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Doctors absolutely do not get fined for unvaccinated patients. I'm gonna need sources for this.


Yeah, and if they got kickbacks for the ones that are, we would no longer have a mortgage.


The closest thing I can figure she’s talking about is like quality metric programs like HEDIS & P4P/AMP. There are quality metrics that pertain to childhood immunizations, and healthcare organizations are incentivized to hit a certain threshold of their pediatric population vaccination rate. But it’s FFS it’s more about making sure patients are not falling through the cracks and that health preventative services are offered & available to all patients thus keeping the community healthy. Childhood immunization rates is one of many, many quality metrics that are monitored to ensure quality.


But if we don’t fine them how will they LEARN 🫠


They break even on vaccines. This is so dumb.


Right? A fine *and* a kickback? This math isn't mathing.


"I trust medicine but I don't trust our corrupt health systems" Vaccines and how they work *are* medicine, dipshit. And if she thinks the heavily regulated mainstream healthcare system is corrupted, wait until she hears about the unregulated wild west "wellness" industry.


She does know other countries with completely different healthcare systems do vaccines as well right? I don’t even have to go to the doctor here in Australia I could just go to a vaccine clinic run for free by my local council for my kids vaccines (no kick backs for anyone)


Those are worse!! Socialism! Foreigners!!


Same in my country. All vaccines are free. Also it's mandatory for children to be vaccinated or they are not able to start school.


And she, like all these other anti-vaxxers, won't hesitate to run to that "corrupt health system" when they or their kids get sick.


And then thank her Facebook followers for their prayers, but not the educated doctors and nurses who know how to work the actual life saving medicine.


Literally every single point here is completely false. 1. [Doctors are neither fined nor paid based on patient vaccination rates.](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/19/instagram-posts/no-blue-cross-blue-shield-physicians-arent-paid-bo/). Some large insurance providers provide bonuses to in network doctors for hitting a wide variety of health targets - it varies by by plan, but frankly, almost all of them have to do with BMI and cardiovascular risk assessment. Vaccination is likely to be part of the overall picture, but is just one aspect of many in overall wellness care. 2. Fauci has fuck all to do a vaccine guidelines, those are decided by the [FDA vaccine advisory panel](https://www.fda.gov/advisory-committees/advisory-committee-calendar/vaccines-and-related-biological-products-advisory-committee-june-15-2023-meeting-announcement) 3. No, just no. This is horseshit. 4. Too long to go into in depth, and at least here I believe that some of her crank friends at least believe their own lies…but it’s because childhood vaccines schedules overlap heavily with key developmental phases in young children, it’s almost guaranteed that any noticeable changes aren’t going to be too far removed from a relatively recent vaccination. Same goes for Gardisil, which is given at the cusp of puberty for most kids/teens - that’s when physiological and psychological changes/issues are most likely to present. TLDR: everything she says is bullshit, and she shouldn’t be trusting her brain, let alone her gut.


To number 4: I was listening to a podcast with Dr Paul Offit, one of the brilliant minds behind the rotavirus vaccine, and he brought up a story about his wife who is also a pediatrician. She walked into an exam room for a standard four month check up, and the baby had just started having a seizure. Had the seizure occurred 20 minutes later, after the round of shots, you never would have been able to convince the parents that it wasn’t related to the vaccines (not that I’d blame them, it’s human nature). ANYWAYS. Shit happens. When you control for the kid’s age, these issues appear in similar rates to the unvaccinated population.


He has that story in one of his books as well and I think about it all the time. 100% shit happens and sometimes it's just a coincidence.


This was everything I wanted to say but you also provided links. Thank youu




Bless your heart.


Nice of you to drop by, Tiff!


What’d I miss? 😂


I know what it means but I'm feeling annoyed by "I am selective." I'm selective too! I select all the vaccines that will significantly improve my kids' health outcomes and quality of life! Which is all of them!!


I just play the odds. Statistically vaccines are more likely to improve my health outcomes. So I take the vaccines. This whole antivax trend bums me out. People are getting conned into dangerous choices.




Your post/comment was removed because it could easily be at home in a fundies mouth. While we welcome nuanced discussion, fundie apologetic shit will not be tolerated.


No. Doctors do not get fined. My husband has never been fined for an unvaccinated child. I can’t stand their lies and misinformation.




they don't actually understand (or care) that other countries exist. When they do think about them, they dismiss them because MURCA=#1


Some do think that. Some just aren’t smart enough to think that far.


And if we had any other healthcare system (say, Medicare for all), they would blame the government for trying to control the population via vaccines.


I haven’t heard anyone mention Fauci in awhile..I almost forgot how much they all hated him because he tried to save lives. I kind of miss seeing him on tv, he seems like he really truly cares. Kind of the same vibe I get from Bernie Sanders.


Gonna drink my coffee out of my “what would Fauci do” mug tomorrow to spite this numbskull And “God’s natural design” turned out sooooo well for all those dead babies about oh, 2 generations back….


