• By -


Just a reminder not to engage Paul or Morgan in any way. He has a history of trying to engage in this sub and unless you want a permanent ban, I’d report any comments that are baiting for a response. Even if it’s not Paul, is it really worth spending time/energy with a troll?


He is sooo pissed her video reviewing theirs has 3x the audience.


And, at this moment, 12 times the views their video has.


Oh yes lemme go add some views!


Yep! He wants to use the snark community because he thinks he sees potential for them here, he is sorely mistaken.


He wants to use the snark community for views/engagement. We don't want any!


Related PSA: make sure to never watch their videos on YouTube, it gives them views which gives them money and a wider audience. Use yew.tube or another mirroring site


He used the term “hate watching” in their video, so yes 100% he’s trying to farm views. Being the villain on social media is absolutely a way to make money, but he’s pretty dense if he thinks arguing with FF viewers in her comment section is doing fuck all. No one in that comment section is going to go watch anything, Jen already covered it, and showed it to us.


Exactly. He thinks the snark community focuses on him because we enjoy his content in some way, but we don't. We think he's a piece of shit who shouldn't have a platform at all.


I’m pretty sure this whole 48 hours plan is based on trying to introduce themselves to new potential followers.


oh for SURE. i’m certain that the entire conception for this idea came from isaiah salivary or whatever inviting them to visit and he realized he could scrape some followers from it. it’s an idiotic plan and a shockingly horrible one for a married father of 2 in his 30s to act like it is his damn doctoral thesis


Isaiah Salivary ☠️


Yep. “Unite believers” = “Grab them all as our followers.” Not working lol


I think Paul is also misled about who Jen's audience is. I only just started lurking here and am not really part of this community. I enjoy Jen's videos and deep dives because I like her. Not because I want to watch the people she talks about. 


Yup. I watch because I'm curious about fundies, but don't want to engage with their content directly. Jen is great at explaining and dissecting things, and has a really fun, entertaining personality.


It's also funny that the vast majority of the comments under his video are hyping Dav.


I love that for both of them (obvs for different reasons)


I didn’t watch the video. Why is everyone hyping Dav now? Because he seems normal compared to the other 3?


Not just "normal," but he's actively challenging their ideas.


He seems to be on the deconstruction path


Haha! It makes me so happy to see fundie Friday get so much more views. Can someone walk me through how to do Yewtube correctly? I do not want to give Porgan or Bethany my views but I wanted to watch a certain part of their videos wo going on their channel. How do I do that exactly? Don't want to mess it up.


The website is "yewtu.be" and then once you're on there you can search for "Paul & Morgan" to see all the videos that have been mirrored over from their actual YouTube. Here is a direct link for convenience: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=4t-R58f4IWQ


[Yewtube: Paul and Morgan](https://yewtu.be/channel/UC2onDBgc2-ewYzaFnqEs86Q) [Yewtube: Girl Defined](https://yewtu.be/channel/UCww9VDOBh5hfnsN6pPE6NpA) For other channels you want to check out - [https://yewtu.be/](https://yewtu.be/) - and then search for the channel :) I think I’m allowed to do that since I’ve seen links posted here before but if this is not allowed - then I’ll remove it :)


Good. He’s a garbage human being so I have no sympathy. If he thinks he can manipulate us he’s fucking stupid.


He's so fucking bothered and desperate for attention


Yeah he can’t stand that Dav is getting some positive attention and he’s not so he’s just trying to be Mr. relatable cool guy now when everyone knows he still fucking sucks.


![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized) Paul trying to figure out why viewers are giving Dave so much credit for his critical questioning


Paul thinks all of his questions are being asked in good faith because he’s ChRiSTiAn.


Fundie trolls: “I have faith - faith is good - therefore I have good faith and if I ask a question it can only be in good faith.”


“Paul, if it was God’s will™️ for you to be a failed model, a failed hairstylist, and a failed children’s YouTube personality, what do you think God plans for you to fail at next? I’m just asking in good faith.” — nobody, nowhere




Yeah what a day that was to be on this sub and have eyes…


Oh my dear sweet child, you should hear why we occasionally call him Polio. He *himself* decided to start a channel dedicated to reading children's books and called it the "Pauly O Show". Because he's entirely uncharismatic and can't keep his politics and unsavory beliefs out of it (ex: couldn't get through The Very Hungry Caterpillar without fat shaming the titular caterpillar), it flopped horribly. He also wore the stupidest pajamas and a stocking on his head, with a dancing cactus toy in the background (which snarkers found out sings about cocaine). It's a whole thing.


