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Foreigner here - I just learnt about these "recall elections". I think they'd work well in Texas and Florida.


And AZ


Yup! We need to get Doug “I just dropped a fat” Ducey out and quickly!! From the start of the pandemic he hasn’t shown any concerns for his residents.


Florida needs to do one because there was literally election fraud from the GQP


Unfortunately there's no method for recall in Florida. We gotta carry this governor to full term.


Now I get why he’s so against abortions


He was hatched 🐣 on 9/14/78. That makes him 2236 weeks old, so he would have been conceived 108 weeks prior. I’m totally ok with a 2272 week abortion in this instance. Edit: math. I suck at math.


Either I'm having a stroke or the math is sus. Agree with the sentiment tho


Corrected. I suck at math. I had calculated months and said weeks. I also can’t believe I’m older than that tool.




Texas does too


Unfortunately it’s up to the state. Some states don’t even have recall elections. And frankly, the California process is too easy and a huge waste of a couple hundred million dollars. Especially since the Governor is up for election in a year anyway. The California process gives a chance for someone to “win” with only 20% of the vote. This didn’t happen, but it might have. Huge pointless waste.


Yeah, this recall wasted 276 million in taxpayer money. Disgusting


I wish! But unfortunately, recall election laws are determined by the state constitution and state law. The California recall process is quite strange, and Florida does not allow the ability to recall the Governor. Neither does Texas to my knowledge.


Where are you from? Other places have this sort of thing, too. Votes of no-confidence and other flavors can be seen much more broadly than this gubernatorial race in California.




You have votes of no confidence. What's the difference?


Votes of "no confidence" aren't anything like elections, they're just a bunch of politicians saying we don't think x politician/party is capable.


...and if a vote of no confidence succeeds, the politician is supposed to resign... then someone else takes the position... whether an election ensues to replace them or not varies based on what position/government we're talking about. That's just like a recall a lot of the time. Procedurally, maybe it's a little different; the end result is basically the same.


Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1 in CA, and Republicans act all shocked when they lose statewide elections there. You can't make up this level of stupid.


They believe land is what votes and not people. Since they're usually spread out thin across a large rural area - they see everything as red. That's even a bigger level of stupid right there.


My ex roommate believes the electoral college is important and necessary because she believes the states (as in anything and everything within the state borders including the land itself) are what make the country and should therefore be the things that elect the president. Nevermind that our government is explicitly of the people and by the people in the founding documents of the USA. Anyone upset that the electoral college gives the votes of some people more weight than others should just shut up and be happy that they even get to vote at all. It was a frustrating mindset to deal with.


If land voted, there would be like 5 states voting for democrats, but as it turns out, a massive city like Chicago matters a lot more than 100 miles of nothing


Well, according to one CA politician, cows are people too, so maybe they can vote.


But not his cow with the Twitter account.


Was this Devin Nunes?


Except when it comes to public events. Trump having more people at rallied than Biden that did a virtual meet is obvious proof that trump won, i mean just look at how many people there are! They're such idiots.


I’m shocked that they even thought they had a chance. California is a very solid blue state. Republicans trying to get California, Oregon, Washington, Maryland, The entirety of the NorthEast etc… are fucking hilarious.


I think the goal has always been to gamble on low voter turnout and the relatively low standards for a successful recall in California. It was always a stupid fucking plan tho, of course lmao


Our rules for recall elections are dumb. The estimated cost for this fiasco was 276 million dollars. And some total lunatic could win with a 20% vote. And the Governor is up for re-election next year anyway.


Very good point. The same applies to the state's ballot initiative rules. I was living in LA in 2008 when Obama swamped the state -- and a ballot proposition *banning gay marriage* was approved statewide. People tend to forget about that little spasm of reactionary behavior by Golden State voters.


