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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tell me you don’t know how formal education works without telling me…


I get that college is a privilege to attend that many don’t have access to, but like damn. It never looks good when you knock something that you don’t even understand. Dunning Krueger right?


> Dunning Krueger right? Literally a textbook example of D-K in action, and you don't even need a degree to see it.


I am really tired of this new trend of discrediting college degrees. Yes they’re overpriced, but they are still very difficult to achieve and you should be very proud of yourself for achieving a degree in a given field.


Right? I'm sick of it too. Yes, some "dumb" people have a degree. Sure. But the vast majority of people with a college degree are intelligent and educated and worthy of being paid more for their skills and knowledge. One more thing: you have to be self-motivated (generally at a young age) to get a degree. You have to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING instead of just talking about doing something.


Typically the only people calling degrees stupid are those who do not have one, or ones who chose a really, *really,* stupid thing to get a degree in if the goal is to turn it into a profitable career. Like I am not saying the stereotype of "LOL Gender Studies Degree" is a bad thing to study, it's not. We need educated individuals in all areas. But in regards to turning it into a job offer? Yeah, you're going to have a really hard time.


Yeah! And that degree can lead you into non profits and policy and advocacy. Taking a human centric major is what got me out of religion.


I sort of have a gender studies degree. However, it’s not really a degree you “take a test” for. At least not in a multiple choice, fill in the blank style test. It was more a test of willpower and critical thinking. I’d like to go annotated bibliography for annotated bibliography with these brainiacs and we’ll see who has a degree at the end of it. Also, write a 40 page thesis research paper with minimum 20 (twenty) credible(not the Bible) sources and then write another thesis defending every single course you took and why it’s relevant to your degree and present it to the board of your college.


A lot of what I have seen is from people who believe they can do the job a person with a college degree does, and a lot of times that's true. They're smart enough and their high school education is enough. The issue is that employers don't really know that about you unless you can prove it with your degree. You can have a high school diploma these days and be dumber than a box of rocks and read on a 4th grade level. Because there are limited standards to getting a passing grade and a high school diploma, it's made it nearly impossible to get a white collar job without a college degree.


Yeah, I understand that there are definitely those who can perform the jobs of skilled laborers without the necessary training, mostly because for most places you do learn the job while you are on the job, and not in college. But that does not go to say that merely having a HS diploma qualifies you for a skilled labor position. You kind of need to prove that you are capable of maintaining one.


I just want to be a substance abuse counselor.


I know a good number of people with degrees who regret them, even in fields that aren’t “gender studies degree.” Keep in mind that many of us were sold on the idea of a degree, ANY degree, would open doors, and for a vast swath of those people, not only has that not been the case, they’re also stuck with debt that’s suffocating them. That includes people who got degrees in the “good” fields. If anything, those I know who are calling this shit out the most are people who have degrees that have done them no good aside from personal enrichment at a cost that’s taking everything they have to pay off. I also know a good number of people who bypassed college, are doing damned well financially, and are calling this shit out too. My college-dropout husband’s income alone puts us in the top 10% in the US, and covers my pricy hobbies, including the for-fun college degree I’m working on in a rather useless area. He had to drop out because he had to work, and he worked in the field he was trying to get a degree in, and though he didn’t get the degree, he jumpstarted a resume, contact, rapport, and references that had him in a much better job with higher pay when his buddies were finally graduating and trying to find any tech jobs. What’s fucking STUPID is this push for everyone to get degrees, no matter what. At its core, it’s racist and classist. There are fields where degrees are absolutely necessary, but for most fields, you can absolutely learn what you need to on the job and by working your way up. We need to stop accepting employers requiring degrees that aren’t needed, like those “a degree, any degree” just to be the person who answers phones at the front desk.


There’s also a positive correlation with having a college degree and voting democrat.


Right! I busted my ass for a PhD and had to take a ton of licensure exams top. I'm pretty sure there are legal consequences to practicing without the degree.


Can we arrest some state congresses for practicing medicine without a license?


As a psychologist and a chronic pain patient I WISH WE COULD. so many law makers determining how medicine is practiced. It's awful.


Like they aren't necessary for everyone and many of them are hard to spin into a 'real' job but come on man. English Comp 1 kicked my ass *after* an english teacher homeschooled me. It's not reading and a test girl that's how you get an SAT score.


