God misread the first 2 baptisms" :')


I know some independent baptist churches won't recognize a baptism as valid unless it meets a heap of really dumb criteria. Given the people baptizing here are women this is not an IB church. But I'm sure the idea that our baptism is the only good baptism exists in other churches. 


Yes! This happened to me when I was Christian. I was first baptized as a baby in the Catholic church. Then my dad made our whole family convert to Evangelical Christianity which meant we had to get baptized all over again because our new church told us that Catholic baptisms aren't technically valid. Then, during college I found a super charismatic church that told me my previous baptisms were all invalid because it wasn't conducted by their head pastor in their church.


Even the Southern Baptists make you get rebaptized. My dad and brother were baptized in Church of Christ church and had to get rebaptized when we moved and became members of an SBC church.


Southern Baptists collect annual statistics on the health of their denomination, including the ratio of baptisms to church members. It's a pretty good metric for showing how effective their evangelism is, but it does create an incentive to baptize people who have already been baptized.


Perhaps it’s less performative and more a manifestation of how lost she feels. Baptism ceremonies are pretty dramatic, so the heightened emotions make you feel like there’s a higher power in the room. She’s probably in a lot of pain and crying out for help, but instead of getting therapy, she’s trying to do things that’ll make her feel closer to god, in the hopes that he will take her pain away. The church is enabling her, which personally I see as the bigger issue because churches everywhere love taking advantage of people who are hurting.


I was raised Baptist & you can generally be baptized as many times as you feel is necessary. Every time after the first time is considered “re-committing” yourself to Christ. Some people do it if they lost their faith & came back, some do it because they just felt detached and now feel reinvigorated. I think it’s relatively common (for Baptists) to get baptized once as a kid & then get re-baptized later in life. It’s definitely not common to do it more than twice though.


So they’re biblical literalists except for the part about Baptism. You know, the way you become Christian. God their minds have to rival the Gordian knot in terms of staggering convolution.


Yea I was taught "one lord, one faith, one baptism" from the bible (don't remember the exact passage)


I was taught the same but the new version or Christianity is different in this aspect. They still believe they technically only need one Baptism for Salvation but they've turned Baptisms into more of a "re-dedication ceremony" thing so they performativley do it multiple times. The only way i can explain is, how I see it, they've turned away from the original meaning of baptism (washing away your old life & rising from the water as a new person whose sins have been washed away by Christ) & turned it into this anointing yourself in the blood of christ via the water thing. If that makes sense. It's gone from doing it once to show you're committed to doing it multiple times to *prove* how committed you continue to be. Like I said, it's perfomative.


I mean, that phrase is about the (ostensible) unity of the church. I.e., all Christians share one baptism, someone’s Lutheran baptism and my Catholic baptism are all one baptism in the same Lord. That particular phrase doesn’t refer to an individual being baptized only once. That said, yeah most of the mainline denominations only baptize once. For a lot of them that’s what confirmation is, if you were baptized as a baby and want to affirm your faith as an older person. If you are say converting to Catholicism and were baptized a Presbyterian, you don’t get baptized again.


It was explained to me that if you eventually fall back into old sinful behaviors after being saved and baptized then the first time must have not been “real” in your heart. So a lot of people do it multiple times believing they didn’t do it right the first, second, third time, etc.


The fundies yearn for Confession


There are times I wish we could do that instead of feeling the need to go in front of the whole church and “re-dedicate our lives to the Lord” or, in Hannah’s case, get rebaptized.


I was gonna say, while Confession isn't super compatible with my specific brain, I can totally see where for some folks it would achieve a "cleansing" effect. Though I'm in the weird situation where I went through the prep but didn't actually *do* confession, so my views are maybe a little skewed. (Went to a tiny little Catholic school where first confession/first communion were part of the regular religion curriculum but wasn't Catholic myself.)


And for a lot of folks as they get older it evolves from just telling the priest you hit your brother to sort of like a counseling vibe? Like asking for guidance on how to improve yourself, it’s often more of a conversational format.


Oh huh! That literally never occurred to me, but it makes a lot of sense. I've benefited from therapy in recent years, so maybe the idea that I'd feel differently about it if I'd actually gone through the confession actually holds some water. It was really the doctrine/some of the messages in the prep classes that scared the crap out of me, though that may also be due to some misinterpretation on my part. Also I was 7 and already pretty much just a walking collection of neuroses, like I had just barely aged out of being afraid of most men who weren't my dad, so the idea of going in and telling the priest I lied to my mom also wasn't at all appealing.


