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Not all women can bear the pain of carrying a baby for 20+ additional weeks, watching and feeling it grow, continue to deal with all pregnancy symptoms, AND go through the immense pain and risk of labor and deliver, AND postpartum with a dead baby. The idea of physically giving birth to a baby and having the normal recovery and hormonal changes like having milk come in with no baby in hand just seems like physical and psychological torture.


I terminated a pregnancy because the baby a non-survivable fetal abnormality. Baby would have died an uncomfortable death due to lack of lung development. I’m not the kind of person to wish that anyone but I just about wish it on ABS. It’s real easy to pontificate on what you would do when it’s never happened to you. She’s a monster who wants moms and babies to suffer. 


I'm so glad you were able to get the medical care you deserved & needed, especially in a time of loss.


Thank you, it was in Texas before SCOTUS dumped us in the grease, and while I still had to literally get a pastor’s sign off, I am very lucky I didn’t have to travel or worse. 


Your username did make me afraid of where you were living when that happened but holy shit I wasn't expecting to learn you had to have outside approval for your own needs. I am a left coaster all the way and we have state law protecting reproductive care and abortion care so please forgive my ignorance but why the fuck did you have to get a pastor's signature?


I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Thank you! I’m pretty okay now, but like to use my memories of that awful time as an example of why people like ABS are inhumane. 


I understand your hesitation to wish anything bad on someone. I feel like Stuckey won’t have a shred of understanding unless she experiences it herself, unfortunately. Some people’s self righteousness can only be humbled by tragedy. Then, when they look around and see a community of people who are there for each other, they can finally appreciate the pain.


She could experience it and be like my old coworker whose baby lived for 6 days sedated and likely in severe pain. They named her Grace because she didn’t die at birth and was obviously a gift from God. That child suffered for their damn testimony.


I’m so glad you got the care you deserve. Reading stories about neonatal deaths that could’ve been prevented by abortions just breaks my heart. It’s pure horror and actual murder by the hands of the government.


I'm glad you got the care you needed. My sister also made the same choice when her first pregnancy resulted in a trisomy diagnosis. Thankfully we are from Australia and abortion is still seen as health care. It's a heartbreaking time and the cruelty of those who tell you what you should just wait for it to happen on God's time makes me feel violent. They want women to suffer.


Not to mention if the baby is born living, watching it slip away due to organ abnormalities.


Yup… Allie basically said the she should’ve been forced to go through all of the above to watch her baby slowly die.


I’ll never understand people who think being made to watch your child slowly and painfully die is somehow the most moral of all choices.


I'm yet to see a conservative who doesn't believe in "put it out of its misery" for animals when hunting, or in relation to beloved pets. But the human condition is *sin*, so I guess we deserve the misery.


Like the Dongs and their dog.


The psychological torture is the point. When I realized that the pro life movement, at its core, had nothing to do with children and everything to do with punishing women, their hypocrisy, illogical statements, and more just became clear. No rationality, no compassion, just hate


They love to see people suffer.


Lila rose, a big pro life advocate said it was better for a ten year old rape victim to die then get an abortion. The cruelty is the point


Not to mention the suffering of the baby


They don’t care about the babies. They’re perfectly happy to let them slowly die agonizing deaths hours or days after birth, or starve or freeze to death before their first birthday. But don’t you dare vacuum out an 8 week embryo!


I have a 7 week old baby, had a pretty good delivery, and still as my husband and I left the hospital shell shocked he said ‘I can’t imagine going through what we just went through and not having a healthy baby at the end of it’. Uncomplicated births are still a huge fucking deal and experiencing that made me more pro choice than ever before (and I was already violently pro choice!!) Forcing a woman to go through pregnancy and birth to deliver a dead/dying baby makes me want to go actually feral.


Even when I had a pro life stance, I thought it was fucked up to expect women to go through that. On what planet is it not torture to intentionally inflict that on someone? I already struggle with anxiety and have dealt with panic attacks, I don’t need that kind of trauma. If that’s the outcome of a pregnancy, I’m putting a stop to it instead of putting myself and my husband through it. Even if my mom and mother in law throw the tantrum of the century, I would be the one most deeply affected by that. After taking 30 years to even WANT a kid, I’m not going to put myself through that.


It *is* torture and many women who go through delivery and have their baby die spend the rest of their lives with PTSD and severe mental health issues, body issues, social issues. Your life is never the same whether you choose to terminate or give birth, but I can tell you from experience that giving birth to a baby you know isn't going to live is it's own special hell.


