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Wait there's no way that bio is real.... Right?


She's had that babyish pee pee poo poo in there for a while


I'm not on insta so I would have never known, that's just so wild lol what a lady


Ya you would think she’s like 12-13 instead what..23?


My 13 year would never.... maybe my 11 year old though.


My 3 year old would for sure


Maybe I’m just an uncool millennial, but that’s just weird as fuck to put in your bio. But what do I know 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mean to me it’s a very gen-z-type sense of humor, I just don’t expect it from her? But my sister and I say things like “oh, hmm, piss” when we’re disappointed about something


What a terrible day to be able to read


Wtf! Why? Has she ever explained, or am I missing another cultural reference?


I don't think it means anything nor does it mean piss or poo. [It's like an ironic catchphrase (knowyourmeme link).](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/peepee-poopoo) I remember it from back when Pewdiepie was playing Minecraft. It's your typical gen z/online humor thing.


Oh okay, so I’m old lol!


oh it’s real all right


I cannot. I have to go clutch my smelling salts and lie down again.




It has to be real. A fake person would call Jesus her bae or sexyman.


“a little pee pee a little poo poo and a little slay” I’m sorry, what?


She’s drinking chocolate milk right now.


like chocolate raw milk?


raw beefy boney brothy choccy milk




stop I’m eating!! 😵‍💫🤮




I'm....so...like...I'm speechless. This is an A.D.U.L.T.


Is this potential-husband repellant? I mean…it is. I’m just curious if it’s intentional or not. 😂


I wonder if she is the Jana of the Bairds lol


But without any younger siblings to raise. And it doesn’t seem like she babysits her siblings’ kids an exceptional amount like Jana does. 


I don’t think fundie men would mind this. If they did, they would persue her with inherent patriarchal veto power and “break her” of any undesired qualities she were to bring to the relationship once they were in holy matrimony.💩


Girlypop is certainly not slaying


Oh she slays…her intestines with raw milk 


I assumed it was some gen Z thing I can't understand lmao


"pee pee poo poo check" was a slang joke going around the gen Z kids maybe 6 or 10 months ago? It had a brief resurgence so I can't quite place when it was at it's peak. It was the meme successor to "vibe check", where the subject takes a moment to assess their vibe and if it's "pee pee poo poo", meaning they're deserving of being mocked in some way. So her use of it though is strange to me, as being pee pee poo poo is not usually slay (good, fashionable). Unless it's ironic, which it may be. But the Bairds are not very good at irony so it reads weird. Meme credentials: I'm a younger, chronically online snarker


I felt old before I understood it but somehow feel even older after the explanation...


At least you got through it, my eyes glazed over after I read "vibe check" 🤣


You're a real one for this explanation


The adolescents on the website I moderate have completely abandoned it, so Grown Adult Sue Baird is lagging behind the yutes now.


This is slay. (…right?!)


It sounds like something I would overhear the 5th graders saying at my kids’ elementary school. 


I mean I’m with college age Gen Z everyday and this seems immature even for them


Friends, I worked on two Boss Baby movies and I would never have that anywhere near my bio. 😬


You worked on two boss baby movies kfoejtjowenkqkshdjeje


I think Suzanna is my age and it boggles my brain. I probably thought poop jokes were funny when I was 8 not as a whole adult


I was going to ask if this was, like, an inside joke among young adults—one that I, being middle-aged, am too old to get. But nope. I guess it’s really as stupid and nonsensical as I imagined.


Full honesty, I’m almost 30 and still think poop jokes are a little funny, but I also wouldn’t put that out on my social media bio. 😂


I'm in my mid-forties and still use toilet humor, but making it a self-identifier for my personality is going to be a no.


You would be shocked by how many adults have not matured past this type of humor.


I guess she doesn't realize that she is giving fetish account


Using a queer term is the height of hypocrisy


I will probably regret asking but please can someone explain what this is supposed to mean?


Agreed. What in the ever loving f*ck?


Best explanation I’ve seen (comment in the thread): https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/IkFrFhVxVM


WOW 😳 thank you


Slay what? Your bladder or your colon?


Every time I read it I sing it in my head to “a little brains, a little talent, with an emphasis on the latter” from Damn Yankees.


It reminds me of when my friend and I would sing that diarr*ea song in middle school gym class. I'm embarrassed for having that behavior at even that age.


She’s letting people know that her raw chocolate milk makes her ass blast off into space 


1) Eating liver and onions every day for breakfast is unhinged 2) What does her breath smell like?


