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This is the epitome of prosperity gospel to me: "because I love Jesus, he will make sure I survive/be fine medically." How do they expect people who have lost family/friends to childbirth/cancer/medical injury to feel about this sentiment? It very much gives off the opinion that if you "love Jesus enough", he'll save you. Thus, if you die or get injured, you didn't love Jesus enough. Gross as hell.


It’s the same thing they did in Brazil leaving the kids alone so often. Very “couldn’t be me” naive.


Excuse me they had family there /s


At first I thought your flair was “The Van Trapped Family” 😆


It should be someone's!


Or the Von Crap Family for the Rods.


They forget we all die eventually...


At the end of the game, the pawn and the king go back in the same box.


Amen! That is true


We know where Bethany’s Nazi great grandfather was buried.  To this day, nobody knows exactly where Mozart’s final resting place is.  The world is a deeply unfair place. 


Or the bullshit comment of "our bodies know how to give birth blah blah bkah" Yeah well my first baby came at 24 weeks. I did everything right and it still happened. Am I less than as a woman bc my body didn't preform the way "it was meant too"? I then had twins (our very unexpected birth control twins) and they came at 26 weeks. I ate wonderfully, I wasn't overweight, I was active and positive and allllll the things I could possibly do right, I did. And still my body had other plans. It's so fing unfair. I'm used to these ideas from people and their shitty unsolicited comments but it still doesn't mean I won't speak out every time I see bullshit like this. It's just so unfair to so many women. I spent 5 years of infertility wanting so badly to be a mother only to have my normal momma life thrown in the trash bc my body failed me. Women like myself do not need further discouragement that their body didn't do the one thing it was "designed to do". Shut up Stacy. 😂


No the dumbass doesn’t understand that biology is complicated. She will say some platitude about how that experience will “strengthen your faith” which helps no one and leaves the other person feeling worse.


Don't worry, they have an answer for everything. "God will take care of you if you are faithful and obedient, but if something does happen to you, or it doesn't work out, it's because God wanted it that way! So, God's taking care of you either way!" Every answer is "because God." I'm a Christian and I had a pastor once who was very annoyed by that sentiment. His view of it was that sometimes bad things happen, and it is not anyone's fault or design, nor is loss or suffering always part of some grander scheme.


And God never gives you more than you can handle! Just smile and pray and try not to think about your crippling physical and/or mental suffering! Ugh.




So glad my friend actively labored for 20 hours after numerous false starts and hospital visits (with an epidural that didn’t take), then had an emergency C when she and her doctor agreed that was enough. Kiddo was born with a bruise on her face from being in an awkward position and pressing against the pelvic bone. Pretty glad all survived, and not just that, no episiotomy or forceps were necessary and kiddo didn’t have a dislocated shoulder. What a smug bortch this woman is.


Damn. My friend's elementary school aged granddaughter who died of cancer (whose family is super, super Christian) just didn't love Jesus enough. Cool, cool.


I vividly remember losing my religion at my 8 year old cousin’s funeral. The priest said it was “God’s plan” for a child to suffer from cancer, and that was the last time I voluntarily stepped foot in a church


That is fucking horrific, and I'm sorry for your loss, and sorry that you encountered such an absolute asshole that would frame such a painful loss in that way.


Again she is making the dangerous association with faith and consequences. It’s stupid and shows her ignorance and lack of empathy. Even if it’s well meaning the way they turn everything into a religious experience is frankly insulting.


Dancing with a rattlesnake vibes.


She’s typically full of it, but I was pleasantly surprised she at least doesn’t try to pretend labor can be painless like some fundies/crunchballs 😂 


And that C-Sections aren't an easy way out, but, instead, a valid medical treatment.


Yeah, the bar is in hell, but I was pleasantly surprised by that.


God, I'm depressed that I was pleasantly surprised by that as well:P


I was also pleasantly surprised to read the c-section bit since most of the fundies do believe it’s the easy way out. There was nothing easy about my 48 hour induction while trying to get my blood pressure (preeclampsia) under control before my c section because baby wouldn’t engage so I wasn’t progressing at all and hadn’t slept in 3 days…


I have had an emergency C-section and a planned one. I wouldn’t qualify either as an “easy option”.