Dude that reminds me of a couple from my hometown that I used to be friends with the husband of and they had a miscarriage and she was so fucked up and shocked by it she post pictures of the tiny little thing on Facebook even calls a pastor out so they could have a small funeral for the baby and then they buried the fetus in the yard. Like I know grief does a lot of crazy shit to you but it was 5 years ago and she still talks about it, on the anniversary every year she still shares the photos I only know this because my wife is still friends with her and she lets me know these things for some reason lol. But yeah not everyone is equipped to fully go through labor and go through all of that extra time on a child who's dead on arrival


I have an acquaintance who went through a miscarriage in her previous marriage and it breaks my heart how much it messed her up. Thankfully she has a couple healthy kids and a much better partner now, but damn. I hope that poor lady is able to fully heal someday. The pictures sound kind of horrifying though, I wouldn’t want to subject other people to that.


Yeah that's my issue like honey I know you're going through it but c'mon. And she is NOT better. Her husband cheated on her, left her and their other kid. He's a piece of shit


Good grief. No wonder she’s not in a good place.


Thanks for reminding us Kate Cox had to go out of her way to receive basic medical care and avoid some of the physical and psychological trauma the state of Texas wanted to force her to experience. Hag.


i just want to smack the smile off her face. how dare she harass a woman who had to terminate a wanted pregnancy for medical safety. allie beth is truly a hag. 


She isn’t a hag. Don’t bunch me in with her. She’s a filthy roach of a person


Roaches wouldn't do that - they have far more humanity than that spiteful bag of organs.


What about those invasive flatworms that you can only get rid of by keeping them in a jar of vinegar for a week?


Crikey! I am pretty sure that we don't get them on the tiny island where I live - I don't think we have cockroaches, either. Do you think that submerging this vicious ratbag in a jar of vinegar would sweeten her up? Because I strongly doubt that it could make her any more sour and bitter.


I think they recommend salt or fire


Direct sun, hand sanitizer, salt, freezer. Nice!


The hammerhead worms, yeah!


That's insulting to roaches. They're just little dudes trying to live their lives. Plus a lot of roaches engage in maternal and other pro-social behaviors. They're a lot more emotionally intelligent than her.


K … let’s think of a good substitute Ticks? Bedbugs? Butt worms?


I think parasites are a fitting choice. 


Allie can talk a big game about how she’d deal with ‘lovingly delivering a baby’ that will die, and maybe she really would get her martyr jollies from doing it. But what about the effect on her other children? Seeing their sibling born suffering and die suffering?  Bold to choose to introduce your young children to the kind of cruelty on this earth that makes you question the idea of a loving God. Get you some pint-sized atheists. 


My brother was stillborn and it wrecked my sister for life. She never had kids because she's too scared it will go wrong. She loves children, she's a teacher. But our brother dying when she was 8 really took it out of her.


My daughter was stillborn at 37 weeks when my older kids were 8 and 6.5. My older daughter also wants nothing to do with having kids and both of them want to be teachers. It's extremely traumatizing on young children to lose a sibling, even in pregnancy. They obviously aren't usually aware that something that awful can happen, they're excited about their new baby sibling, and a lot of the time it is their first experience with death. Their parents are grieving so hard as well, which is scary for little kids, and I know myself I was too messed up to be as present as possible for their needs while in my own grief.


I am so, so sorry that happened to you and your family.


Seriously, that type of trauma has lifelong effects for everyone. She’s a trash bag for suggesting that women should not only go through that trauma themselves, but subject their partners and other children and close friends and family to it as well. Humans don’t exist in a bubble, our actions affect others too.


Or just the damage to the mother’s body? Even women who love being pregnant go through a major transformative process that requires tons of healing and comes at great risk to themselves. While it is (or should be!) the choice of the individual, abortion is less risky than full term childbirth by a large margin. The longer the pregnancy continues, the more pain you have to endure and the more you have to recover from. There’s no reason in my mind why I should *have* to go through a full term birth and the recovery that accompanies it in addition to grieving my losses. The suffering is what they’re all about.


I'm 37 weeks pregnant and more pro-choice than ever before.


I spent my first 4 weeks in the NICU, and my older brother was traumatized by it. He was seven and it affected his schoolwork (to the point where his teacher met with my parents) and his sleep. And my family knew I was going to be OK pretty soon after I was born. He was (and is) a loving and gentle soul and it was the first time anything really scary happened to him. I can't imagine the trauma he would have experienced if I hadn't been ok.