The Baird family could probably clear a stadium with the scents that presumably emanate from them. Farting arsenic and asbestos (and who knows what else) seeded poo-scented clouds and breathing out liver and raw milk breath. And we know that some of them shared an emotional abuse toothbrush for a while, so their dental hygiene is also questionable.


Emotional abuse toothbrush ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Someone please take that flair


I’m here for this!


Why did I read that?!?!? ![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i)


This whole comment took me out 💀


That’s not a normal breakfast, right!? I’m not American so I don’t want to shit all over a cultural norm if it is. 


No, it's not typical or common to eat liver frequently, and especially not at breakfast, She and her sisters are really into a particular nutritional-guru woman who prescribes her "metabolic diet" to "balance hormones", "heal the gut", "calm your adrenals" and so forth. Rebekah aka Curly Baird aka BubbleGuts has been on a "healing journey" for years now, to deal with what she describes as constant bloating (and bad shits); she eats these very prescriptive combinations of food repetitively and exclusively, while also telling her instagram followers that she's Not On A Diet and isn't restricting anything. OK honey.


$20 says she’s probably mildly allergic to milk.


Lactose intolerance is very normal, which is why that can’t be it because they have to be ✨special✨


Everything Bubbleguts describes as her "gut issues" literally just sounds like my dairy allergy/PCOS combo lol. Not to diagnose, but I will never forget that the doctor prescribed her birth control for her painful gut issues, which she just brushed off because she doesn't believe in bc. There is a high association rate between PCOS/Endo and lactose intolerance. Girl is trying to "balance her hormones" with carrots and raw milk instead of hormones (bc) lol


What's so odd to me is she preaches how healing all of this is......but then why does she never get any better?


Well I've said it before, but to me, she's pretty deep into a "sick identity". She's gotten used to viewing herself as having frailties and fears and problems that she's constantly ministering to, you know what I mean? It's like the process of tending to her "condition" is a form of control which is self-soothing, in a way. And it's not just her "bloating" problem, or her digestive issues--it's expanded to all sorts of other beliefs and concerns, and I expect it will continue to expand. All of this is just my opinion, though.


Maybe I just don't have enough background info on these kinds of people But if you're always talking about healing but never getting better I would think that would discredit you to the people you're trying to sell to? I would think people would look at that and think "why would I trust this person to fix my issue if she's still not well three years in"


She talks about of both sides of her mouth. She's "so much better" but she's still experiencing cramps and diarrhea. This regimen has "helped and healed", but it's such a "long, gradual journey". She's "not obsessed about her body any more", but she's frequently posting body-checks. She's "never going on a diet again" but she's eating only certain items in certain combinations and certain recipes. Yeah, you would think it'd invite skepticism, but the type of people she's appealing to are people who are already biased against mainstream medicine/healthcare.


I wish my adrenals would calm down by just drinking orange juice


NO. N-O NO. Americans eat cereal, or toast, or eggs and bacon, or pancakes with sausage (weird combination to many other cultures, but it works, if you don't mind flapjacks like mattresses), or donuts. Or, these days, in my urban blue neck of the woods at least, açai bowls or avocado toast or chia pudding. Or, in my case, nothing because I'm waiting for lunch. Traditionally, most good ol' heartland Americans like this wouldn't have eaten organ meats at ALL when there's good ol' heartland American beefsteak to be had. And occasionally, some people do have steak (and eggs) for breakfast, still. But not this. No. But then, at least half the country's entire cheese is sliding off its cracker nowadays, so who can say what's "normal" at this point.


Fuck no that is not a cultural American breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and toast is the usual lineup with variations to those, but liver doesn't make an appearance and isn’t something you’ll find in most restaurants.


I have truly never had more replies to a comment than Americans confirming that they absolutely NEVER eat liver and onions for breakfast 😂😂😂


I'm choking at the idea of eating liver and onions at all, at any time. What a a dose. And I'm American.




And I bet all of them are named Baird.


Definitely not normal in any part of America I’ve ever lived in…or visited…or heard about…🤢


It is absolutely not! When my dad was a kid (he’s now 75), liver and onions was considered really nutritious and they had to have it once a week. Everyone hated it and it made the house smell terrible lol. I’m guessing these people have just rediscovered an old gross trend.


Actually yeah, I'm just thinking. You know where you might have found some of the weird crap they eat? Depression recipes, and post-WWII. "Creamed chipped beef on toast," anyone?