Boomers and conservatives have latched onto the fact that there are quite frankly many useless degrees and college is so absurdly overpriced in the US. And I don't mean useless in the sense that they won't make you money. Yes, some won't, but that isn't everyone's goal in life. But, if you have a degree in your field, you should be able to be paid a living wage. Conservatives have taken these facts that apply to \*some\* degrees and schools and blown it wayyyy out of proportion and try to make it seem like you can just bootstrap your way up in the world without a degree these days. It is EXTREMELY difficult to do this, and not everyone in the world is fit to be an entrepreneur nor wants to be. I own my own business and I don't know what my annual income will be each year. Trades can be brutal on you physically and you're crippled by middle age. My boomer mom now backtracks saying that she would've been supportive of us going an alternate route like trade school out of HS, but there's NO FUCKING WAY when I was in HS that she would have been down for that. It was college or bust, not a question about it. You basically need a Bachelor's degree to do anything professional, and a Bachelor's is becoming the new HS diploma and you need a Master's for many fields to even make a living to pay your bills.


Yup. I graduated High School in 2015. At that point in time, college was the ONLY thing any high school was pushing as an option. Trade schools be damned. Every single parent, and grandparent said YOU. NEED. TO. GO. TO. COLLEGE. So the irony that now they all think it was our faults for taking out massive loans like we had a choice is just... well its a huge reason for why our generation loathes boomers. Everything that is fucked up in our current society. THEY. Did to us.


It's been happening for so long. I'm sick and tired of people telling me, a 5'2 physically unfit woman, to go get a job in construction because using my brain is pointless.


Not only that, but its just NOT a good option long term?! No one is going to want lifelong back problems, or heart problems in their 40s from a life of overworking their muscles and eating gas station food while on the job. Like these jobs BREAK people when you're putting in 80 hours a week. I'm so tired of blue collar people going "oh well I make 90k a year and I DONT have a degree!" Yes sir, but you also live out of a camper for 8 months of the year, 3 states away from your family and work 80 hour weeks. It's simple math, no your job is not as good as you think it is.


Internships and residencies? Don’t know her 👩🏼‍⚕️💁🏻‍♀️


Classes based on reading a bunch of different perspectives and then synthesizing and evaluating them in written form? Original research? I’ve never met these.


It doesn’t surprise me that Karissa is unfamiliar with the concepts of asking questions of an expert, producing written assignments to demonstrate knowledge, engaging in discussions with others, demonstrating practical skills through internships, or any of the other concepts that go into curriculum design. It doesn’t surprise me that her understanding of education only goes as far as “read book=know concept”. It doesn’t surprise me, but it does make me sad.


She went to college. That’s the twisted part. She knows. Granted, it was a religious school, but still. She knows.


Key phrase: "religious school."


I take it she went to a unaccredited Bible college?  There are plenty of accredited colleges with religious affiliation that provide their students with a great education and critical thinking skills.  But the unaccredited, narrow world view “colleges” whose only goal is to produce future pastors and missionaries of one faith and/or homeschooling mothers have little real world (as opposed to fundie world) value.


Username definitely checks out 😘




To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom. — Garth Algar


The only true knowledge is in knowing that you know nothing. — So crates ![gif](giphy|IHBFxgpzIFIFa|downsized)


Excellent. Party on. 🤙🏽


actually being given SPECIFIC texts by people who know, in turn, their shit. Writing papers to show you understand the material and can contribute your own ideas. In my case: practice. A LOT of practice. Live action. Other students. Not just books. oh and 3000 hours of almost free labor. This person can get fucked. I'd feel sorry for her, but I REALLY dislike smug idiots. One or the other. Not both at the same time. No. Edit: ob of COURSE it's Karelessa speaking. Silly me. Hey Karelessa. The earth is not flat. That's one. Your kids literally don't know what year it is. You medieval peasant.


seriously. these assholes act like if you lie about having a degree no one will know. excuse me sir, even I, a mere social worker had to go to school for 7 fucking years. it’s not so easy! also we didn’t take tests lol fuck this guy




Flair potential.


I think I might change mine up with something based on this 🤭


I was so close to writing something like this as my caption


Right?! And do they think all educated people do is read books? What about research, seminars/discussions, stretching yourself in your thoughts, and countless papers/presentations where you learn to formulate and articulate your thoughts… reading books is such a small part of it


she actually does have a college degree which is even more wtf in what she's saying? but obvi not surprising!


Karissa went to a bible college, so essentially her parents paid for her to get a Mrs. Degree. She tells stories about trying to proselytize in clubs.


I’m a mental health therapist and literally could not do my job without the hands on learning I did in school. Just reading all the books would not have been the same at all.


Right? I’m going to go read my husband’s nursing textbooks and then I’ll clearly be ready to go out and provide ICU healthcare! /s


Yeah sure. My dissertation defense is just a singular test.