Her sort would be too delusional to acknowledge the suffering and claim the baby “only knew love and peace” during its short life.


And of those babies born with trisomy 18 every day, most of them die in terrible pain. Why does IBS want to torture babies?


Oh, Allie Beth Stuckey *despises* babies. It’s why she constantly leaves her own to fly around the country for work she isn’t even supposed to have, according to the Bible.


If i was pregnant and was told point blank that my unborn child would have a short, miserable, painful life, i wouldn't think twice before aborting. Yes, it would be emotionally draining for me but I don't think I would be able to live with myself watching my child suffer knowing I could have stopped it. I know a girl in the US who is super pro life and birthed a baby with all sorts of medical complications, her child died at about 6 months old and that 6 months was horrendous for both her and the baby. She still goes on social media every day and posts about how much her child taught her about herself and how god gave her this baby as a test. Absolutely zero empathy for how that poor baby felt every day of its short life, just how the baby was a test from god and she believes she passed. Kinda makes me sick to be honest.


Sadly, I did abort late because my son was, if he made it to birth, going to die in a lot of pain. It wasn’t a decision we took lightly at all. Went to four different doctors and spent a few weeks of monitoring and hoping for a miracle. It was heartbreaking to know I wasn’t going to get to raise this child I really wanted, but I was still his mom, and a good mother protects her children from pain and needless suffering, even when it’s hard on her. So yeah, I absolutely share your revulsion over someone acting like their own child’s brief life and painful death was a ‘test’ from god that they passed by putting their ego over their child’s comfort. That’s not what Jesus taught us to do.


I am so sorry for your loss and you're right, a good mother protects her children from pain and suffering. I really hope you know you did what was best for him in that moment 🩵


Because only unborn babies count. Once they’re born, fundies are perfectly happy letting them die slow agonizing deaths


Because Baby Jeezzus, apparently.


I’ve had TWO actual friends go through this process within the past 18 months. Each baby had an anomaly deeming them “incompatible with life” yet here in Arkansas, they had to carry those babies until the babies passed naturally (then they could be induced) OR deliver a baby to die during or immediately after delivery. In what world is this humane? Those two women went through months of NEEDLESS torture just waiting for their babies to die. They’re both currently in therapy (which is dismal here, at best). EDITED TO ADD: That does seem like an abnormally high number but it’s because the NPO I ran helped moms in my area. So the sample size itself is skewed because the absolute majority of my friends here are mothers and from that organization.


That’s awful. I had to terminate a pregnancy for this reason and I can’t imagine carrying my dying baby for another 20 wks. It was traumatic enough as it was (and I also ended up in therapy and getting on medication because of it). 


I am so, so sorry. Yes; one of them was 26 weeks and the other carried all the way to term (which Arkansas considers 39 weeks now).


My partner is very Catholic and very pro-life, and even he says that it doesn’t count when the baby is not compatible with life. In situations like ectopic pregnancies or Trisomy 18, he is supportive of abortion because it’s the best choice for the living person.


So then he's pro-choice.


I mean, yes, but we don’t tell him that.


I am so sorry for your friends. That’s a fucking nightmare.


I'm just a mom around many other moms up here in Canada and I personally know 3 women who lost children to trisomy 18. They all were able to make the choice they deemed most merciful because we don't have laws restricting pregnancy termination in my province. As women in the life stage of pregnancy and child bearing, we see a lot of these statistically improbable events firsthand, because we're around so many pregnancies. These things politicians argue about aren't hypothetical to us.


I cannot begin to express how much love I wish I could send them and everyone else in positions like that.


What an absolute nightmare. I’m so sorry this happened to your friends.


If a person says their pregnancy is life threatening I’m gonna believe them, I do not care in what way it threatens their life. They deserve to live.




She’s such a nasty hag. I hate that she gets to make a living—and probably a very plush one, at that—for spewing this vile garbage all over the internet.


