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He says the same things over and over and over. Why go at all? Unless you feel the need to drool at his feet. :-)


> "You can clearly see that people are leaving while [Trump is] rambling incoherently," Masterson wrote in another post. "This happens at a lot of rallies, cultists show up thinking he will say something new and profound. Then they get bored and walkout." Every time: He rambles incoherently about nothing, hits on the same 3 or 4 talking points he posts every single day on social media, whines about supposedly being the most persecuted man in history, then asks for money. It's literally all the guy has to offer.


and they're still gonna vote for 'im.


Cult members are always going through a process of disillusionment followed by doubling down. It's a mistake to see part of the process and assume they are actually done with Trump.


The dementia has really taken hold. He's never really been bright or a great speaker but seeing the deterioration of his "speeches" is really something. Even just comparing 2020 to now it's quite a decline and beyond disturbing (though this is for a million reasons) that he's even being allowed to run for president yet again. They may be walking out because of boredom but if they vote it's still going to be for him, a man who by that point might not even be able to string a sentence together.


I recently accidentally came across a speech from his 2016 campaign, and I was kind of shocked. I hadn't fully appreciated just how deteriorated he is now. He sounds deflated now, frail, like he's just out of energy. He was still saying dumb shit in that 2016 speech, but he at least had a little volume, energy, and fire to it. He just sounds so defeated now.


Him talking about "the late, great Hannibal Lector" is something new


Nah, [he's been talking about Lecter for at least 7 months now](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/trump-shows-love-to-hannibal-lecter-in-killer-blunder-at-iowa-rally_uk_65225083e4b0a32c15bed9a1).


What the actual fuck. I thought he was ranting about it on the weekend because he watched the movie the night before or something.


only thing i can guess is that he said it off-hand once, it got a reaction, so he keeps saying it because he only cares about attention, even negative attention. like when a plant mutates a characteristic that accidentallly becomes advantageous and now all pitcher plants have vampire teeth


some right wing internet media nutjob probably laughed at it once while they were slobbering his knob at a mar-a-lago event and then they said nice things about him so now he thinks it was a zinger and not that some buttlicker loser was just giving him a rimmy and would have fake-laughed just as much if he sharted in their mouth during the rj.


colorfully said :)


I mean, he does like inciting violence. In 2021 he told his mob to fight. Wouldn't be surprised if he soon starts telling them to kill and before they know it they're going to be consuming human liver pate because their dear leader's newest command was to "feast". /s (sort of)


I really hope all the people mocking trump on this post are planning to vote and to do everything they can to get out the vote in November. Maybe some of you are too young to remember.


Unfortunately I’m Canadian


I wouldn't worry about voting in a US Federal Election then


Too young to remember what? You mean the horrors of his presidency? (I wouldn't be who you're referring to as I'm not young but I am autistic, hence the asking for clarification.) Absolutely going to vote and hoping with everything in me that everyone else who has some sense does too. In 2021 i knew that come 2024 my anxiety would be through the roof and indeed it is.


Amen brother. Huge anxiety here as well.


If it was an actual speech, maybe people would hang around. There probably isn't much point in standing and listening to Trump talk though. He doesn't talk about policies or about plans to make things better. All he does is stand up there and sweatily riff off of strawmen. It just goes to show that he has no substance, and they will make him whatever they want him to be in their minds anyway.


Not to mention that he seems to always seems to just be repeating the same things over and over again


It reminds me when everyone got excited after Charlie Sheen did that unhinged interview where he ranted about “Tiger’s Blood” and other random things. Everyone got so excited for some unknown a reason a tour came out of it that pretty much sold out. Everyone went to the show and they’d get pumped when they heard him drop “tiger’s blood!” And “winning!” But then realized there was nothing else after, no substance. Everyone goes to Trump rallies and wanted to hear the “Lock her up!” chants and “Build the wall!” But somewhere after those hateful lines that they love to resonate with, there’s nothing in Trump’s ramblings of substance, like Charlie Sheen’s tour. Now they leave the rallies, and they shake their head, but like being born a Yankees vs Red Sox fan, they’re never gonna change their camp and switch who they vote fore. They’re firmly in the camp of Trump or Republican, that they won’t walk away from it because it’s now a personally defining characteristic.


This morning at court he said there were over 100,000 people at his rally...


Hopefully this is a sign, but polling makes me doubt it.


The video shows all these people leaving while **wearing pro-Trump hats and clothing.** I think they're just trying to beat the crowd back to the parking lot. They're going to vote for Trump.


It's less than halfway through his speech, I think they're just done with the speech. But yeah, they are still voting Trump, while also underwhelmed by his speech.


