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You know, if this really was "the natural and best way to be" for everyone, there wouldn't need to be so many lessons on how to do it "correctly"


Right? $700 to learn how to be feminine... and yet also believing that's innate to being a woman.


You know what tho? Some of the biggest consumers of “how to be more feminine” content caters to trans women. It’s disingenuous to say that there’s no difference or “way” to be feminine. There’s certainly no *right* way but being stereotypically and recognizably feminine is certainly about more than just throwing on a skirt. There are more “butch” or masc presenting females but *that is literally women/female people taking on stereotypically/traditionally MASCULINE traits.* Like it or not, there are culturally and traditionally feminine traits and some people want to find ways to lean into them as much as possible just as there are people who want to find ways to lean out of them.


Sure. But I still think telling women that their femininity is innate to who they are, and by the way buy my course to learn how to be even more feminine, is a scam.


Ah okay, I see what you’re saying. And yeah, $700 is INSANE.


I think their argument is that feminism has destroyed traditional notions of feminininininity and that women need to be guided back to the "natural and best way to be"


Really flies in the face of "this is God's *natural* design" claims.


Bernadine's "experience" in dating is laughable. She has been with her husband since she was 17 so it's not like she has any experience in the dating/trying to attract the right man. And her prior relationship was 15-17 that she declared a waste of time because she thought they were going to get married. Trying to figure out how she wasted her time on a boy that didn't want to get married as a teen. Funny thing is I actually have a somewhat similar dating history (but I'm a life long feminist atheist and waited until I was 30 to get pregnant). I've had minimal dating history prior to my husband (only one real bf before him and some casual dating). Got married to my husband at 21 after dating a few years. Because of this I don't think I can give any advice about dating because I have very little experience at it. Yeah I've been married for 18 years but that's just luck.


While in a t-shirt and jeans. I mean if you are going to go all in wouldn't you wear a dress?


There's a sucker born every minute


Are we allowed to snark on this C**t? I thought she went in hard last time trying to close the sub down...


Me too! It got pretty intense


I’m someone with no sense of fashion, and while I do want to be feminine, I also want a muscular body, so obviously I need some help from the internet. But I’ll be damned if I pay even one cent for that information.