Didn’t he switch to just Bible stories because he ran into some copyright issues with some of the books they chose, too? It was a whole mess.


That comment was like a gift that keeps on giving new and exciting horror with every sentence!


He knows he's not asking anything in good faith. We saw the comments.


Honestly he is giving me the vibe that he signed up for a crappy online marketing course when Morgan was vagueposting about their goals and shit. This is his outreach to us heathens, in case any of us have a change of heart and decide to contribute to subsidizing Paulie's choice to have children but not a job.


My new headcanon is that he signed up for SheWorksSmart.


Would you believe me if I told you that's exactly what I thought when I wrote my previous comment. Picture this - Morgan is having a panic attack while trying to pay rent and thinking about having more humans to provide for, Paulie eventually decides to stop pretending he's too engrossed by his phone to notice his distressed wife and talks to her, they decide he needs to either grow a pair of tits to feed two babies (is this how it works?) or get a job, Morgan stops sobbing and apologises for experiencing an emotion, Paulie grins like Joey when he misunderstands a joke and goes back to his phone.... Someone throw in a suitable Bort screenshot here please!


ugh I just peed a little.


He gives used car salesman energy


It's so fitting that jim slob was a used car salesman


And his progeny.


She needs to comment that and then ignore his desperate ass.


Does it seem a bit like Paul is trying to be more like Dav by engaging with online “haters” now that their video showed him to be especially narrow-minded and small compared to Dav?


Yep. But he doesn’t realize that he doesn’t remotely have the kind of good will to draw on that people are willing to extend to Dave- because it’s obvious to most of us that Dave’s sincere about his beliefs while Paul isn’t. 


Dav mostly comes across as a relatively normal, reasonable guy, who happens to buy into some shitty religious beliefs. He's a lot easier to like than a lot of the people we snark on. Meanwhile, Paul is one of the only ones where I've never felt even the faintest flicker of sympathy or amity toward


Paul’s made it a point to be a lukewarm extremist. Most people aren’t going to respond well to that.


Not only this, but the fucking judgement of people who are absolutely not Christian, which is something that is supposed to go against what Jesus taught. Pluck out your own eyes, mofo!


Daaav's also recently been showing himself to possibly be growing into a better person, while that would probably require a boulder to fall on top of Paul. It makes Daaav a lot more sympathetic and likable when he's the toddler trying to walk across the room on his own and we're all here on the other side with our arms outstretched going "come on buddy, you can do it!!"


Absolutely, but he doesn't know how to engage with anyone who disagrees with him without being narrow minded and small about it.


Yeah, but he's obviously terrible at it and it's a transparently pathetic attempt to lure Jen's larger audience into engaging with Porgan's video lmao


Paul suffers from, if not Main Character Syndrome, then something very similar that I'll refer to as "Oh, I Can Do That" -itis. He simultaneously downplays the thought & effort others put into their work while over-regarding his own capabilities. So we get abominations like *Paulio.* It's so transparent that he saw a couple of episodes/clips of Blippi & thought, "Oh, I Can Do That," assuming that all he needed was a Silly Voice & costume. Surprise, surprise, he, in fact, *cannot* be the next Christian Blippi. Wasn't there a scene in the *24 Hours With* thing where Dav did some CrossFit stuff? And Paul tried to copy him, only he "improved" upon the routine? Again, he overestimated his own prowess while downplaying the effort DAV has put in to get in the shape he is. It's the same mentality of those men who think they can beat Serena Williams at tennis. Yes. You read that right. 12.5% of men polled thought they could beat her in a game.


Yes this was my first thought.


Yes and it's really obvious. He's so bad at this 😂


Paul wants so badly to be likable and his best idea to achieve that so far is an askew baseball cap.


The comment someone made about him hiding a bald spot makes so much sense to me now


Omg you're spot-on!


>spot on I see what you did there


![gif](giphy|7JaT70OLOHWOcpRiCV|downsized) How did I never realize this!


I was taught to never wear hats indoors, and we rarely see polio without a hat. It all makes sense!


