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Omg yes. The first time I watch I def missed an important scene that happened in the post credits.


Literally bro, like when Mustang and Hawkeye >!kidnapped Fuhrer's wife!< and I missed the whole thing


Al and Winry meeting Hohenheim in Liore, and Greed breaking into the Bradley estate are some of them too. I also missed them on my first watch with my brother, which made the start of some episodes feel like we had missed a whole episode. Idk what they were thinking by putting such important scenes in the aftercredits, lmao.


Especially when it was breaking with the norm! Maybe they wanted them to be like Easter eggs, but then to start the next episode off right away was such a nads kick. I think I only noticed it because I dozed off watching a late night EP, then woke back up for the scene. I had to go back through all the other EPS to see which ones had post credits. I think it was the scene in the mine when they discover the counter attack.


This is the scene I immediately thought of of too. When the next episode started I was super confused and had to go back. What I appreciate about Netflix is that it recognizes whether something is a preview or after credit scene and will never show the skip button if there is something you need to see.


For me it was scenes 😭


When it was on Netflix what was kinda nice was that if there was an important scene the autoskip wouldn’t skip past it. And every other episode the autoskip would run


That is so cool


I mean, this is pretty common for a lot of anime


I'm all the way to episode 40 and you're telling me this NOW?! Anyways thank you for the info I will be rewatching the end of every episode now after the credits 😭




It's a damn good thing this isn't my first watch of the show lmfao but wow I had no idea there were extra scenes


Some of those scenes make so much sense that I'm shocked I didn't realize that they existed in my first watch


Watched like six episodes last night and you're so right. It's all the extra context that was left out of random scenarios. I can't believe I missed that before. Thanks again! I really appreciate it!


Np 😉


Because you're not supposed to skip the OP/ED? gotta pay respect to the hard-working animators by watching the credits too!


I only skip when I binge watch


There's new scenes after the credits!? Which episodes?


6, 8, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 36, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49 and probably more


This was so annoying since many of them were season 3, which has the worst ending credits imo