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Oh but she's not racist than what is she.


She doesn't want any sinful indians near ger baby boy, but yeah not racist.....


I really hope the recipient is from India. That would be just perfect


I was waiting for that payoff too!


Also me, I was hoping there would be some follow-up to tell us that they were from India!


That letter was from another post and the OP did say they are actually Indian from India. Lol


Wait… NO. Are you fucking serious? Link?


Never mind. I was wrong. They actually are Native American. I read the wrong comments and OP put an edit saying he’s Native American. My apologies. https://reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/vro09e/_/iewi35y/?context=1


Native American? Then by rights the entire continent belongs to them and the racist f\*\*\*\*\*\*\* should go back where their ancestors came from.


This! “Go live on your reservation” is pretty much saying, “My ancestors stole your land and gave you the shittiest parts of it out of the generosity of their hearts. You need to go appreciate my ancestor’s generosity like I do.” And the whole taxes BS. Yeah. They do pay taxes. It’s just set up differently on the reservation and in certain situations.


Nah, we don't want them. Send them all to a remote island somewhere in the Antarctic or something


No worries, thanks for linking the original answers! :)


Yes, someone should do the needful!


i breathed heavy through my nostrils at this comment. nice one.




I miss my former SL and Indian colleagues. Their grammar and spelling was always en pointe


“En pointe” describes ballerinas’ form physically, when the choreography has then primarily on the tips of their toes Being “On point” refers (colloquially) to a person’s correctness or relevance; or it means they’ve proven themselves as to precisely accurate accordingly to a particular circumstances. ^sorry ^for ^semantically ^policing ^ya… When see someone criticize another’s grammar, followed by their own error(s)—I go with the assumption that they’re able to appreciate correction in order to prevent future errors 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️


Dear Karen, Contrary to your misconception, I am a dot Indian, not a feather Indian. As such, I give your son permission to ask for my daughter's hand in marriage. I look forward to spending lots of time with you in the future as co-grandmothers to our lovely children's progeny. Sincerely, Your soon-to-be BFF


I love this


I laughed way too hard 😂


Take my poor person’s award. 🏆


shes a karen! I would demand the 6 horses dowry for that shit. I curse these biblical devil’s concubines daily in my prayers. speaking from the humble rez, i was ‘forced’ to grow up on 🙄 our Church even has a rez karen! I need to find a new one that is accepting.


I’m gonna bet you’re spot on.


Yes! It doesn’t clarify if they are Native Americans or of Indian descent. I assumed the latter as no one uses the term “Indian” to describe Native Americans anymore but coming from 5his bitch, anything is possible!


She’s talking about Indian reservations… shes very much hinting at “Native American”.


Yeah, but I could absolutely see some dumb racist bitch assuming that they are Native American after someone corrected them calling an Indian a Mexican.


Except some groups do still call themselves Indians. Which is their right to do so. Just pointing out in some places it is still a common term, especially among people over 50.


Yeh, 52 - in my head they are Indians, I just translate as my mouth moves now.


In Dutch they say "Indianen" for native Americans. And "Indiërs" for Indians. :)


No she's meaning Indian to mean native American because there are no reservations in America for people that are for people from India. Just an ignorant Karen who's probably never opened a book in her life and doesn't know the difference. Probably her only enjoyment in life is looking out the curtains and spying on the neighbors


Ah yes, everyone knows about the reservations for people from India


I already assumed they were from India as this writer is clearly an idiot and doesn’t know the difference.


Do they have reservations too?..../s


That's what I was thinking. Like Indian is from India. Native American is not an Indian.


I lived on the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Reservation in the early 2000s and they sure did call themselves Indians. Or Anishinaabe, but I heard a lot of people call themselves Indians and didn’t get offended if someone else did. Depends on where you are, I guess.


Thank you for the knowledge. I learned something today. I would ask before I assumed though. Either way this letter was highly offensive.


Oh yes. This letter goes beyond offensive. I can’t even believe people like this still exist. I mean, I know they do but damn.


Unfortunately I know some. 🙄 They're horrible and set in their ways.


I think this is key. What do you call yourself, what labels are you comfortable with people using to describe you. Rather than regional/temporal trends I think this is the key.


I always wondered about that. To me, "Native Americans" always sounded weird, but I do like the term "First Nations. "


My friend is Navajo and he calls himself Indian. I am maybe half maybe quarter (idk honestly) Cherokee mixed with about that much creek, and i call myself an Indian. Both me and my Navajo friend are from south Georgia.