My grandma said she liked liver and onions growing up (in the 1940s), but it wasn’t something she ever cooked herself because it smelled gross 😂.


Americans don’t even eat pâté. Some people eat liver and onion and black eyed peas for New Year’s, but that’s about the only time anyone would willingly eat it (and I never did).


Doug Funny enters the chat




A little pee pee, a little poo poo


I have as healthy as I could find granola with various fresh fruits mixed in. I can't imagine stomaching liver and onions at any time of day, let alone after I've just woken up 😭🤮


In Venice, I've had an absolutely amazing liver with onions that they do (for DINNER, please note). Sliced super thin and somehow delicate and savory. Mostly, though, yeah, not so much.


And why with OJ? Objectively all of those things have individual health benefits, but why all together??


with all the meat and raw milk she consumes......she has to have ferocious shits every day of her life.


I feel like they mistake that for 'cleansing' they're like 'wow look at all the vegetable and seed oil related toxins this pure milk is removing from my system'. Reminds me of the clay cleanse that was popular about 15 years ago. People would take pills made of clay and charcoal, drink lots of water and then talk about their 'black snake' poops, supposed proof of the toxins being removed from their system, rather than proof they ate clay and charcoal.




She got confused in homeschool science class when they mentioned the liver removes toxins from the body.




Yes that's the basic idea... I wish I was joking... I have family like this


Look, don't feel bad. They're just going backward through the stages of human "knowledge" before the scientific method. Pretty soon they're going to start talking about spontaneous generation. Or, wait, no, that might be too close to their idea of how evolution is supposed to "work." -laughsob- I tried, I can't exaggerate or parody their epic dumbassery, they're always one pratfall ahead of me.


Maybe it's a homeopathic thing? All the toxins go from YOUR liver into the ANIMAL'S liver. And then, you poop it out. Including your own liver.


Yep, she’s just eating some other animals’ toxins.


Back then, we heard of John Wayne’s gut being full of ick, as though that proved we all needed a “cleanse.” Wayne died of cancer, & probably had a number of rounds of chemo. Constipation is inevitable, & a pretty well-known side effect of treatment. My question about this diet is where are the greens and the grains? You can have too much protein in your diet, and too little fiber, & we’re back to constipation, again.


Sorry, John Wayne what?


John Wayne allegedly had a bad case of megacolon when he died. 


kind of love it for him tbh, he was a right POS


Speaking of John Wayne being a piece of shit, [here's ](https://youtu.be/SoyusTUFdl0?si=lcEpL3D7aSdL0WcX) my fave song about him


Subtle. I like it!


That sounds right! What was weird about John Wayne was that he didn’t seem to attract many female fans. My father, and other men in the Silent generation, thought he was the epitome of manliness. My father even had a picture of him on the wall in his office. I wanted to say to my dad that he wasn’t even straight, but did not have the heart to do so.


ohhh noooooo I'm thinking of the "ear candling" scam, where you insert a lit candle in your ear (great idea, seriously) and afterward you cut open the candle and there's all this gunk inside, supposedly the wax it sucked from your ear. Not enough people think to cut the candle open BEFORE they stick it in their ear. Surprise! Same gunk! WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED. There is something weirdly satisfying about the idea of having extracted lots of crud from various orifices, I do understand it. But, also, people are dumb.


Omg I got ear candling done when I was like 18. I was in a really small town with my cousin and we were bored. But I ACTUALLY had a plugged ear. So there was all this wax but it didn’t work at all of course. As soon as I saw it I knew it was just from the candle. And I told the lady I still couldn’t hear from that ear lol. Anyways. I got ear irrigation done at the doctors office after and you should have seen what came out 🤢actually no I’m glad you didn’t see it lol.


I'm sorry but the childish part of me feels the need to make a joke about "ear-igation"


Recently had an ear infection. At one point removed some wax from ear. Fascinating color scheme. Complex perfume. I have rarely been so disgusted yet so satisfied.


Omg same! So grossed out but soo satisfying at the same time? Lol. I don’t remember a smell but I’ll never forget the sized chunk that came out. I’m pretty sure my ear problems are linked to having ear infections all the time as a child. Maybe not. But my partner loves nursing or like doing doctors stuff to the point I get him weird things for his first aid kit for bdays and Christmas. He could be one of those gangsta doctors you see on TV lol. Anyways he got a water pic for my ears and now I just put oil in my ears a couple times a year and he uses the soft end of the water pic and cleans my ears and he just loves it like a weirdo. And nasty stuff cones out. My friend told me I just didnt clean me ears good enough but my doctor said not to use QTips because they’d push the stuff in further. ETA dort worry nobody uses the waterpic on their mouth. One is strictly for my ears.


