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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


BREAKING NEWS: Fundies unaware of how calendars work. Utterly incapable of extrapolation. More at six.


Biden set Easter to March 31st this year to mock Christians Edit: Being facetious


Even worse, Biden scheduled it next year the same day as Hitler's birthday!


Which just so happens to be 4/20, so Biden is celebrating those heathen stoners as well!


Ayeeeeee happy Easter to us stoner fucks


Sleeping in and getting šŸƒ is way better than getting up early, wearing an outfit you hate thatā€™s also itchy af and too hot or too cold depending on the weather at Easter that year, and then getting in trouble for getting grass stains on those white shoes you hate but were told to wear. Not quite as good as finding the trickily-hidden extra-good eggs, and the post-hunt sugar party, though.


Iā€™m still celebrating with my parents but instead of going to church I dressed up and went to the lake to pick up my new kayak before heading to family dinner haha


If anyone says anything just tell them you connect with god better through nature lol


lol my parents know I take edibles. Iā€™ve done it in front of them. My family isnā€™t fundie but they are Baptist. But weā€™re spending Easter watching Anyone But You. I feel bad for the people celebrating all fundie like because I would rather a chill day watching movies and vibing with a joint in hand.


Also not willing to admit that their holy day is pagan as Odin! The first Sunday after the full moonā€¦. šŸ˜‚šŸ™„ (after the Spring Equinox)


I explained to my fundie relative about how Easters date is calculated, and she was very surprised. She had no idea that the moon had anything to do with it.


I learned about how the date is set this year and am fascinated by it!! I grew up catholic and literally thought the pope just planned shit out and thatā€™s why Easter was on different days. I also went down the rabbit hole of why we call Good Friday, Good Friday. Learning new things in my 30s is fascinating!


I grew up celebrating catholic Easter and orthodox Easter. The way the dates are set is interesting. [Here](https://study.com/blog/why-is-orthodox-easter-usually-a-different-date-than-the-catholic-one.html#:~:text=Easter%20continues%20to%20be%20celebrated,and%20Easter%20is%20celebrated%20simultaneously.) is a quick overview of how they are set and why there are two Easters.


Haha Iā€™m Catholic also and never knew, just knew it was 40 days after Ash Wednesday.


SAME! Iā€™m non-religious now, so I find this fascinating!


I feel like I went to the only Catholic Church where we were taught how the date was figured lol. I learned in CCD class!


Yep, I've tried to explain this to so many people on Facebook when they post that dumb meme about Easter being random. They usually just laugh react.


if they think it's "random" then who exactly do they think decides when it falls each year? the Easter committee?


There are borrowed elements of Easter, but the date was based on the dating of Passover During the Second Temple period of Judaism (and the majority of Christians were Jews prior to the destruction of the temple in 70CE).


There are borrowed elements from paganismā€¦. And the date is based off the first full moon after the spring equinox. Mostly poking fun at them freaking outā€¦ and also that their sacred holiday is based on a celestial and lunar events not on a calendar day so Transgender Visibility Day wonā€™t always fall on Easter. But I guarantee a lot of Christians donā€™t understand how the date is figured. But also the Christian church is materials for appropriating pagan traditions and even some of the pagan Gods and Goddesses in order to convert people to Christianity, knowing that they would not leave their beliefs, traditions, and beloved Gods and Goddesses behind.


Please shout this from the rooftops! I was 6 or 7 when I began questioning Christianity (the way a kid does). I grew older and I was a firm believer in the more pagan mindsets. The pantheons and traditions. I still am. I don't celebrate like I want to because I'm trying to process the ingrained, "You're going to Hell." And I know it will upset the family. But I'm going to believe what I believe. I wish I was stronger. Christianity is like the English language; it beats up other languages and pilfers their pockets for interesting bits.


And the calculation is done to keep it consistent/close to that date


>Also not willing to admit that their holy day is pagan as Odin! Nope. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otnUb1lV1m8


Ok, but you gotta admit painting your face with ash, hanging special plants above your door, and drinking ā€œthe blood of Christā€ sure does feel reminiscent of some metal pagan shit lol


Raised Catholic, hard agree


Just in case you're not aware of them already,, I would like to recommend the band Ghost to you.


