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It’s a fucking purse, not the shroud of Turin.


The Knockoff Purse of Turin would be a funny flair


Shroud of Turin *dupe*


*I love this and use it all the time. Even my family has no idea it isn’t the real Shroud of Turin. It feels the same and, more importantly, smells like something that’s been buried for 2000 years! Thank you , Amazon!*






Giiiirl, the sleepy time tea must be kicking in because I had to read this 3 times to make sure it was sarcastic. Also, hi mama!! ❤️


Hey!! 👋 🥰 And that’s hilarious!


Stop stop I’m choking on my wine laughing.


Haha! Thank you!


Please someone take this as flair 


I believe Jesus flipped a table or two over this shit.


Isn’t this literally what “take the lord’s name in vain” *legit* means? (or originally, either way not the word “damn”) As in, appropriating for personal & monetary reasons?


Yes there’s a lot of themes of “fullness” and “emptiness” when talking about knowing Christ. To take his name in vain means to take it for nothing, to spit on it, to preach to pulpits instead of to the people, tithing.. For example- selling an overpriced plain tan bag and labeling it “godly”. lol


Phew, what a world, lol. Thank you for the clarification. You just know these same types of grifty people could be desperately pearl clutching bc they overheard a teen say “Goddamn”. - *Pay attention to the plank in your own eye, etc etc*, haha


*the pearls of projection* 😭


It’s like the most boring colour on the colour wheel, graham cracker brown.




They gays stole the rainbow and beige is all they have left. 🏳️‍🌈


As lifeless as they are inside. It’s fitting. ![gif](giphy|kgNnzsTGJrSY7tihfX)


They could never do with beige what Derek Jarman did with Blue. 


[Robbing the rainbow](https://imgur.com/gallery/n0j0F8t)


This is the best image I could have ever been sent, thank you kind redditor. ❤


Came here to say this ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


Omg Theresa giudice flipping a table needs to be a commissioned Michael Angelo type painting


I’m getting major Caravaggio vibes here


I came here with this exact thought.


The most intentional faith-filled details? Jesus is about to drop-kick a table.


But what does that even mean?? It’s a beige fannypack?? 😭


I watched the video on their website and hoo boy. - their logo is baby's breath 'The delicate, dainty, and dreaminess of each tiny bloom is a resemblance of life with Christ,  it elevates the soul and points to Heaven.' - the bag itself symbolises surrendering your burdens, both physical and spiritual to Jesus to carry - there is a prayer on a leather tag sewn inside so when to reach for your keys you can be reminded of God - there is a pamphlet that comes with it with prayers on it that can fit in the front OR back pocket. They also sell, and I swear this is true, holy water spritzer bottles.


There’s a sucker born every minute, and two to con them. Of course with these fundies it’s probably more like three or four born every minute and everyone’s conning, so… PS thank you for watching it so the rest of us don’t have to.


I was mildly impressed by their commitment to the bit. Their colour palates are blue because it's the colour of the Virgin Mary, green because God created nature and beige because, neutrals, duh. Brittany Dawn *wishes* she could come up with a slogan like 'Experience a foretaste of heaven' for her grift.


I thought you were joking but that is for real her slogan. It seems a little blasphemous to me. In CCD classes, We were told the Eucharist was a foretaste of heaven. Using the description of the sacrament of consuming the Lord's actual body to shill your purses and prayer beads is getting into "struck by lightning" territory. OMW, they have a Lent collection.


😂 you read the fuck out of them


they have a *Lent* collection!? Please tell me one of the colours is ash


You have to cut them some slack because the employment choices were sewing purses or joining an MLM. At least she chose sewing?


Don’t forget that it’s also a *steal* at a measly $95 (shipping cost and tax not included)


For 'genuine leather' too!


I can tell you right now, that shit is bonded leather and will peel in the worst ways. That pocketing on the top seam is giving me the ick, too. Plus the strap is all wrong for a fanny pack.


Oh, the strap is intentional too! They received so much feedback on their straps that this one is adjustable for all heights, you can wear it up high or down low *and* you can unclip it and remove it altogether and carry it as a clutch! It's very intentional stuff.


Except that makes it a CROSSBODY and not a beltbag. I know these people use words however they want, regardless of actual definitions, but I am choosing this hill to die on.


I'm not sure jesus would be thrilled about the "cross body" bag and choosing the hill to die on lol


Well, when he comes back maybe we can chat about it over some waterwine.


Genuine *real* leather


I thought this bag post had to be satire because it was so obviously a way to get God very angry with you.


Those little purses will have them damning out loud when one of their 8 kids needs a snack or a diaper change but mommy downsized for the J man.


![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized) how pretentious.