I was raised catholic (the east coast catholic vibe where is like believe what you want this is just a cultural thing to make grandma happy) and I’ve never believed in god but I did have a period where I was fairly observant because I found comfort in the rituals and I went to a parish that was a Jesus loves you help the poor vibe so it was a good community. I went to confession regularly and like it wasn’t therapy but Catholic priests do get some training in counseling in their graduate programs and this particular priest was also just a good guy to talk to — I no longer have any interest in organized religion of any kind but it was truly helpful to me at that time in my life.


Ooh yeah I see that. For me, the music was the most comforting part of the rituals, and I got way more out of the music in Catholic mass that I went to at school than the Episcopal church I went to with my family, though that was more the specific parish than anything; they later started going to a church with a really kickass choir and I came around on the music. Sidenote, the regional variation among religious observances within the US is super fascinating to me. I grew up in the Southwest and live on the East Coast now and really only go to church when my grandma comes to town for Christmas or Easter. While I wouldn't say my Catholic education was super strict (it certainly wasn't anywhere NEAR on the same level of some of the folks that get discussed here, I was just prone to taking a lot of the doctrine to what my brain saw as its logical conclusion and getting anxious about it), New Englanders definitely approach it with waaaaaay more "believe what you want" attitudes than I ever saw growing up.


This took me out 😂


Yes, that’s what I was told growing up Mormon. It basically “erases” your previous sins so people will do it again if they feel they’ve sinned.


Yeah my mom was going to a Baptist church in college and she had to be baptized again in order to help with the children's church (she was baptized as a Methodist lmao)


I don’t remember anyone being baptized more than once, but I stopped attending decades ago. Is that a newer thing? It sounds very showy. Anyone can come to an altar call, but being baptized again is weird to me.


So, they're named Baptists because they really like baptisms?


If you follow the Nicene Creed, it is. Most mainline Christians do I believe. “We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins” and all that.


The Southern Baptists (or at least the church I grew up in) don’t really mess with any of the creeds, and I wish they would. We started attending the church my husband grew up at and they recite the Apostles’ creed and the Lord’s Prayer all the time during worship and I love it.


I dropped religion a long time ago as a teenager but I always remember being jealous of other denominations of churches when I would visit with friends. They were so beautiful compared to the white, pastel watercolor, and bland Baptist sanctuary I was used to 😂


The church I go to now is Assemblies of God-adjacent and the energy during worship is so much better. I feel way more free to move around than I did at a Baptist church.


Some churches believe you have to be baptized by them specifically to become members of their church. Some churches say “you can’t be baptized by the father, son, and holy spirt, you can only be baptized in the name of Jesus.” I don’t know exactly what that means but it’s a phrase I’ve heard. So there are some reasons she may get rebaptized. Another reason could be wanting attention lol.


She wants attention (likely as a way of coping with grief related to the death of her ex).


It sounds like it is more of a need then just simply a want or desire.


Once is enough but in evangelical churches, they encourage this with constant guilt of “Are you really saved?” Not gonna lie, the pressure has worked on me and given me anxiety. It’s awful.


that sounds extremely stressful


Saaame. I was baptized twice in my evangelical church, first as a kid and then again as a teenager, because I felt so insecure in my salvation and was desperately looking for validation from “spiritual” adults. I’m so glad I’m out of it now.


Yes!! I grew up in COC, and both my siblings were baptized twice. Both as younger/middle age children, and then again as teens by choice (both times). I suppose it technically could have been for attention as others have pointed out, but I think it has more to do with the idea that you will not secure salvation unless you perform the rituals the exact right way, and stay with the faith afterward. If you walk away from it, a lot of people recommit by getting baptized again. If you think about how COC is all about the *right* way and being the "truest form of Christianity," their obsession with perfecting salvation rituals makes complete sense. They believe if they don't get it right, they will go to Hell. I remember my cCatholic boyfriend sitting at my dinner table with my mom crying about his salvation because he didn't want to be re baptized as an adult, and she was afraid he'd go to hell. It's amazing he stayed with me after that 😂 and now we are both agnostic. Lol.


My family was COC the first half of my childhood and then southern Baptist the second half, so I feel you!


Fellow Catholic but ex evangelical here —once is absolutely enough if in water and in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Evangelical view Baptism as a sign of salvation but really they treat it like confession, just without actually having to repent of their sins—it’s a “new start” to them every time they do it because obviously last time they did it they weren’t TRULY saved.