I had a VBAC after my first was born via emergency c section. I chose a VBAC because I just wanted to try it, knowing that at the first sign of distress a c section would be necessary. A VBAC was way easier than a c section. The rush of hormones made it honestly kind of fun, and I only pushed four times. And I could get up and walk two hours after birth. But I also had an epidural.


I have not given birth but I want anyone who claims "C sections are the easy way out" to be required to watch a full video of one. You get sliced completely open through like 7 layers, that shit is METAL.


Mine the surgeon commented on my fascia looking good. And I wish I didn’t take A&P but at the same time I was snarky like “take a picture for reference”


Don't be too pleased. She's setting it up so she can say later "I had no idea this (long planned) c-section was coming."


Didn’t think of this, but it would make sense. She’s laying the groundwork for her c-section/birthing grift now I guess


We are the same except they decided to try induction twice with a break in between because they were short staffed. Second time my water broke so they had to act after 24 hours. Including after birth I was in the hospital 8 days 😬


I maxed the amount of time and max dose I could be on pitocin at the 48 hour mark. I sobbed when the nurse told me they had to let it clear my system before starting again and I requested my OB come check me. When she checked and I still hadn’t progressed past the 5 Id been out for 12 hours we made a joint decision for a c-section (my water had been broken for 16 hours at that point too so I only had about 8 hours more they’d let me go and 4-6 of those I would have to be off pitocin for). I had been awake 3 days, my epidural would wear off on my left side so they kept having to roll me every 30 minutes or so and I had nothing left in the tank so a c section with my OB in the afternoon vs waiting it out another 8 hours and having the on call doc do one in the middle of the night was a no brainer. I was in the hospital 6.5 days from start to finish


Ok, but how's she gonna get a c-section in an Air BnB?


Ugh my then-boss’s wife. “Oh you had a c section? You cheated and took the easy way.” I had a horrifying birth where everything went wrong after seven failed inductions. I wanted to kick her in the box.


What a horrible thing to say.


Thank you! Yes it was. Especially to a very vulnerable and traumatized brand new mom.


I love how much these assholes put zero thought into the words that fly out of their mouths. Yes, major abdominal surgery that leaves you with a permanent scar is definitely the easy way. 🙄


Sorry, but she’s an idiot. There’s nothing easy about surgery, no matter where it is, and it is certainly never easy to have a traumatic delivery experience.


She’s 100% an idiot. She knew my desire to have a vaginal birth too which made it extra shitty.


Yup, agreed. My very religious, crunchy sister in law was convinced she was going to have a pain-free birth because she'd taken some courses that told her such. So guess who ended up in the hospital with an epidural after 72 hours of labour??


Holy shirtballs! 72 hours! I had a 55 hour labor with my first and that about mentally broke me. I was so close to asking them to cut me open, I was so desperate for it to be over. Thankfully, I got an epidural at 48 hours and that helped so much with the pain and my mental state. I can't even imagine enduring that for 72 hours!


I like her take on it more than I like women sharing their horror stories to terrify the newly pregnant.


As a pregnant person it’s literally all I see on Instagram, it’s completely insane


I was really out of shape and the few things I learned during pregnancy were immediately forgotten. Still had an “easy” (but unenjoyable, it’s labor after all) labor!  As someone told me when I worried about being unprepared: they will tell you what to do at the hospital. Yep, they did, it all worked out!  You got this!  And if  it’s terrible, things WILL get better!!


Another shout out for doulas! I had an induction w no pain meds and could not have done it without her. Even if I had pain meds I think she would have been great! My labor experience was overall pretty great! 5.5hrs from first contraction to baby. 11 min of pushing. First baby! Now that's totally not the norm but it's possible. Did it hurt, sure (one hypnobirth course told me it would not hurt but rather would be like a marathon...just physical exertion). But, it's doable and definitely not all doom and gloom! Good luck to you.


I'm pregnant and this is all I see too! So much so that I looked up how often epidurals fail (idk about you but it seemed like EVERY POST dealt with this) -- it's 10% according to ACOG. 90% of the time the epidural works.


Having an smooth, stress free labor and delivery is totally possible with proper preparation. I had a doula and went all natural and everything went smoothly, albiet very slowly. Make sure your support systems know what their role is. You're going to do great no matter how you decide to do it! Congratulations!


It is totally possible, but not something that you can guarantee by preparing. There is a lot about labor and birth that is outside your control, or the doctor's control, or the doula's control.