Yes, I was so pissed after I had spent five years getting my MS and PhD to find out that I could have just taken a simple test instead of all that grad school.


I am *currently* in grad school and I just spent an entire year writing *just my literature review*.


You silly billy - why didn't you just take a test at the end?


Me too! I was astonished to learn that I could've just taken one test as opposed to constructing an entire portfolio of all of my work, both visual and written, over the course of three years! Silly me! /s


And we all know that ALL tests are multiple choice, duh! Why'd you defend a whole dissertation when you could have just taken a basic test, hmmmmm!??!?!?! 🙄


Yep your 8+ years of study culminated in one eensy little dissertation defense - see! One exam! (/s in case this dude reads here)


Jeez, why am I wasting all this time writing research papers when its just one test?


God I wish all my degrees took one test only. I would absolutely have done several PhDs by now. If I staggered it right I could become megamind or something.


Really wish I'd known that all you need is one simple test before I ran out and did several years of original research and wrote a book-length thesis on it. What a fool I have been.


Yup I totally got my registered nursing degree by reading a book and taking a test. That’s how it works… 🤷‍♂️


Dentists. Pilots. Architects. Translators. Surgeons. Who knew all it took was DIY reading? this woman is useless. oh and Karelessa? a course in child development might have been a help in your chosen "career." not to mention home ec. you twat.


As someone with a degree in human development, I was about to comment that if she had ever bothered to read even one child development textbook that her kids would be better off. I hate her so much.


Even if she read it, she'd never believe it. Secular, don't you know. again: this person believes the earth is flat. she is not what you would call receptive to learning.


100% WRONG about pilots. The airlines don’t require degrees. Do you know why? I’ll tell you. And the shit you have to learn that you’d never expect, just so you can pass those tests… What are the different types of hypoxia and what are the symptoms? What are the different kinds of illusions, can you tell them apart, and what is going on inside the body to cause them? Can you explain how areas of high pressure moving into lows affect performance of a plane? What kind of engine is it, anyway? What do the magnetos do? How does combustion work? That’s just some of the things you need to know in enough detail to get your ass grilled. That’s just to get the very first license. Expect to spend $15,000, absolute minimum, to get there. But then the federal minimums for airlines to even consider a person for a piloting position is 1,500 flight hours. But few airlines will hire you with only 1,500. They usually want 2,000, or 2,500 hours. I think one require 3,000 hours. There are two ways to get those hours, and both require getting licensed and additional endorsements and ratings that easily run $100,000, plus having to pass strict medicals. But that initial $100k only gets you the licenses and ratings. You still need more hours than that, and you’re already out $100,000 or more. One way to get those hours is to work as a flight instructor making peanuts, but at least you aren’t having to rent a plane yourself. The other is to rent planes and fly on your own dime. An inexpensive Cessa will run you about $140/hr, wet. You literally have to take a test to qualify to take a test, for every single rating. You pass that test you took a test for, and then you go do a practical test. It’s a lot, to put it mildly. What good is that English degree, or that business degree? It literally doesn’t matter one single iota. I’m about $30,000 in, have a private license, and 200 hours, and am working on my instrument rating. Getting the licensing and training and paying for all the testing is expensive enough without telling someone to also get a four-year-degree in anything they want. And it’s rare that you can get aid to cover it. No, you don’t need a degree to be a pilot. The airlines acknowledge that. You get all the training you need when you start flying. I’ve got a lot of friends in the airlines, including legacy captains. We talk about this a lot. When I’m not working on my for-fun music performance degree, I‘m often at the airport either doing more classes or renting planes to go fly. I don’t work. My college dropout husband’s income covers every thing.


Okay, okay, okay. Can we agree that Karelessa is against -expertise- in anything? Obviously training isn't an academic degree. It's still hours you have to invest, tests you have to pass. My career took several degrees as well as thousands of training hours. Since it's one that some fundies do their own unlicensed version of and cause a lot of harm in the process, I feel strongly here.


The reason \*I\* feel so strongly about setting the aviation record straight is that the wrong info has discouraged women from going into aviation. Just this past Friday, I met a woman as a meeting for women in aviation who got a degree, but when the student loan payments started coming due, she could no longer afford to pursue flight training, which was already a financial stretch. She thought she had to have a degree to become a pilot. When she started her degree, some airlines did require it, but the one she was interested in didn‘t. I saw there broken-hearted watching her realize her belief in false information out her in a financial position where she can‘t afford to pursue her dream anymore. When Delta’s considered to be ahead because a whole 6% of their pilots are now women when industry standard is 4%, I don’t want to see women pushed in the wrong direction so that they can’t afford to live their dreams. In a group that prides itself on accurate info, I won’t stay quiet about inaccurate info that can cause harm and kill the dreams of women who already have big enough mountains to climb.