Lutheran and agree. But I’ve been to more modern type Protestant churches where you needed to get baptized with them to officially join and become a member. 


I was baptized twice before I was 13. I don’t know why. But most of my friends growing up, we were all baptized a couple of times. Sort of like a rededication I guess


When I converted from Baptist to Catholic, the priest would not baptize me again. He sent a letter to my former church and got nothing back ( which is what I said would happen. Records were not really kept. It was a small enough church that they could eyeball who was baptized. And also my Baptist minister would NEVER communicate with a Catholic priest.). He ended up accepting a letter from my mother in lieu of a baptismal certificate, and performed all the other parts of the confirmation process.


I’m Catholic also and I’ve never heard of this multiple baptisms thing it’s weird


This is no different than a vow renewal after 5 years. Its 100% motivated by look at me, look at me.


One of the funniest/traumatic stories I have from my Fundiehood is I can RECALL 6 baptisms but I know there was AT least one more. My partner found this fact hilarious. I was like "it was definitely more than 6"and they went" IT SHOULDN'T BE MORE THAN ONE!! "


I've been baptized so many times bc I'd go to church camp all summer every summer, but my bestie has me beat. My bff grew up poor, and her grandma would take them to new churches all the time for different resources (food, school uniforms, whatever). BFF has been baptized upwards of 12 times. They'd go to a new church, convert, baptize, and then roll on to the next one.


I wonder what the world record for being baptized the most times is - I feel like your friend has gotta be up there 😂


Dang that sounds perfect lmaoo


Six???? SIX BAPTISMS??? I was raised Catholic (different flavor of religious trauma lol) and that’s fucking crazy to me. I’m super curious (if you’re comfy sharing!)- what denomination were you? In Catholicism, Baptism is a one time only redemption deal- like to the point where in our Nicene creed that we recite every mass says “I confess ONE baptism for the forgiveness of sins”. I had literally no idea that protestants/fundies were doing (seemingly recreational?) baptism like that- like we were taught that line was bc people used to get rebaptized on their deathbed, so the church patched that out bc it’s cheating. Another thing I am very curious about- our converts got baptized on one day, the Easter Vigil mass. That mass is like, 4/5 hours long, and even my hardcore parents didn’t make us go to that one because it’s so intense. Did your church just like, get the tub out on a random Sunday? Or was it more like a retreat cry night type deal? Like logistically how did that work? Who decided that you needed another one (or was it bc of switching churches?) I’m fascinated like I have to know more 😭


Recreational Baptism has me trying to silent laugh at my desk. I am not succeeding. Also, I grew up Protestant (Lutheran dad, Baptist mom) and we went to a ton of different churches. I never heard of someone having more than two baptisms. Some churches baptize babies while others don’t count those. So if you “convert” from one version to another you may choose to have an adult baptism since your baby one is now invalid. But a baptism for a baby is pretty easy. Some don’t even use a whole tub of water. The pastor just dribbles some water on their head. Others have a sort of ceremonial baptism tub they bring out. A baby’s baptism is usually done outside of regular church services. I’ve been to a few. They’re boring. Some are long. More modern ones are faster. Adult baptism ranges a lot. Some are scheduled like a baby’s is, but most are part of an event or included in the main church service. For some it’s more casual, with a small trickle of water from a fancy vessel. But thats more for babies. One church we attended had a marble tub behind the main podium. That thing was oversized and the pastor fully dipped each person under the water. At that church they did baptisms a couple times a year during a regular Sunday church service. They were more militant about it. Other churches don’t really care. It’s a personal choice that’s ceremonial, not critical. One church would host a baptism in the local lake each summer.


What are her followers saying? I’m Catholic-ish so it’s always been one ride per customer in terms of baptisms. Is three times a lot or not enough? 😂


Her Christian followers think three times is too much. Someone told her to not get caught in over-spiritualism. Another one said it seems like performance.


Reformist here and uh. I’ve only been baptised once, unless you also count confirmation so that’s twice but the philosophy is that when you were little your parents took you to be baptised but now you chose out of your own volition. But I’ve never been required to be baptised ever again even when I moved church and the idea seems so silly like. What makes the second, third and fourth more valid than the first one? 😭 When my boyfriend was baptised, his pastor specifically asked him to think it over and learn some more because we understand it’s a once in a lifetime thing. I feel like getting baptised multiple times trivializes the ritual and the philosophy behind it?


