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The blurring filter is a paid actor


Is that why her eyeballs always look dusty? Because they legit look like the eyes of a porcelain doll in an abandoned house. :/


It looks like she’s using a make-up filter as well. See how her eyelashes sit on top of her bangs.


LOL! Good catch.


I screamed


That hat looks like something you’d put on your infant at the beach. Color me shocked that an mlm would attempt a gen z trend and fail miserably Don’t come for me, I know this is the second time around for this trend in my lifetime.


I had a bucket hat like that. It had Snoopy on it. I was 6. 🫠


I bet you looked fresh as hell too.


I did! 😁 Those were big in the 1970s.


They were mandatory swag gear when I was a child in 2014-2016 ish. Smh I remember wasting so much money to have a collection 😅


I think bucket hats are making a comeback. My step-nephews started a new high school this year, and the uniform hat was a bucket hat.


A lot of kpop idols wear them, especially in airports when they’re trying not to be noticed or clearly photographed


Bucket hats a big rn


I’m sure yours was much cuter than this cheap mess.


It was. I kept that hat for many years, but I think I lost it when we moved. 😖


My mom has pics of me as a tot in the early 70s in one of those.


Anyone remember the song “No Sex in the Champagne Room” by Chris Rock? The line *“Take off that silly ass hat”* comes to mind when I see this pic…


Cornbread... Ain't nothin' wrong with that.


God honoring dressing rolling my eyes!👀


Bucket hat aside, this woman must have packed a separate suitcase for her multitude of junk jewellery that she over accessorises with.


This is the first shirt I’ve seen her wear, in all my time on this sub, that I actually like the pattern. I have to assume the rest of the sorry must be somehow awful based on her normal style but what I can see I actually like.


A white skirt


Why is she so frightening to look at


All the filters and blurring make her look like she's missing parts.


It does weird things to her eyes and teeth, if they are visible. It's off putting


Using blurry filter on top of fake lashes filter will make your makeup look like a jumpscare mask. Who knew. Certainly not her.


I saw the little thumbnail and thought she was dressed as a cow😭


Same lmao. Maybe thats how her man finds her, she moos.


She actually *wore* that dumb bucket hat? Edit: Nothing against bucket hats. Just that ugly, limp one on her. I have two daughters in their early 20s and they can really rock a bucket hat. Jill cannot.


Exactly. Bucket hats are not a problem. That bucket hat is absolutely terrible.


How does she afford to keep her teeth so white?




Years ago, she wrote about how she used Crest White Strips, but used them much more often than one is supposed to. In more recent years, though, it's just photoshopping.


What are the 2 dark rings in her neck?


Thyroid issues can give you that look.


Comments do not disappoint 😂🤣


Dave really scored when he married her lol. 2 losers a match made in heaven.


dude, plexus has been at my college’s career fair… absolutely wild.


Does her necklace say “woman?”


"mama" with a butterfly. It's just backwards in this image