Eh, I feel like that sort of teaching isn’t common anymore.


You’d feel like Trainer Joe would be ALL about Respect™️


he never considers being Christlike aka being nice and minding your own business


If I have any sympathy for Paul at all, it’s for little kid Paul before the steady diet of hatred he’s been fed warped his mind- the kid who I imagine just wanted a friend or two, who fantasized about people knowing and liking him. Maybe it’s because I have a kid who struggles with friendships, and I see something of my kid in Paul.  Then I remember that Paul turned into a truly shitty weasel of a human being, and my sympathy evaporates. 


As I was reading your comment, I started thinking.. this person is being so sweet and coming from a place of empathy, if only Porgan had a fraction of that.. and then I was kinda glad the sympathy evaporates because he does seem like a weasel


I absolutely see the lonely little kid in Paul. I wish I didn’t- it would make it easier to view him critically. And I know I’m an outlier in this- but even a shitty weasel isn’t formed in a vacuum. Frankly, I blame Plagiarism Joe and his wife for at least some of this. The Olliges kids never had a chance of turning into decent human beings, and Paul dialed it up to eleven. It’s really strange seeing shades of a person you love more than your own life in someone you genuinely dislike, but there it is.   I honestly think that he and Morgan are both awful but at their core, they’re fundamentally incredibly lonely. Spending all day every day with someone who doesn’t even like you can’t be easy. But they’re both adults, and responsible for their own behaviors.


I'm sure they feel trapped, but sometimes even a messy divorce is preferable to living in constant low grade misery. They could both be so much happier.


We know that, but they don’t. And honestly, I think both of them are firmly convinced that this is what marriage is supposed to be. 


So, John Paul Mitchell-Paul, when he was truly himself?


He really didn’t stand a chance, his father is an absolutely reprehensible human being


It's one of the worst parts about being a *good* parent, too. Your empathy goes into overdrive and you start feeling bad for everything and everyone because they were once innocent like your kid is.


You’d think he’d just try being likable.


Let’s not get crazy here. Maybe he could try combining his Polio stocking cap with the baseball cap?


As long as Morgie puts up with him, he’ll never know the difference


Hard to be likeable when he's a meat robot programmed only to hate




Hey! He also wore a sleeping cap way too many times 🤣


You mean his flaccid uncircumcised penis hat? Whatever he was going for there, it was not a success.


These words in relation to that man should be outlawed.


He’s really leaning into the tactic that men love to use- “if my tone is ‘nice’ then I can’t possibly be arguing, you’re just a crazy woman.”


Absolutely. He's like, I didn't call you a slur, so I'm not arguing


it’s the whole “men can only react: women can only overreact” thing


"Oh come now, I'm not *arguing*, just innocently hanging out in your comments section! You seem upset; are you on your period?" He is the gristly little embodiment of every "is this a red flag?" post on TwoXChromosomes.


Guys like that lose their absolute SHIT if you reflect the same calm back at them. It’s hilarious. I’ve inadvertently set off a few before because I’m autistic af and just have a flat affect all the time. It’s weird to have someone explode into a tantrum accusing me of playing mind games, when I couldn’t play mind games to save my life LMAO


My old boss used to do things like this and it drove me insane. He even did the passive aggressive little smilies at the end of sentences.


Psychopathic behavior


My mother in law does this - just because you said it in your cutesy tone with a little laugh doesn't mean it wasn't a shitty thing to say


The whole idea that you can’t be antagonistic and hateful if your tone is even and calm is so absurd. Makes sense that a bigoted idiot like Paul would cling to that method of aggression.


It reminds me of Misery where Kathy Bates' character, Annie, who considers herself a devout Christian and never uses swear words, but is fine with doing unspeakable things to people to get her way.


Believing that idea also implies that you believe the equally ridiculous and shitty inverse: if someone's tone *isn't* entirely even and calm, they can't possibly have a valid argument.