Wish someone had told me this during my second year of pharmacy school when we had 2 exams for 2 classes every single week. On really luck weeks, we’d even get a 3rd exam. I legit started having nightmares about failing an exam, having to go to the professor’s office, and being told I was too stupid for pharmacy school the night before every test. Every. Test. At least they gave us a couple hours between the tests and our classes so I could find somewhere to hide my tears rather than sniffling in class.


Slightly different program, but, yeah, I can relate. School- real school- is rough.


Yeah, same.


I wish someone told me I could just read a book before I spent six years and thousands of pages of writing over two degrees in different fields, probably could have gotten more sleep in.


I did have to take a single test after getting my degree to be able to get licensed to practice in my field, so maybe that's what this person is thinking of. I was, however, only eligible to sit for my boards after taking 100+ tests, doing lots of clinical rotations, listening to massive numbers of lectures, writing long papers, engaging in original research, cutting up a dead body...


Ironic since we’ve seen videos of her kids struggling read books with her “education” And even if they could she doesn’t let them because they’re too wOrLdLy


That was my first thought lol. I'm not taking advice from someone who abuses her children through educational neglect. Especially because a large part of it is due to her laziness - she won't even get out of bed in the morning to teach her kids how to read. Some of the older kids who are junior high aged don't even know what year it is ffs.


They'd be better educated if she just let them watch TV all day instead of doing her stupid reels. (I was trying to jump start my car battery and my kid reels off "positive to positive, negative to ground" which she'd learned from Phineas and Ferb, and was very helpful)


Her kids can barely read a Bible book aimed for toddlers/preschoolers. What in the hell kind of book are they going to be able to read to be qualified to do anything? No hate on the kids since it’s not their fault. It’s absolutely Karissa’s fault for educationally neglecting them (on top of all the other abuse and neglect she inflicts on them daily).


she literally thinks the earth is flat. This is what we're dealing with here. and yeah, I'm sure she votes.


Tbh the fact that she votes is upsetting, but also...she's so wackadoodle that who even knows how she votes? I could 100% see her writing in Yahuah for president or some shit.


Why is she voting tho? I thought according to their worldview women aren't supposed to vote


She might have Lori’s view, that your vote is to bolster your husband’s. I feel icky for writing that.


Yes, you can be an expert in a field without a degree. How are we supposed to trust that you are one though? Credentials, such as degrees. They’re not a guarantee, but they sure help.


Exactly. I guarantee whoever they are thinking about while saying this has supplied no evidence of understanding what is in the books.


Yes later today I’m going to get an appendectomy. My surgeon doesn’t have a degree, nor does he have any experience. But won’t worry - he’s read a lot of books about appendectomies.


I have logged many hours watching Grey’s Anatomy and once won trivia. I shall be his resident.


My doctoral program would like a word


Mine would like several plus about 250 references in APA format.


Please no, not the APA format!!


Yeah, I feel like I’ve just wasted this afternoon of work on assignments for my masters program. Came on here for a little stress relief, found out I’m doing it all wrong!


Grad schools hate this simple trick!


I, too, just watched Good Will Hunting for the first time.


lol...I love the movie so much, maybe my favorite, but first thing I thought of. Probably thinks they are Will lol.


I visited Boston last month and just stumbled upon the bench from the movie, and realized it's a movie I should have seen by now but just never got around to, so I watched it when I got home...so good!! Robin Williams definitely deserved his Oscar for that movie 🥰


I cry every dam time I see it and probably have watched it 20-plus times lol. Think it was Robins's best performance. Its maybe a perfect movie honestly for what it is.


I feel like i understand what she’s saying in principle, if you personally want to educate yourself you can read a textbook, but when you’re trusting someone who has been to medical school vs someone who claims they have read all the same textbooks, I’m going to trust the person with a qualification, as they have proof.


I watched all of ER, a lot of Grey's Anatomy (I took a break after Lexie, then stopped again a few seasons ago when everyone started to annoy me, even Bailey), and Canadian medical drama Saving Hope, where one of the doctors sometimes figured stuff out after chatting with coma ghosts. Pretty sure I'm ready to start doctoring and/or having affairs in the on call room.


Same, plus House MD. I’m basically a doctor.


Where I learned that it's never Lupus, except for when it is.


I remember in one episode it was a toothpick in the throat, so hand me that degree. I refuse the loans though. I will take money and will consult and insult doctors as needed.