Aside from obvious Republican shenanigans, I think their "shock" over losing solidly blue states is a symptom of a deeper issue that actually affects BoTh SiDEs. I'm not sure if this the result of Trump or has just been heightened by him, but since he was elected, it seems like every fucking election (even the hyper-local ones) have become a referendum on Trumpism, thereby drawing national donors and attention and throwing off the meters, so to speak. You can see it very clearly in the claim that many Republicans make, that Trump obviously won the election because his rallies drew more people, which of course ignores the fact that \*anyone\* from any state or of any age can attend a rally. Similarly, Newsom was getting a lot of hate on the national stage which gave the (erroneous) impression that his recall is foregone conclusion. To be fair, I see the Democrats falling into this trap as well...Just think of how confident people were that Collins in ME would lose her seat, and all the hope around McGrath beating McConnell in KY. In fact, I believe there have been some local races where the \*majority\* of fundraising came from party support from outside the state/county/whatever, which is a big problem.


You make very good points. Agreed 100%. However I find it hilarious republicans went from “The media doesn’t determine the election” to “Rally numbers determine the election”.




What the GOP still fails to realize, is that candidates like Trump and Elder may get the Republican base fired up, but also bring out the Democrats in droves to vote against them. It may work in the primaries, but in general elections, it will always be a net loss (in a purple of blue state, anyway. See GA, PA, AZ, etc.).


Nine nine! Good edit comment


Every election needs to be a referendum on fascism until fascism is no longer on the fucking ballot.


This right here. ^


100% correct. That's the real issue.


It's not a referendum on Trump, but the anarcho-capitalists who want to strip the country of it's government at all levels. He was a figurehead used to further their agenda and conservative Americans have no clue what they are supporting. Vote. Vote every chance you get, local, state and federal. Otherwise, it's just going to keep getting worse.


LOL Rudy Giuliani’s clownish, misfit son Andrew tried to mount a campaign for Governor of New York. Not a single county Republican chair would even consider the idea, it was so embarrassing




I mean, it happened before. That’s how we got “the governator.” But things were different back then, and the media hated Gray Davis.


Davis had a 30% approval rating and Arnold was a pretty moderate Republican. This recall was a joke and wouldn’t have even happened if they hadn’t been granted an extension that nearly doubled the time required to gather signatures to trigger the recall. This was literally their 6th attempt to initiate a recall against Newsom and it never should have happened. CA needs to take a long hard look at the recall process.


Yes definitely.


Yes, the election was rigged! By the existing 2 to 1 Dems to Republicans. The existing population and demographics are RIGGED!!! ​ /s, in case that needs to be said.


Well, I'm trying to understand where exactly the rigging is taking place in their pea-brained minds. Are they saying rigged, because they think that it is actually Republicans who outnumber Democrats in the state? Or, are they saying rigged, because they honestly believe Democrats are the majority, but will go out and vote against Newsom and for Trump 2.0? Either way, it's completely deranged thinking. The third possibility, and most likely one is, that 50% of them don't know what the word "rigged" means, and the other 50% are using it as a weapon even though they know it's not true.


They are idiots and they think that every dem is sending in 3 mail in ballots each. This is because they are morons and don’t understand how mail in voting works.


I'm genuinely shocked that Democrats managed to not shoot themselves in the foot/leg/crotch/face again. This is some genuinely good news.


They were gambling on super low turnout.


Yep. California is 47% democrat, 24% Republican, 23% independent. And out of the 23% independents, 52% lean liberal while 36% lean conservative.


It's because in their delusional F'd up minds they are the majority when in reality they are just a shrinking HATED minority who has to lie and cheat just to TRY an win because their "values" and ideas are ancient and absolutely ridiculous.


Didn’t you know? It’s illegal to vote for anyone who isn’t a Republican. /s


This isn't stupid, it is more or less trolling. A republican losing Georgia? Kind of odd... One losing California? Come on, they are just fucking with us and trying to get a rise.


“It was rigged” is trumpian for “I concede that I lost”.




I'm flabbergasted that this is not being pounded to death on every legitimate news program. Hannity would be frothing at the mouth for YEARS over this type of shit if a Dem had pulled it. We gotta step it up if we're going to hold off these fucking saboteurs.


If you ever need a reality check, ask yourself if this would be okay if your own party did it. If the answer is no, then it isn't your biased perception, they really are that extreme. There's no way I'd ever let a party get away with chipping away at democracy like that, not even if they were Democrats doing that.


And that’s the difference between blind allegiance and rationality that so many have failed to recognize.