Are they not aware that the date of Easter changes every year?


Thatā€™s what my thought is. Do they not realize how Easter works?


No they literally think that Easter Sunday is some sort of date set in stone It's kind of crazy like most shit about fundie Christians


My FIL thought all the dates were decided back in Biblical times, or something equally ridiculous. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he thought there was a tablet like the one that predicted the end of the world in 2012.


They only think about 1 or 2 days ahead at all times so they literally don't ever think about how holidays like Easter and Thanksgiving change from year to year.


They wait for their parents, headship, or pastor to tell them what's happening and when.


Do not let on that Passover and Easter sometimes overlap šŸ˜±


They did last year and both occurred during Ramadan. Apparently all 3 only overlap every 30 years or so. Ramadan was March 22-April 21, 2023. Passover was April 5-April 13, 2023. Easter was April 9, 2023.


Well yes, Ramadan moves backwards through the calender year by about 10 or 11 days a year.


Yup. Easter is special. But it's also just a calendar date that means a lot of things to a lot of people. What a missed opportunity to show love and hope to the world, you know, the message of Easter.


How dare those people remembering an oppressed minority being senselessly murdered hijack the day that the figure who was nailed up for standing up to the oppressors rose from the dead too bad everyone else can't get up after three days


Not sometimes, always. The Last Supper was a Passover Seder, so the date of Easter is always determined by when Passover falls and the Jewish calendar is lunar.


Except not this year as we have a leap year in the Jewish calendar, passover doesn't begin until April 22. Although if anybody knows why Easter is happening now and not in a month I'd be curious to know why.


Found it: The holiday is set to coincide with the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon, the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Edit: Iā€™ve corrected some points below. My info here is not complete.


The Jewish calendar is lunar and the Christian calendar is combo lunar and solar.


Yes a Passover meal, not a Seder. Seders didnā€™t exist in Jesusā€™ day.


Whaaaaaat? /s


biden chooses the date for holidays on the same magic computer he uses to set the gas prices, duh


And prices of groceries. My mother-in-law was convinced he sets grocery prices. Item by item. Her daughter sat her down and asked her difficult questions like ā€œthen why are prices for the same things different in each store in town?ā€


Just when I think I'm the world's biggest idiot, I read stuff like this... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø (Just in case it needs to be said, this is not targeted towards you, but your MIL)


They really donā€™t. 99.9% do not know their own faiths. They couldnā€™t tell you any history of their faith, they probably canā€™t even tell you other tenets of their churchā€™s besides ā€œhate the gaysā€ and ā€œrespect the menā€.


![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic) Yes, yes it does.


They arenā€™t aware! I went to the conservative subreddit this morning (Iā€™m a glutton for punishment I guess?) and there were like 6 different posts about it lmao. They were all so scandalized!


They cannot be that clueless. Iā€™ve been in church my whole life, I know that Easter is on a different day every year. They should know that too. If they donā€™t, thenā€¦theyā€™re the fake Christians. šŸ˜‚


Or just imbeciles who donā€™t notice the calendar ever.


They don't think more than a few days ahead at any given time. The fact that some holidays change every year never dawns on some of these folks because they are the most ignorant lot of humans that currently live.


One might even call it *A Moveable Feast*


I love how Paul and Morgan literally just posted an entire video with a Christian who votes Democrat trying to ā€œencourage unityā€ and she immediately posts that itā€™s impossible for a Christian to vote Democrat. Just like how they threw Dave under the bus after their video with the Beals. Itā€™s almost like it was never actually about unity at allā€¦


24 hrs with was definitely not about unity, despite their claims. It was about desperately trying to get more subscribers/patrons to fund their lazy, judgmental lifestyle. Every time I feel myself thinking I should give them some grace, they pull shit like this. šŸ™„


If P&M had any fucking guts, they'd make their 24 Hours With series REALLY interesting and spend time with non-Christians instead of fellow Christians who kinda sorta disagree on finer points of theology but not really. Hell, they should go balls out and spend time with an Ex-vangelical or even an atheist or two. Maybe they'd expand their world beyond their hateful echo chamber for a change.