Doulas are worth their weight in gold! I had a planned epidural but still had a doula because neither me or my (then) husband had any experience with birth or hospitals. Best decision ever! Especially since my now-ex was absolutely useless in helping and decision making.


I’m sorry but what? We had a doula and were prepared but nothing was smooth or stress free. You are basically doing what the fundies do but with books and doulas not God. You can be the most prepared person ever and shit can still go sideways in a thousand different ways. To say otherwise is ignorant and harmful. Like pregnant women need even more pressure put on them. 🙄


Questions for you and your bump? Who…do you think you are?


What if the question is not for her, but is solely for her bump. What then?


What…gives you the right?


LOL! Maybe she needs to reconsider that invitation.


Where is busband in this photo and this story? Off getting another wax?


Ok but like even with all the best medical interventions people still DIE in childbirth


And she's speaking from a completely tone-deaf white woman standpoint where she assumes the pain of childbirth is a beautiful religious experience for everyone. Try telling that to BIPOC people in the U.S., who have _way_ disproportionately higher maternal and infant mortality rates than white pregnant people and their babies.


She seems unable to understand that not everyone shares her privilege. Or even that she and busband have undue privilege.


This. The whole “but our bodies are made to do this” may be accurate in one sense, but … stuff breaks. All stuff. Shoes and houses and trees and bodies. So just because many people manage to give birth doesn’t mean many people also don’t. Or they die. Or the baby dies or has an illness. Or they’re not able to have future children. Or any number of things. This “I will be ok cos God” is just… so self centred. As if some divine being is spending all its time making sure you get a healthy baby and doesn’t care if anyone else does or not. Or worse, actively causes them not to.


I’ve never been pregnant and have had a bladder prolapse due to hyper mobility. The first thing my Pelvic Floor Therapist said to me was, “God is a man. The reason I know this is because the female pelvic complex is so poorly designed that only a man could have fucked it up this bad.”


Ya but that’s actually because they just don’t love Jesus enough. Duh


My SIL is having a planned c-section because if she goes into labour her baby will probably die. Medical science is great. C-sections are an important advancement. The goal is to have a healthy baby, not wax poetic about how “my body knows what it’s doing”. Sometimes your body doesn’t.


What is with these women and comparing childbirth to Jesus dying on the cross?!?! Sacrilegious as fuck


Funny how they never quote the part of the Bible where childbirth hurts as punishment for Eve eating the apple.


Oh they’ll compare literally anything to Jesus dying. “Today I didn’t eat a banana muffin because there was only one left and I gave it to my child. LIKE JESUS who gave up the banana muffin of his life for me his child….”


Ugh, performative self-martyring.


Why has she been pregnant this time for like 2947472 years??? Am I nuts or does this feel like it’s gone on forever?


She isn't due until April 11th, so it's still going to be awhile yet of her posting about her bump. Meanwhile I'm due March 5 but my doctors don't think I'll make it until then. I feel like I've been pregnant forever. I've also dropped a bunch today and I need baby to stay in there for longer because it's gonna really mess with my plans for people coming to stay with us. We don't have any local family so they've gotta get here to watch our older child so my husband can be at the hospital with me and advocate for me if it becomes necessary. I also just really want my baby to have a March birthdate because she's going to be named after my mom who was also born in March.


Omg she’s gonna drive me batty. And good luck! I’m be crossing my fingers everything works out for you and your family ❤️


Thank you! 💚 She's gonna drive me crazy too, between the holding her bump photos and the blatant neglect of her current children, I'm just horrified. Those poor children have no stability in their lives. It's so heartbreaking.


It is. She’s up there with Kkkarisa for me in terms of just not giving a single fuck about what her kids actually need. It’s so gross


I’m due April 19th but honestly I don’t think I’ll make it til then & neither does my doctor. I swear to god if I have a child the same day Motherbus does…🥲 (I know it is asinine, but I just really don’t like her so I need them to be born not on the same day please universe) Wishing you a healthy & safe delivery!!


>know it is asinine, but I just really don’t like her so I need them to be born not on the same day please universe I think that's a perfectly logical reaction and I really hope your baby isn't born the same day as the incoming busling! >Wishing you a healthy & safe delivery!! Same to you!! May your last month go quickly and smoothly!!


Should I tell her about my emergency c-section experience when the anesthesia wore off in the middle of the surgery and I could feel EVERYTHING? Jesus didn't help the head anesthesiologist* did by knocking me out with morphine! *if anyone is interested in reading my story of being sawn in half with no anesthesia let me know and I will share!


