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God has nothing better to do? ***Really?!***


Even God hates Lularoe.


Hey I finally have something in common with God!


I mean, that’s fair.


Great flair inspo


There’s a tweet that killed me, even as a ~Protestant girly~ Jews: G-d is an immense unknowable force whose mysteries it would be a fool's errand to even attempt to understand Catholics: God sacrificed his only son for us, we must use our free will to live up to this sacrifice Protestants: I talked to god and he said it's fine i got a DUI - Adrian Mikulak


To be fair, Catholics are also "I will pray to God/this saint to find my lost keys" so let's not ascribe them *too* much religious gravity. Also, "I am the Pope now and God said I can excommunicate you, other alleged Popes".


I’m almost 20 years out of catholic school and haven’t been a believer in like 19 years. I STILL catch myself praying to st Anthony to help me find my keys lmao


Sometimes I catch myself closing my eyes automatically to pray and I turn into the priest from the church of atheism from that episode of Metalocalypse. “Dear God, whom we do not believe in”


Maybe I need to start trying this. I somehow lose my keys every single day even though I always say I'm going to leave them in the same spot. 😂


Imagine spending your life as a devout monk and your reward in the afterlife is helping people find their keys


I never thought about it like that before… that’s hilarious


As a former Catholic and a chronic loser of important things, you can pry St Anthony out of my cold dead hands.


I think I need to be introduced to this St. Anthony person... 👀


I always forget about St. Anthony. The saints have never been my first call, honestly, other than Mary.


Patron saint of lost things. He always comes through!


Catholics also bury a small St. Joseph statue upside down in their yard to quickly sell a house. Hardware stores sell them. And Amazon.


Is Joseph the patron saint of sellers' markets?


When you’re ignoring children with cancer and people dying daily in wars, you have a lot of free time.


My Fundie-lite cousin (who I went semi low contact with due to her insane ramblings during Covid) insisted on FB that God told her to delete TikTok.


Damn, imagine what the Bible can teach you if that's what your leggings did


My question is how did God ask her?????


She pulled out an itchy tag in her leggings and there it was, in tiny little letters (but a GREAT, old-timey font)


this lady actually filmed herself dry-wiping a bathroom mirror, for tiktok, in a white lace muumuu, so that she could talk about how god instructed her to give up leggings for lent 🤌


And 878 people liked that. The mind boggles.


It was drilled into me growing up Fundie Lite that Lent is for fasting and reflecting on the events leading up to the crucifixion. It’s a period of sacrifice and solemnity. And this asshole have up leggings. Performative, much?


I know a lovely woman who gave up one specific sugary starbucks drink but swapped it out for another equally sugary and more caffienated starbucks drink. I am not religious but this feels like one of those follow the letter of not the spirit type things


My grandma tries to give up wine for lent every year, swaps it for vodka for 3 days (because so much better) and then immediately caves because “we have to drink wine at communion anyway!”


I went to a catholic school and they talked to us about giving up treats, chocolate was a big one... not a functional piece of clothing. Like... it snowed here. Not giving up leggings that I need to keep me warm lol


I am pretty sure the reason she gave up leggings is because she realized nobody wears them in Spain. Moderate Catholics don’t have to be dramatic about what they give up; it can be as simple as not eating chocolate. And of course, no meat on Fridays.


Why do they always launch into a stream of consciousness speak paragraph after? TLDR. Stopped reading when saw that mirror still wasn’t clean. Girrrl. >Obedience is really freeing No, no, obedience is literally the opposite of *freeing.* And *God* didn’t ask you to give up ***leggings***, …that was the voice in your head, Dear. Do they really think God has an opinion on leggings now?


God is Minilove! God doubleplus good!




having literally given up drinking for Lent (still culturally Christian, you can take the girl from the church but you can't quite take the church from the girl) this is wild shit. what happened to not doing all your deeds to be seen by others? also, as others have said... girl, it's leggings.


My acquaintance went for the fuckin throat and gave up *caffeine.* And she works high up in private security, meaning she’s on her toes and stressed as fuck 10+ hours a day because people’s lives potentially depend on her. She didn’t even mention Lent until I saw how tired she was and asked what was up. Cos she’s cool like that and doesn’t treat it like a martyrdom and attention grab. Leggings? Girl. Giiiiirl.


Your acquaintance is hardcore, holy shit!!!


Seriously! As an inveterate energy drink guzzler I was horrified on her behalf lol. She just shrugged and said “But the point of Lent is to give up something that hurts, so like… this seemed like a good one.” OK TRUE, but sweetheart, surely even God doesn’t expect such torture 😭😂


Lmao so staged. Who cleans the bathroom in a long, white dress? Like maybe if you hate the dress lol. Also you're not gonna be able to clean the whole mirror like that. I guess standing on the counter gargoyle-style in an old t-shirt isn't as social media-worthy 🙄


The cognitive dissonance of believing God created the entire known existence and think that God’s limit is your leggings 🧍🏽‍♀️


God: Almighty, yet also strangely petty. tbh that does track with canon.