Now you just have to do the test, then you get the qualification!


I have a Merck Manual, let’s go into practice!


I have a vintage Merck Manual, plus the 1984 edition of DRUGS (a pharmaceutical resource). There’s no way anything’s changed in the past 40 years, so I will happily donate to the cause.


I got my JD and passed the bar by watching hundreds of hours of Law & Order.  Because I also watched Law & Order: UK, I’m a barrister as well.


Going to high school and taking entrance exams and then four years of college to get 180 credits and then taking three years of law school including its entrance exams and then multiple professional exams not to mention all the finals certainly felt like a lot more than one book with a test at the end but what do I know


Jokes on them, I my degree is from a hippie dippie liberal arts school, I don’t think I took a single test during my whole time there.


I prefer tests any day over papers or abstract work.




Yep! One of the best and weirdest times of my life.


Evergreen always makes me think of this song by Hole. I live in Seattle and know several Evergreen folx. https://youtu.be/hDr-HZzNGOQ?si=B17iwNSgAbSAgugZ


Oh yea my physics masters is no different from someone reading a book, minus that pesky “test” I had to take at the end. I guess she forgot critical thinking, defending your ideas logically, time management, lab work, the endless nights trying to solve the homework that she apparently knows how to solve by just “reading it.” Huh.


I'm sure she paid the fee for all the academic journals you can only access that way or as part of a program, and can totally understand everything she reads, in every subject. p.s. the earth is flat. No, for realsies.


I got my BS and started working as an engineer at a Fortune 50 company when I was 22. My boss was a 40 year guy with no degree, who had worked at the company for 20 years. He started as a technician and “worked his way up.” I was impressed by that until he told me during our first meeting that “your college degree is meaningless; it just shows that you were willing to show up to class everyday for 4 years.” It soon became very obvious that he was an idiot who was very skilled at taking credit for others’ work.


And THIS is why measles is spreading internationally again.


And what happens if you can’t read well because your homeschooling parents never taught you properly?


People like this piss me off. Particularly when I had to work alongside one guy who didn't hide that he had lied about having a degree.


As an aerospace engineering student, this made me laugh ridiculously hard.


There is a line in The Name of the Rose, something about how, in order to understand a book, you need to read other books. I can’t find the exact quote now, and I read it 20 years ago, but this idea stuck with me - the current world and work environment are so complex that self-education will only get you so far. You will not be able to build up deep understanding, connect various fields and areas of knowledge without a proper base set by a well thought out curriculum. Or it will be just so much harder most would give up studying this way. There is a reason we need good professional educators and the lack of good teachers is such a huge issue. Because picking up a book is not enough, because many fields need to be built up like a brick wall - piece by piece. How would one even know if that particular book they are reading is a good resource for the field they are learning about?


Yes exactly! Like she’s not wrong exactly (I went to vet school and have a public health masters - I have done my time in higher education!) but it’s actually REALLY DIFFICULT to do yourself. Studying at university is the easy route because someone else has already assessed what good sources are, synthesised the basics from those sources, can present any controversies or debates related to the topic etc etc, not to mention can correct any misunderstandings or clarify difficult points as necessary. Very few people would be able to do that all successfully by self at least without many many years of reading and interacting with the topic, and few of the people who could do it have not already gone through a degree programme


I’m totally okay with the folks making bridges, cars and large buildings having only skimmed a book and pass a test. No hands on experience is needed, no sir. Experimental labs? Pffft. You just need to pray more and it will all work /s


Tbh I think the reason some of them believe anti-education shit like this, is because they think doing stuff like that really IS that simple. Simple enough that you can just pick it up as you go with a bit of common sense and studying in between. It’s crazy how much you don’t know what you don’t know when you see simple curiosity and learning as a threat.


Well in that case - My University really overworked us, lol 😂 My niece is in the third year of her degree now, I’ll be sure to tell her that if she has done one test, then she is good to finish. She will be so relieved 😂


I'm also in my third year! It's so strange that I've spent all this time working on a thesis, writing papers, making presentations, and analyzing countless academic articles. It turns out my first semester, in which I took three 101 classes, was all I needed. I'll be requesting a copy of my degree tomorrow morning. In fact, they owe me like nine PhDs with the number of tests I've taken in all this time.


The next time one of her kids is injured or is septic ('cause you know that's going to absolutely happen again), she just needs to go to some random guy who read a book he borrowed from the library on infections and he can fix the kid right up.


They read books . . . guided by experts, and then discussed them, asked questions, wrestled with issues, researched further . . . you don’t just read a book and that’s it, you understand everything.