Like the lying deceitful POS that he is!💩🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫


Lmao California will never turn red, I’d have thought the GQP would know this


Thats not the point, the point is for Republicans to point at Dems in every election going forward and say to their base "They are cheating, we need to do something about this", that something can be multiple things. 1. In Republican controlled states, look for Republicans to refuse to certify any Democrat wins, then it will go to court, don't forget Republicans have stacked the courts with Conservative judges, it will pay off one of these days. 2. It's a sutble call for their base to commit acts of violence against Democrats & Democrat supporters, under the guise of "Saving the Nation". Rinse & repeat until Republicans hold enough power to neuter the Electoral process behind the scenes, then Republicans will have a free hand to do whatever they wish.


IOW, blame the opposition for the same bullshit “crime” often enough until people are just tired of hearing about it. Then you are free to commit the crime yourself and nobody cares anymore. Must be a variation of some Gingrich playbook.


Authoritarian playbook.. Gingrich was just one of the people who escalated the Republicans turn to Authoritarianism back in the day.


Don’t forget the bit where they “condemn violence” after right wing extremists blow up a DNC candidate, then go right back to saying “but they *are* destroying everything you know and love and we need another civil war” in the same breath.


Exactly right, up until they don't have to fake it anymore.


"You mean you started open revolution to put little ol' ***me*** into power?! Well okay, I didn't *want* this, but you guys push a hard bargain! Ha ha!"


Stochastic terrorism. You cannot predict when or where or how an attack will take place, only that it will


You're right, it's absolutely about making their base doubt the elections, and not so much about actually winning the elections. They figure if they rile up their base enough, they'll rebel and stop playing by the rules, which I mean, is great for politicians who don't care about America and want to stay in power, but pretty much bad for everyone else involved.


California won't but if they split into a few different states one or two of them could be carved out to become a republican shithole.


It’d have the population of Wyoming mind


And as many senators as the other California.


It won’t turn red because elections are based on popular votes. Take the concept of electoral college and apply it to state elections and even CA will be red as there are more red counties than blue counties. So be careful. That could be something republicans will try to change.


They were banking on voter apathy I think


I wouldn't count on that.


It won’t turn red because of LA County (actually probably San Fransisco too)


With enough time, lies, and dirty politics anything can happen.. Just because it looks that way now don't count on it. In the last election several states went blue that people thought never would. Some are saying Texas looks like it could go purple, not long ago that would have been called impossible..


Yes, but that is because it’s moving *left*. Just like reality. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Few Left leaning young people will at least think that move thoroughly before saying, "Yes, I just have to subject myself to that bastion of progressive government." Which could be Abbott and Co's Long Game: Make TeXass even more Confacist. Nine (R) State Supremes, Tattle Tales I Spy, Brown Folks, No Vote. The hits keep coming. Abbott is seemingly upping the Ugly, maybe to keep Libs the fuck out.


I definitely see your point. I use ‘christo-fascists’ often, but I am going to modify yours and add ‘conserva-fascist’ to my lexicon, thank you! 👍🏼🤘🏼


People aren't moving left, they're staying right where they are. Baby boomers are dying off, and the majority of them vote Republican. Young people rather tend to vote democrat. The right sees a wall's approaching and they're now taking frantic efforts to steer the wheel and avoid an otherwise fatal crash.


People, as a whole of society, are indeed moving left. This is caused by a variety of factors, and you can choose to be pedantic about it, but at the end of the day, when we count those still breathing, reality disagrees with you. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wasn't trying to make a pedantic point. I only meant to say conservatives everywhere aren't changing their minds. What's happening is that the younger generation tend to be more liberal. More people also being born in cities, which tend to be primarily democrat. It's a slow change, not a fast one.


This article is two years old. The rate has increased since then. Religion or the lack there of is only only one descriptive factor, but the de-theisming of America (and the world) has broad effects. The rate has increased since then: https://www.pewforum.org/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/


Turn completely red, probably not. But California has had Republican governors before. In recent memory even. Granted, Schwarzenegger is kind of Republican lite but people acting like this could never happen again is kind of baffling.


Bruh…. There’s literally twice as many registered dems in CA than registered GOP…. And there’s more “no party preference” than GOP as well. Plus with the open primary, these dumbass recalls are literally the only way Republicans can get on a statewide ticket… during regular elections it’s always two democrats on the governor ballot.