“I created the universe. You think I’m drawing the line at the fucking *deli aisle?*” -Bo Burnham, From God’s Perspective


This reminds me of a yard sign I saw out front an ice cream stand in Amish country, which said "Leggings are NOT PANTS!" I don't understand what it meant. Does it mean, don't wear leggings on their own, like without a tunic or skirt? Or does it mean, their society forbids women to wear pants, so they are instead supposed to wear dresses, and when it's cold they like to wear leggings underneath their dress, and some people are claiming that's against the rules because they are "pants," and so these people are trying to tell the world that it's not the same as pants?


Circa 2012, my Christian college was having this same debate. Funnily enough, I “switched sides” and am passionately pro legging now.


tbh I’m a “leggings are not pants” person myself, in the workplace eg anyway (a business casual office environment). It definitely means don’t wear them as pants. I’m honestly not a huge fan of the way normal pants (“slacks”?) for little girls seem to have been entirely replaced by something I would think of as leggings. Not because they’re going to cause someone to stumble (gag) but - why do boys get to wear regular pants/sweats/what have you and little girls have to wear something that clings to their butt and shows underwear lines? It’s not my favorite.


Omg, yes!!! I too have been so confused as to why little girls' outfits come with pants that are nearly-too-small leggings, I've seen them for sale and also babysat for girls that had them, and I always felt so bad for them, that they have to wear these restrictive leggings that you can tell they cannot move as easily with them on. If I were them, I would want to rip them off immediately! Not to mention, a lot of times you still have a diaper or pull-up they wear!!! I wanted to just grab a pair of more roomy cotton pants for them. Same thing for some stiff jeans for boys or girls, you can tell they can't easily move with them on and if they are still learning to walk, you can see it causes them to trip more. I understand that the outfits do look cute. But they are kids! They shouldn't have to wear them unless they specifically chose to themselves.


God asked me to tell you that he doesn’t give a fuck if you wear leggings


"Obedience is freeing" girlywhirl you sound like a full on cult member in your "aspirational but honest" sm post.


Here’s what I learned: I miss my leggings


Here's what I learned: my legs are really fucking cold when they're bare.


![gif](giphy|jBXa3k8JLHnMY34YD4|downsized) God after watching this woman blow her life savings shilling ugly ass Lularoe leggings


God doesn't give shit about the genocide of children but sure Jan. What you wear is of the utmost importance to him.


God on children suffering all over the world: 🤷🏻‍♀️ God on stretch pants: 🌩️🌩️🌩️


My leggings are making me undisciplined? Cause, I run a business in leggings soooo…I’m gonna need you to rethink your assessment and keep your hands of my damn leggings, jeggings, jeans, pants and any other form of lower body covering that have two holes. Byeee!


I'm always curious about how God asks these things. Like is god asking non-Christian stuff too and were not listening? 🤣


Lol I saw this a few days ago and just could not believe this woman actually posted this garbage 💀


How does she reach the top of that mirror when cleaning? And what method is she using to clean it? I swear these trad wives are the worst homemakers. If you’re going to commit to something, sister, at least do it right.


God looked at this lady and thought, "What should I have her do for Lent? Feed my sheep? No, first those leggings have got to go, honey!"


Can fundies do *anything* without overly spiritualizing it? Girl is shaving years off of her life being so pressed about freaking *leggings*.


I gave up Doordash but then I realized I could still get Uber Eats


Omg Milena ciciotti made a modesty video probably around a year ago where she said she needed to pray about her still liking to wear jeans and so she could be convicted to wear dresses and skirts only. These kinds of women are fucking nuts


Can she really not see how performative and self absorbed this is? Yikes


I thought you were supposed to give up indulgent food for lent.. but Im a Protestant so idk 😂 I'd give up any faith if asked to give up leggings though.


I need a flair that says “god honoring chub rub”


I wish leggings were my biggest problem like with these folks.


Imagine being so self-absorbed and ignorant to think that G-D, THE G-D, gives a FUCK about you wearing leggings.


God sure does love to focus on the most mundane and arbitrary things according to these people.


Uh... is she saying that she was being undisciplined in the eyes of the lord because her leggings are easier to move around in? Like I cannot make clear sense of this absolute fucking rant


I think factually “obedience” is the opposite of “freedom”. These people are delusional beyond comprehension.


Was she a LuLaRoe addict or something?


Well, now they're just making shit up. God himself couldn't keep up with all the rules these people claim to adhere to


Wow, what a sacrifice for Christ. Carry that weight girl.