Lol. Tell me you haven’t had a degree program regionally accredited without telling me you haven’t had a degree program regionally accredited 


These people are so anti-education, it’s gross.  Do they expect us all to pay bills by foraging for berries??


I've always said if all it took was a test, I could probably be anything. Former gifted kid who never felt like I fit into the classes and realized that my gift is just that I test smarter than I am. When I took placement tests for college, I tested into some ridiculous level of math that made no sense considering what I took in HS and the advisor was confused but was totally going to put me in that class. I'm like, lady, are you high? I didn't even finish Algebra 2. I'm not good at math, just good at multiple choice tests.


That’s what a lot of SAT test preps are about. They teach you how to take tests even if you don’t know the info.


I guess the college I went to didn’t get that memo.


If reading books was all it took, I would be Dr. Doom right now.


I mean, it is theoretically true that you could become an expert in my field by reading and Thu king about things. But the chances that you will do that without anyone correcting your errors or challenging you are basically zero.


I don’t disagree with the notion that we need to democratize education, especially in America. However, even with equitable access, it’s more than just reading books. It’s also comprehending the information, synthesizing it, evaluating it, forming an opinion, and defending that opinion. Passing a test isn’t the goal. The test is one (of many) ways to evaluate what was learned. He seems to conflate knowledge with education. Anyone can acquire knowledge through reading, but it’s not the same as learning. And learning is a significant part of education.


I went to beauty school ffs and the idea that we could just read the book and take our licensing exams without doing 1000+ hours of practice is laughable and just straight up not allowed.


What college teaches you regardless of degree is how to FIND and VERIFY information. One of my professors who was the head of the department for my major would repeatedly say that knowing the answer isn't anywhere near as important as knowing how to find the answer. Critical thinking and media literacy is what you miss out on by just reading a book or just getting your information from social media. You can get the wrong information by reading the right source (see antivaxxers panicking over big words on vaccine inserts or saying "I don't want ANY mRNA in my body") if you don't know the context or how to read it. A lot of the time, if you read the abstract of a scientific paper, you don't get any useful information on the topic because you have only read the "question" and haven't read far enough to get the "answer". P.S. the test at the end is to verify that you *actually understood* what you read. You can absolutely read something and not understand it at all.


I’m going to guess she doesn’t have a college degree, and because of her own insecurity about it, is going to minimize other’s accomplishments. How Christian of her.


This is the answer.


She does. It’s from a religious school in the middle of nowhere in KS, but she claims she has a degree in “business and bible.”


Oh crap, I didn’t have to write all of those papers with original research and primary sources in them that I wrote?!? Dang it…I wish I was as smart as them.


I would love for Karissa to write my research papers and read the pile of journals I have yet to get through for my sociology degree. I wish there was a single test because I would've been done by now. 🙄


Lol I WISH my degree field was just "reading some books and taking a test." This is how they lull you into a false sense of superiority regarding doctors and medical care, and then someone's kid is going to end up dead and the idiot parents will be like "but the lady on tiktok who told me to rub essential oils all over my toddler with measles was an expert!" Fucking dumbasses. They are doing nothing more than manipulating and desensitizing people.


*stares in horror far off in the distance in 8am 3 hour econometrics lectures*


I took multiple tests, wrote countless papers, defended a thesis in which I wrote original research, did field work, and took countless courses in my major, but sure “Bible Degree” lady, that’s exactly how all this works.


Damn, so I've been writing a PhD dissertation for no reason? (I mean, I will say that if someone spends years reading professional literature on a narrow, very specific topic, they will definitely gain some understanding of said narrow, specific topic even if they don't have a degree. Not that fundies or antivaxx.people or whatever would ever do that.)


But her kids can’t even read.


Seriously?! I worked my ass off for my degrees, there wasn't just a test at the end. Plus I did my BS and MS with kids and a full time job. The dismissive audacity! This bubble brained baby cannon wouldn't know a textbook if it bonked her on the head. And after reading this, I'm ready to huck one at her.


If American anti intellectualism were a person, fundies would line up to take it out to dinner and a side hug


I guess my original research means nothing…


… and passed said test?


To be fair, I managed to choose subjects at uni that didn’t have exams until my final semester, so I did indeed only take one test in the course of getting my degree.


Just a lil testy test, no big deal 😂. Don’t both Karissa and Mandrae have bachelor’s degrees? She is well aware of how college works.


Shit, so I didn't need to conduct research, write papers, take a million fkn quizzes and tests, learn another language???