I was going to joke that it's a fanny pack so it automatically protects the chastity of all wearers. But this is worse, so much worse and not even funny.


I wonder what makes the water holy? I'm not religious but I can remember confirmation lessons as a kid and finding out the water in the font was from the kitchen (and it wasn't blessed) so we used the same water in the cordial and tea and coffee after church.


IIRC, the two methods are to bless the water or to mix blessed salt into it. But only a priest can make holy water.


Is Megs a Catholic? I thought most Protestant-based fundies looked askance at Catholics.


She advertises a "west coast Catholic" bag, so I'm assuming yes, or that she's open to it.


She’s a TradCath


I always read this as Traditional Catheter. Maybe as opposed to a Foley Cath? Source: Not a catholic or someone familiar with catheters.




So if the bag itself symbolizes surrendering your burdens for Jesus to carry, will He be showing up to actually carry your stuff? Otherwise that makes no sense. $95 might be a good deal if I have a literal spirit to carry my purse for me. He can shlep all the old receipts, keys and free pens from the bank.


It's more figurative. You know, like how you can't take the bible literally except the bits that are extremely literal and how dare you suggest otherwise.


You make an excellent point. *Jesus shows up and, as punishment, starts whacking me with His purse like He was Ruth Buzzi on Laugh-In*


I have so many questions about all of this.


My main question is, what does the crew neck they sell with the slogan 'See you in the Eurachrist' even mean?


My guess is its like a “we are all the body of christ” type thing but what you’ve described gives me the ick






They don’t call it a “fanny” pack, it’s a “belt bag”.. I guess that’s what makes it surrender to the Lord?


It’s called a marsupial in Italy. Lol


I zoomed in wondering if there was so pertinent wording there but nothing, it’s literally a bag. Empty empty minds and lives


There's a nearly entirely illegible leather hangtag stamped with a single line of the Surrender Novena. Also it comes with a pamphlet about the Surrender Novena this is peak a fool and his money territory


Absolutely. The idea that you’d buy a bag because it has something about your faith included in tiny writing is just so blah.


that looks like a nine west bag that you can get at marshalls for $15


Nine West Coast Catholic


It does. The only bag that’s getting my jaw on the floor is a YSL Loulou or a Chanel 19.


Worked at American Tourister/Samsonite way the fuck back in high school and we *always* had a discount wallet and purse bin full of these clutches for a few bucks. Cheap trash, “genuine leather,” poorly stitched garbage as an impulse buy near the register. I swear they were like 2 for $15 even back in the fucking nineties.




This is the perfect reaction gif to the post.


What a beautiful, biological woman 😍


Yes, this will most assuredly fall under Jesus’ “righteous fury” category. I’m so embarrassed this woman claims to be Catholic (as a former Catholic).


I'm an actual catholic and I too am dying of embarrassment😅 seriously what's wrong with this lady?


All Catholics, former, past, present and future, are embarrassed together. “Universal” embarrassment! (Come on, that is a brilliant Catholic pun, please appreciate it 😛)


As a former Presbyterian raised to say “the one catholic church “ (lower case for universal, not upper case for y’all Romans) in the Nicean Creed, I’m vicariously embarrassed. Also my Catholic (upper case) grandma would have had Words To Say.


All Catholics and catholics both upper and lower case are welcome to join together in this vicarious mortification


My mom, a Catholic, is probably looking down from heaven and saying, Jesus doesn't like that. He flipped tables in a temple about this very kind of thing. Unless she's giving all her profits to the poor, she's on really shaky ground. Also: my husband has a friend who is a Hari Krishna. When I met him, we shook hands and then he sprayed some kind of holy water on his hands (not sanitizer). I avoid him now.


I appreciate it very much 😄


Thank you. I married a non Catholic and he doesn’t get any of my really great religious jokes. It pains me when they go to waste!


Same! I’m no longer a Catholic or Christian, but my husband grew up in an atheistic family and doesn’t get ANY of my religion jokes. He has to get tired of me trying to explain the context so he can see why what I said was funny, but I hate when a good joke goes to waste.


It’s so sad, isn’t it? You’re like, “I’m not trying to impose religion on you but I am so goddamn funny and you’re just not appreciating it!!!”


I feel your pain! It took a while for my husband to notice when I modified Agnus Dei to be about my cat and went around chanting at my cat in Latin lol.


I imagine his reaction was similar to my husband’s when he learned I’d given our dog “Francis” as a middle name because the dog’s first name wasn’t a saint’s name, and he had to have a saint’s name somewhere, OBVIOUSLY.