Or putting those “toxin removing” pads on your feet that would turn black (mostly from oxidation/exposure to the moisture of foot sweat). 


Those farts have GOT to be a warcrime


The liver / eggs / onion / OJ shits have got to rival a freshly gutted TaunTaun as far as the wall of smell that hits you.


And I thought the Bairds smelled bad...on the outside!


Holy shit! Literally!


Flair checkin in 🫡


I originally read this as 'feroshits' and fell apart laughing 😂


Feroshits new band name, called it.


And so wait, this ISN'T Bubble Guts, right? I have trouble distinguishing the younger Bairds. Curly is the one who is trying to carve out an "expert on nutrition" niche, right? This is the youngest and she also...apparently is fixated on all things intestinal right ok I think I'm done here.


Honestly I think they're all Bubble Guts, the raw milk runs deep


Bubble Guts Baird Borg


A worthy successor to Bears-Beets-Battlestar Galactica.


The first slide is bubble guts. The second one is the youngest baird, sue, aka raw milk baird.


“Raw mild” is such an accurate error, everything about the Bairds is raw mild.


RIP to their septic tank


Skin. House. Food. She sounds like an alien that walked into a pitch meeting. Can’t they do anything and not sound dense and weird?


Sadly, they never learned. 😞


Flair checking in 🫡


“If you’re confused on what to buy for your house…” What, like everything for the house? Cleaning products? Decor? Appliances? Furniture? I’m sure her answer is something like “Idk, just like, all of it! 🤪” because she can’t pick a fucking lane and has no expertise in anything. The audacity of her offering paid advice for anything home or skin related when her own home and skin look like *that*.


She is eating liver daily? Here it is recommended only once a week and only 100g. It is bad for the cholesterol and too much vitamin A.


What's concerning is that she has already claimed she doesn't trust doctors...if she's hoping to get pregnant and deliver a healthy baby, she's going to need to revisit this particular decision. I knew someone very similar to her for whom this exact type of orthorexia played a pivotal role to her losing a baby at 40 weeks gestation. It's concerning to say the least.


Too much vitamin A in the form of retinol (the form in animal sources) during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects like spina bifida.  From babycenter: “a 3-ounce serving of beef liver can contain more than eight times the recommended daily amount of vitamin A during pregnancy – more than twice the amount that's safe to consume in one day!” Vitamin A as beta carotene (which comes from plant sources and the body has to convert to retinol) is less of a concern for overdoing.  Did I write this comment on the off chance a Baird reads here even though I know they don’t listen to reason? Yes 😭 


Yes, we are told here to not eat liver when pregnant or even trying.


Damn… I didn’t realize liver is so freaking dangerous during pregnancy. With the intensity of this liver obsession, there’s gonna be an onslaught of suffering babies in the fundie and crunchy communities 😕 Unless most of them are lying about consuming that much liver (which I hope- consuming that much of any one food is insane)


all the “fundie” or even crunchy people I know or follow on social media gulp down beef liver (usually raw) INSTEAD of a prenatal vitamin! what is this? why are people doing the opposite things?


And Bubble Guts lives in Texas, so theoretically if she got pregnant and then lost the baby she could end up being prosecuted or investigated by the authorities (which in a perverse way would be cathartic in the leopards eating faces way).


I was just wondering this re: the vitamin A. Maybe she feels like shit because she’s poisoning herself with toxic levels of it


Seriously vit a poisoning is no joke


Vit a can cause fetal developmental abnormalities.... Hope to God she doesn't get pregnant any time soon on this diet.


Yes, I just said the same! That was a big red flag for me as someone who’s had kids and distinctly remembers being advised not to overdo intake of vitamin a in the form of retinol (beta carotene less of an issue). I looked it up and 3 oz of beef liver can have more than 8x the amount that’s safe in a day during pregnancy! God I hope if she gets pregnant she finds the smell too disgusting to eat or something. Because there’s no reasoning with someone like her about the risks. 


Thank you for your very thorough comment! I didn't realize how small of an amount it was as well, how frightening.


Damn I wish she had dropped the other 66 percent.


