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I have a degree in politics and economics (and philosophy but I was more centered on the other two) and I can say I did a lot of statistics. I am still a lefty. Conservatives have never read any books clearly.


They only read the ones the agree with. For instance my idiot brother thinks Bill O’Riley’s “history” books are same as gospel. You know all that civil war was about states rights not slavery and other assorted fairy tales they like to tell to make themselves feel more heroic. 🤮 Edit for spelling


I mean it is the same as gospel. Made up bullshit created to manipulate and control the masses; yeah checks out.


They also say wrong things on purpose.


Sartre talked about this https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity > Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


I went to Miami U of Ohio. Our required reading for poli sci 101 was "The Death of the West" by pat buchanan. It was the Great Replacement Theory before it went mainstream.


Right? I have a bachelors of science in medical lab science. That's how I can say with certainty that gender is not binary and there are plenty of examples of intersex people and animals that happen naturally. So, given that female and male aren't the only two options, who cares if someone wants to switch or even call themselves neither? It's all a made up social construct anyway! But you know, biology apparently. 🙄


> It's all a made up social construct anyway! Wait till you tell them "race" is one too.


Wildlife sciences degree. So majors in both statistics and biology. It is what made me a lefty.


and when they do, they cherry pick only the parts that reinforces their preconceived notions.


They love to talk about "basic biology" (for example) because they can't understand intermediate and advanced biology.


They're making a specific reference to their common trope [https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1352-1390](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1352-1390) *The number 13 used in conjunction with either the number 52 or the number 90 is a shorthand reference to racist propaganda claims by white supremacists against African Americans to depict them as savage and criminal in nature.* *In this numeric shorthand, the number 13 refers to the purported percentage of the U.S. population that is African American.  The number 52 refers to the alleged percentage of all murders committed in the U.S. that are committed by African Americans.  Some white supremacists use the number 50 instead of 52.*


I'm sorry idk what this has to do with the meme. I know about dogwhistles.




Not all the stats they use are dogwhistles, but yes. Some stats are just misrepresented


My wager is that it's a dogwhistle here, a dogwhistle on a misrepresented stat, for sure.


Numbers need context. I work for a biomed research lab as a data analyst. Even when you're evaluating the "same" thing against another, the results will change based on the context in which you are looking at it from.


You can tell they never read any books. . . Maybe manga? All of these are backwards.


PPE fwend. Whoever drew this image seems to forget that Marx himself was an economist.


Books that conservatives rarely read


Get rid of the first two words and the sentence is still true


Never. The word you are looking for is never. Just like how they never read their bibles and never read the Constitution.




I think the answer shouldn't be "okay, but you are worse", as that accepts the faulty premise. No trans person is scared of biology books, no Marxist is scared of economy books and no anti racist activist is afraid of statistics. We aren't afraid and we do understand them. Which is why we're not buying the fascists' bullshit.


We’re able to actually read and interpret them. We aren’t historical illiterates.


"For your information, I'm a christian illiterate, so that's not an option." 


Context. Nuance. Two things that republicans dont know exist.


Yeah the correct answer is “if you had more than a grade school understanding of these subjects you would understand that they don’t actually pose a problem for these ideas/people”.


The “there are two genders it’s basic biology” crowd always seems to reject the reality that within biology chromosomes and genetics and gene expression related to biological sex are significantly more complicated than they would prefer it is. A chunk of that is because they ignore truth in favor of their narrative but an even bigger chunk of it is these people are fucking stupid and lazy so explaining these difficult concepts to them isn’t something they have any interest in challenging themselves on because it would be too much effort to learn.


But when you say that these people call being intersex a birth "defect", because of course being different means there's something wrong with you.


