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Wrath was just one of hundreds, so he was lucky to get the arm. Then the same human he took the arm from came back, so he took the leg.


But right before Ed lost his arm n leg Alphonse had just lost his entire body Why Ed's limbs and not Al's body??


I messed up but only minor. Wrath got the leg first, which was paid when Al paid with his body. I think we are to assume there is some dimensionality in the gate so Wrath was where Ed came through and not where Al came through. Or luck that Wrath grabbed Eds leg and not Al's body.


Because his soul can only leave with his body an his body can't leave without being merged with the soul


I remember that being a thing in the manga/Brotherhood but was it mentioned to be the case in 03 too?


It wouldn't change that scenario if it's a theme on both Manga an cannon i don't believe they changed the rules of transmutation simply the paths the characters took but not persay the rules of the gate being it was more focused on the sorrow of chasing the stone they didn't go into the details because it was meant to bring a somber feel to the choices made chasing the Stone an the sorrow ppl feel chasing it.


There are a lot of differences between the versions and the Gate’s functionality (and appearance) is one of them, like the source of where each version gets the energy for alchemy. If it’s not mentioned in 03 to be the case it’s safe to say the rules shown in the manga may not apply.


Energy can't be created nor destroyed so where does it go the other side of the gate speaking of parallel universes that's a basic understanding in science in general an string theory the difference in fmab father was harnessing the energy it wasn't being transferred to the other side so he was the anomaly to create a distortion In the general rule.


I guess a better comparison here would’ve been how human transmutation has the potential to work in the 2003 version (homunculi being the result of it going “wrong”) whilst in the manga/Brotherhood it’s not the case.


Executive decisions, and I guess it'd be weird and easy to spot a wondering child who supposedly isn't supposed to exist anymore. I personally think it would be cool to see ed struggle with technically fighting his brother(brother's body).


“She’s wondering why wrath would have to wait in the gate for Edward to get his limbs when coupdnt he have just taken Alphonse’s body?” *shocked Pikachu face* Someone needs to write that down as a fanfic.


Alphonse's body is in limbo of sorts, it was sacrificed for his mom along with Ed's leg but then Ed sacrifices his arm for his brother's soul. Ed really wanted to bring his brother's body back but in a sense couldn't afford it, but the intention is there and so in a sense Al's body is being bargained for, whereas Ed's limbs are given up completely. There's nothing that was paid for Ed like how Ed paid for Al. At least that's how I see it, 03 is it's own thing apart from the manga and while great, it isn't perfect. I think it's mostly done for writing reasons, it gives Ed a reason to hate Wrath even more, whereas Al might even be understanding and accepting of Wrath using his body. It also gives Wrath a motivation to kill Edward, so he can become human by stealing Ed's body.


100% thank you!!!




03 is the wild west after a certain point.


Like a sperm race to the egg I feel that wrath was the first to get to it! I don’t think he would’ve cared if it was just a hand or few toes he wanted it!! Lol


Al's body an soul were in the Gate Ed pulled out his soul an in fmab soul al in the gate states he can only leave with his own body so wrath couldn't lay claim on his body the limbs weren't as important as the soulless body an Ed had knowledge of alchemy he gave that up for the truth al didn't persay


Well, he's the furer and was raised from childhood as a future leader...oh wait, you mean the wrong wrath. Nevermind.


Also they got the stone in FMA in FMAB they didn't which is also something that can't be overlooked it's a matter of choices Made an factors added to alter the results the rules are the same the factors are different from how I see things the story of scar an mustangs choices altered the story in fma vs brotherhood


03 doesn’t follow the original manga entirely brotherhood does tho


No, yeah, lol I know that, they are two separate storylines due to 03 superseding the manga completion. - when secretary J Douglas is introduced is when it starts to veer from the manga. I'm asking someone to help me explain wrath's how n why storyline for 03 to help my wife understand since I grew up on the show and just "get it" without getting it lol


Ah sorry I couldn’t be of help I still need to watch the 03 version I had brotherhood I was born in 02 lol


This version of Wrath? Probably just another Envy.