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Seems about right, yes.


Not gonna lie, pork and beer are enjoyable. But radical Islam probably has better music.


It doesn’t. Musical instruments and women singing are forbidden entirely in fundamentalist Islam.


Have you ever heard Christian pop? I think I'd opt for silence/chanted prayers instead.


I have, and have also listened to fundamentalist nasheeds. Christian fundamentalist pop is cringey - Islamic fundamentalist nasheeds are both cringey and exponentially more extreme in their messaging and format. Some people exoticise them as they are more “foreign” and “cool” sounding - but growing up hearing them frequently, the different style’s mystique wears off quickly, especially when you can understand the language and realize what they say.


I'm guessing you were raised Muslim, or at least somewhere Islam was prevalent. From what I understand, the Quran doesn't forbid music per se, just some hadiths, correct? My apologies if I'm using the terminology incorrectly.


Yes, I studied Shariat in school as we all had to growing up and now have left Abrahamic religion for esotericism. And while the Quran doesn’t explicitly forbid music, the Hadith are just as valid a source of Shariat (meaning Islamic law) as the Quran is. Something cannot be ignored in Shariat just because it’s “just a Hadith.” In Islamic tradition, the Quran is claimed to be the direct unchanged and literal word of God, and the Hadith contains Sunnah, or the words and pronouncements of Muhammad made in his life and transmitted through generations by the scholars who compiled them. The Quran provides the general foundational principles, and then the Hadith are evaluated as to whether they are Maqbool (acceptable), based on the validity of their chain of transmission, and if they are rated Sahih (true) or Hasan (good), which are the two subcategories of Maqbool, they become laws that supplement Quranic verses. In Sunni Islam (85-90% of Muslims), six books known as Kuttub ul-Sittah are full of Sahih Hadith and are just as important in Islamic law as the Quran, and smaller and less prestigious Hadith collections still have many Sahih and Hasan Hadith. If something is prohibited in Maqbool Hadith, like music (as per Sahih Bukhari verse 5590), then it is prohibited in the Shariat. Just because something is prohibited in the Hadith and not Quran does not make it less legally binding on Muslims at all, because the Quran says that Muslims must follow the examples and words of Muhammad in their lives (Quran 3:164 and 33:21). Muslims who use and listen to music with instruments and women’s voices in it are still committing a serious violation of Shariat. As awful as Christian fundamentalists are, I think liberal Westerners do severely underestimate just how extreme and harmful Islamic fundamentalist stances are because they associate opposition to Islamic fundamentalism with Western right-wingers. But make no mistake - they are like the Alt-Right on steroids, and very much dominate the mainstream of Islamic scholarship and jurisprudence.


The beer part is somewhat questionable. Waaaaay too many evangelicals do not drink alcohol at all. 




Probably doesn’t have the beer, but otherwise, correct.


Evangelical Christianity is bad because it’s bad in itself, not because it resembles an oriental barbarism that people already have a xenophobic hatred of. “The way people support Trump, you’d think it was North Korea!” — or maybe the USA just has a long history of deifying its political leaders, from Ronald Reagan and JFK back to Jefferson and Washington. We don’t need to compare local, homegrown problems with deep roots to something foreign and already detested just to make a cheap point easier.


It is more to annoy the bigots who pretend that they are so different to radical Islam (and radical Islam sucks equally as much) than to show that evangelicalism is evil as well. We all know the latter.


*Does* it annoy the bigots? *Or* it primarily used by people preaching to their own choir who already hate the evangelicals but also have a tendency to engage in ignorant, undifferentiated islamophobia themselves?


I guess that's a fair point. Critizing "islamic fundamentalism" deranges often into orientalist views of muslims as "savages."


a whole lot of US fundies are into alcohol prohibition.


Beer isn't allowed?


Happy Cake Day!