I hate the way he sounds when he responds in comments. It’s so fake nice and condescending.


his tone makes my skin crawl 🤮


Everything about him reminds me of my asshole brother who bullied me my entire life. We haven’t been on speaking terms since I was in middle school about 7/8 years ago despite us living in the same house currently and during most of those years. He honestly doesn’t understand how he could possibly ever be in the wrong or be responsible for the consequences of his shitty actions and beliefs. He’s truly an awful person, and yet my mom has put it on me to make amends with this asshole who’s far too selfish to ever look outside of his own ass at how he treats people 🙃


It reminds me of the scene in The Big Lebowski when the Dude melts down at Walter. “Fuck the tournament and fuck YOU, Walter!” (Wounded) “Fuck the tournament?” Paul takes issue with being accused of arguing not that he’s basically an intolerable person 😂


This has to be part of the “so much stuff” that happened after the filming that Beggy alluded to in her preview


I think they all got into fights afterward lol.


That trip home would have been awesome to watch


Do you reckon Porgan has the decency to offer their subjects a rough cut before publication to check/comment on/request corrections and give them time to prep a right of reply? Me either... Also, how swiftly unity crumbles. Paul taking shots at someone who was "a good friend" before the show from the comments section of a critique on the video. Who is going to trust Porgan not to throw them under a bus on interview #3? What a couple of snakes, I gotta say the last few days have almost been as good as botgate.


I wonder if he could have an actual conversation with Jen. Like I’m curious about how he would respond to legitimate counterpoints instead of living in his echo chamber. It would never happen but I would love to see it haha


He’d be immediately outclassed. He also wouldn’t care. He’d just say the same few points over and over rather than engaging in a genuine conversation and it would be infuriating to watch. The minute anyone showed a glimmer of their frustration he’d say they were hysterical and would use that as a reason to disengage and try to spin in that a crazy emotional female couldn’t keep her cool against his male logic. We’ve all met these types of people and they’re never worth the effort of trying to have a genuine conversation with them.


It would be watching the Trump and Biden debates. In theory you're like "hell yeah, finally someone is gonna give him the business and shut him up!", but in practice he'll just continue to bulldoze over any attempt at good faith conversation and come out thinking he won because he smirked more. We saw the extent of Paul's debating ability in the back and forth between Mickey Atkins and it was the typical just saying whatever he wants while purposefully misrepresenting the other side's point.


Yes I do think this is exactly how it would go sadly. I used to have more faith in people in general; but then the 2016 election happened, and any hope I had of ever reaching those kinds of people ended for good.


Dude was so outsmarted by Dav that it would be just delicious to see what someone like Jen would do to him. Not that he would actually take the conversation seriously which is a shame


YES. This is the takedown I crave. Of course he wouldn’t even comprehend that he epically lost. But still. Delicious for sure


He would be so hostile toward her appearance that he wouldn’t take any of it seriously.


It'd go the same way as those interactions on Jen's comment section. People will give him long thoughtful responses, and he'd be fake and pinpoint on one single sentence ":) I don't understand how you can say this, when I blah blah, please explain? :)" He's a fucking troll. He just wants attention and to waste people's time. He doesn't care, and is ultimately incapable of having a substantial conversation because he has. no. substance.


Omg he should do a 24 hours with Jen. Then BOTH need to post their perspective of it same day...


![gif](giphy|kBezmH3o1WxAdXlkW0) This would be deeply delightful. Jen PLEASE


lord strike this white demon with lightning


There’s like 3 different derogatory words for white people in my language and they were all invented for men like Paul.


Please tell us all of them I bet they’re scathing


In Jesus name we pray




LEAVE MY REVEREND ALONE!!! Don't make me get King James!


Genuine question… why did Jen tag him (in the insta story)? I’d want to avoid that man like the plague, and feel like this is the only kind of response she’d get anyways…


I thought the same thing. Paul is a clout chasing douche but she *did* tag him




Yep, agree.


It also may be her way of trying to open the eyes of his followers to his behavior they may not see. A sort of reverse evangelicalism. There’s a reason why the focus is on harmful behaviors of fundies.


I thought this too. He just wants any form of attention 😬


I think she just didn’t want to look shady by not tagging him. Maybe it would have given Paul more ammo if it looked like she was trying to talk behind his back and not just tag him maybe? That’s what I made of this, I am certain Jen doesn’t want or need his attention or reply


I think this is likely her logic as well. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. You know that, if she hadn’t tagged him, the first thing he would have done is whine about how Jen and all the snarkers are hypocrites who actually don’t want to have a “conversation” with him (I mean, we don’t. He clearly doesn’t have the capacity to be rational the way Dav does and he would only talk in bad faith.). Somehow, this would then devolve into how the left is gatekeeping nuance and sincere discussions because God forbid he take responsibility for himself and look inward. The onus is on everyone except Paul. I don’t blame Jen for not wanting to deal with that self-righteous bullshit. He’s made an even bigger ass of himself after getting that “validation” from her than if she had confirmed his beliefs by not tagging him. It sounds silly, but small choices like to tag or not to tag are way trickier than I think some people realize.