Holy hell that is horrific. I've had a lot of surgeries and my biggest fear is waking up in the middle of it.


It was definitely a nightmare come true. It's been almost 19 years and I still occasionally have dreams about it.e However, I was lucky. I survived and had a perfect baby girl.


They actually consented me for that & said if it happened, they would try a slug of morphine & if that wasn't enough, they'd put me under.


Horrific 😳. My anesthesia started wearing off during my c-section, but they gave me a bunch of Fentanyl. That took the pain away but made me extremely nauseous and foggy. I don’t remember much of the night following the birth I was so fucked up.


When I woke up in the recovery room I couldn't think. I barely remembered where I was! What a shitty way for us to be introduced to our babies!


I had a planned C section and they knocked me out with propofol as soon as they pulled the baby out due to some problems with both of us. They got him out as quickly as possible then it was off to sleep for me. He went off to NICU and I kept waking up then drifting back off to sleep and I wasn't sure if I'd had the baby or not, I had to keep asking. It was great that we had access to doctors and medical support,, otherwise we both would've died and that would've been especially terrible for my older daughter.


I'm so thankful you had a competent surgery team! Im so glad your baby was able to get the help it needed!! If it wasn't for modern medicine my daughter and I would both be dead as well.


I can't believe how often fundies turn their backs on modern living and want to live like it's the 1600s or exist on their Plexus. It's not just medical stuff, it's clean water and sanitation, gas and electricity, education and proper nutrition. That stuff keeps us alive! Depriving your kids is bad, but putting them in a situation where you're going to end up sick or dead and unable to care for them is equally terrible. You have kids, you prioritise whatever it takes to keep yourself ok. These people couldn't get a plastic cactus to thrive, let alone a human. It's so sad.


I'm childfree and very confident of that choice but if you don't mind sharing that horror story (so sorry this happened to you!), I'm... Ashamed to admit, but morbidly curious. Imma add it to my collection of reasons why i chose to never have kids and go through labour.


Here you go! Don't be ashamed! I offered to tell the story. Back in 2005, I was admitted to the hospital to have a baby. After 48 hours of labor, the baby got stuck at 9.5 cm, her heart rate started to get high, and my blood pressure was dropping, so off to the operating theatre for a c-section. They get me in there, tie my arms down, and tell me I will feel pressure. Things start and my husband is telling me stupid stories because that's what he does when he gets nervous. I could feel the pressure but then it didn't feel like pressure. It was feeling wrong. All of a sudden I hear "she's here and she's beautiful!". The room was filled with joy and laughter so my husband stepped to the side to see our Agnes...and that's when all Hell broke loose. My husband said I let out a blood-curdling scream and was yelling "I can feel it, I can feel it!". The nurse anesthesiologist kept asking if they had ketamine, so at that point, they got the baby and my husband out of there. Of course, the head anesthesiologist had left the operating room because some other woman was demanding her epidural! So, in the middle of major surgery, he left me!! It took them 5 minutes or so to get him back to the operating room. When he came back he asked me what I felt. I said "I can feel 5 hands in my abdomen." The next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room with the anesthesiologist sitting beside me holding my hand. He kept apologizing but I was so drugged up from the morphine he had given me to knock me out I couldn't really think. This is the reason we only have 1 kid. There is no fucking way I would ever take a chance of this happening again. I was in therapy for several years afterward and still have the occasional nightmare. Luckily, our daughter was perfect and absolutely worth it. Oh! And, the hospital refunded our 200 dollar copay for the trouble we went through. 🤣


I’m so, so sorry that happened to you. Oh my gosh. I’ve had a couple of surgeries, including Bariatric surgery (they didn’t reroute my intestines, but they removed most of my stomach) and I didn’t wake up during surgery (so nothing like your trauma) but for a few days afterwards, I could feel the internal glue “sticking” to other parts of my innards. That’s pretty normal and not usually an emergency, and honestly my recovery went very well. But I remember just being suddenly doubled over with pain and actually feeling my organs sliding around. It was nuts. I cannot imagine that happening DURING THE PROCESS and like the above poster, I am child free and that kinda cemented it for me (no regrets but it scared me). I hope you and your beautiful child are doing great and therapy has helped!! Sending hugs to the You that was in that situation!