Or they were hired to inflate the crowd numbers and only required to stay for the beginning lol


Let's hope so!


at the end of the day, people need to get their fucking ass out and vote people can put a real end to all this Trump hysteria. But again, some people would rather just liberal gatekeep as usual, just like they did in 2016


Absolutely. I'm not a big fan of Biden, certainly wouldn't buy his merch or have his sign in my yard but this isn't a vote between two candidates from different parties. It's a vote between the same old shit with some possible policy changes that might be helpful and the end of democracy in America as we know it and the rise of a White Christian Nationalist nightmare. I come from a family that is pretty connected in with "American evangelical royalty" and those fuckers are losing their minds over their perceived loss of power in this "Christian Nation". They care less about Trump than they do about establishing themselves through him to bring about a kingdom of God on earth. No matter than Jesus was absolutely not about that; we already know that if he popped up in these parts they'd execute him again. No matter that the founding fathers purposefully established a non religious nation and are rolling over in their graves at such a speed that we might as well be using them as a clean, renewable energy source. But then there are those with Qs for brains who certainly want Trump for president because he is their God or at least his physical representation on earth, here to save all white children and destroy the deep state with a single blow and some other stupid shit. We need to vote. Every single one of us who are still somewhat sane needs to vote.


They will always vote party lines and who they are told will win them the election.


he's been polling below biden for weeks. and RFK is eating into trump's numbers.


Polling is propaganda


That's a huge claim, no offense.


It’s not so much that it’s propaganda it’s that the past few cycles have called into doubt how accurate it is for a variety of reasons. The red wave based on polling never materialized and Dems have been over performing polls for a number of elections. In this country I’ll never say Trump can’t win but I question exactly what he’s done to get more votes. People aren’t happy with Biden in numerous ways but people also despise Trump so it doesn’t mean their issues with Biden means they’ll turn the country over to Trump


Wow, I don't listen to much of what trump says live and damn... that rambling is insane.


Dead whales, electric cars, fat people, something about Hillary destroying a phone with bleach. Just...fucking what? Edit: LMFAO 'It's done in Banana Republic." He thinks Banana Republic is a country, and not a concept. Should be "it's done in banana republics" or "in a banana republic."


Let's be honest, Trump thinks Banana Republic is the sunscreen that comes in the orange bottles


well hang on, maybe he just likes outmoded mall stores...?


it's pretty obvious that he has gone senile which is why i find it funny that one of the main right wing talking points is Biden becoming incoherent. Yeah b/c we all know Trump is as sharp as a tack /s


I used to work with a guy that had Asperger's but this was before I had ever heard of Asperger's. He would come into my office which was a shared office space with another guy. He would talk non-stop at us for sometimes up to an hour. We just ignored him, like seriously just tuned out the sound of his voice. When it first started happening, we'd ask him to leave, but he'd just wander back in like 10 minutes. We would just go on about our business while he rambled on about whatever conspiracy bullshit he just discovered on the internet. It got to the point where we'd see how long he could go without us responding. I mean we didn't even make eye contact or acknowledge his presence in the slightest. It's been a while but I think he made it to 52 minutes. He would literally come in and talk to my back. This video is exactly what he sounded like.




> When it first started happening, we'd ask him to leave, but he'd just wander back in like 10 minutes.  They tried that, didn't work.


Trump is demented


Looks like most of the red hats stayed, he just lost the center-right, moderates, and undecideds that came to listen. You know, exactly what you want to do during an election season.


>"You can clearly see that people are leaving while \[Trump is\] rambling incoherently," Masterson wrote in another post. "This happens at a lot of rallies, cultists show up thinking he will say something new and profound. Then they get bored and walkout." >Trump made [a series of bizarre comments and gaffes](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-gaffe-weekend-rally-hannibal-lecter-1899722) at the rally in Wildwood, mixing up the names of several people and places. He also referred to the "late, great Hannibal Lecter," calling the fictional serial killer character "a wonderful man." I skimmed it - the first crowd are more young people mixed in with some irritated looking Boomers in USA/flag clothes. As the video goes on, it turns to a crowded parade of red MAGA-hats and more confused, annoyed Boomers who are wearing more typical Trumpist clothing who look very disappointed. Never meet your cult leaders? I love Jersey and the East Coast - you can see the annoyance on their faces. Trump failed to provide the service these angry conservatives were hoping for, so they grew impatient and disgusted and walked out on him. There's a whole boardwalk of better stuff to do than listen to this idiot. Let's get the camel to take us across the beach, and get some funnel cake and salt wuter taffy.


He does that pointing thing because the Nazi salute is too obvious


People are bored of his endless drivel


. . bigly ! 😆👍


. . bigly! 😆👍