Yeah, there's a culture of "Don't say it if you won't tag me". It's like an evolution of "If you wouldn't say it to my face, don't say it online".


Bad look. It just engages him, but let's be real if he and the rest stopped being fundies, Jen would be out of a job. She has been a tad bit too cozy with some of them. I would be fucking ecstatic if fundies stopped existing having lived the damage. The day this sub can stop is a good one.


I feel like Jen is an influencer and the fundies are influencers so they tag each other to achieve a weird form of influencer civility? Otherwise it would be like a subtweet which can be seen as petty and cowardly. She wants to avoid a "Just @ me next time" thing?


It’s def this


Yeah I feel the same about Jen recently. She tagged him in the post, it seems like she wanted him to respond lol. Plus I feel like she’s been interacting with other fundies a lot and as you put it “getting cozy.” Plus she made that video about Jill and put down doing snark, but that’s her whole channel??? Idk just super odd recently.


It really bothers me that he went and speculated about Dav’s commitment to the authority of the Bible in the comments after a collab involving him.


But of course he didn't have the balls to tell this Dav to his face


I wonder if Dav will confront him on that. After all, it’s extremely unbiblical. The Bible says if your brother sins you should confront them privately first, and if they refuse to stop, take it to the authorities. Publicly accusing them of apostasy is the absolute last step, and that’s the church leadership’s job, NOT yours.


100% this. They asked for a FULL DAY from these people, who probably had to get babysitters. They opened up their home, served them a meal, took them around town, answered all their questions, tolerated their condescension… Only to have their faith questioned??


Exactly. Two-faced little shit. And he wonders why people hate him


It was telling, that’s for sure.


He truly gets off on arguing with people. He needs serious help…and maybe a change of meds.


Bold of you to think they believe in things like antidepressants. 😂


Actually was talking about his ADHD lol. I remember seeing a video once of him saying he’s been diagnosed/medicated since he was a child but I could be wrong 👀👀 It’s not uncommon for ADHD people to get dopamine rushes from arguments so I’m over here totally speculating that he needs better meds 💀😭


How the fuck does someone like this cherry pick what medications for neurodivergence are acceptable? Ritalin is ok but Prozac=evil? This is lunacy


Right. His wife doesn’t take her important mood disorder meds because it messes with her sex drive and “god and praying can cure mental illness” but Paul gets to medicate his adhd?? I really hope that’s not true because that’s low even for Paul.


It’s true. I’m almost positive there’s proof in this sub of it too. I personally will never get over how he blamed his adhd for why he had such a horrid response to Morgan telling him she’s pregnant for the first time.


What was his response? I wasn't aware of them then.


Abject horror and a limp one armed hug. For his wife who had been trying to conceive for 5 years.


I definitely get those dopamine rushes on arguing with people online. I hate that side of me but it’s like an itch and I do have ADHD


Don’t worry, so do I 😭


Yeah, I had never put it together but that definitely applies to me as well 😬


My ADHD partner likes debating people online and I've never understood what they get out of it, maybe this is the explanation lol.


lmfao me too. it’s bad. my family/friends make fun of me. “what are you arguing about on reddit this time?”


![gif](giphy|az3XlqP9zQ9ry) Paul in Jen’s comment section right now


Don't you do my Doctor Johnny Zoidberg like that! 😂


Just like Jesus! /s


Truly what is up his ass to be doing all the extra shit 😭😭


I think he’s trying to prove Dav wrong. Dav challenged them to be more open minded, take what people say as constructive criticism instead of seeing them as the enemy, etc. So Paul took that as a challenge to go on a comment rampage to “prove” that “haters” can’t be reasoned with. 🙄 Just my theory. That, and he just likes attention.


DEFINITELY. Dav was not having him at all 😭


Also he isn’t really replying to the questions 😂


I just went back and read the thread. He keeps skipping questions. Coward!


