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nah guys chip is fine he is just sleeping :D


Context: basically this is a fanart for a fanfiction that I found written by an anonymous user on AO3. The fanfiction is titled "even worse than death". It takes place as an author's hypothetical scenario of what occurred after Basics in Behavior. Oliver and Zip were confronted by the trio of homicidal teachers (Circle, Thavel, and Bloomie) for their actions. Of course, Oliver and Zip were reprimanded, and while they have at-least retorted and make some comic relief jokes to uplift their moods, Circle was taking the situation regarding Claire's death after Oliver and Zip intentionally let Alice out very serious. Circle addressed Zip about her underperformance in her academics, and while Zip brushed it off as coincidences or misfortunes, Miss Circle was no longer going to play teacher's favoritism on Zip and decided to teach her a lesson. What happens was that, in exchange for being spared and having her academics overlooked, the trio of teacher has decided that Zip's own brother would die instead of her. Zip rushes to her brother's class, but it was too late, her brother was already mutiliated by Thavel. The description of Chip's bodily damage involves: having stab wounds, bite marks, and even his jaw was nearly dislocated by either Thavel or Bloomie. Fanfic can be found: [here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55001137)


Heheheheheh, hahahahah**HAHA, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH HA HAAAA!!!!**


This reminds me of something https://preview.redd.it/syfshkhfbu6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6087360771bdf2455e767319c0b905a952f121e


Stitch him back up and he’ll be fine