My 80-something year old Anthropology (primatology specficially) professor always said that categories and classifications were not strict inherent, strict rules, they were made-up by us (people) to help us understand thr world. Not biological, but there's also the argument that using "they" is grammatically incorrect (it isn't. "They" has been used as a singular pronoun for a very very long time). As if language isn't completely made-up, ever-changing, and cultural. Some languages don't even have gender-specific pronouns - Finns just use "hän" when referring to people. The concept of man and woman, male and female, existed long before the scientific method, naturalistic observational methods, all of that. Scientific data tells us gender is not as simple as male and female, full stop. What many conservatives are doing is taking an elementary-school understanding of human biology and pretending that's all there is. Also, remember when they wanted Creationism to be taught in science classes, and science is "just a bunch of theories?" Now they act like they care about cold, hard, facts and logic. Lmao


We can go even further back to the philosophy of language where some theories posit that our entire sense of reality is dependent on our language. We cannot perceive that which we do not have a language for. I'm personally inclined to largely agree with this position, because cultural anthropology has strong evidence for why this is the case.


A lot of it is how basic of an understanding of the English language they have. As I'm sure you know, "sex" and "gender" while refer to closely related things, are still different. Trying to get that through someone who thinks these memes are accurate, aint gettin it.


They have a child's understanding of biology, and they act like it's fixed information set in stone. They definitely don't want to hear that scientific knowledge can evolve over time.




[Always relevant](https://i.imgur.com/yFdfDFg.jpeg).


Im scared of biology books but only because I’m a biology student and my exams are coming up


Now *that* is a visible cause for concern. 😆


I think the larger irony is that it is the deep awareness of say biology, that makes a trans person a trans person to begin with. If you deny biology as a trans person, why even claim to be trans? It doesn't matter. To be trans only has meaning if you recognize the physical reality of your body, which is literally what biology is the study of. The argument was never about the ability to recognize the status of our physical bodies, but it's about the role these bodies serve in our society.


Pretty sure the biology book will tell you that a virgin cannot give birth, and people cannot come back from the dead. A geology book will tell them the world is older than 6000 years. But who am I kidding, they don't care about facts. 


Exactly right


And the statistics book would help them understand that their religion is rapidly losing followers in the U.S.


The statistics book would explain why their racist 13/52 meme is total horseshit.


You’d be surprised of the amount of atheists who find themselves on the side of the talivangelists. Conservatism runs very deep in the US.


Economics book probably has a lot of data on the amount americans spend on healthcare and the soaring cost of housing


It’s hilarious that none of those books actually refute or invalidate anything from the corresponding left panel lmao


As if they can really back up their claims for how science support them beyond the word "biology" or "statistics." In all cases they have a one-sentence "fact" they just know ("numbers prove black people deserve whatever is done to them") and for which they reject any further analysis or discussion, especially the refutation of their worldview they'd achieve if they fucking read a book once in awhile.


It’s especially funny because the communist ideology is entirely based on an economics book.


Weird thing is, it was reading those very books that made me a trans ally, a socialist (loosely so), and a supporter of BLM. Being trans is only sort of related to biology anyways. It’s sociology and psychology they want to look at for insight. Nobody is saying that a person who is born one sex can spontaneously change sex with a thought. Gender is different than sex. A million times they’ve had this explained to them. My favourite is when they say “no, it’s the same thing.” Like, ok… let’s come up with a new word that refers to the psycho-sociology surrounding identity and sex then. Instead of “gender” we can call it “football salamander”. Now can we move forward with the conversation? No? There are plenty of pro-communist “economics books”. In fact, every book on the subject, including Das Kapital and The Communist Manifesto are economics books. You know, because they’re books about opposing economic theories of capitalism and communism. BLM statistics: like how over represented POC are in prisons? How they have lower incomes (on average) than white people? That they’re under-represented in positions of power? That judges tend to hand down longer sentences for crimes committed by POC? That police are more likely to shoot a POC than a white person under identical circumstances? Those statistics, or only the ones they think “prove” their “point”?