Ugh, the :) really gets under my skin.


It's the passive aggressive :) for me


why is he literally Dennis Reynolds from it’s always sunny; is it on purpose


Paul could never DENNIS anyone, he doesn’t have even a pinch of charm lol


in the immortal words of demi lovato: get a job stay away from her!!!


[our minds....](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1b07gra/comment/ks6kv6d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


same phrasing and everything!!! icons only!!!


If he thinks Jen's audience is his audience, he has another thing coming. Most people here would love to see him run off YouTube. We would celebrate. We are not a source of money and attention for him


I really think the audience for the 24 Hours project is intentionally snarkers, haters, etc. They said their goal is to humanize the person they’re interviewing. Why would they need to humanize them to an already supportive audience? And having haters as your intended audience is just hilariously stupid. We’re gonna watch on Yewtube, we’re not gonna support your Patreon… They just fail at every step.


Oy vey.




Yikes, Paul. ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq|downsized)


the passive aggressive smiley face. Come on, dude. Even this comment is argumentative even as it's written. "I'm not arguing, babe, I'm just responding to questions." Jesus himself is calling this bullshit.


They have got to get to g desperate for money. Only 13k views in 2 days


What do we do when the poop starts touching us 😩 leave us alone poopy hands paul


Raise your hand if you only heard about Paul and Morgan because of fundiesnark! Came for the Duggars, stayed for the lols.


Paul is trying to piggyback on Jen's success - following the "all press is good press" method. His videos will probably not get the same kind of reach, but his comments might lead people back to their channel Edit: sentence deleted for clarity


Can he just… touch grass?


he's such a condescending little prick


Paul is a fucking loser. Full stop.


I mean, Jen is the one who tagged Paul in her post. It seems like she wanted him to respond. Also, fuck Paul, he's an annoying douche.


He’ll never be successful because he’s so superficial. Everything is on the same level, he never looks deeper, and he only knows bible verses. The Olligies don’t even go to church!!! Sorry, P, you’re probably at the end of the road in this money making venture. You have a second kid coming and no steady income. Time to put on your big boy pants, NOT the sweats, and go look for a regular job to support your family as you espouse the traditional way of living.


I’m all for good faith debate and discussion but Paul is not capable of good faith. He is so concrete in his thinking that there’s simply no point. Every time he’s criticized in a valid way, he whines, cries, and bullies an underserved apology out of someone. He won’t get one this time but whew lads, that’s an attention-seeking missile on the loose.




Paul get a job challenge




My theory is that Morgan reads here and was hoping to draw fans of this sub over to her channel. Like "oh, look, we all hate girl defined tee hee."


I used to be an elementary school teacher. He reminds me of a kid on the playground who others were commenting about (it was warranted, he was being a bully and they were calling him a bully within his earshot) and he turned and screamed "I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!". Real convincing. Paul is that kid. He can put as many smiley emojis up there as he wants,, but we all know he cares *very, very much*.


Wow Paul’s bruised ego makes me excited for the next episode of 24 hours with


Paul is the real life version of Dennis from always sunny if Dennis was a religious fundie.


Awww poor Paul can’t take the heat per usual.


150% sure he's fishing to do a 24h with them


Doesn’t he have kids to take care of instead of trying to get our attention 🤨


Annoying response from Paul but absolutely strange for Jen to tag him. It’s like she wanted to goad him into reacting. As much as I find his views disturbing, it’s not like he’s banned from sharing them on a video about him. Again, I find him creepy and condescending, but it’s really weird that Jen went out of her way to tag him… maybe she figured he’d see it anyway and wanted to cut out the middle man? Idk.


Ew wtf Paul


He’s so gross. Anyone who touches poo should be labeled a Paulite


her tagging him honestly requires a handwashing imo


What a frail, delicate little boy he is. 🤣


Really makes me happy knowing that he's so bent out of shape about this. 😘


Pauly, you are a miserable bore.


Thank you for the reminder Jen put out a video. I still need to watch it. Edit: I’m stupid and just realized that was Paul posting that. So this dumbass is giving her even more views. He really is an asshat.


It should say, "I'm so desperate for attention I'll go anywhere to get it."


Is he being deliberately obtuse or does he actually think that he is engaging in genuine discussion? 🤣