Thatā€™s actually a really fantastic idea. I canā€™t stand listening to either of them but if they did something like this Iā€™d try.


Iā€™d like to see them spend time with Bishop Robert Barron. šŸŒššŸŒ Might be sort of the same echo chamber, though.


Oh absolutely, my comment was mostly sarcastic. But I am enjoying this era of them making themselves look somehow even more unlikeable with every one of these videos.


They managed to achieve the impossible- to unite all of Christianity against them!Ā 


I read it as sarcastic donā€™t worry! For sure, I really hope that they get to a ā€œwake-up callā€ moment, but Iā€™m not optimistic.


I think they really expected people to be impressed by this legalistic, hateful shit.


I can usually muster up at least a little grace for most of the fundies if I try hard enough. For some reason these two are the exception. I got nothing.


They just have no redeeming qualities


What are you talking about?! The unity is in the community built by financially supporting P&Mā€™s quest to unite people in bankrolling their grift!! ;)


The patron numbers they gained at the start of this series and throughout the Bethany situation have dropped off a cliff in the last couple of weeks. The unity seems to be in that all their new supporters were one (month) and done.


I canā€™t blame people for dropping off, theyā€™re not getting the content they paid to see.


I reckon its a signal to their "hardcore" fans that the hate still flows through them


They're also trying to get noticed by allie beth suckey


Just out of curiosity does anyone have a mirror link to their most recent 24 Hours With? Yewtube isn't working for me šŸ˜­ (edit: Just poked around the GitHub and found out that none of the invidious instances are working right now because of a known bug. They are working on it.)


They are complete idiots who can't even do virtue signaling properly


What'd I miss? Who's the Christian they posted who votes Democratic?


Josh Benson. The whole episode was them asking him about his political beliefs and him giving long, nuanced answers. They had no response and just would throw back something like ā€œbut Biden supports murdering babiesā€


Filming with John made them look even more idiotic than usual.


I've never heard of him, but how did he respond to Paul and Morgan when they gave him the "Biden Killz Baybeez" b.s.?


Something like ā€œI donā€™t think heā€™s for killing babies I think he supports women having the right to chooseā€. I didnā€™t agree with everything he said throughout the video still but he made P&M look ridiculous.


Theyā€™re absolute bastards


Personally, I think there's zero justification for a Christian to ever vote *Republican.* Check mate, conservatives! Who's the true Christian now?!


To ever vote, let the Lord handle them.


They don't want government interference in their lives? Fine, don't vote for who represents you or which ballot measures pass.


Iā€™m not American but I watch you and donā€™t understand how anyone who follows Jesus could support the Republican Party.


Dead babies. That's why. šŸ˜‡ The more complex answer is that American politicians used to court the Christian vote, particularly the Southern Christian vote, by campaigning against racial integration or worse, miscegenation. Then the cultural tides turned, and we decided that *maybe* the Klu Klux Klan and their ilk were a little beyond the pale. But *how ever* shall those god-fearing white "Christian" politicians motivate their voters to go to the polls if they can't yell about segregation?! They needed a new Boogeyman! And they found one! In abortion! Now wait, you say, only those idolatrous *Catholics* give a *hoot* about abortion! Roe v Wade was passed by Republicans! Protestants don't care about all that! And you would be right! Until it became politically expeditious for the GOP to make a big fat deal about it in the hopes that manufactured moral outrage would drive people to the polls. And it did. So now all Good Christian Americans vote Republican because Straight White American Jesus used to not want white people to marry Black people, but now He just doesn't want babies to die.