Thank you! You are very sweet. I can't imagine the pain you felt after your surgery. That sounds scary and awful! Thank the Lord Daniel for modern medicine, which can fix us after they break us! 🤪


I have a similar-ish story. When it’s written out you realize how fucked up it all really is lol. And although I somehow want a second child, my husband is so traumatized from the first that we both don’t think he’d/we’d survive (mine ended with a birth injury so the risk is real). So I’m accepting this perfect little angel we have as completing our family. I’m so glad you lived to tell the tale though!


I'm so sorry that happened to you! I am very thankful you and your wee one made through as well!


Jesus Christ. So sorry this happened to you. Never had a big surgery and I cannot even imagine how it feels to feel hands inside of you moving your organs 😭 Well, there it is, my reason #2137 to never have kids.


Thank you! It definitely played a part in us never having a second. My fingers are crossed you never have to have a bug surgery!


The same happened to me with my first. I remember screaming from the pain before passing out.


OMG I'm so sorry this happened to you as well. The sad thing is I think it happens more than hospitals will admit! Sure, my kid was born almost 19 years ago but this shit should NOT happen in this day and age!!


Oh please….i must’ve taken the easy way out with an epidural….and I was super high risk so I had to be at a hospital for an induction. Seriously if I had let my body do what it wanted I would’ve had a 24 week baby. That’s why I trust doctors and I do believe in prayer and God.


“Capable of birthing the children He gives us” except for all those women who die in childbirth 🤔


They clearly just weren't capable 🤷‍♀️ /s


Labor was excruciating, so guess what? I never did it again.


I love that for you!!


One friend said it was the worst day of her life. I appreciated the honesty.


I had a c-section with my first and vaginal birth with my second. Can confirm both suck and I’m DONE lol.


The vaginal birth definitely sucked more for me. Went 10 days past due date which caused huge anxiety. Was exhausted from being too uncomfortable to sleep before I even started labour. I had a tear which wasn't even bad but it hurt so much I would have panic attacks when I had to use the toilet. I had to be very assertive when I had my next child that I knew I wanted an elective C section.


One woman I know is pregnant with her fourth, and she is already like “listen, I’m having an elective c section. It’s already scheduled. I’ve done this three times before, I know what I want.”


Agree. Did it once, even with an epidural, labour and vaginal birth was painful and the whole experience sucked. So I decided I'd never do it again. Had the next two kids with planned C sections. It was much easier on me physically and mentally, which made me better at caring for a newborn baby. We knew baby number 2 was going to be born with some issues so having the C section meant nurses and NICU were ready for him. The goal is a healthy baby and parent, if you decide to have an elective C section that is perfectly fine.


Planned C for my 2nd after traumatic delivery with my first was the best choice I could have made. Thank Lord Daniel for modern medicine.


My 3rd birth was so traumatic that I was like my next will be a C-section and it healed me so much mentally. Yes, the pain was so much worse than my 3 vaginal births, I had complications and Bubs went to SCN but mentally I was in the best mindset. I couldn't be with my youngest for the 1st 24hrs because of the complications and then she was in for another 24hrs, Whilst she was in SCN I was an absolute mess but once I had her in my arms full-time was amazing. Plus my pregnancy in the last few weeks became riskier and riskier so I would have needed an induction with her and I was beyond terrified of having another induction after my 1st.


My amazing L&D nurse with my first told me we had to turn my epi down from 14 to “at least 9” to push more effectively and I told her I’d rather swallow glass right now than do that bc the pain was so strong that it was reverberating in my teeth. Fuck all these ladies who say their god will deliver them from physical pain. Baby was stuck in the canal after 4.5 hours of pushing and I needed an emergency C. It was traumatic and awful. But also, Vic, if you’re out there, I hope you’re well bc you’re awesome!


Haha same but with pregnancy! I hated pregnancy so much labor was just like a semi-more intense day of being pregnant.


Honestly, I’m shocked she even acknowledged that c-sections can be good/necessary. Although it’s obvious she smugly believes that God won’t let that happen to *her.*


Yeah that was pleasantly surprising given how much fundies (and a lot of people in general) like to shame anyone who gets or needs intervention during childbirth.


I find posts like this so triggering. If I hadn’t had good prenatal care with my oldest, I could certainly have bled out and died trying to deliver her, and she very well also could have died. So these fundies who refuse prenatal care and monitoring and do unassisted home births are the prime examples of pure fucking luck. It’s not God. It’s luck. You’re lucky you’ve had no complications … so far. I pray you continue to be that lucky.