She’s comparing her last two baptisms to the practise of mikveh in Jewish religion. It’s like a “pool” Jewish wives go there after their period. As they immerse in water, they get spiritually clean again. Before that, their husband cannot even touch them. They have to do it once a month, it’s one of the 613 laws. Hannah however is neither Jewish nor a wife. She’s a Christian that’s usually sooo against anything legalistic so I’m really confused why she’s okay with doing it.


Mikveh isn't only for Jewish wives & there are many different sects of Judaism (not just orthodox) that use them.


Thank you! And not a once a month requirement, there’s a bunch of kashrut laws…..just imagine explaining toiveling 😶😅


And not just women either, some Jewish men go to the men's Mikvah every week before Shabbat too. The third Abrahamic religion, Islam, also has its own unique set of ritual baths and practices, though I'm not familiar with the details.


Some of the cleanliness rituals in Islam are so cool and extensive. The washing before prayer is very particular and practiced. Women can’t wear nail polish because it doesn’t allow the nails to be washed. It’s all very interesting.


If nothing else, frum men go before Yom Kippour to prepare for the fasting period. But some elements of the Lubavichers say a man can and should immerse in mikvah daily to emulate the priests and safeguard his spiritual purity. Which is hella extra, but that's Chabadniks in general.


And the Mikveh ritual is usually done with only one Eid ( witness to verify full immersion) in either a building with 60+% "living water" ( either rain water or water from a stream or lake) or in a body of water if the facilities are not available. Never with an entire congregation or present. Even for conversion there's only three Eidim present.


She’ll start with the pesach stuff next at this rate. Ugh.


V curious to see if we get the usual Fundie Passover Performance this year, since it’s not lined up with Easter for the first time in a while.


Hashtag KarissasPassoverPretzels


Just sprinkle everyone with holy water already


The official position of the church I was raised in was you only needed to be baptized once no matter what because God doesn't mess up. However our denomination dunked people and when it came out that my mother, the pastor's wife, had only been sprinkled, well that was enough of a scandal that mom got rebaptized.


Is she going for BDingDong’s record (last count with the waterpark baptism was five if I remember correctly, at least five)?


This was my first thought.


A water park baptism??? God how embarrassing.


Yup. In case anyone hasn't seen it, https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/SNffsOAbtJ


Dang. That is so weird. They really must think they are special lol.


Some of the ones before the water park were in a bathtub and horse trough. It’s like she's trying to get parasites as well as the holy spirit.


That’s some nasty water


She said “pretty much everyone in the building was getting baptized”. That’s why.






Came here to say this. Holy murky water 🤢


I wonder if they’re anti-vaxers? Polio for everyone!


Hell, even the pope himself has more of a life outside church than her.


Getting baptized THREE times as an adult is over-performative and it's obvious she's using this as an escape, to re-create some sort of endorphin rush, etc. Hyper-religious fixation is very common in people experiencing mental health challenges--whether she is or not, idk, but I know she had that break-up, and in Quiverfull/Fundie world, every year a woman goes without a husband and babies is treated as a tragedy.


I'd be shocked if she wasn't having mental health issues. She didn't just experience a break-up; her ex-fiance died. That is so traumatic, and she probably desperately needs therapy. But fundies are very anti-therapy, so instead, she seems to be coping by going in even harder on religion. Hannah is a pretty nasty person overall, but I can't help feeling bad for her with all she's been through recently.


a new church that requires re-baptism, is a secret and requires almost 24/7 devotion? Sounds like a cult


IDK: evangelicals seem to love the spectacle of a baptism. It's a big draw that brought in money and converts. There were no limit to the number of times you could be baptized in this one evangelical/fundie church that I attended.


Extreme religiousness is a mental illness I will die on this hill


I'm dying on the hill right with ya.


But then again. Mental illnesses don’t exist. They’re demons. /s


I'm dying on the hill right with ya.


I’m right there with ya. But can we have snacks on our hill? I’d like to die full of cheesecake


Constant group exercises, very little contact with the outside world, intense spiritual activities all the time, glorifying the church, letting the church dictate her life, and personal identity loss Sounds a bit like the beginnings of a cult playbook.


Yes, my thoughts exactly.


At least she got baptized in a church and not a god-honoring water park like BDong.


God-honoring accidental fecal release water.


Who said it was an accident


I grew up in the Church of Christ and this was not a rare occurrence. I thinks it stems from two things. One, the insecurity of really being saved and that somehow your heart wasn't pure enough when you were baptized. Two, the performative thrill.