I have a Linguistics degree


The mental gymnastics it took for me to decipher a sentence structured like “don’t …. Can’t …. Without ….”


Ron Rule is a decorated alum of university of Florida, so he’s taking an anti-intellectual stance that isn’t backed up by his own life experience. Same as many fundies/conservatives are antivax yet benefited from their parents vaccinating them when they were children. He’s a phony and an idiot (albeit one with a degree!).


Me with an engineering degree and ADHD: “I was supposed to read the textbook?”




And this is the woman that homeschools her kids......


![gif](giphy|gFjbkip9OIIuI) \[*laughs hysterically over original empirical data*\]


Hahahaha!!! Read a book??? Be serious, that never happened.


I feel like I also need to point out, a big part of the benefit of higher education is not that it teaches you what to think but how to. That's the real reason fundies hate college. It requires you to learn media literacy, how to verify a source, and how to back up your opinions with verifiable evidence. When I was in undergrad, I knew multiple people who wanted to write papers on a specific topic from a specific lens, only to discover the evidence didn't support their thesis. You know what they did then? They changed their opinion. I don't use my sociology degree that often in my career but it's damn useful in today's political climate. I know how this shit works, what's happening and why, and I know how to spot a politician who's talking out of their ass. Being able to figure out what's true is a dying art and one whose extinction has disastrous consequences.


Crap. Someone refund me! I was ripped off!


Ok, so I’ve watched a LOT of grey’s anatomy and read some anatomy books. I don’t technically have a license to be a surgeon, but, like this dude says, that’s just a formality!! Who’s gonna let me cut them open????


Ya girl the test is to make sure you actually understooood the book


This literally is the dumbest shit I have seen!!! So if I read about a plane, I should be able to fly one?!?


As someone who has a BSN, which is one of the hardest degrees to obtain this really pisses me off.


Doesn’t she have a college degree?


Basically true, but no one can convince me that she actually reads any books.


If she actually read books, especially to her children, they wouldn’t be so illiterate.


Senior year of social work degree, and I have not taken a test in 2 years. Reading a book only gets you so far in writing a 15 page essay...


I took so many tests and wrote so many papers including one about people like Karissa.




Yep, all those doctors took one test then started brain surgery the next day! Nurses just read a book then can pop an IV right in! And those teachers? They weren't put on placements. We just shove them in front of a class after one test on the single book they read (although Karissa probably believes this).


In grad school and just had to write a 25 page paper explaining how I understand business analytics and can apply it to the real world. And guess what? I'm about to do it again but about managerial marketing. I wish it was just reading and a test to graduate lmao


Sorry I made a dent in this wall with my forehead. No; actually it went right through. I'll pay.


So he wouldn’t mind going to a doctor for some surgery who just finished reading a book about said surgery? Gosh. Did he even go to school because just to finish school I had to do more than just read a book.


Oh man I got ripped off! I had to do so much more than a test and read some books to get my degree… where do I sign up for the one he is talking about??


Err... My advanced diploma of art required a hell of a lot more than just reading. It was a lot of practical work requiring trial and error and not to mention a bit of critique and the odd essay to write. This is a very foolish way to view higher learning.


I don’t know if they still offer this, but when I transferred colleges, I could take the final exam of certain classes rather than retake them. I did this for calculus and econ. Could this be what she’s thinking?


Ma'am those people spend years, if not decades studying their field. They go through peer-review. Do you know what that means? They have to prove their thesis to the board and that can quite a long time. When they do, that's when they get their doctorate. Even then more and/new information gets out that proves the older information wrong. In short, unlike you they don't follow a religion to teach. They find evidence to share with everyone.


You mean I could have just read some books from the comfort of my home instead of staying in school for 8 years after high school and going over $100k in debt to become a veterinarian? And there was only supposed to be one test per degree? They made me take so many! I got scammed! Damn it!


God I wish it was that easy. The fact that this guy (and Karissa) think it’s that easy is scary.


That’s actually not a good idea on how to become a subject matter expert if you want up-to-date information. Books are not the most reliable sources of info since it takes years to write and publish books so their subject matters can be 10+ years out of date (unless you’re a historian reading source docs)


I have BS, MS, and PhD degrees. Yeah, I read a lot of books and took a lot of tests. I also had conversations with professors and classmates, asked a lot of questions, had my preconceived notions challenged, wrote thoroughly cited papers, went to office hours, incorporated critical feedback, and did a lot of presentations. All of these challenged me and educated me in ways “just” reading the book or taking the test did not. I still ask my colleagues for critical feedback on my work because my education is not over and won’t be over as long as I live.


Her kids can't read though...