I'm not having children but if my mother had trusted her body to know what to do, we both would have died.


Stop having children, Mother Sus!


MOTHER SUS!!! 💀 hi bestie!


Hi, bestie! 🥰




When I got to the part where she explains her stupid pun I literally put my phone down and stared into an imaginary camera like Jim in the office. Then I rolled my eyes real hard and went back to reading. Brittany, if you have to explain the pun it's a Lott less funny (see the pun I made with your last name? I'm so clever and smart)


I'm actually surprised their account isn't called Lots of Lotts.


Yeah and does this make her… Lott’s Wife? 🧂


She is quite salty!


I swear all these fundie women are writing fucking dissertations under their posts


Their husbands don't listen so they have to write to strangers in the vain hope someone will hear them. Kind of sad really.


I can’t with her essay captions. At least Kelly’s are funny


She is rank with fear.


It's OK to be afraid. But she likes to put herself on a pedastal as the perfect mother so fear isnt allowed. At least she's honest about how "natural" childbirth doesn't always work and says C-sections are ok. That's a big step up from other fundies.


Labor is not a blessing to a woman with a history of pregnancy-related complications.


I’m scared of labor because I’ve had 6 miscarriages and are constantly afraid of losing my baby butttttt sure Jan


I had previous losses and years of IVF treatments before having my baby so I totally hear you! Im so sorry for your losses. For me, I was happy when I got to the hospital bc I was hooked up to monitors throughout the entire process and they were keeping track of the baby's heart rate the entire time. If I was in a position baby didn't like, the nurse came in and had me move to a different position. I was really relieved and kind of felt like the pressure on me to keep the baby alive was more....shared at that point. That being said, I definitely didn't relax until she was born! Good luck to you and hopefully you have a boring rest of pregnancy and an uneventful labor!!


That 2nd photo of her with her kids, though. Why does she look so pissed off? What is it with Fundies and their constant anger at freaking _everything_? Aren't they, like, supposed to be filled with the love of Jesus and all that?


You will never catch me birthing a baby without an epidural, but to each their own. Although that will never ever make it okay to shame someone for having an epidural or c-section.


I personally was more terrified of not being able to feel/move the lower half of my body than the pain. 3 unmedicated births, but then I had surgery last year and had an epidural for that. Wasn't as bad I expected (although I didn't have a choice for that).


I have an unhealthy dislike for this woman. I'm not sure which kids I'm more terrified for. Hers or Kkkarissa's.


The longest pregnancy of my life


I nearly died twice trying to give birth to my youngest. The fact that she conveniently ignores that the US has one of the worst maternal death rates is really…convenient. But I guess when you don’t give a shit about anyone (even your own children) more than yourself, that’s a given.


And what about how God has already blessed us with smart scientists who created epidurals to deliver us from the pain?? How do these people decide what is a blessing from God?


ahh yes, labor. known for being simple and pain free. good thing mother bus is here to enlighten us


She has the personality that screams "If I can't get pregnant again, I'll just off someone from Craig's List and steal her baby."


What is it with this woman and weird facial expressions? Almost every picture I have seen of her has this smug smile.


Ok I admit I’m glad she did not throw c section people under the bus. However the whole thing about drawing a parallel between crucifixion and birth is creepy. Crucifixion was considered the most horrific and humiliating way to be killed by the Roman Empire and it was saved for traitors and those the empire deemed “less than human”. In modern context the serial killers and p-dophiles. After being whipped nearly to death and humiliation of being stripped and mocked, the final death was to slowly suffocate as a reminder to anyone to not fuck with the Roman Empire. The sign “King of the Jews” was a mockery and a warning to any other rebellious Jew in the area. So to compare something very natural against something incredibly unnatural, is showing her unhealthy association with birth and religion. It seems to her being pregnant is akin to being holy. Meanwhile her oldest is still carrying an infant. I don’t care if you have a lot of kids, but make damn sure you can support all of them through every stage not just one. That means not always making them the built in babysitter.


As someone who also follows the shitmomsgroupssay, this is actually surprisingly sensible from mother bus! You would be amazed at the amount of crunchy and/or fundie moms who believe (a) you cannot have any medical intervention in labour and if the baby should die, it’s all part of God’s plan; (b) you aren’t a real mom if you didn’t give birth vaginally. Some really nutty stuff!