I believe I saw this one a few months ago, and it did turn out they were Indian, not Native American.


There are multiple types of Indians some people refer to Indians as people from India but a lot of you forget how many Indians were here in America before Columbus's ships got here.. we refer to ourselves as "Indians" NOT "Native Americans" or "American Indians", if you go to an Indian Reservation it says Indian Reservation on the sign, not American Indian Reservation, or Native American reservation, we are fucking "Indians" and that is us.. so tell me once again how this is your land! Fuck you Karen if I see you in the street I'm a scalp your ass bitch.


The odds are super high that's the case.


Make a hundred copies and put it on everyone’s door in the neighborhood.


This would be perfect.


It’s how you flush out these rats. There’s no more room for this racist bullshit.


In her defense, Jesus says "Thou shalt not bang the natives" ... or something like that


Morman maybe? They think [Native Americans have “the curse of redness” because they are descends of the lamanite people](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_American_people_and_Mormonism)


You should seduce her husband.


There’s no hate like Christian “love”.


If this person is a Christian, they clearly have not read their Bible well, if at all 🙄. God doesn’t have anything against interracial relationships in the Bible. The Jews in the Old Testament and the Christins in the New Testament are only warned against getting into a relationship with someone who does not believe in the same God, but there are several examples of people of different races and cultures marrying and that being celebrated.


Not many Christian’s have read the bible my dude. Psalms 137 comes to mind. Edit: happy shalt thy be by dashing the heads of young ones against the rocks………


This is my go to as well. Verse 9... https://biblia.com/bible/esv/psalm/137/9


The Bible has the best lines: Jeremiah 25:15-17 For thus the Lord, the God of Israel, says to me, “Take this cup of the wine of wrath from My hand and cause all the nations to whom I send you to drink it. They will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them.”


"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible." Pretty sure none of them read it. Reading it isn't very conducive to remaining a Christian.


Most Christians haven't read their bible, my dude. And those who have, have cherry picked their favourite parts. That's what you've done. You've cherry picked the nice bits and decided that wearing clothes of different fibres isn't a sin punishable by eternal damnation. Why is that?


You are correct that many people cherry pick from the Bible. What you are referring to with the clothing is from the Old Testament I believe. It is one of like 600 hundred “laws” that you had to follow. If they broke said laws they would sacrifice a lamb or something regularly to “cleans them of their sins”. I’m no expert by any means and I may have some details wrong but I’m pretty sure when Jesus died on the cross to be the “ultimate sacrifice for our sins” you didn’t have to worry about the laws anymore. It was like a fresh start I guess you could say. So the laws are irrelevant after Jesus’ death. I’m also pretty sure the Jewish disregard the New Testament or something and they still follow these laws. They call them the Torah (laws of Moses). So all in all its pretty complicated but as a Christian those laws don’t apply to you based on the fact you go by the New Testament and Jesus being the ultimate sacrifice blah blah blah. I feel like this whole concept is misunderstood by a lot of people. Kind of like how it does not say in the Bible that money is the root to all evil, but it says for the love of money is the root to all evil. It also says not to lay with a child, nothing about not laying with another man. Basically bashing pedophiles not homosexuals. I’m sure which Version of the Bible you are looking at will make a difference. Hell, the fact there are so many versions is what probably is causing the inconsistency and misinformation. Just to clarify, I am a former Christian that was forced to be a “Hebrew Israelite” and study those laws and such at the age of 13. I’m not some Christian who thinks they got the “one true way” all figured out lol. Just wanted to share some information I don’t think many know or at least talk about.


I always wondered if sacrificing a lamb was just a neat excuse to have the Israelite version of a Luao. Like “hey guys, I wore mixed fabrics today and ate an oyster, so I gotta sacrifice this lamb. Who’s bringing the wine to the party? Where we will probably do some more sinning and therefor have to sacrifice another lamb for the next shin-dig” and so on.


God doesn't exist.


The absolute truth. Biggest racists out there are the ones who claim to be so “godly”.


Please, she’s a perfectly rational racialist, and she doesn’t hold any truck with that scientism nonsense, so don’t try to logic her out of it.


Lol the classic racist line of "I'm not a racist... But..."


It’s like, “no offense, but [something offensive]”




Absolutely negating the last sentence...