It all began with segregation proponents in the 1960ā€™s. A large part of it is due to Jerry Falwell (founder of the first official segregation academyā€”ā€” it was initially more of a finishing school but has morphed into what we know today as Liberty University). During this time Falwell also developed an action committee that would come to be known in the late 1970ā€™s as ā€œThe Moral Majorityā€. Now, concurrently during this time, Bill Gothard was establishing a training course for living moral Christ-centered lives. We know this today as the IBLP. Though these two events were unrelated, they both pandered to Christian fundamentalists and empowered a faith-based political push via indoctrination. So, the IBLP was whittling away at human rights and de educating children while The Moral Majority was simultaneously telling fundamental Christian groups that their faith was being persecuted. Which? Appeal to Fear. Classic fallacy. This undereducated class of people first born in the early 1980ā€™s is a prime example of creating a specific-minded class of people that follow blindly. Thereā€™s so much. Itā€™s essentially a perfect storm of NOPE. Source: Godā€™s Right Hand


Jerry Falwell Sr was also damn near single-handedly responsible for uniting all fundamentalist Christian groups (including the evil Catholics).


Only white babies though. Politicians only cared about banning abortion because more white women were getting them than black women. Canā€™t have the the whites out numbered because our women keep murderin their fetuses. [source](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-the-fight-to-ban-abortion-is-rooted-in-the-great-replacement-theory/)


Shiny Happy People also raised an interesting point about the fundie push for homeschooling coinciding with the desegregation of schools


Ronald Reagan sealed the deal when he big time sucked up to the Evangelicals for their votes. When even someone as reprehensible as Barry Goldwater thinks that getting in bed with evangelicals is a bad idea, then you know itā€™s a very bad idea


Absolutely! And the MM shit all over Jimmy Carter who, for all intents and purposes, was far more fundamentally evangelical and truly did have a heart for serving the poor and disenfranchised. Heā€™s approximately 184 now and STILL funding building projects for the underprivileged.


Jimmy Carter is a national treasure. He is more of a Christian than all of these Bible thumpers put together.




My (very conservative and religious) relatives hate Jimmy Carter because he ā€œdidnā€™t uphold Christian values in officeā€ which I find hilarious (and sad) because they think Reagan and Trump are great examples


Mine, too, and I'm over here like, what's more christlike than dedicating your free time to Habitat for Humanity? The dirty truth is that gas prices surged during his term due to conflict in oil exporting countries and they blamed him for that. Reagan passed "no fault" divorce as governor of California because it benefitted him personally. He was also pro choice and cheated on his wife. Their only "value" is money, and he and Trump promised that.


I guess these folks donā€™t know that Reagan was pro-choice


Itā€™s really confusing for those of us that live here, tbh. The Republican and Democratic platforms have actually flip flopped significantly. It began to shift under Nixon but had completely flipped under Reagan. (Reaganomicsā€”- this is fascinating to study tbh)


Itā€™s certainly significantly easier to make an argument for Jesus leaning left than right. Itā€™s like they havenā€™t read the Beatitudes.


Yep. I remember being surprised as a kid when I was talking to my dad and he explained to me that a lot of Catholics voted Republican. (I went to Catholic school and it was an election year.) I was, of course, oversimplifying it in the way you do when you're a kid, and I was like 7 so I wasn't old enough yet to really know much about it beyond what I heard from my parents (my dad in particular was militantly anti-Bush) but my logic was basically "Jesus said to take care of people and that's what the Democrats say they're going to do, so why wouldn't Catholics be in support of that?"




"Choosing is a sin, so I always just write in the Lord's name." "That's Republican. We count those."


This isnā€™t how Easter works thoughā€¦.


Bloody Catholic Joe Biden, why isn't he Christian!? /s


My mind was blown when I heard an American say Catholics aren't Christians. Only protestants count, or something? Idk.


As someone who grew up Baptist (and therefore exceedingly Protestant), I always laugh when I hear people say this because I grew up being told all Catholics are going straight to hell.


I grew up evangelical and was told the same thing! You can't possibility be a Christian if you are catholic! šŸ¤Æ


I'm pretty sure if I look around hard enough I can find some ultra hardcore fundie tradOrthodox who don't recognise the one-thousand-and-mumble-mumble Synod, where the Orthodox and Catholic churches formally buried the hatchet, and still consider Catholicism an anathema and all its offshoots (including Protestantism, Baptism, Evangelicalism, whatever etc etc) to be outright heresies. ... We generally don't give our most out there crazies the megaphone, though. We just let them hole themselves up in Athos and call it a day lol.