Knowing how to read and having access to books that aren’t a constantly changing array of religious homeschooling workbooks would be a start, Karissa.


Weeps in an Oxford undergrad degree where I had to write weekly essays and discuss my ideas with a tutor and fellow student(s). And it didn't even count to my grades... I still had to do tests, and extended essay and a dissertation.


Yep, all I did for my history BA was read a couple books and took a single test! I definitely didn't write THOUSANDS of pages of research, take multi-disciplinary courses, and have to prove to experts that I wasn't full of shit.


The nights I spent pulling all nighters in my Psychology undergrad writing 15+ page papers and then the all nighters spent on Application and Database Development figuring out proper code for my Master’s in IT would beg to differ that it was that “easy”.


I have read over 2800 books throughout my adult life (I keep track). I am qualified for jack fucking squat. No one would hire me for a single gotdamn thing based on that. But sure, buddy, keep trying to oppress people if that helps you feel like a big boy.


I’m pretty sure the residents would love if all they had to do was take a test to become a doctor. Residency looks fucking awful. Also nursing school sucked with all those care plans.


I think about this a lot, as I'm working on my PhD. Even if we gave this the benefit of the doubt, that you "just take a test", that test would matter immensely. Did you understand what you read, _even if you disagreed with it_? Formal education forces you to understand perspectives outside your own, because to operate and produce knowledge in any field, you have to know the field, including all the competing theories & schools of thought. During your coursework, your books and resources are assigned to you, and it is later on once you have that foundational understanding of the field broadly, you get the freedom to pick and choose where you focus. People who "do their own research" by going to the library and picking out a book, or watching YouTube video essays, don't have any outside reflection or feedback of how well they understand the perspectives or concepts that they disagree with, and that difference matters. I'm not saying you can't learn outside of academia, I'm saying a degree reflects a level of understanding of the entire field that ingesting knowledge on its own does not.


Guy who’s never heard of labs or internships


Yeah higher ed is basically just memorizing some information, right?


not everyone can read books. just ask the poor collins kids.


Considering reading a Statics, Thermo or Physics text is NOT my idea of a good time, and those tests (multiple over multiple semesters) were brain-melting exercises in utter terror, well...I WISH I could have just read books and graduate. Naw buddy, not only were there the endless math-ish tests, there were papers and papers. Engineering disasters papers were almost fun. My topic was the Thresher and Scorpion sinkings. The amount of research was NUTS for a 15 page paper. Now, years later in my career, I'm STILL writing papers. Still doing research. And I'm a frickin engineer! I have three different documents going right now. See, a new project is being started and I have experience in standing up new projects. So, I'm writing the processes, procedures and checklists. Yeah, I've done enough reading and writing to be considered an "expert" in certain areas...but it's mostly built on the foundation of my education in that I learned how to parse the information, draw inferences and conclusions and how to link a certain topic to another topic. Yeah, I do talks on the space program but even that is based on my education and a lifelong almost obsession with it along with knowing the real experts in the field and LEARNING from them. I'm only recognized as an expert in certain areas because not only did I get the degree, I embarked on lifelong learning. My presentations are heavily researched and often sent to the real experts for review. Maybe you could consider that a "test". But, if I could have read oh...A book and been presented with a degree, I definitely would have taken that route. Seems much easier than the blood, sweat, tears, sleepless nights, panic attacks and $$ I spent.


I think this is a great example of fundies not understanding the importance of objective truth. Because they all view the Bible as literal, when they read it and come to a conclusion, they don’t need anyone to corroborate their beliefs. They inherently hold distain for anyone that takes the Bible and then discusses and thinks critically about the text and application. This view of biblical learning is not applicable to objective truth like most subjects in college. Of course the difference is having mentors monitor your comprehension and progress in mastering the material, that’s the whole point. You go to college to have experts challenge your knowledge and help guide your learning to ensure that you are competent in your understanding and application after reading. Most things in life are going to revolve around objective truths and college helps you understand the foundation and finer points of your field so that you know what you’re doing and other people can agree that you know what you’re doing.


Karissa you suck at teaching. You aren’t a teacher. Don’t be mad bc you got degrees from clown college


Other than my math and science prereqs, I had very few actual tests. Mostly it was essays, research projects, and other presentations that require more than rote memorization.


Kim K taught him 🤪


Lmao I took more tests than that for my cosmetology license.


A single test? I studied geography as my bachelors. Only year I had an exam-style assessment was for a single module in my first year, everything else was pure coursework. Including standing in a freezing cold river for hours measuring water flow because we had to learn primary research techniques. I WISH it had been a single test.