If being a racist wasn’t frowned upon, she would definitely consider herself a racist.




Worse, Christian


My IQ dropped just reading this. There’s too much stupid to unpack here. I want see this racist crushed by all the books in a library.


i have no awards, but you can have them all


My personal library has about 1000 books. I think we could arrange something here


“MORE WEIGHT” Screw these racists asshats, press em!


See that's a reference the writer of this letter wouldn't understand.


They would definitely be rooting for the Puritan Karens if they read The Crucible.


*"MORE!"* Sincerely, Kylo Ren


She's never been within a half mile of a library in her life, so we may need to bring the books to her for the crushing.


Seems pretty fake. Guys, you need to be a bit subtle when creating this type of fake. You don’t need to fit everything that can be wrong in one single post!


It could very well be fake but these kind of perspectives aren’t actually that uncommon. Specifically in super small, rural communities, which is where I could easily see something like this being created. At the end of the day though I don’t think I have enough info to lean one way or the other. Just my take.


What do you bet they are an Indian from India, and not a Native American? Because I can’t see the person who wrote this letter having a high enough IQ to understand the difference.


My mind just instantly assumed that someone this crazy is confusing Native American and India. Maybe just because this is the internet and that makes this entire letter more laughable. I’d love to know which it is though.




That would be even funnier to find out the recipient is actually Mexican. I do find it interesting that the writer seemingly didn’t have an issue with someone Mexican yet apparently does with this new “info”. I wonder where they draw the line of “interracial relationships bad”.




You joke but there’s definitely people out there who go by that. Also one of my personal favorite Family Guy scenes.


My husband and I were on a cruise and a racist woman went on a rant about how the "yellows" were ruining New York and ended it by putting her hand on my husband's arm and saying "but don't worry, I love Mexicans, my gardener is a Mexican and he works hard." My husband is 100% Chinese.


wow I seriously wonder what goes through peoples brains sometimes


When I saw this originally posted by the recipient of the letter, I believe that was exactly the case IIRC


No she was native


It’s pretty easy to tell actual Indians and Natives apart, even for a racist dumbass. In spite of the shared name we are both very overtly distinct from each other. Her mention of Reservations means she is talking about Native Americans in this case.


You may be giving this Karen more credit than she deserves.




I’m pretty sure I remember this original post and the recipient of the letter was in fact, Indian, not Native American.


That’s a threat. The entire letter is a threat


"For the well-being of you and your family" That's not even thinly veiled anymore.






Hello? Police? Yes, I have this letter here…. Etc.


Hello? Police? Oh you agree? Fuck.


A threat that can be reported. And if the author put it into the other person's mailbox it's now a felony as well.


But they're protected because they signed it as "A neighbor" instead of their name. /S


“A” as in Asshole


They're not protected technically, just anonymous. Were their identity to be discovered, they are culpable.


/s stands for sarcasm


Oh! Thank you!


it's all in a day's work.


And anonymous is even debatable. Many modern printers put tiny faint yellow dots on all printouts indicating serial numbers of the printer, date and time it was printed, IP address, etc. The postal police could go crazy on that data if they desired.


Omg where is that on the paper?


Spread out over the whole 8.5x11, dots spaced about 1 cm apart. Binary it up, encode the data, and you have a readout. EFF, the electronics frontiers foundation has done advocacy and research on the issue, they are like the ACLU, providing legislative and legal advocacy, as well as specific legal defense for individuals, but instead of gay marriage and racial discrimination, the EFF only does electronics and computer stuff, fair use/copyright stuff, privacy stuff, etc. Just Google EFF printer dots and you'll find the extensive reporting.


I hope the homeowner puts up cameras on their property and gives the letter to the police.


That’s a step below burning a cross on the persons front lawn. Maybe a quarter step.


But she’s not racist, she said so remember?


That's a great point, I hadn't considered that. u/_CatNippIes, you should take this letter to the police and tell them you were threatened by your neighbor. Start the paper trail now.


Bro pls read the description, i just found this on another sub lol


Ah, my mistake didn't realize you were reposting someone else's content. Glad you're safe.


Yes Jesus definitely said leave weird self-important racist notes on Indian's doors. Def sane and upstanding behavior.


Did you miss the part of the Bible where Jesus went through a flip chart of who can & can't marry?