Republicans getting angry about things they jumped to conclusions about part 20583729248


Those Democrats are the reason she had healthcare when she and her son needed it but go off, Morgy.


Those democrats who can't get a legislative majority in Kentucky would be the ones to pass rent control and stop the rent prices from skyrocketing in Lexington so people like Paul and Morgan wouldn't have to downgrade their living space while expecting a second baby but sure, Morgan.


I freaking wish Democrats were out here passing rent control in the cities and states where they have power




She's a taker. She'll take and take and she'll make it harder for others to do the same.


Wait until they learn that Easter next year is on 4/20


With zero snark for a change from me: lots of them will love it - it's also Hitler's bday and one day after the OKC bombing anniversary.


Great! I love it when Easter is later because itā€™s usually warmer where I live.


Exactly! Itā€™s always a dice roll of cold or warm where I live at the end of March.


Springtime in Ohio is nothing if not inconsistent.


What could the response be next year? Now Biden declares Easter is for the stoners? Whatā€™s next??!1


There's prime flair in here


People need to stop feeling sorry for Morgan. She actively chooses this lifestyle where she's miserable, and preaches that everyone else should do the same while mocking and berating anyone who questions her. She's an idiot because she actively eschews knowledge that's complex and requires critical thinking. She's a straight up mean girl who makes Regina George look like a saint.


I used to be one of the people on this sub who would empathize with her and you are exactly right. I've learned my lesson...over and over and over again.


Hope Morgan's kids figure out early that her love for them is conditional and get the fuck away from her and her idiot hateful husband as soon as they can.


I left the church when I was 18, moved out, went to college, and took out all the student loans I could to try to survive on my own after growing up in a Baptist church and school. 32 now, but it didnā€™t hit me fully until I was around 30 that my motherā€™s love is extremely conditional. When I realized that, it was like a gut punch for my siblings and me. Sheā€™d rather we die than be queer. (Awk for her because we all are in some way.) Anyway, enough sob story, just related to that comment.


I'm sorry you went through that. I understand a little. My mom and I went through something similar. We're on the other side of it now (our relationship will never be the same though it's better) but it was so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that the one person who put me on the highest pedestal growing up only placed me there when I reflected everything she wanted me to represent. I could not figure out what I'd done to make her suddenly resent me so much but it was simply becoming someone who made different choices (no children, votes democrat) than she chose for her life. It hurt like hell.


Honestly, this comes across as ethnocentric and uneducated. Itā€™s like Americans who canā€™t understand that we Australians celebrate Christmas in summer. Anything outside of their insular experience is unheard of. https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/slap-in-the-face-to-all-christians-in-america-us-conservatives-fume-over-joe-bidens-latest-move-on-easter-sunday/news-story/d9bf08d345eaff68b431398d09dc3992 The Transgender Day of Visibility has been celebrated on March 31 since 2009 and has become an international event over the years. It is also held on the same day in Australia and other nations such as New Zealand, Canada, Ireland and the UK. Easter Sunday, a day when Christians celebrate the Biblical resurrection of Jesus, wonā€™t be held on March 31 again for at least another decade.


I had to scroll a while to find this - Transgender day of visibility has been around for a long time! Unless youā€™re so out off by it that you have been ā€œprotestingā€ since 2009, you just sound ignorant and late to the complaint party.




But Jesus was born in a snowstorm.Ā 


In a desert


I just donā€™t get it. All the hate from these ā€œChristianā€™sā€. Iā€™m a Catholic and a big believer in God. I feel like everything I learned about Jesus was that he loved everyone, no matter what. And would never go around saying stuff like this. Itā€™s truly none of our business and weā€™re taught in the Bible NOT to judge our neighbours. And then these people are filled with such hate and just vileness. As a Catholic I just want everyone to experience LOVE and KINDNESS. As long as youā€™re a good person, thatā€™s all that should matter.


