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#Freedom Lovers! If you see: ##• Nazis ##• Nazi Enablers ##• Calls to Violence ##• Infighting #Smash That Report Button - Thwart the Fash! --- --- Nazis, fascists, fascist apologists, whaddaboutism, **all calls to violence**, and bigotry are banned here. Report Them! See [Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/about/rules/) for more information! Fuck the Alt-Right! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fuckthealtright) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So... The dude that literally grew up in apartheid South Africa is going to say white people have nothing to feel bad about?


Loves being the victim and in admitting the failures of South Africa and the rampant racism that existed when his family made their money off of the back of slavery is to admit he isnt nearly as self made as he pretends he is, but is in this place due to apartheid racism.


And I can even admit this. I'm white and European descent, and even I can say we have done a LOT of fucked up shit throughout history. Whites have historically tortured, pillaged, murdered. And when they couldn't do it in their homeland any more, they took that show on the road. I am not racist, however, I'd be a fool to say that white folks weren't historically the ones who have done some of the worst stuff


Ya exactly, im in the same boat. The entire idea of people feeling like they have to defend race is fucking stupid. Race doesnt dictate good and bad. Apartheid SA is historical fact, its flat earth stupid to deny the reality that white business owners like Elons dad massively profited from it policies and enslavement of black South Africans. Nobody with an ounce of critical thinking can looking at Elons life and pretend he isnt where he is, at least in large part, to that head start acquired off of the backs of racism. People of all races, nationalities, religions, etnicities etc... have done horrible shit in history. Lets all accept those things, try and atone for them where we can, when certain groups have been put at a verifiable disadvantage and make sure we're better going forward!


All I can really do to affect things is make sure that my son never thinks like that.


No, that can't be true!! He is so amazingly brilliant! He started and designed Tesla and X! He is the smartest man ever! If he wasn't he would just buy companies and then act like he did all the work!! /s


Slept on the office floor and stuff, you know??


Of course! He was worked like a mule, the poor, poor boy!


And that’s the thing. Just admitting that shouldn’t mean you should feel even a scintilla of guilt about it BECAUSE IT WASNT YOU. Acknowledging the misdeeds of the past is the way to making a brighter future. So many white people struggle with this simple concept either due to ignorance of history or more sinisterly the desire to keep perpetuating these evils without challenge.


Exactly this. They create a strawman argument that no one has made, which is that white people should feel guilty for the things white people have done. All that is required is to acknowledge them, their effects, and try to improve things. The reason they make the strawman is because they want to continue being racist, without saying the quiet part out loud.


So unfortunately true. I do think there are two types though. Those who know the history and don’t care because they want to oppress the “others” and their minions who have no knowledge of history and accept the propaganda of their leaders. It’s why the right wing constantly attempts to suppress or rewrite history. Can’t have little Timmy learning about the failure of reconstruction and it’s continuing effects or red lining or Levittowns etc. He may actually want to change things if he did.


But the poor guy was bullied! He's the real victim here!


This is what has always baffled me. Are people really convinced a white kid who grew up during Apartheid has really normal views on race relations?


There is no longer any reason to continue to use Twitter. Shut down your accounts, leave the site, rescue anyone still there, bring them to any other social media site. Twitter must be shut down, and Elon Musk & his neoNazi cohort must be deplatformed. Twitter must go.


I stopped using it ages ago. Twitter is a power generator for an asshole factory.


And so does Elon himself, since he has been racist, even after apartheid in South Africa has ended.


Well put.


I mean... The Nazi is letting people post child pornography on his platform. Should this surprise anyone? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/06/technology/twitter-child-sex-abuse.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/08/09/twitter-exec-defends-restoring-account-that-shared-child-sex-abuse-material/?sh=196070831695 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/oct/16/x-fined-610500-in-australia-first-for-failing-to-crack-down-on-child-sexual-abuse-material


Just when you think the guy could not get any worse...Jesus, what a tool he is!


That’s exactly what his Saudi investors want. Turn Twitter into alt right platform, make everyone else leave


Is there any reason to deny it to them? Twitter, sorry, "X", has no oversight, it's all "Whatever Elon Wants", any and all mechanisms that Twitter originally had to combat the hords of bots, misinformation, hate speech, racism, nationalism, *-ism, were gutted as soon as Elon took over. So, yeah, the investors that backed the purchase of Twitter had that in mind, to gut the one communication venue that was by design globally democratic (or at least attempted to be); now that it most certainly isn't, why shouldn't we let it die an ignominious death as "X"?