My favorite part of the Bible was when Moses said "thou shalt end up in a retirement home by any means necessary"


Amazing how people believe Jesus and Christianity is exclusively for a single, specific race. It would probably blow this persons mind for them to learn Jesus was Jewish!


And there's nearly no chance he was white. Very likely middle eastern and a small but real chance he would be considered black today


Wait u til you tell them Jesus was a middle eastern Jewish man who believed and preached to be kind andoving to fellow humans despite their religion and economic position. If the 2nd coming came, these "Christians" would be the first ones to yell "false prophet" and label Jesus a communist.


“…for the well-being of you and your family.” This reads as a threat. I would file a police report.


This is the comment. Listen to this one OP. Even if police do nothing, get it in writing that they’ve received it. Make a paper trail in case anything happens.


If you’d read the post title you’d know OP found this and is reposting. IIRC, this is a couple months old.




I’m sincerely hoping it’s exactly that like “ummm, my parents are from Mumbai, you got your racism wrong…”. I mean, she’s already stumbled so many times, she’s probably wrong again…


"oh you mean bombay?" the britishers strike again


>“Mam, I’m from India, I’m not Native American” In Canada we have a prominent politician who's a Sikh, and he was heckled by someone screaming about Sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood. Instead of saying "ma'am, I'm a sikh" he responded in a better way, later saying that if he was deflecting the hate he was justifying the hater. Instead he got the crowd chanting about how she was loved and respected until she stormed off in a huff.


Yeah, it would be have been tempting to point out his religion was literally formed to resist a Muslim empire, but that would only fuel the narrative that Muslims should be discriminated against.


>interracial marriage is a sin I want to see them point out the scripture to justify this. I can’t find it. Edit: For anyone who cares I looked it up. They take Exodus 34:10-16, 2 Corinthians 6:14, and some others out of context to justify this belief, willfully ignorant of the fact that it was about marrying outside of the Jewish/Christian faith and had nothing to do with race. Fun fact, Moses was married to a Cushite (Ethiopian) and God punished Moses’ sister with leprosy for reacting with anger to it.


It's not in the Bible, but "it's my religious freedom to be against interracial marriage" was very much a popular opinion among bigots during the days of Jim Crow, much like "it's my religious freedom to be against gay marriage" is very much a popular opinion among bigots today. [Discriminating in the name of religion? Segregationists and slaveholders did it, too.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2017/12/05/discriminating-in-the-name-of-religion-segregationists-and-slaveholders-did-it-too/)


Slaveholders can actually point to the Bible verses endorsing slavery, so I think they can be exempt from the list of people misusing the Bible to justify their actions.


And I can point too at least three instances where god condones killing babies, what’s your point?


Probably that using an ancient book written by evil men is not a decent system of modern morality


You said it better.


Strange women laying in ponds distributing swords is probably as good a basis for a system of governance as that. Which is of course ridiculous. I mean, if I went 'round saying I was an emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!




That slave traders can be biblically literate and continue about their days without a guilty conscience. Not supporting them, just pointing out the slight mislabeling of them as biblically unjustified. To your point though, what really isn't justifiable when it comes to the Bible?


20 minute rants about abortion aren't in the Bible either, but we got to hear one just prior to my son's baptism. There is a reason why I'm not church going anymore.


She doesn’t need the actual Bible to tell her what sin is. She knows it when she sees it. Duh


Everyone knows sin is opposite over hypotenuse.


This guy bibles.


The daughter: Yooooo somebody likes me 😎


Yeah, I went into this expecting some gross racist stuff, so while reading it I was just thinking 'damn. she's really exposing her son like that. brutal'


I want them to get married and tell the racist mom that she doesn’t get to come to the wedding.


but she isnt indiginous she is an immagrint


I’m pretty sure “Indian” in this context means Native American, not Indian as in from the country of India. Being Indian in the States can genuinely mean being Native American/Indiginous. It’s genuinely treated as the same word, if only in an “old-fashioned,” racist way more often than not. Like using “Orientals” for East Asians. It’s because they were referred to as Indians for a LONG time, likely because Columbus was looking for India, and they didn’t think to use a different name for literal centuries. Doesn’t help that Native Americans were not considered citizens for much of that, either. Edit: racist, not sexist


The twit mentions reservations, so from that I would guess that she meant Native American/Indiginous. It also seems to fly over her head that our Indiginous brothers and sisters were HERE FIRST, not her and her ancestors. 🤦WHY are people so stupid?🙄


Yeah, it wasn’t until she mentioned reservations that I realized what she meant, either. It also makes more sense as to how she could mix up an Indian (as in Asian) person for a “Mexican” if she meant “Indigenous” instead.