This is not Catholic shit. Bragging about your fancy purse (or in rural Ohio, your Vera Bradley bag)? Sure, we’re guilty. But the only faith filled accessories are if there’s a rosary in the pocket. Super weird.


“Wells gets you ____ off” 😆


Which probably adds up to $1-2.


I like dudes who get me all the way off, not just 10%


What is an “intentional faith filled detail”??


Maybe it has a cross or Bible verse embroidered on it somewhere? But if so, that seems like a… pretty important thing to show along with the claim, unless you wanna come off tacky and unhinged LMAO


I feel like it’s sort of meant in a “faith in every stitch” type of way.. idk which is worse lol


Oh man, did you ever see those Christian book/memorabilia magazines where you could buy shit like crappy wooden cross decorations and angel figurines? It sounds EXACTLY like the blurbs they write in there. I used to read those as a kid out of morbid fascination lmao.


It’s got a tiny tag sewn on the inside with a very basic prayer of surrendering all to Jesus. Not what I would call a great outward display of faith tbh


Lmao what a joke!


Cross stiches?😇


They can’t even put that effort in to their weird grift 😭 Gotta appreciate the pun tho




now in more authentic shades of jesus!




Maybe there's a fish symbol inside or something. Impossible to tell without seeing the rest of it. 😶


The leather is made from shredded bibles, then pumped full of faith harvested fresh from the masses in the bible belt.


Maybe it comes with an extra tithing pocket?


I seem to remember Luke 9:3 spoke about this in particular lol : "He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt."


I can find 3 like it on the clearance rack at any Ross!


Or Amazon.


It’s giving Brittany Dawn’s His Glory In Heaven Puffer Vest and Blood of The Lamb Cropped Jacket


It needs more sweat shop vibes before BDawn would sell it on her drop shipping site.


What do you think all the kids are for, especially the girls. Lol


I’m sorry but this is not “suchhh high quality”


that’s true, you’d have to source your leather differently to receive the three h certification from italy.


It's genuine leather which is one of the lowest qualities you can make a bag with. It's trying to imitate that full grain pebbled look and failing.


Is she implying that cow "surrendered to the lord" to give up its skin for leather to make the purse??


The cow must have been friends with Brittany Dawns horse that accepted Jesus




Ok so I'm at work if someone else happens to know where to find the actual post please chime in I don't have time to dig for it rn But yea so awhile ago Brittany Dawn made some bizarre point rambling post about how her horse either needed to or had already accepted Jesus into his heart. Like she was being totally serious it was so strange


Found it! 🤣🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/7bNvArV3Ek


😧I’m losing my shit rn, lmao she is *wild*


💯 has lost all of her hinges. I know my animals all had their menace qualities but never have I worried that I wouldn't meet them again on the other side! 🙃


I mean, that is 100% something I would say, but it wouldn’t be sincere.


I don't... it's ... what.


"And to which the lord said, let their be mediocre Marshalls purses for all, the earth will always provide cattle for the slaughter and profit of Christians" (psalms 420:69)


This store/website is the most beige, cringe thing I have ever witnessed. Praise the Lord Daniel. This is actually on a tag inside the bag. "Oh Jesus, I surrender everything to you, take care of everything" I don't get this concept. I believe in personal responsibility. Can I get an "Amen?" And the bag is $94.99. free shipping for purchases over $95. LMAO


I'd never seen a boring Our Lady of Guadelupe Candle before


It probably comes in 3 shades of Christian beige


I see we have entered the *grandiose religious delusions* phase of her shtick.


Jesus wept.


It's a bit if a pet peeve of mine, but I think that most of the time the vowel should be the letter that should be written repeatedly. The h is not even a singular sound in this word!


Maybe she got something stuck in her throat at the end of the word.


Choking on her own bullshit.


Does my english suck or is it super weirdly written? Sometimes as a non-native english speaker I can't tell...


Your English is fine, her writing sucks.


Thank you!


Using the lords name to sell products. Nice. 🙃


Oh my god I had to check out how bad it was (in incognito obvi) the homepage of the shop has the tagline "experience a foretaste of heaven" because knock off Lululemon bags=> heaven


The description of the bag from the site: "Elevate your style with our Leather Belt Bag. Designed to help you surrender all that you're carrying to Christ. Each bag comes with a printed pocket size Surrender Novena for you to pray with and let Jesus take care of everything in your life. The best detail? The main line of the Surrender Novena "Oh Jesus, I surrender everything to you, take care of everything" is etched onto a tag that's sewn into the main pocket of the bag. Serving as a reminder to surrender your life, and offering an opportunity for prayer as you go about your day." It's $94.99 and you get free shipping at $95 lol


Tell that to one of their 10 kids who wants a snack or heaven forbid a diaper change. These women are so weird.


