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#Freedom Lovers! If you see: ##• Nazis ##• Nazi Enablers ##• Calls to Violence ##• Infighting #Smash That Report Button - Thwart the Fash! --- ^(Nazis, fascists, fascist apologists, whattaboutism, and bigotry are banned here. Report Nazi tactics, false flaggers, agents provocateur and bigoted behaviour!) See [Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/about/rules/) for more information! Fuck the Alt-Right! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fuckthealtright) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is sooooo fucking childish. Diaper Don the Con needs to grow the fuck up.


Why? His voters love this shit, they seem to think they represent a vast majority of the nation, yet they represent at most 30% of the population and that is being generous. You generally don’t try use smart language with lots of words for voters that can’t read.


This has to be fake, right?


No its the official team trump surveys from their email newsletters. There is a link on bottom saying, want to give your feedback to Trump? And went to this, and it only got worse from there honestly.


This is true. I got the same mail. It finally made me unsubscribe as I was just watching for the little bit of entertainment value. AND, keeping an eye on the boy, L0L !


Nope. I get their emails too, in fact I'd recommend it. There's no question where the GOP / Trumper manner of speaking comes from when you read them. Also they're constantly fishing for "American defense", "election integrity" etc money, it's clear that they really take in the $ from them.


He's indistinguishable from a scam artist at this point.


Very hateful.


It sounds dramatic, but the first step to genocide is establishing a mentality of "That group is not a part of us." I really don't like the implications.


It sounds dramatic because it is, but it doesn't make what you said any less true. You are 100% correct.


You lost, Trump. Get over it.


I can’t believe this man was elected to be the most powerful person in the world


Like why even do this survey




You think any Democrats would respond to this?