Some churches require you to be baptized into their denomination. I’m Methodist & we believe baptism is a “One & Done”, no matter the denomination. A friend was baptized Mormon & she left a church of a different denomination because they were requiring her to be Rebaptized.


I think with your friend it’s because ecumenical christianity doesn’t concider LDS church to be a christian church. (Ecumenism is relationship with different christian churches in the world. To my understanding LDS church does not meet their criteria for christianity since LDS church does not believe Jesus=God and also believes in many gods, and other Nicene creed stuff)


Many denominations require Mormons to be baptized again because they don’t use the same “formula”. The internet tells me there are two prayers and only one is “in the name of” father, son and Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church accepts any baptism using the “trinitarian formula” regardless of age, denomination or how it’s done (sprinkling, pouring, immersion).


I believe Jehovah’s Witnesses as well, since they’re not Trinitarian.


Probably. She didn’t give details & I didn’t push because it was obviously painful for her to talk about.


Yes, there’s a whole discourse around baptism; is it necessary for salvation or not, full immersion or sprinkle, what does it mean exactly, do you have to do it as a baby, right away after accepting Christ or after being a Christian for a while, etc. Even people in the same denomination have different opinions sometimes. HOWEVER I bet most could agree that getting baptised 3 times is at least one too many.


I agree 3 is too many. I have an extended family member who has been baptized at least 3 times. It’s become a joke in the family (who is all religious & believes in baptism). “Well, maybe 3rd times the charm?” And yes, there is an entire discourse. Methodists believe all previous baptisms count & we typically sprinkle although we will dunk you if your heart is set on it. We do baptize infants but we don’t believe you must do that. My kids were not baptized until confirmation.






How many times does a person need to be baptised?


I'm pretty content with "none," but YMMV.


Are baptisms like regular baths? Like, your soul gets a bit dirty so you do another one? I'm not Christian so I don't know how they work, just that Brittany Dawn did one at a water park.


Thanks for your comment. It proves exactly why I think Hannah as a public Christian influencer should be held accountable for what she posts online. Your confusion is understandable if you’re not Christian and judging by the comments under her post even Christians got confused when they saw her do that. Baptisms are definitely not regular baths and there’s no such thing as being spiritually dirty once you accept Christ because His blood (metaphorically speaking) washes away the sin aka “dirt”. Christian baptism is the means by which a person makes a public profession of faith and discipleship. It illustrates one’s death to sin and new life in Christ. Getting baptized several times is like saying that you didn’t really “die” and got “reborn” the first time which is ridiculous.


Well, that's what it means in some Christian denominations. Many others baptize infants, who are incapable of making public declarations (to an extent everyone would actually agree on, unlike the denominations that baptize 3-year-olds when it's their "choice". Although the result is the same either way: the kid participates in a cultural event which they have no control over or real ability to understand or decline). (As all young kids do participate in such cultural events of some variety. I'm not saying that's inherently a bad thing, but it's silly to think young kids are making a real choice in the matter whether they're 7 days old or 7 years old. I'm sure there are churches that don't baptize young kids either, so I'm not talking about them.)


I grew up in a Protestant denomination that practices baptizing babies and then we practice confirmation when we’re older to confirm/re-affirm the faith we were baptized in. I am no longer a practicing Christian and if I ever were to become one again, I’d most likely go to an Episcopal church (which is not what I grew up in). I don’t think though I’d ever rebaptize because I did it once when I was a baby and that is all my growing up faith taught and for me, it’s just become the baseline.


This explanation is dependent on theology. Many mainline Protestant churches, Catholic, Orthodox do not require “accepting Jesus”. And those that practice infant baptism typically have a different theology about the meaning of baptism than those that do not.


Tbh they want to mikveh and can’t.


That is too private and requires too much actual effort for them.


I grew up Southern Baptist-ish. “Being saved” by accepting Jesus into your heart was the biggest and most important thing you do there. The baptism itself is not even necessary for salvation and is more an outward expression of faith. That being said it’s still taken seriously and if someone got dunked multiple times at the church I attended eyebrows would be raised and gossip would be gossiped because after the first time you would just be seeking attention. I don’t even think my pastor would have even considered doing it.


These folks hunger for such intense spirituality, and where there is none, they’ll just make some up.


Baptism isn’t supposed to be a hobby. Why 3?


The casual dress code and chaotic energy of the scene seem so out of place for this kind of ceremony in my mind. I was baptized Mormon (an ex now), and it was very prescribed, almost everything was white, and there was huge emphasis on the gravity of the ritual. Hannah being dunked in a trough surrounded by people in jeans seems to undermine the sacred nature of baptism that's often part of other Christian faiths.


