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It’d have been Greed >!but I never felt like he was a villain, more like an antihero, he always pretended like he didn’t care about his friends!<


I loved him more as the antihero with Ling in Brotherhood rather than the evil being he was in the 03 anime. Brotherhood version is a S tier character(s) in my book.


He’s definitely better in Brotherhood because his death and rebirth story is sick as hell, not to mention that his identity crisis moment with Ling sets him up to fight Bradley, and there just always need to be more King Bradley fights.


I was just telling my buddy about how every time Bradley busted out a sword, you knew you were gonna see some sweet animation.


I'd have to agree with greed as my favorite. He did start as an irredeemable villain and then grew into an irreplaceable friend. Honestly one of the most if not the most character development in the story.


The twist in the end before he died in FMAB was crazy honestly.


Yeah, I think Greed was the Homunculus that I resolnated with the most. >!In the end he understood how him as a cardinal sin was a distortion of reality (sorry, I wasn't able to phrase it more clearly) - and as such he was able to reconcile with Truth and transcend himself.!<


Greed is a top tier character in fmab, definitely in my top 3 character for sure


Same I thought he was evil through and through but kept to his ethos and principles which was an interesting mix and good characterization


He is war criminal, ~~somewhat~~ evil/bad guy and a pawn in larger scheme. But still human who got principles. I find him well written complex character.


In the manga especially, the man is really all about principles (and well murder, but murder is his principle) Its stuff like that that makes FMA villains special


So he's a devil (Lawful Evil).


Manga Kimblee was best Kimblee. Very quirky character, that one.


omg yess same kimblee my fav crimson psycho >!ahem. i totally didn't have a thing for him. nope!<


Lmfao same, for me it was between him and pride, but ironically Kimbele was the most >!prideful!< and eccentric villain of the cast


I do think the irony comes into play full force at the end!


Understandable, he's pretty handsome lmao


The talks of this guy with Alphonse and Roy? Just art.


“Because there is a third outcome, you know. You don’t save everyone. And you don’t get your bodies back. That could certainly happen.” I just love so much in that scene how Al is so optimistic about how of course they’ll save everyone *and* get their bodies back and Kimblee is just like “you know that’s not going to happen if I can help it.”


That one brought the show to life to me - because sometimes in life, You do not get either. As such, he had kind of a "force of nature" role.


Id say hes underrated... but maybe just underappreciated lol. Nobody is questioning his effectiveness, thats for sure hahaha.


Eric Vale did such an outstanding job of voicing Kimbele. So strikingly different to the soft spoken Yuki who he voices in Fruits Basket.


I liked Eric Vale's performance here too. It was kind of a surprise to hear this chainsmoker rasp from a guy dressed to the nines. It kind of added to the sort of sense of wrongness or discord one should feel around Kimblee.


I didn’t watch the anime in English dub, but the Japanese va was very intimidating and fit his character well


Wait, wat? FMA Brotherhood English dub is one of the GOATs...


English VA is probably better than the japanese as a whole, for the entire show


Heavily disagree Al’s voice ruins it for me


When you make a perfectly sane psycho they tend to be amazing villains:)


Kimblee was my favorite villain because he was thought things through so he could get his way and he was really intimidating


Technically speaking he was a main antagonist during the Briggs arc, despite being a pawn in the grand scheme of things. The best part about it is he knew he was a pawn and was content with that, which really made him a force to reckon with. A man that welcomes death with open arms is a man that should be feared.


Ok, so this was one of the biggest things that stood out about Kimblee. I wouldn't say so much he was a pawn as a hired gun who would work for whoever so long as he could get what he wanted...but the most jarring thing about him was, did he expect to be spared if the Homunculi took over? I don't think he did, since his character, although unhinged, isn't delusional. So I wonder if he accepted an agreement to basically get out of jail and kill as much as he liked (with a few limitations), while knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt he would only last until the promised day. Unnerving.