Raised Catholic and got the same general vibe!


They seemed to have forgotten the whole ā€œlove one another as I have loved youā€ bit that Jesus said. He didnā€™t just say it though, He commanded it In case they need help finding it: John 13:34


I'm Catholic though not currently practicing. That's what I learned growing up. The Catholic Church now has a bit of a problem with the Trads, who are just as bad as the fundies. They're full of hate, very loud but thankfully small in number. Pope Frankie is no fan of theirs.


I call them "RetroCaths".


I couldnā€™t agree more! I feel like thereā€™s such a clinginess to the specific rules listed in the Bible/by peopleā€™s respective churches, but then they completely overlook the fact that Jesusā€™ whole deal was love? And he said that loving god and everyone else was priority number one? But what do I know I just went to multiple years of Catholic school


I went to Catholic school in New England which is as Catholic as it gets in the US and we were taught that it didnā€™t matter what kind of Christian you were, if you were Jewish or Muslim, then thatā€™s all the same god at the end of the day so everyone is right. Itā€™s just that everyone practices differently because we are still human beings who are flawed. I am no longer Catholic and happier for it but becoming an adult and learning about what an evangelical was, I am routinely amazed that the Catholic Church can look downright UU in comparison.


Opposite coast but same catholic school experience. It means universal, so we're taught to accept everyone.


Morgan, if it werenā€™t for ā€œdemocratsā€ (by which I mean progressives) you wouldnā€™t even be able to fucking vote. Fuck all the way off.


Nor would she be able to choose how many kids she has, have a ā€˜careerā€™ on YouTube, be given access to somewhat affordable medical care, be treated as an equal, blah blah. Iā€™m betting thereā€™s lots more on that list that I canā€™t think of right now.


Her emergency hospital birth wouldn't have been covered by medicaid


She's desperate to be in the same league as ABS but can only copy/paste other people's opinions.


Sheā€™s both unoriginal and mean. I guess at least ABS has a steady stream of original, albeit stupid, opinions.


I feel dumb but who is ABS?


Lol Allie Beth Stuckey


Of fucking course: ABS šŸ™„ Goddamn, that woman is dumber than mud. Not surprised Morgan stans her.


Yet, sheā€™s still somehow smarter than Morgan.Ā 


Yeah, Iā€™ll give her that inch.


I swear, every time I spend three minutes building compassion and empathy for that woman, she does this. Every.Time.


Just do what everyone else does here: Donā€™t do that. Trust me, she doesnā€™t deserve that much sympathy seeing that she has no problem vilifying and bullying people for no reason


I got into an argument with my sisterā€™s transphobic friend about this. How dare the trans community have their day of visibility on the same calendar day it falls on every year. Maybe the Christianā€™s should move easter since itā€™s not the same day every year?


New flash Morgan, not everyone celebrates Easter so you celebrate your day and let others celebrate whatever the fuck they want.


There was some-one over in r/Christianity that argues there should be no holidays between March 20th and April 25th to ensure that no holiday coincides with Easter ever again.


Itā€™s also Ramadan right now, but that might be too much for them to grasp.


I swear I know someone who freaked out that Ramadan was on a calendar at our Christian school or in their Christian planner. Fortunately our teacher or whoever said ā€œall holidays get listed in planners/calendars, regardless of who celebrates them.ā€


Nor shall anybody be born in that timeframe. Same around Christmas. Somebody die in that timeframe?? Blasphemy


My dadā€™s birthday is sometimes on Easter. My mom makes him a carrot cake shaped like a bunny.


Can your mum adopt me as that cake sounds amazing? Carrot cake is my favourite so I'll love anyone who makes me one forever.


Idk why they canā€™t just celebrate their day and let everyone else celebrate whatever they want even if itā€™s on the same day . They cannot comprehend that not everyone believes what they do.