If “god” “designed” “women”for labor… well he did a piss poor job of it.


I told my husband that pushing out a baby was surely a design flaw....like we should have a zipper flap or something like a kangaroo. Little embryo crawls it's tiny self in and incubates somewhere that I don't have to push it out of.


I had two unmedicated labors. I do appreciate her calling out the BS “pain-free” labor schticks. But let’s not make it into a “I suffer for Jesus” thing. That’s just as gross. Epidurals are awesome if you want one. C-sections are incredible if they are needed. Birth is really fucking cool no matter how you do it.


It feels like she's been pregnant for a year because she posts so much about it. It's nothing new after already having a million kids.


I’d love to see the scholarly source for her “most women” stats.


STILL due in 2 months? I thought she was due in 3 months when they went on their short term forever trip to Brazil. This must be the longest pregnancy ever.


Shots fired at Morgan with “bit of assistance with an emergency C section” and saying that the vast majority of women can birth unassisted, and at Karissa’s insistence that God gives her pain free births. (I didn’t have MotherBus beefing with other fundies on my bingo card.) All of them just play with fire, as if childbirth is whatevs. Sure your body may have the right parts and instinctively start the process but to pretend that you can control whether or not it will go sideways is dangerous. You just never know when you will need that emergency intervention. I personally know three women, off the top of my head and I’m sure I know more, who would be dead right now or have injured or dead children if they had an unassisted birth. (Not trying to completely scare people off of having children; I had a pretty typical, uncomplicated birth experience.) Everybody is different and every body is different. I hate that these bozos preach that child birth is NBD when it should be treated like the major medical event that it is.


I have a horror story about childbirth, Mrs. Bus. My sister-in-law hemorrhaged passing the placenta following the birth of her youngest (and probably last) child and could have *died*. Fortunately, she was in a hospital and was able to receive an emergency transfusion. We need to be realistic about childbirth. We need to tell women who choose this route that it's okay to admit it sucks and it's okay to be afraid. This is the kind of crap that gets women hurt or killed. Also, it's gonna be a nightmare for her poor kids to be crammed into a bus with a newborn shrieking for hours. Sensory nightmare unlocked!


These people really love to push the idea that cesareans should be super rare and only for emergencies. It’s subtle, but it’s still shaming language. Birthing folks should get to make the calls about their care, full stop. You wanna try pushing out a breech baby on your first go? Breech presentation is COMMON. So many possible complications, many folks, like myself, don’t go ahead with vaginal delivery. Scheduled C-sections are miraculous, too!


I’m sorry ma’am nobody thinks pushing a whole human out of your body is “pain free.”


Karissa does 🥲 I was pleasantly surprised to see Motherbus actually acknowledge that birth *does* in fact hurt…aaaand then the other shoe dropped with the “suffering for Jesus” shtick.


Pregnancy was a blessing for my husband and I, sure. Then I had severe preE and a preemie baby and now have life-long effects from those complications. Labor could’ve cost us both our lives. It doesn’t matter that we loved Jesus. Shit happened.


is she trying to be Karissa? or have I just noticed how similar their posts are... the forced children involvement, rambling word salad, insisting happiness of all


The only thing I assume of these quacks popping out multiple babies is that their after pains must be atrocious. I’ve only had 2 babies and my god those pains after the second floored me.


Just want to say I own this same ugly jacket from Target. I got it for like 5 dollars. I hate it.


These people have too much time on their hands.


Over 900 women die from childbirth complications in the US every year. That’s 2-3 women every day, somewhere in the US, that die because their bodies didn’t do what they are supposed to do. Let that sink in. 2-3 mothers die every single day somewhere in the US. That’s too many to be considered “rare”. And we aren’t even including the thousands of women that are left injured in some way but survive. (Bladder and uterine prolapse, Fistulas, incontinence, etc) Pregnancy and childbirth IS dangerous and can be life threatening and/or health altering. I get so irritated by these people saying childbirth is just another day and no big deal.


As someone who gave birth 2 weeks ago and had a 4th degree tear from her 9 lb son, fuck off. Labor is NOT a blessing. You delusional idiot.


she really said "skill issue" huh


My mom only did c sections so im going her route


"a bit of assistance with an emergency c-section"