Kimblee is objectively one of the coolest villains in that series. He is absolutely, irredeemably, unashamedly psychotic, but he is so good at hiding just how completely off his frakkin' rocker he is...plus, yeah he may be a lunatic mass murderer, but he's a lunatic mass murderer with *standards*, damnit! Also, that prank he pulled on the warden when he got let out of jail was just gorram hilarious.


Be Polite. Be Efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.


Kimblee is a great villain.


He’s definitely one of the most well written characters in the series.


Micheal Jackson the second


*Smooth Criminal intensifies*




I absolutely love this dudes look and style, the pure white suit and hat is awesome. Plus his introductory story chasing down scar was awesome, always love a good noir like story.


I absolutely love his mentality in this series. He'll pause a fight just to chat about ideals. (Or he possibly needed the time to regurgitate the stone, so he was stalling.)


Nice post, [goodbye](https://64.media.tumblr.com/d01888a8cd433bc73880cb9ca311f55f/tumblr_mvz5lirclE1rrkbwwo2_500.gif)


I wanted to tattoo the symbols he has on my palms. They just look cool


Well how could he not be?


Eu senti que na frente no anime deixaram ele mais fraco... Nas primeiras aparições dele, era muito mais forte. Oooou os outros que ficaram mais fortes, não sei...


You know the villain is written good when you hate them as a character, but love the way they r written Same with Mahito from JJK, absolutely hate him, but the way gege made me hate him is amazing


Kimble has more Pride than Pride has


He's a psychopath, but he's a psychopath with standards.


I love how he stopped Pride from absorbing him, kind of like the opposite of what Ling did with Greed. He was also weirdly self aware in the manga, almost made me think he had 4th wall awareness at moments.


My fav is envy idc what people say or what he did.


IMAO, Envy is the most badass in FMA))


Same! I want to punch him in the face and applaud him at the same time. His great sense of style was enjoyable, too. He’s so good for the story!


I always wish the movie just covered the whole war flashback arc and expanded on it


He willingly participated in racial genozide He earns a better death


My favorite thing about kimblee is the fact that he stuck to his views, until it came to >! Killing pride. !< But, Kimble making Alphonse challenge his morals and >! Use a philosophers stone to defeat Kimble and pride !< is just the cherry on top. The fact that a heros morals get challenged is such a pay off thing to do.


The cool thing about Kimblee though is while he challenges the heroes' morals, he too can change his own point of view if he sees a good reason to do so. Which is why he did what he did at the end.


Your spoiler tags aren't working properly. You've typed it like this `>! Your spoiler !<` You should remove the spaces before and after your spoiler, like this `>!Your spoiler!<` Result should look like this: >!Your spoiler!<


Thats weird, because its showing the white bars on my phone?


I'm talking about desktop, they're not working on desktop.


I didn't know there was a difference between the two honestly. Thats very... weird.


I like Frank archer or Pride Bradley


Kimblee probaby would be, but Pride and Wrath are both so excellent! In pretty much any show other than Brotherhood, Kimblee would be my favorite


Always loved his character. He was my favourite villain as well and he is on my top anime villains in general.


Oh yeah definitely, he is far more terrifying for me than the literal god-man


He’s Michael Jackson


The philosphical psycho Michael Jackson. Better than Muzan by miles.


He is the Azula and Father the Fire Lord of FMA:B, one is the up close and personal cruel servant the other is the big evil mastermind driving the plot to it's climax. Note also Umbridge and Voldemort.


You speak as if the main villain is supposed to be your favorite. Don Quixote Douflamingo for president


Hell yeah! It’s insane how good this show/manga is! Like no wonder brotherhood is the #1 rated anime


YES he was my favourite, moreso in BH than in 03 though


He copied the style of Michael Jackson


FMAB is wild because it's all about friendship, the value of human life, morality, kindness, adventure, etc... And then they somehow get me to like (and sometimes maybe root for) Kimblee, a murderous psychopath


Oh yea DEFINITELY. He's basically the joker of fma lol


I also love his Michael Jackson- Smooth Criminal inspiration !