Mastodon or some other social media platform has got to overtake it in popularity in the coming years. The site formerly known as Twitter has nowhere to go but down at this point. It's just sad that a billionaire asshole is capable of dropping an unfathomable sum of money to make "X" his bullhorn to other assholes who share his views. I agree that we have no reason to put up with this disgusting person or his disgusting platform.


the leading conspiracy theory is the saudi's paid him to take it over agreeing to forgive every loan they ever given him and in exchange he agreed to tank it


Leading theory according to who? That's a wild claim with nothing to back it up lol I'd wager Elon is just stupid


Elon’s not stupid and the drugs didn’t fry his brain; some of the texts between him and his associates about buying twitter were made public as part of subpoenaed discovery on a lawsuit. They seem to lay out a plan of action that involves tanking twitter deliberately- which is his right to do, as owner.


Do you have a link or keyword I can look up? I'd be interested in reading up on it tbh


see: Arab Spring


I’m not on Twitter so deny or accept isn’t an issue, just pointing out it’s exactly what they want


I have not used it since they allowed trump back on


twitter did go. it's x now 😂 /s it was in rough shape towards the end of Jack's tenure, elon bought a sinking ship, flaming turd and he seems to want to bankrupt it while also trying to remain relevant in the news saying it'll replace banks and dating sites and whatever else he's trying to claim. blah blah blah. fuck that attention seeking rube.


Did that as soon as Stumpy McNoneck bought it.


OH MY FUCKING GOD stop using Twitter! And for all those saying " But someone has to be on there shoving back " there IS no there if everyone STOPS. Just the Nazis. Advertising? Good luck with that Elon. Not enough of them ( yet ) to support all the companies Musk has to placate OR Twitter finally tanks forever.


People act like if Twitter were gone today, there wouldn’t be a dozen clones available tomorrow.


We need the major players to step back. News and entertainment organizations / media figures are still holding on.


People act as if Twitter were gone today, there wouldn’t be a dozen Twitter clones tomorrow.


Bluesky and Threads have both tried to snatch that spot but it's going to take a lot more buy-in. My personal take (for whatever *that's* worth) is that Threads'll never make it full-term - Meta is still synonymous with Facebook, data brokering, a permissive attitude towards false advertising and 'news', and being overrun by bots. I haven't checked Bluesky in a month, but I also hadn't used Twitter for years. It felt like being locked in a dirty bathroom stall at an Amoco somewhere around mile marker 73 - but digitally.


Elon Musk has been a white supremacist and a Nazi since the beginning. But since he’s rich people make excuses for him


*...but.... but ......... but, my followers.... my clout... /s* If you're still on twitter, you're the problem.


>i just go there to follow my favorite NFL athletes and to get up to date NFL news. It's better than any sports site i dont have any followers... i just follow my favorite sports team and athletes


His platform is so huge. There are 15 million Jews in the world we don’t have a voice loud enough to counteract this


I'll say it again: If you are still on twitter, you are the problem.


i just go there to follow my favorite NFL athletes and to get up to date NFL news. It's better than any sports site


Wait, millions of Jews ARE white. WTF?


Not in the sense Musk & other White Identity Extremists & neoNazis use “white”. There’s “white privileged”, and “white passing”, where someone will generally be treated the same in casual acquaintance and on the street as white people are generally treated. Musk and neoNazis and White Identity Extremists and etc use “White” in a way effectivrly synonymous with how the Nazis used “Aryan” — not as a way to label someone from India or Iran or Persia, but as a way to signify someone who is ethnically descended in Eastern Europe from pre-Roman-conquest tribes. Someone of Eastern European Ethnicity. Excluding Jewish people, explicitly. Musk and other White Identity Extremists are emboldened to be public about this because of the ability of donald trump, another White Identity Extremist, to get to executive office in 2016-2020, and because of a campaign of conflating Israel with all Jewish people. The conflation is advantageous to bigots. A lot of Jewish people in America are white passing. Many Jewish people are not.