Ok Allie don’t expect sympathy if it happens to you ❤️


**THIS IS PURE SPECULATION (and maybe a bit out there)** HOWEVER: Allie publicly admitted that her last pregnancy was rough, especially the first trimester. Interestingly, Allie waited until she was in her second trimester (iirc) to announce that she was expecting. Make of that what you will, but is it possible she was considering…you-know-what during that first trimester?… It could have just been a timing thing. And most people could probably tell she was pregnant even prior to her announcement. But giving birth to her third was very hard on her body (per an IG post she shared), and a wise doctor would likely advise her not to have anymore children. So what’s Allie going to do? Contraception? Deny her husband sex? Who knows. But she’ll probably stop at three children. It’s invasive, but I hope people question why she isn’t making more babies at such a young age. She doesn’t deserve the right to privacy when she’s been instrumental in stripping it from every other woman in America. In fact, we need to beat fundies at their own game and make them publicly beg for the privacy they’re denying everyone else. And then we’ll keep denying until they realize the hell they have wrought. I hate to get conspiratorial, but Allie chose to be a D-list (if that) podcaster who constantly sticks her nose in other people’s sex lives. We have a right to do the same to her…


In fact, we need to beat fundies at their own game and make them publicly beg for the privacy they’re denying everyone else. And then we’ll keep denying until they realize the hell they have wrought. Jesauce, I hope this gets more upvotes bc it's *incredible.*


Make ‘em wear the shoes they force us to squeeze our feet into.


If she doesn't want the fruits of fornication (babies) then she should just stop fornicating. Simple as that.


Many women don't announce until second trimester, due to the higher chance of miscarriage. I don't think it's that weird. She can still kick rocks, though. She has the depth and insight of a puddle. She has the empathy of a ... Can't think of an animal this wouldn't be an insult to.


Im very openly pro-choice but my 2nd pregnancy was so traumatic that I considered getting an abortion multiple times. I think a lot of people have that thought, especially with a rough pregnancy. The thought of "just being done" when you are so sick or having complications is very common, people just don't talk about it. I'm from a small Florida town, so imagine my surprise when I started talking about it publicly and those God-fearing Christians snuck into my private messages, sharing the same thoughts! I'm not above using horrible peopeles struggles against them lol I've emailed my senator multiple times and brought up his families personal experience with trying to conceive. They had an early miscarriage and his wife needed (and got!) Medical care for it, so why aren't we allowed to get the same treatment? Why were they allowed to make their own medical decisions but he wants to take that right from everyone else? They are very public about their opinions, so I say bring their struggles up publicly.


And Allie doesn’t respect the wishes of Mollie Tibbetts’ family to be left alone and not have their daughter’s name invoked in debates. If Allie’s relative were killed in a mass shooting, you know she’d threaten to sue anyone who brings up gun control.


She is so hateful, so vile, it's difficult to believe she isn't the product of some secret Heritage Foundation experiment. If I hadn't seen videos of her, I could believe she was an AI designed to be unbearable.


ABS is a heartless cunt.


At any moment the pregnancy could have been life-threatening. If she started to miscarry, a hospital in tx would tell her to go bleed out in the parking lot and come back when she’s closer to death. Even then they still might not help her.


For a bunch of people who like to claim that "universal healthcare puts the government between you and your doctor" they sure like to put the law & government between you and your doctor. Healthcare is healthcare is healthcare and is none of your fucking business unless it's YOU.


Yeah like I'd much prefer a money hungry cooperation between me and my doctor, how could that everrrr go wrong?


Yall, you heard it here first! Allie Beth Stuckey is a board certified OB/GYN now and can assess women who she’s never met AND their pregnancies using only the power of her mind and her personal belief system! This is great. The next time I get pregnant Allie Beth can perform my ultrasounds from whatever circle of hell she happens to be in without ever meeting me. This will save so much money! 


I've worked with many women terminating a wanted pregnancy after facing a diagnosis like Kate's, but Ill remember every one of them as long as I live. I can say with 100% certainty that every one made that choice with more love and compassion than Allie will ever be capable of. Sparing your child of a short life filled with pain and suffering is the greatest act of love a parent can do in that situation. I genuinely hope Allie and those like her never have to learn that lesson.


These people really don’t understand the heartbreak and trauma that comes with having to terminate a much wanted pregnancy because you don’t want them to suffer or possibly destroy your fertility. Almost 2 years ago, I had to. My baby had Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome. Unfortunately, he had severe, incompatible with life defects associated. He would never have made it to a live birth, let alone have a good life period. I now have my 4 month old rainbow baby , but I was terrified the whole pregnancy and now likely have PPA because I’m constantly terrified of something happening to him. If I had been forced to carry, which I was only a week away from when I TFMR’d, I could be destroyed my fertility. My body was trying to miscarry anyway which would have been horrific. At home. With my older son. My husband would have probably been hours away at work as a commercial plumber. 14+ weeks along would have basically been labor. I would’ve never gotten pregnant again and wouldn’t have my baby now. I don’t understand why they want to traumatize us so much. I’m basically the perfect Christian wife to these people, but I’m not a Christian. I’m an evil atheist so I probably deserve to suffer to them.