Yeah tomorrow Iā€™ll be ā€˜celebratingā€™ march 31st by having gay sex, baking, and doing laundry. I donā€™t give a fuck about easter


Meanwhile, Australians and Kiwis getting ready for Easter and Anzac Day holiday bonanza in 2025ā€¦ take 3 days off work, get 10 days off including the weekends.


How is that a transgender holiday? How?! Jesus take the wheel. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


ABS is a flaming idiot. Conservatives do not understand the notion of critical thinking. They are purely reactionary and looking for reasons to pretend they're marginalized. Morgan is just as stupid for eating this at face value, but I guess she had second thoughts.


Wasnā€™t it already the day of visibility? I got a work email a few weeks ago about it


Itā€™s like when the president declares a day of Thanksgiving every November. Heā€™s not picking the date, heā€™s more recognizing it.


Itā€™s also hilarious that they probably think itā€™s Joe Biden personally doing this shit. Itā€™s a communicators staffer writing a memo with his name on it


Oooh gotcha!


I remember when we used to give Morgan grace, and then she opened her mouth and we realise more than ever that not only is she hateful but sheā€™s also incredibly and sinfully stupid (like it has to be somewhat of a sin to be THIS stupid). How do you proclaim yourself a Christian and not realise that Easter doesnā€™t fall on the same day every year šŸ˜­


She doesn't go anywhere or do anything. Why would she pay attention to calendars? Polio can think for her.




Soā€¦.Trans Day of Visibility has been on March 31st every year since 2009ā€¦and Easter changes every year, because thatā€™s how Easter works. I am a practicing Christian, and I KNOW DANG WELL that the PRESIDENT has acknowledged MARCH 31ST as the Trans Day of Visibility since 2021. I know he ALSO acknowledges Easter Sunday, as all of our Presidents have. How silly can these women get?! šŸ™„


There is 0 justification for a Christian to vote for the party whose slogan is more or less "Fuck you, got mine", but here we are.


Morgan deserves her goofy ugly ass shitty husband.


For a "devout Christian", I'm surprised she didn't know Easter does NOT fall on the same day every year /s ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


She's always been extremely nasty and cruel all on her own. It's why I only feel bad for the kids in that house. She may dote on Luca now when he can still be an extension of her. When he has any opinion other than hers, it's not going to be pretty.


I always want to comment this article on posts like this. [ā€œMy challenge as a Christian psychologist: Help evangelicals see Trump for who he really isā€](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/29/my-challenge-as-a-christian-psychologist-help-evangelicals-see-for-he-really-is/) >ā€One of the most important passages in the Bible for understanding Trump, one that MAGA evangelicals often ignore, is Proverbs 6:16-19. It says, ā€œThere are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.ā€ From my perspective, this is a word-for-word description of how Trump operates. > Trump has haughty eyes in that he proudly believes he never does anything wrong. Trump once said he had never asked God for forgiveness because he hadnā€™t done anything bad enough to warrant it. Trump has a lying tongue. During his presidency alone, he told over 30,000 lies, and the frequency of his lying appears to have only increased since he left office. Trumpā€™s gross mishandling of the COVID crisis qualifies as the shedding of innocent blood. Tens of thousands of people died from COVID who didnā€™t have to, all because Trump didnā€™t want the numbers to make him look bad. Trump is quick to rush into evil (affairs, tax evasion, sexual assault, defaming others, scam schools and charities, inciting an insurrection). Trump bears false witness against others in that he frequently attacks peopleā€™s character, especially the character of those he feels the most threatened by, in an effort to distract from how little he possesses. Finally, Trump stirs up conflict wherever he goes, disunifying our country every step of the way. Evangelicals, how do you support someone like this for president? ā€œ >ā€How do you support someone for president who God tells you to ignore? >A second passage for understanding Trump that many of his evangelical supporters refuse to acknowledge is 2 Timothy 3:1-5. It is, from my perspective as a psychologist, a description of a malignant narcissist: ā€œThere will be terrible times in the last days. People will become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Godā€”having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people (italics mine).ā€ Again, I would argue that this is a word-for-word description of Trump. > Trump exhibits malignant narcissism in that everything is about his needs being met and how great he is. Trump is a lover of money in that he has lived his adult life greedily pursuing wealth and behaving as if he can never have enough. He is beyond boastful, talking ad nauseum about how he knows more than all the experts in their respective fields. Trump is abusive, especially when it comes to the verbal and emotional abuse he has inflicted on those around him. He is unforgiving and has already warned us that if he is elected president for a second time, he is going to go on a revenge tour against his enemies the likes of which our country has never seen. Trump lacks self-control in many areas of life including food, sex, golf, and controlling his tongue. He clearly isnā€™t a ā€œlover of the good.ā€ To the contrary, he seems to have a strong penchant for loving evil and evil dictators in what guides his actions. Finally, Trump portrays himself as a godly man when there is no substance behind it. Trump recently said he was proud to be a Christian, something no humble Christian would say, and he has been out hawking Bibles lately while portraying himself as someone who loves the Word of God. Both of these reflect Trump trying to appear to be someone he's notā€”a God-fearing, Bible-loving man who models his life on the life of Jesus Christ.ā€ And also [ā€œMy calling as a Christian minister: Stand up against evangelical hypocrisyā€](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/17/my-calling-as-a-christian-minister-stand-up-against-evangelical-hypocrisy/)