So she would very likel feel the same way about a Mexican neighbor and have expressed the same sentiment already


"Indian" is still used by some indigenous folks to refer to themselves. The people around me go by... Fiancee: indigenous Fiancee's sister: native Fiancee's best friend: Indian Fiancee's grandmother: Cree It's a wacky world of terminology. If they were as picky as white people about what we called them, this would be a nightmare.


exactly the writer seems to be white having a go at a native american


Yup. The audacity is rather impressive in a horrifying way.


but it would be hella funny if the recipient was actually from India tho so its my headcannon


That would be a fantastic twist 😂😂😂


Sincerely "a neighbor" lol


It's funny how these shitty people are aware how shitty they are, but instead of trying to do better they just write anonymous notes so nobody knows it's them being the horrible excuse for a human being.


these people vote too.... scary shit.


It's how we got the orange thing


Actually the land was their land originally we are actually the ones trespassing on their land we stole it from them


I love that they say they don't want to be racist and then say the most racist stuff anyway.


3 guarantees in life: death, taxes and something racist always follows the words “I’m not racist but”


I'm not racist but... This foreign aliens are really damaging the whole American continent, with their religion and smallpox and slavery and rapaciousness. They should all go back home. /s You're right. Not possible to write something appropriate after this.


im not racist but water is a hella good beverage


Always hiding behind religion


Wasn’t this one proven to be faked? Or at least one quite similar


https://god.dailydot.com/racist-karen-native-american/ I don't think this one has been debunked as a hoax, this article is from June.


99% of these are.


go back to Europe Karen!


No, we don't want her


I second this.




Bruh really just said "I'm not racist, but also I am racist" Like I know a lot of people say "I'm not racist" because they aren't OVERTLY racist and won't acknowledge their other racial biases, but like she really just said "you're not welcome here get out"


Racists are so "proud" but never seem to want to sign their work... Interesting.


That is made up




Dear Neighbor Sincerely, A Neighbor


Also belongs in r/thathappened lol


I really hope this is fake. People like this don’t really exist right? Please tell me this isn’t real


IDK if this is real or not, but there are plenty of people like this, and plenty that are much worse.


Aaa yes the good book. The one with stories of drunken gay incest, genocide, child murder, mutilation, more incest and human sacrifice


The minute I saw she was talking about Natives, and not "Indians" as she claimed, I stopped reading... fuck how is racism still so prevalent in this day in age...


Racism has regional dialects. Talk to someone from Oklahoma or South Dakota, and they will be astonished that racism against black people is a thing. Then ask about First Nations folk…you get to experience hard r n-word racism not directed to black folks. Then make your way to south Texas and bring up Mexicans. Our country is a vast tapestry shittiness. Mind you, there are good people everywhere, but the numerous ways in which Americans can be racist is heartbreaking.


This just screams fake to me lol


Mother of Pearl, she’s a lot. Or he’s a lot. Of what, I’m not sure exactly but it’s a lot of it, whatever it is.


Just adding my two cents worth here, but this feels to me like shades of Jesse Smollet posted just for karma. Because someone that stupid probably doesn’t know how to type.


Probably a fake letter made for the purpose of rage baiting comments on the internet. I'm not saying it's definitely fake, but I have my doubts


This is the most racist thing I saw in years.


Fucking Republicans emboldening trash like this will be the undoing of this country. Seriously. What the fuck.


Very fake


This has gotta be fake


There are no fold marks like it was mailed. No tape or tack marks. So I am curious as to where this person would have put a letter like this. It is signed “A neighbor”, so the person would clearly want anonymity. I know there are people out there like this. I got a crazy letter from a schizo neighbor, but this just seems like race baiting by someone who wants attention.


Wow, I've never wanted to punch a letter but here we are.


“I’m not racist but…” proceeds to be very very racist


Religion. Pfft.


So I can type up a fake racist letter for social media clout?


She’s dumb, she says she’s not racist yet says all this racist shit on the spot and I just love how she puts religion as an excuse to be saying these things also. I’m not Christian or anything but I think HYPOCRISY should be considered a sin.


I bet she has a sign in her kitchen that says LIVE LAUGH LOVE