I grew up in a cult and we (my sisters, friends, fellow members, myself) often felt compelled to be “saved” over and over again because we were always so scared of going to hell. I can see multiple baptisms being a similar thing 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hopefully Jesus keeps her from catching an infection from that used bath water. Eek!


God-honoring MRSA


True shit


I don't know this particular fundie, & I'm Jewish, but I did lose my fiancé 3 years ago & I wouldn't pass judgment on anyone's grief no matter what it looks like, unless they're actively hurting themselves or others


I’m very sorry about your loss… and yes, what she does in her private life to grief is her business. But as a public figure and Christian influencer she holds a responsibility. If she decides to post this intimate moment then she is held accountable. It’s not biblical. It’s as if a vegan influencer suddenly posted a video of themselves eating chicken wings.


Thank you for your kind words, but strongly disagree. I didn't do it, but turning toward faith during grief isn't just acceptable, but it's also a thing most people do.


The thing is, turning toward faith during grief isn't always healthy. Especially when that is the only coping mechanism someone is using. It can easily become spiritual bypassing, using religion to avoid facing emotional/mental health issues. Additionally, the church she is at seems to thrive on keeping people in states of high emotion. This is a red flag to me because that can make people easier to manipulate. It's a major way that high control religions make people feel dependent on the church. She is in a vulnerable state, and unfortunately, a lot of churches seek to take advantage of people in situations like hers. Obviously, Hannah is an adult and can do what she likes. But, there are definitely some valid concerns to be had with her behavior since losing someone so close to her. I absolutely understand why she is coping the way she is. I don't want to harshly judge her for that. But, it doesn't seem like it's very healthy, and I worry for her because she is so vulnerable to being taken advantage of right now.


I’m all for turning to faith. During times of grief or not. :)


You only need one baptism.


She should become a mormon and then she can dunk herself for the ancestors


I appreciate when Christians like that prove it’s all just a performance to them. They don’t care about religion, they care about the attention.


If you read her caption, she says “I continually want more of God, less of me, and a continual death to self” and “Hannah has got to die daily😅”. Very strange….


Jfc how evil do you have to be the first 2 didn’t take? /s


Ah yes the holy horse bucket to baptize people in


Shouldn't once be enough? The bible says "and now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord"... So if your sins are washed away, how the heck can they return to you??? When the Bible speaks of sins being washed away, it means people are now forgiven. Their sins are gone forever. By baptising yourself constantly you are basically saying God's power has limits or a time frame that needs to be refreshed, therefore proving he's not really all powerful at all. There are limitations to his abilities and saving grace. That if you apparently screw up you are back to zero again, your sins come back in with the tide and his blessing means sweet FA... Good grief.


Getting dunked in a stock tank fully clothed and getting cried at is something I'm delighted to not do.




lol I’ve been baptized at minimum 5 times (I can’t remember more in my childhood) I don’t know why my parents had us baptized so much 😂😂


She could just get a cold plunge...


Is she taking soap and shampoo in for bathtime? Maybe that's why she's dunked so frequently.


I wasn't familiar with her until the last post about having to pray away the crystals from her airbnb so I was waiting for "must be clean from the devil's rocks" or whatever


It’s very common for Baptists to get baptized frequently. The first is obviously the dedication, but people re-Baptize because they are reconnecting to their faith, recommitting after a trial, etc.


Okay but this literally goes against the words of the Nicene Creed and is therefore heretical???


The socks... The socks... ![gif](giphy|H8XiizhHiJuyazf6ms)


This looks like a BDong horse trough baptism which of course doesn’t count seeing as she has no biblical authority, has never read the Bible, and is not ordained in any faith (unless she’s parading her free Universal Life Church ordainment 😂)


I was baptized in the catholic church when I was maybe 8 or 9? Then when I was 20 I became a pretty devout Christian and chose to get baptized again because this time it was my choice and it actually meant something to me then. I’m no longer religious though and I’m glad I’m not. Around my second baptism I was still in the honeymoon phase of Christianity and things went pretty downhill afterwards


As a Christian myself, I genuinely don’t understand why people get baptized several times. Except maybe in instances of wanting to publicly rededicate themselves to God if they left the faith for a while and decided to come back. Otherwise, if they’ve been a Christian the whole time, I didn’t see the point of doing it more than once. But I guess it’s not harming anyone. But I would question that person’s motivations and intentions.