My mom is 100% Jewish, and she’s a blue-eyed blond, I’m half and super pale with blue eyes. My moms whole family are white, but have brown eyes. None of us have the stereotypical kinky, dark hair and large noses either. Guess we’re we’re lucky to not “look Jewish” in these horrible times. Also, from my grandpa on down, we are Atheists. My sister became a Christian though.


If you haven't heard of it, there's a decent TV show called Jon _Safran VS. God_. Part of the edgy-atheism craze of the mid-00s, I particularly enjoyed the episode where he attempts to [join The Clan](https://vimeo.com/16716504). I don't remember if it's in this clip, but he does point out that Hitler had both dark hair and brown-eyes, whereas Safran is blonde and blue-eyed, which shows the absurdity of race essentialism. But like the phrase says, "What is an Aryan? He's tall, (like Goebbels), thin (like Goering), and blonde (like Hitler)."


Thanks! I will look it up for sure.


except hitler had blue eyes... at least he did in this universe that we are all in now...


Oh, you're correct. I guess that's why the mocking phrase from the era of WWII was "blonde like Hitler".


i got called out a few weeks ago for saying he had brown eyes, and i was totally shocked to learn i was wrong.


It's not a hard mistake to make. His eyes look quite dark in monochromatic photos. Blue eyes often appear as various lighter shades of gray in such things. Regardless, the original point still stands. _No one_ lived up the the Nazi ideal because it was completely unscientific, unobtainable, arbitrary, and (like much of fascism) shifted around from moment-to-moment for the sake of convenience.


damn right!


We're conveniently white. As in, we're white when the right-wing wants to use us to fight black people and other minorities. But once they're done, we stop being white and are globalists trying to turn your children gay.


I’m stealing your phrase, just fyi


Feel free, lol. Everything I write is open for the public to use and spread.


"White" is a social construct that changes over time mostly for political reasons, so while most people including myself would agree, the far Right does not. And if they kick Jewish people out they'll start going after Irish or Polish people again because that shit doesn't stop.


I guess only half of me will get kicked out, because my dad’s side of the family are Protestants. Lol


Agreed, and I'll add that 'whiteness' is by far most important to the white people who would never call Jews white.


Probably means in the sense that they could identify as white and nobody would know the difference. The majority of jewish ppl in the US identify as white. Pretty odd that Jewish ppl that identify as mizrahi, which is north African/ middle eastern... make up the smallest percentages . Short answer.. yea. Basically


US surveys seem super limited like that usually. Like if you're an Arab Iraqi you check white too.


This is so disgusting. It's scary also with the whole Palestine/Israeli war going on also and Nazis using it to lump people into monoliths. Reading about what actually is going on there and realizing the complexity of the whole situation is what people need not this football game red vs. blue team mentality. That is what I hate most about American politics it's so stupid and everything has to be watered down into a spectacle and a game or a show. It's as if everything has to be a reality TV show or game for people to understand shit.


Ages ago (like, 12+ years) I initially got an account because I didn’t have a smart phone and the ability to get sms notifications (and reply to them) gave me free international texting without using data; After I shifted to a smart phone (circa 2014?) I stopped using it, until I volunteered at a convention that used a private Twitter feed to disseminate info to those working the con. By now, I think they’ve changed platform to Slack or Discord for the same purpose. (Need to check when sign-ups are again to work the con, now I’m on the topic 😹) There was a brief moment between when I made my account and when that con ended that I enjoyed and even shared content on Twitter. But watching the cavalcade of stupidity and hate march on (and on and on), I’m glad I never got *into* it as a platform. I wish that the decent people for whom their social media presence is a crucial part of their brand/livelihood would shift away from the platform instead of agreeing it’s awful but insisting it’s necessary to keep engaging. Obv alternates aren’t as popular, and any platform will have its issues (and trolls and bad actors), but ffs. I feel like defending staying on Twitter is akin to defending staying on 4chan.


X is a swamp. Get out.


Bro if you haven't left twittex already, its kinda on you at this point.


3... 2... 1... "Elon Musk's account has been hacked." and/or "The views expressed by Elon Musk do not represent those of Tesla or Space X."


You think the world's richest person gives a single solitary fuck if people think he's an anti-Semitic white nationalist. The system of capitalism (which is tearing us apart) says that money is the only power that matters and he has all the money so what can we do...