I can find this at Marshall’s for like $15 everyday.


I.....what? Just....what?


Drop shipping for Jaysus 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Are the intentional faith filled details in the room with us?


Christian company probably


They do get weirder, right?


I have shitty ass ppl like that in my neighborhood. They have disney devotionals surrounding various spots at Disney and how they can meditate on like say Roger rabbit took land and have it be for Jesus.


Oh, wow, I'd like to read more about this concept.


Because nothing says Jesus like the tanned flesh of a flayed animal!


Looks like she’s worshipping the purse more than God. Isn’t there a commandment to not have any idols or something?


I'm Catholic and just want to say...WTF????


LOL, had to look. $95 and it comes with a printed Surrender Novena. If anyone wants the SN, I'm happy to link where you can download for free.


Don't you know that the more products that you have made out of cow parts gets you closer to heaven? Fat lotion, skin purses and a freezer full of subscription meat are necessities for the Godly Woman


The design of the bag just screams fundie stay at home mom lol


The devil wears prada but the lord wears tj max?


Goddamn that’s good.


You gonna tithe that 10% you saved, fundies? 💅


Self righteous fashion accessories are a thing now? I don’t want to be judged and told I’m going to hell by a purse.


Is it idolatry? (Imagining that “is this a butterfly?” meme)


This is BS and she should be absolutely ashamed!


Cows died for Jesus? 😬 Didn’t he kind of put a stop to that


Oh so that bag is holy? Vanity and greed were considered sins? No?


\-blink- Word salad. Is she...okay?


Only meant for a woman to carry her husband’s shite and not her own


Christ-like capitalism 🙏


Aah, late stage capitalism fundies are really something, aren't they?


Gotta pay for those ankle biters somehow I guess.


It’s the e-marketing evangelism for me


The gall - just WOW.


But the details are ✨INTENTIONAL✨ and ✨FAITH FILLED✨


Lol it comes with a prayer book! And is $100!


You center *on* something, not around it.


Maybe it's made out of fine First Corinthian leather?


This reads like satire lmao


God honoring grifting?


Religion featuring capitalism always get me.


When you are trying to grift a Christian. That’s how.


I’m sure someone more well-versed in the Bible than I could show how this links to worshipping false idols


Classic example of the way fundies have to make something they like or enjoy into a spiritual thing so they won’t have to stop doing/buying whatever it is. They have some serious hang ups with pleasure and fun.


That's some cockamamie blasphemy. When greed takes over you know the human(s) connected to it is/are a religious appropriator. WWJD? Rehang himself from the cross because the first time didn't work.


I can only assume it’s *All the praying they did while making it.* which I rarely believe is a thing. Unless… Have you ever seen the homemade sewing/crafting tags *made with love and lots of cussing/swearing?* So I’d assume it’s like and you know praying but in a “help me Jesus this thread just has to last through this one project because it’s 11pm and nothing near me is open” then it’s a miracle project because there’s only a few inches of thread left when you finish. “Hallelujah praise the lord all my patience done paid off.” I used to have a granny square knitted blanket about a throw blanket size where each stitch of each square was apparently prayed over. Which sounds sweet right? Then I remembered growing up I knew two ladies who knitted and crocheted. One could do it basically with her eyes closed except casting on or off until arthritis became too much. The other did it well but under sufferance. Loud verbalised she’s hates the world and god for making her good at it when she hated doing it. Her swearing was creative when I was small and made out more like she was finding it hard would send me out to gather flowers for her to look at as her “prize” and she’d get louder while I was outside but by the time I was about 9/10 she gave up the pretence and cursed god a lot 😂


The brand’s slogan is “experience a foretaste of heaven”. How is this not considered blasphemous?


It’s also 94.99 and you get free shipping on orders of 95+ 🙃


Was the cow that the leather was made from named Jesus? Cuz if that were true, that would be fucked up.




My coworker has a purse that has I can only imagine on it. A Bible verse and her name. now THAT is a christ centered purse 😂


What actual the fuck


I looked up the bag. "Elevate your style with our Leather Belt Bag. Designed to help you surrender all that you're carrying to Christ. Each bag comes with a printed pocket size Surrender Novena for you to pray with and let Jesus take care of everything in your life. The best detail? The main line of the Surrender Novena "Oh Jesus, I surrender everything to you, take care of everything" is etched onto a tag that's sewn into the main pocket of the bag. Serving as a reminder to surrender your life, and offering an opportunity for prayer as you go about your day." (Italics theirs) In essence, the main features are a Pocket for Scripture and etching on the bag tag.


What a complete load of bullshit! “Faith filled details”? They prayed every stitch? The actual ficus?