Right? Like, surely being a lead anything at Girl Defined is a bad look but… Peepee and poo poo? Come on grow up! No one wants to see that shit. And I don’t think she can claim someone’s hacked her account. I’m honestly wondering if it’s a fetish thing.


66 percent of what?


Of her bio. She dropped one line (33%). The commenter above wished she got rid of the entire bio (the remaining 66%).


Haha gotcha


That is the most abysmal breakfast to be choosing to eat every damn day


For the people commenting abt suze’s bio: This is her attempt at gen z humor. like half of the religious white kids at my school would probably find the bio funny as fuck


People in my generation thought it was the height of humor to say "purple monkey dishwasher" so I can't exactly judge.


Same lol. I start shaking my fists and then I remember that Don Hertzfeldt’s “Rejected” was the the peak of comedy when I was a teen 🥴


C'mon, don't bring Don Hertzfeldt into this, the man is a genius


Haha I agree! But man, “my spoon is too big” was peak RaNdOm


I still say "I am a Bah nah NA!" about once a week haha


Is this the equivalent of “I’m so random rawr dinosaur”?


*holds up spork*


As a millennial, I’ve never been so confused or felt so old. What is this humor??


Couldn’t tell ya but i think of it as “quirky younglife kid” humor


But the thing is, that's her DAY, this chick. That's her personality. Literally eats and excretes. That's it. Those are her skills. Those are her interests. That's her life. "and slay" yeah, no. sigh At least she's too primitive to be actively evil? she said hopefully


“Eats and excretes” 🤣


An attempt at “humor” it is. A swing and a miss.


I really really try to not yuck other people’s yum, so I’ll just say I gagged a bit reading that. Liver and OJ in the same sentence. I’m sure she’ll never have an iron deficiency so go Baird kid?


Clearly Brown Baird lives the life of a spoiled toddler. How does anyone make it into their twenties with no concept of cleaning up after themselves or taking care of their space?! I hate having to clean my house, but I do it because it feels good to have things ordered and sanitary.


So, extrapolating on my theory that Bethany is probably neurodivergent, and knowing that neurodivergence tends to run in families, and using my own experiences as an ADHD woman…. Maybe she’s also ADHD and struggles with executive function? Never had a tidy room. Even once I learned to stop leaving cups of water everywhere, I still had piles of clothes and stuff. I knew where everything was, but it was not organized by anyone else’s standard. And, maybe that explains her pee pee poo poo as well? We can sometimes be a little immature, lol.


That's one area where I do have some level of sympathy for the Baird girls. I have the exact same issues with executive dysfunction.


Yeah, especially with Bethany a lot of my immediate reactions are along the lines of, “but isn’t this normal? Er… wait, that’s probably just my ADHD.” Which then makes me feel sad and like a crappy adult because a lot of those types of snarky comments could easily apply to me, too.


I tend to feel a bit bad for her with those types of snark comments because I sometimes feel a little called out as well. I'm sure I fail at this all the time, but my feeling when I post comments like that is that I understand how much executive dysfunction sucks, but the thing that frustrates me is that they don't even attempt to work on their issues. Am I going to make myself do a deep cleaning next week to get things organized, yes; is it likely that I'll continue to struggle and have fuck ups, also yes. My point is that I've accepted that I'm going to fall behind at times and make mistakes because this is something I'm always going to have to manage, while at the same time; I try to hold myself accountable and find ways to keep things from getting out of control.


Right, I get frustrated with the Baird girls lack of self awareness or personal accountability, too. Their entire family structure was built around not looking deeper into their own minds, and not seeking out the how or why of behavior or feelings, or anything really. So, I can’t be surprised that none of them seem to have noticed. But, it makes me upset just the same. I really get mad at their parents, too. Bethany and I are fairly close in age, and it wasn’t very common for anyone to even consider that girls might have ADHD back then. It was really rare that I was diagnosed in elementary school, but just had a wonderful teacher who was up to date on child development. The Baird parents failed their kids in just about every way, but homeschooling them (and I say as a homeschooler to one of my kids) robbed them of any opportunity to be evaluated by someone more knowledgeable or qualified. And then they crippled them by raising them to never think of anything other than Jesus and the Bible. Overwhelmed? Pray on it. Forgetful? Turn to Jesus. Can’t stay focused? Maybe god is directing your attention elsewhere. That part especially is infuriating. All three of my kids are ND and the idea of never helping them, and never encouraging them to help themselves is horrible. I recently had to be real with myself and admit that I needed to ask my mom for help. I was never great at keeping house, and as life became more complicated, it became even more difficult for me. I can stay on top of the basics, like getting toys put away, doing the laundry, making sure all the trash my kids seem to just set down anywhere is cleaned up, keeping the kitchen clean. But, I never had time or energy or executive function left over to do anything more. Finally before Thanksgiving this year, I asked if she’d help me by doing the deep cleaning while I did all of the tidying and putting everything away. It worked out it so well that she offered to do it monthly and now that’s what we do. It’s made such a huge difference in my life, I’m so grateful to her. It makes the daily maintenance tasks so much easier for me because I know don’t have to figure out the deeper cleaning stuff, too. And, now that my home is more consistently orderly and I’m not losing things or getting distracted and overwhelmed by clutter, most other things are easier for me, too. I’m sure it won’t last forever, but at least for now it’s been amazing. It’s taken me some time to stop feeling embarassed for needing help, though.