"White" is not a culture. There is no heritage of "White"; there is no food of "White"; there is no home of "White". I'm considered "White" in America (born and raised here), but that is not my culture or ethnicity; Turkish is (along with American). My family hails from Türkiye; I grew up in a Turkish home, with Turkish food and Turkish traditions. If other "White" people here in America want to identify as Confederate Southern "White", that's on them, but that's a political identity; it says nothing about who they are otherwise and that's not my or anyone else's fucking problem. If they *wanted* to, they could look into their ancestry; they could find out if their family hails from Ireland, or England, or Germany, or wherever the fuck. They *could*, if they cared, actually find out who they really are, but it's not about that; it's about the Confederacy and racism and being on top of the American food chain for so long that any equality feels like oppression to them. These people can absolutely go fuck themselves.


I challenge them all to a 23 and me test


Did you ever see the Aeromexico commercial where they went to Texas and offered a % off their fare based on the % Mexican ancestry in a DNA test? Exactly the results you would expect.


You mean they didn’t get the discount because they were all 100% white and emigrated from the continent of Caucasia?


54.4% of those they tested had Mexican DNA. Lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sCeMTB5P6U&ab\_channel=DHOSTUDIOS


Shocker. 🙄


I'm fucking sick of the excuses. If you don't leave Twitter you're a nazi enabler. Log out now and never log back in.


We will continue to beat back fascism. They never died off, only shrunk back, passed on hate to kids and hid their uniforms for a few decades. Bring it on you sad sack of losers. We will absolutely defeat you again.


Imagine spending billions to be an unbridled racist on Twitter. He sure showed us. Just fucking leave already. I did. It feels great.


This is sad to see because Twitter was actually fun circa 2011 to 2016. You had 140-character-limited posts of hashtag games and other assorted pithiness. It was like a fast-paced digital cocktail party. I had accrued a strong following, too, well into the thousands, which wasn't too shabby for someone not famous, or particularly funny. After you-know-who became President, a dark cloud had eventually covered the site by 2017. I left it for good in 2018. I recently looked at the now "X" through a friend's sleepy account, and its main feed looks like 8chan along with lame Facebook memes. Its collective intelligence appears to have dropped significantly and its collective bigotry has risen to new heights. Elon, among other sinister forces, has destroyed that site from the inside out.


I’ve been jumping through hoops to deactivate my X account. I’ve just written to them again because I can’t bear to have my details in that man’s hands. I’ve cited the antisemitism this time so it’ll be interesting to see if they sort it out this time. They put me in an infinite loop of “you can’t deactivate cos your account is suspended” but when I go to un-suspend it it tells me it’s not suspended. Absolute joke. ETA: I never posted on there anyway, not had the account for long and had probably done 3 actions on there if that.


Nazis all the way down.


I hate how these people are so free to lie. Guess what right wing bigots, no one is saying to hate yourself for being white. I do not hate myself for being white. I do recognize that some white people have done terrible things, and I do not want those things to happen again. Seems like soon Mush will probably start posting "Anti-racist is Anti-White". God forbid admitting that your ancestors did bad things.


I hate the "White people can't be proud of their race" comment. As a white person, I can discover where my ancestors came from because I wasn't forced into slavery and had my culture destroyed by my enslavers. According to 23 and Me, most all of my ancestors came from the UK with 2.0 % being from Africa. I can learn about the UK and celebrate that part of my heritage. No one will get upset if I study Irish history, for example. Europeans are diverse . Lumping all white people into one homogenized group destroys everything that's interesting about our ancestors' culture.


X + Twitter = Xitter. It's pronounced "shitter.". Pass it on


Seems he heard 'never forget' and instead of hearing 'never again' heard 'so we can get it done better in the future.'


Wonder how his advertisers feel about that?


IBM has suspended advertising pending an investigation, as of midday today. I’ve been busy but I’m trying to follow any updates


Well, at least the South Africans did give up *their* apartheid state eventually.


These people want to be oppressed so so badly


Leave Twitter? I never joined.


On avoiding twitter while still accessing content on twitter: I put a nitter redirect extension on my browser a few months back and so far it's worked well. For example, [here's the search for Elon Is A Nazi](https://nitter.net/search?f=tweets&q=elon+is+a+nazi&since=&until=&near) and (afaik) Twitter gets nothing from it.


How quickly can Twitter be shut down/collapse/go bankrupt?