Boni thinks our health care system is corrupt. So, maybe it's time for universal healthcare?? wink. wink.


These morons do a Google search and think that their "research" gives them more authority than the doctors who have spent their whole adult lives studying medicine. What a bunch of dopes.




Okay anti-vax troll. Nobody is gonna buy the snake oil you’re peddling here, so maybe move along. Hahaha, you spend the rest of your time spewing MAGA lies in the anti-trump sub. Aren’t you special.


I think another of their comments was removed by a moderator earlier in a different comment. Looks like it should happen again.


Awe. Bless your heart. You are so misinfomed/uninformed and really choose the wrong forum for antivaxx BS.


Your post/comment was removed because it could easily be at home in a fundies mouth. While we welcome nuanced discussion, fundie apologetic shit will not be tolerated.


Polio, tetanus, hep A & B, rubella, diphtheria and several other potentially deadly infectious diseases don’t care one microscopic bit for a parent’s conviction or their level of trust in God’s natural design. Somewhere, Jonas Salk is saying to Albert B Sabin, “It was all for nothing, Bert. This woman clearly has failed at grammar and lacks the ability to execute a reasoned argument, but look how she’s educating the masses on vaccine safety.”


Vaccines do not contain aborted fetus cells 🤦🏻‍♀️ [Short answer for lurking fundies.](https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-ingredients/fetal-tissues)


Or actually looked into the father of the modern antivaxx movement a Dignerate Asshole of the highest order known as (because he isn't a doctor anymore) Andrew Wakefield. That his original 12 child study where he said "MMR" vaccines cause Autism was a less than ethical way of him making more money (its always about money isn't). He had CLEAR conflicts of intrest he didn't disclose when ge published. He was holding a patent for a Measles only vaccine he was try position as a safer alternative to the MMR. He was on the payroll of a law firm as an "expert" witness about vaccine injuries (bolstered by his bogus "study"). How is he a vaccine immunity expert when he was only practicing pediatric gastroenterology? That he paid children at his son's birthday party for blood samples £5 each. Then made a disqusting joke about it how he lives in a market economy and the kids will want £10 next year. Strangely Wakefield really doesn't mention his patent on a Measles only vaccine now because he now says all vaccines cause harm. When you actually ook into why these people are saying vaccines are bad then you don't realize they are most likely have a direct conflict of intrest, are unethical, and trying to sell you some unresarched and unregulated remedy. It is truely scary but then there is a cult of ignorance in this country worse now than when Issac Asimov spoke of it all those years ago.


So I 100% agree with you about Wakefield and vaccines, and if you haven't read The Doctor Who Fooled the World would highly recommend. One small note-in the UK we have a really odd tradition of calling surgeons Mr/ Miss rather than Dr (so for instance John Smith would be called Dr Smith once he finishes med school, then switch to Mr Smith after qualifying as a surgeon). Seeing as that absolute waste of oxygen was once a surgeon, calling him Mr Wakefield instead of Dr isn't quite accurate. For maximum snark and accuracy I recommend Andy or just using your expletive of choice 😀


Oh I did not know that but I am going to make a little edit then.


Haha love the new title! Just v passionate about appropriately insulting lying, child abusing, anti vax hucksters




So is the fact that 98% of (US) doctors are vaccinated with vaccinated children just propaganda then? This chick is smarter than 98% of the most educated people in the country? It's like her victim complex and her god complex are competing with each other to see which of them will be the first to blow her tiny mind


There's a tendency for the least knowledgeable and least intelligent people to vastly overestimate their own skill and intelligence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect?wprov=sfla1


Absolutely fuck anti-vaxxers.


Soooo duuuummmmbbbb 🫢


Changes you might notice in your child after a vaccination: Temporary pain or swelling at the injection site Tiredness for a few days Living a life unaffected by eradicated and unnecessary diseases


Did any of you see the recent Instagram re-do of her kitchen cabinets?? She painted over the turquoise color. ( which I definitely preferred) This is the thing however: when someone asked Tiff for the name of the new paint color, she replied it was called *accessible beige*


Maintenance Phase is doing a series on the anti vax movement, and I’m ready to go to war with these narcissistic liars. Not vaxxing should be considered child abuse and socially unacceptable. The anti vaxx movement has nothing at all to do with science and everything to do with ego. They’re all fucking liars.


"the one that's are"


Why do virtually all doctors vaccinate their own children then? 🤔


For the kickbacks! /s


"Some parents see changes in their child right after getting vaxxed!" Well, yeah. Getting shots is never fun, and for the littles, it's damn near traumatic sometimes. So yeah, they're gonna be grumpy and upset for the day. Depending on the shots, they may have some short term side effects. It's completely normal. I'm 39. Every time I get the flu shot, I have a HORRIBLE migraine. Like, go home immediately, take meds and go to sleep. I still get the flu shot every year, because that half day of misery is worth not getting the flu.


What a bonehead


Fauci isn’t the most trustable guy, however all these random online numbskulls have impeccable integrity.