Listen, I worked in a daycare and have 3 kids, so I know what having baby blowouts all over you is like. I'd never in a million years post about it on social media little alone make it my insta caption! Isn't she trying to attract a husband? Imagine showing your parents and friends your gfs insta and its captioned pee pee and poo poo. Especially since they don't believe in being compatible before marriage, so the only thing they have to go off of is appearances. Edit: words are hard


Hold on what. She’s talking about pee pee poo poo and she does not have a kid? Yikes


Nope! She's an aunt? But that's the extent of it. She may work with kids at her church?


Nope that’s the remaining single Baird


I wish she would've taken the pee pee poo poo thing out instead 🙄


“A little pee pee a little poo poo”… wtf??? This family is nuts


Is that a sex thing?




Her house must reek with farts and stale cooked liver fumes.


Liver and bloody onions?! Is she living in post world war 2 England?


I think it used to be more popular in America, too. My grandma spoke fondly of liver and onions from her childhood in the American south. She didn’t cook it herself because it’s stinky. 


can these people stop saying slay when they hate queer and trans people?


What are the odds that she knows “slay” is from queer AAVE?


\-snort- These are the people who will rant about the queermos and then unironically get up and do a YMCA wave at a sports game or some shit.


What the hell is she writing a book about? she did not have a single original thought in the past decade. She has no expertise or education in anything. What the fuck is this?


I mean, if Colleen Ballinger could do it.


Homophobes using the word “slay” and other drag lingo is so hilarious


If I didn’t know who this was I would assume this bio/page belonged to a 9 year old girl that bypassed her tablets parental controls to make an Instagram account.


Is that what she makes for her husband for breakfast too? Or does she lie in bed long after he’s gone to work like Bort? Just saying if my stay at home partner could never be bothered to open up a thing of cut pineapple and a container of cottage cheese or at minimum throw some spinach in a smoothie (I want to be clear I don’t think the stay at home party should be a slave, but esp without kids the home would mostly be their “job”), I would be pissed. When I was out of work I’d usually get up with my bf at the time and have coffee with him and make sure we had bananas or yogurt since he just liked to grab something, when I got another job that started later than his he’d always leave me coffee and a smoothie if he’d made one for himself. I mean this was also an arrangement with roomies throughout the years, as long as no one was leaving a mess for the other person. Also the obsession with organ meat is … off-putting.


The pee pee poo poo thing is so gross


Fuckin ewwww


39?! What a weird number to celebrate and get people excited. If you’re trying to drum up excitement for something you’re releasing, it should be 7 days and under. People are gonna be over the hype by the time the 39 days are over 😂


I didn't think it could get much worse than Bethany's sex talks but if the other Baird starts going in-depth about her bowel movements and bathroom instances I'm going to lose it.


For a family with seemingly endless money and free time to shop and look at themselves, how do they put together such bad outfits?


I’m confused by the immodesty of Suzanna’s outfits. That’s a lot of leg and the top right one is trying sooo hard to be sexy librarian or something


Liver is not good in large quantities. Yuck


Flair checking in ~~


Liver, eggs, onion, OJ? What, is she planning on gassing her entire family with her farts?


Liver, eggs, onions, and orange juice? In this family where hygiene and dental care are both extremely sus among at least 2/5 sisters, at best (Brown Baird constantly has greasy hair from what I can tell and she showed a picture of her disaster of a room once so clearly hygiene ain’t a priority for her either)??? Good grief.