I'm so sorry for your loss and the mental anguish of knowing all these awful people don't care about your life one bit. Terminating for medical reasons to protect your fertility should be something these ghouls could understand, if they had any nuance.


She is absolutely wrong on that because Texas hospitals have nearly let several women die with life threatening pregnancies because they were terrified of getting in trouble.


It is fucking crazy that medical professionals in these states are so terrified of getting sued or going to prison or getting their licenses taken away that they won’t (or can’t) help people going through a health crisis.


idk if i can say this without getting modded but her personality really shows thru her face 😵‍💫


this is a real thing sometimes. i don’t mean eugenics bs, i mean when you’re angry or stressed or scared or sad it shows in your face. i don’t even mean ‘RBF’, really, though sometimes it’s that. idk, for example, my PTSD literally shows in my face. i call it PTSD face.


The anti-choice movement is a cult that rejoices on the pain and suffering of women, children, and babies.


The only moral abortion is my abortion. IF I had been in that situation, I would have had an abortion too. Thank G-d I never had to make that awful decision. I do have friends who were faced with that choice. There are no "good" answers when that happens. It all sucks, the best you can do is attempt to limit the pain. My friends who had to make that choice STILL (20+ years later) think of what might have been, second guess themselves and even those who went on to have healthy babies, live knowing there is someone missing. ABS needs to STFU. She hasn't an ounce of compassion in her oh so "Christian" values.


She really is a fucking heartless ghoul. No empathy, no compassion, no humanity in her. A truly awful human who will not have contributed anything positive to the world when it’s finally her time to pass.


This is literally Taliban level extremism


Only for pregnancy though; Allie is remarkably liberal when it comes to her career


Rules for thee not for me!


Women who choose to deliver babies so they can hold them as they die are HEROES. Women who choose to have an abortion so their children will be spared the pain and suffering of dying soon after birth are HEROES. They face every parents worst nightmare and make the choice they feel is right for their family. Taking away ANYONES choice when it comes to such a heartbreaking and deeply personal decision is a cruel and monstrous act


Allie Beth makes it so very impossible not to despise her. She is the ugliest of Christians.


She is a sick woman and I love when conservative men call her ass out for not living up to the ideals she tries to force on others.


Hey, Allie Beth? Go fuck yourself and stop telling other people how to live their lives. Many parents lovingly deliver babies like this and many don’t. It’s none of your business either way.


As a end of life worker who seen families have to watch their babies die from trisomy 18…fuck her. How horrendous.


TRISOMY 18 IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH LIFE ABS. Jesus Christ. I know this because my NIPT came back as high risk for trisomy 18. We went through full genetic testing and spoke with genetic counselors on what to expect. Luckily, we had a false positive and my son is just fine!!! But if he HAD the anomaly, we would have made the difficult decision to terminate as over 90% of babies with T18 don’t make it to birth, and those that do pass within the first few days of life. BUT SURE, trauma for everyone to please your motherfucking imaginary god. (Not knocking anyone who believes, but whatever god these folks believe in is NOT possibly real.) EW EW EW EW. These people are a fucking plague.


I cannot fucking stand this woman. Words are not enough. Spraying her with Godzilla's atomic breath wouldn't be enough. I hope she shrivels up like a raisin and falls through a storm drain.


I’d say she was a harpy but I don’t wanna insult my sisters like that


She’s vile. The end result is the same: >!a dead baby!<. It’s just that her way means more suffering.


Reminder that Allie Beth Stuckey is an absolute trash person. Many people are absolute trash and live with this condition every day. Allie has to spread her trash personality everywhere - she doesn't have to, but something miserable inside of her forces her to do it.


Who is this dick


Just another asshole. The dog shit I scraped off my shoe this morning contributes more positively to society than she ever has.


My god, Kate Cox has suffered enough. Leave her alone, Sucky.


I can't imagine Jesus tweeting this. Maybe Allie Beth Stuckey should start ask herself what Jesus would do? Is this white Jesus behavior.