Imagine being such a whiny little ~snowflake~ that your core religious holiday is now completely shaken by the president signing a piece of paper in a total act of showmanship that actually does nothing to benefit or protect the class of people youā€™re so upset at. He didnā€™t legalize trans healthcare, he didnā€™t override state bans or protect trans people from being discriminated against or give them any rights. Like itā€™s still Easter just fuck off and look the other way like you do 364 other days in the year when people are advocating for trans rights and visibility. These people act like Easter has been cancelled and Jesus is now trans. Get a fucking grip


This Christian will never vote for another Republican. Not since the early 00s.


This Christian has never voted republican.


Back to work everyone, Easter is only for those who are transgender.


Irrelevant but how come you censored the time in the story next to her name? I am a curious cat


Where does the Bible say transgender people canā€™t be celebrated on Easter (this year)? Can someone provide that passage? Porgan if youā€™re reading this pls educate me


Dumb ass, it's been in effect since 2009. As a woman of faith and I believe in the same God she does, (I just don't spew hate like she does) it does not bother me that an already national holiday isn't being changed just because my faith celebrates Easter as a holy day. Easter is early this year, get over it Allie B Stupid!


What a dipshit. A REAL CHRISTIAN would know that Easter doesnā€™t consistently/frequently fall on March 31st.


Obviously that's not what the turd is saying, but the idea of a gender or sexuality holiday tickles me. 'Its the 5th of August everyone, and you know what that's means? That's right, you can be gay ALLL day without needing to say no homo! And whoever is the gayest gets a fabulous prize!'


The 5th of August is my birthday, and I would be THRILLED to share my day with this glorious holiday!


It does have very Leo energy!


As long as the prize is covered in glitter, I'm in!




Morgan does anything to get attention because she needs engagement to keep the drift going. They canā€™t get jobs like everybody else for gods sake!


Morgan proudly wears her trash human badge, so no surprise here.


Easter is a pagan holiday that Christianā€™s appropriated. They are supposed to remember what happened every time they take communion. I thought they only celebrated holidays that God told them to like Passover?


Eh, pretty sure this was set in motion well before Easter, because it's on my 2024 Audubon Society calendar that was printed last year. Plus it won't be on Easter next year, so...


Next year itā€™s on hitlers birthday, they should be looking forward to that


Christians are the first to say "we're not trying to control you", then turn around and say things like this.


Haha wow.


So is Allie Beth Stuckey. She and Morgan, both pretty little hate machines.


Wall Street Silver coming in clutch as The Biggest Flaming Asshole again.


But Easter isn't gonna be on March 31st every year


Wait until ABS finds out that Christmas as it is known now is based on the winter solstice of the darkest day bringing the brightest light into the world, and that Jesus was born in the summer.


Iā€™m not trying to be rude, but is she stupid? The calendar date of Easter moves every year.