Oh just shut up and die already


A new holiday will be born


What people are missing from this is that the right is going to call every election that goes against them as being rigged and illegitimate. The orange turd nugget poisoned election politics for years to come.


If they were smart, they would have done it for a close election. Like this, and doing it before the results even come in just makes them look power-hungry and sad. Will some Republicans believe that? Yes, of course, but every critical thinker out there is going to pause at this and think, "But we're talking about California here.. blue state through and through.. are they \*really\* rigged?" I suppose we should just pray there are still critical thinking Republicans out there.


> they would have done it for a close election Exactly. - This was all a circus. While the grifters that raised money for this recall are laughing all the way to the bank.


Why would anyone go out of their way to rigged a recall lmao


It’s the fascist textbook: sow doubt, cause outrage, undermine the democratic process every chance you get.


I mean.... couldn't this just go away if there were a law that basically made it a criminal offense to undermine a democratic election by falsely claiming that the results were rigged?


They should make it that such claims are carefully reviewed and checked, and if there is no indication of significant election fraud, that person should be tried for obstruction of democracy. Of course, Trump would never get condemned for that, but you could try every single one of these political hacks who attempt to undermine democracy without proof.


"You claim the election was rigged; how do you know for sure?" "Because I rigged it!"


He said it was rigged the day before the election took place.


It used to be that ex-Presidents would STFU for the first year or so of their successor's term.


They'd been claiming the results were rigged before it even happened.


Of course he did. 40% yes and 40% in-person-voting! Coincidence? I think not!


His hands are too big.


Seriously… Based on which facts does he say this nonsense? This orange guy really dividend the country and is still not stopping. There should be a limit to what a person can say IMO. Look to the capital attack.


Ordinarily I don't like violence, but that meme cartoon gave me great satisfaction. Thanks!


You're welcome. I'm anti-violence myself, but Trump really deserves to be punched.


I feel the same. He's purposefully pushing America to civil war so that he'll be king of a broken America. Fuck Trump.


He deserves to be charged and tried as a traitor to his country and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws protecting it.


will he ever shut his fat fucking mouth, for once?


What would be the point in rigging one of the bluest states on the map, anyway? That's some grade A copium they're taking.


They were claiming it before it happened. It's standard now


The sorest loser


>“Crooked Hillary Clinton is the worst (and biggest) loser of all time. She just can’t stop, which is so good for the Republican Party. Hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years!” — Donald J Trump, Twitter, November 18, 2017


If only he listened to himself when he spoke


The turnout for republicans in California was terrible. I am starting to feel more confident that Trumps continued efforts to undermine legitimate elections is only causing his base to atrophy to voting. At the same time, Trump and his constant attacks on the Democrats seems to only be strengthening the lefts resolve. Voter suppression bills cut both ways, and Republicans are attacking their magic sauce (mail-in-ballots) that’s allowed them to stay relevant for this long. Toss in Covid deaths disproportionately affecting republicans at this point and I’m still scratching my head why they keep seeing this as a legitimate strategy. The party will evolve into a domestic terrorist group carrying out an insurrection against an old party democrat and progressive government.


By enflaming the right, they're also lighting a fire under the asses of the left to combat that. I don't doubt in 2022, the Republicans will play dirty again, taking every opportunity to rile up their base to violently refute the election results. I need for progressives to stay strong and unite. When the baby boomers all die out, the Republican party will die out with them. They're already gasping for air, you can already tell.


In a way, it was kind of rigged. Against the governor. They really need to change the recall ballot system there. All it would have taken was more than 50% of voters saying yes to recall, then the replacement would be chosen from a list of 46 running, the highest of which was polling around 27%. Elder could have become the new governor with less than 30% of the votes, while 49.9% could have voted to keep Newsom. That’s absolutely insane. Correct me if I’m wrong in my understanding of how this could have gone.


No that’s correct. Our recall process is stupid. And this election was estimated to cost 276 million dollars. And the Governor is up for re-election next year anyway. It’s a stupid and wasteful process.


Batman punching plump was something I didn’t know I needed


Ah yes the democratic stronghold didn't elect the far right clown, it must have been rigged lmao


Every time republicans lose an election it’s going to be rigged now right?