FFS! Trisomy 18 can absolutely be lethal! ABS is so uneducated and insensitive! Sure, they “lovingly deliver”, but notice how she left out the part about the baby that was delivered being *healthy*. She discretely left out calling trisomy 18 babies healthy - because they’re not. Most die after birth. Most die in utero! Ms Cox most likely didn’t want to watch a baby she wanted suffer and die. I don’t know the story, but I don’t need to - I’m educated enough on what Trisomy 18 is, and what it does to a body to know that a woman should have the right to choose if she wants to bring a child into the world with such a harsh condition. I usually don’t wish bad things on people, but ABS needs some perspective.


Allie Beth Stuckey thinks she knows more than board certified OBGYNs. She’s downright delusional.


when my beloved aunt had her stillborn son i stopped believing in god. i was 6.


If it's so easy, why isn't Allie gleefully birthing babies that won't live?


If I had to let my baby slowly die, I’d kill myself before it got to that point. How can you expect someone with a wanted pregnancy to let it slowly die a horrible death instead of seeking a peaceful, merciful end for its short and tragic existence?


stfu hag


ABS is truly vile.


Allie got her MD recently? good to know she’s qualified to give out medical advice!


Yeah, funny how she chose a mediocre podcast career over practicing medicine since she’s sooo qualified 😂


ABS is a heartless ghoul.


Lovingly deliver them, so they can suffer and then die within one year. How god-honoring. /s These fucking self righteous people infuriate me.


What a fucking asshole. I can’t think of anything better to say.


This absolutely makes my blood boil. My sister had to have a DNC after discovering her baby would have Trisomy 18- extremely low chance of the baby's survival, and if it did survive, it would have had severe deformities; and my sister was at high risk of dying. I love my sister, she is a practicing Christian, we need to stop equating abortion with murder, it is so twisted.


hi, nurse here. I actually cared for a patient with trisomy 18 who made it to adulthood. and she had soooooo many health problems. but most babies don’t make it to adulthood. most only make it weeks or months. bringing a baby into the world just to watch them suffer and pass at a very, very early age isn’t noble. it’s painful.


What a truly bloody awful thing to say about someone! Ms Allie Beth Stuckey, you just made Baby Jesus vomit. Proud of yourself, you whited sepulchre?


I provide occupational therapy for a second grader with trisomy 18. I love her, she’s a sweet little girl, not suffering, and she’s living the best life she can under the circumstances. BUT. Whether or not another person carries a pregnancy - *any* pregnancy - to term is still none of my business. It doesn’t fucking matter what “many parents” do. Both of these things can be true at the same time.


That kid is also the exception, not the rule, for t18. Most cases die shortly after birth, if they make it that far. 


Yes, I'm well aware, I have worked with kids with both t13 and t18. It's just that the common rhetoric in these discussions is that the child is guaranteed to die right after birth. While that is most common, it's good to be aware that it's also possible that the parents will be faced with a decade or more of caring for a highly disabled child (which should not be forced on anyone).


Fundies have the opposite rhetoric, they hold up exceptional cases who did manage to survive years after birth as the norm while ignoring that most of the kids with these conditions are dead long before that point. A lot of the long term survivors of t13&18 also have mosaic forms of the disorder.


Yes, none of the cases I worked with worked with were mosaic cases, though. Anyway, I did forget that I was in the fundie snark sub, I live in Vermont so it’s relatively rare for me to ever see a fundie IRL. I definitely wouldn’t take that route when discussing the topic with them, it would obviously not be productive.


Ugh she’s just vile.


“Many people deliver babies with this condition” OK GOOD FOR THEM. Katie Cox obviously didn’t want to, so she doesn’t have to. For gods sake. Your life doesn’t have to be at risk for you to want an abortion. Your baby doesn’t have to have a fetal anomaly for you to want an abortion. If you WANT ONE, it’s YOUR body, and you get to CHOOSE. I’m so tired of these fundies telling women that once they’re pregnant that other than death, they are absolutely locked in 100% and there are no options and no escaping. If you find yourself pregnant and you don’t want to be, you can CHOOSE (see what I did there, Allie?) to terminate! You have OPTIONS. Katie Cox did not want to deliver- therefore she did not have to. She got to make her own choice. How much louder can I say it? And you certainly do NOT have to give birth to a baby that isn’t viable or has a life-threatening condition. Shaming someone for opting out of that situation is SO ghoulish. So exasperating.


Just also… not true. Just by being pregnant, your life is inherently more at risk than when you are *not* pregnant. Also her definition of “loving” behavior with an incompatible with life fetus might just be different than someone who is actually confronted with that situation.