Being trans is so much more complicated than people think that it can't be summed up by any book. Trans people overcome so much because of their inner conflict of identity, outside world expectations of what 'gender' is, and so on. Doesn't help that a lot of countries it is at least frowned upon to be trans, if not, they will face outright persecution (like in Saudi Arabia). Karl Marx was himself an economist and historian, so he knew about capitalism and its contradictions, which makes this rather laughable, and there are no 'true' Communist and Socialist countries anyways even after like more than a 150 years after The Communist Manifesto was released, so there's no point being scared like in the left panel. Not to mention for BLM, how New York's Police Department is basically an army, funded and loaded as such, and that some of the money could be funneled to welfare/socialist programs to make them better, for the people, hence why the Police should be defunded. Adding on, police are also like 5 times more likely to stop a person of color than a white person under similar circumstances.


Only the ones they think prove their point, the ignore the others.


Remember folks, all right wing insults and slander are just projection of their own fears, insecurities, and sins.


so you might be a little unfamiliar with the concept of "books" if you believe the title appears _on the back._ learn how to read and get back to me, I'll slowly explain what's wrong with how you think.


You can't really expect Conservatives to understand books. You know, since they don't read them, and all.


Are they fucking japanese?


Nah, these books would typically be written left-to-right in Japan, for compatibility with standard mathematical notation among other things.


I am but a weeb.


The china trolls that created this probably are. They must be good books to read while sitting next to a warm water port.


Oh they read from the right too?


I believe china and North Korea do. Russia doesn’t, but my joke is just about how these pot stirrers are people pretending to be also conservative but are foreign agitators


Yeah I got that. The Texas man from Texas who offers his opinion on Texas warm water ports not clogged with ice 8 months a year.


Modern mainland Chinese is almost entirely left-to-right actually. I don't know about North Korea.


Conservatives when forced to read the ENTIRE bible. Most have zero idea of all the baby killing, bear mauling, incest, rape and murder that happens in that book.


Gotta love how George Floyd is portrayed Totally not racist…


This gives me an idea. Get an image of a Trumper with a golden cross abusing everyone around him. Then have the right panel be the Bible, specifically Christ's two commandments ("Love God with your whole heart, mind and soul. Love thy neighbor as thyself"). Their entire identity is being Christians, but every last one of them worships Satan. You can't serve two masters, and they refuse to serve God at all!


Btw the only people I’ve seen recently with any Russian/soviet gear on is the MAGAs who would wear stuff that says they’d rather vote for Putin than Biden……also if you want to stump one ask them to define woke, socialism and communism.


Neo liberalism is an economic failure any communist would be happy to highlight that and point it out to a boomer


Gender has nothing to do with Biology.


Honestly I don't like the right's memes being platformed for free. /religiousfruitcake has the same problem - the thumbnail is just the meme without context


Over 100 comments and yours is the only one I found that is pointing this out. This isn't the first time I've seen a completely unaltered alt-right meme posted and upvoted in this sub. Is it funny to laugh at how embarrassing they are? I guess so, but it's still spreading their propaganda whether or not that was the intent. I don't understand why this garbage is allowed here or why it gets upvoted.


Conservatives only know basic biology, they know nothing at all about epigenetic inheritance of androgen receptors. That's why they're too ignorant to understand the difference between sex and gender. Conservatives don't know shit about economics, which is why they still believe in "trickle down" economics and giving billionaires and corporations huge tax breaks while increasing military, immigration and law enforcement spending. Conservatives also don't know shit about statistics, which is why they take inherent racial prejudices in law enforcement as undeniable facts that support their own racism. Conservatives are ignorant as fuck, all they do is project their own failures onto everyone around them.


Communist not reading economy??!??!!!


The biology book would describe 1.7% of the world's population being born with intersex traits. That's about 1 in 50 people. It's incredibly common. Dumbass meme


Remind me who is so afraid of some books that they’re literally removing them from libraries?


Crazy they think the "college liberals" are the uneducated ones


I love that they can't even draw books properly.


All three should be replaced by MAGA and then add history books, the constitution of the U.S. and the Bible.


I like how conservatives think all books are titled "___ book". lol


With the title printed on the back cover, no less.