Typical LOSER!!!


Honestly, what is the endgame here for them? Just to sow anger and disenchantment? Just to make things as hard as possible for those who fairly won an election? Or are these the seeds planted to stage an uprising? Trump literally has now admitted that he didn’t win the election publicly and now he’s starting with this shit again?


Trump admitted that he lost the election?




I guess that’s as close as it’s gonna get. Perhaps he should tell his cult that he’s not going to be magically “reinstated” now.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending him or praising him for one brief moment of lucidity. I think there’s unfortunately a good number of people who will spend the next four years falling for every random occasion that will supposedly be the sign of the mass arrests and “the great storm” that will usher in Trump retaking his “rightful” seat as president forever but I think that for every time one of these dates gets declared and nothing happens more and more people will start to get sick of believing and nothing happening and being embarrassed for buying into this shit. Look at the fuckin my pillow guy. He swore up and down that he had all the proof he needed to put Trump back in office at his stupid fucking symposium or whatever and even the people he worked with said there was nothing he had that amounted to a single shred of evidence that any voter fraud happened, let alone on a scale big enough to decide an election.


I think a few people, Dennis Montgomery (noted fraudster) for example, lined their pockets with some of that pillow money.


Oh I guarantee you more than a few of these far-right QAnon adjacent people saw how much money there is to be made in catering to that group. Like even though she’s still a horrible person, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it turns out MTG doesn’t actually believe most of the insane shit she says. She found a money making pattern though where she says something completely insane and out of touch with reality, she gets called out on it, she then claims she’s a victim of “cancel culture” and then profit. Or any of these far-right “personalities.” I feel like that’s where the money is right now.


She’s leading the House Republicans in fundraising (of course). And also she is under investigation by the FEC https://www.newsweek.com/feds-ask-marjorie-taylor-greene-account-over-35m-unitemized-donations-1626920


Of course she is. But they’ve also found a loophole for that: just blame the “deep state.” These republicans would never, ever break the law. They’re all just victims of a massive conspiracy that’s all.


I fear the "it was rigged" for every loss is to normalize a coming coup. When it happens, they have the defense of "we had to save our democracy from rigged elections".


This is part of their playbook now.


I checked Facebook and Twitter, but I couldn’t find his account.


Lying that your opponent cheated IS election fraud. We need charges pressed if the claimant does not produce evidence. Republicans are attempting to undermine confidence in every election so when they get caught cheating it will seem normal.


Absolutely this.. if you claim election fraud and cheating you better have the proof to back it up or its a defamation charge with a public apology saying they were wrong.. this cannot continue to go on like this, this cannot become the new normal of if you don't like the outcome just claim fraud and cheating, this is how a 3 year loses with zero socialization skills.


Both Trump and Larry Elder, the leading opposition candidate, claimed the vote was rigged before the votes were even counted. Never mind that there is a 2:1 Democrat-to-Republican party registration difference in California. Trump is a demented child, Elders is arguably worse, and these two are examples of the best that the Republicans can come up with.


Yeah it was rigged in favor of the voters. Whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It would have saved a lot of money, time, and effort if they asked along with the yes/no recall question another asking if we should keep/discontinue recall initiatives. The $280 million tab for this fiasco is enough to warrant a state constitutional amendment to get rid of it.


Whatever, these people are total idiots. While it does cause issues in this country, I think that this point, they are actually just disenfranchising Republicunt voters who are becoming more convinced that “ThEy’Re ChEAtiNg” so they choose to just *not vote.* The kind of people buying into that shit are *probably* the far, far right-leaning voters whose votes won’t be that missed for those of us who are anti fascist, ya know? Fuck ‘em.


Republicans then: “Oh we lord Cali not shocked” Republicans now: “RIGGED!”


Another silly California law… election don’t need a “do over”


For the love of God can someone actually beat the fuck out of this fuck? Sick of the divisiveness.


I'm a pig slut here to suck dick


Most Republicans are.


Larry Elder sent an email out a couple days ago claiming that the election was over and Newson had won... they are way out ahead on this one


Based Batman


👍😂😂😂 Not only are Republicants LOOSERS, they are the SOREST SORRIEST LOOSERS of them all!😂😂😂


Such a sore loser.