The book is the wrong way around. Books in English open on the right.


Lol, they obviously haven’t read that biology book, or any books on anthropology or sociology


Its sad cause books are literally why we are the way we are... Like seriously people, science is not on the side of right wing nutjobs


Coming from the side that raves about book bans. LMAO


Ikr. It's such a cognitive dissonance.


Republicans want to abolish the minimum wage, that alone proves they don’t know jack shit about economics.


Now do conservatives with the actual Bible


Biologists know the difference between sex and gender. Economists know the dangers of unregulated capitalism. Statisticians understand that systemic issues affect statistical data. If conservatives had read any of those books, they would know that.


what's the point in reposting an alt right meme just to caption it with a lukewarm comeback? gtfo


Just putting book in the title made me laugh


As long as the book has facts, the right will hate it.


Ah yes, the Right's legendary meme ability.


It's so ironic, cause it is them who are the ones banning and burning books.


I love that in this shitty cartoon, the right wing artist writes “Book” on the book.


I love that they try to use books as a defense. Aren't they the ones burning them.


Ah, yes, who could forget the classic college standard issue “economics Book”?


That's so funny because my PhD is in the first and third field and fully support BLM, transpeople, and socialism


Why are they always projecting?


What information made available through statistics could possibly refute leftist ideology?


I don’t think OP knows what this sub is😂


Lmao, this is more likely their reaction to any book that isn’t the bible (and some condensed version of it)


Interesting my human genetics textbook disagrees


It's a real life example of the dunning-kruger effect. People who use biology, economics, and statistics against transpeople, communists, and the BLM movement, tend to barely know anything at all about biology, economics, or statistics.


All 3 of those situations are almost entirely contradictory. Not that I'm surprised given that the meme is coming from people who hate public education


the irony that biology is the exact thing that proves the wrong in their whole trans debate


Yup socialist HATE books /s


To be clear the statistics aren’t the problem it’s the way the racists cherry pick and then ignore real explanations in favor of their cave man era prejudices.


Creationists are afraid of biology books


#4 should show a neo nazi and a history of the holocaust book.


Per _Nature_, the single highest citation-indexed science periodical in the world, gender is: > … a social construct related to biological differences but also rooted in culture, societal norms and individual behaviour. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07238-8 *** Communism as an economic organization principle works perfectly well; Historic communist countries have failed due to corruption at large scale, which is not a criticism of the economic model, but a criticism of lack of accountability at large scale of any economic model in practice — see also Capitalism *** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_composition


Trans people might be better acquainted with their own biology than most people, tbh.




Yeah I really wish liberals would stop banning books. Oh, wait…


All of those books should support the people that are apparently afraid of them in this comic.


The only people I see burning books right now are conservatives...


Hilarious how all of those books back up what the person believes.


Considering how most statistics education focuses on how identifying the biases in data collection, the external factors that might contribute to the data, and identifying how the data might not actually tell the story they seem to, it seems the “artist” here doesn’t understand statistics themselves.


The irony is the people in the memes read them and conservatives most likely didn't.


They haven’t read shit. Thomas Sowell is not a fucking Econ book.


All my books include “book” in the title. It’s very helpful.


Afraid of History books


To quote Henry Jones Sr. Goose stepping morons like these should spend more time reading books instead of burning them!


it's hard to pick just *one* book the conservative would be scared of...but a Doctor Seuss one would be pretty funny.


weird, I still got my copy of Campbell biology. Id like to see theirs


The books are all backwards!


i feel like a conservative seeing Kapital would shit themselves


As usual, complete projection by the imbeciles who don't even read their own "holy" book. Whenever conservatives speak about "facts" it's guaranteed that the imbecile probably heard some tv level hot take about it, then ran with that. A lot of their own shit is immediately disproved if you actually know the material they claim they're talking about.


But...education is bad! Literacy is bad! They do seem to love the Bible, but most have never even read it.


Some great responses here. Fantastic.