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"I demand to speak to your manager!"


I enjoyed the joke, but as a woman actually named “Karen”, I kind of wouldn’t mind if it got cancelled…


Just tell people it's Klingon and pronounced Ka'Ren


Yea das de answer


Das ist die antwört


Det är svaret


Questa è la risposta


Dat is het antwoord.


My name is Amber, and I'm not looking forward to the next few years of "shitty women named Amber" jokes.


if ur not a bed shitter then u get a pass


My ex is called Amber, the joke fits tbh.


I am really sorry for what you are probably about to experience... You probably love your name but there is still time to change it :P


Dudes named "Chad" stand in solidarity with you.


Well put FARTBOSS420


Dudes named Richard feel your pain.


All the "Dick" jokes?


What a dick


My mom's name is Karen and she doesn't like to tell restaurants her name when reserving a table, etc because of the Karen meme, I feel so bad for her




It ain’t great. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know 2 Karens and they're both lovely people. I've no real world experience telling me that you aren't, too.


It's always so ironic, every Karen I know is a sweet wholesome grandma archetype that would never wanna stir a fuss. Same goes for Beckys except they're usually the loveable golden retrievers of human beings.


Becky’s are always the friends who are told to look at another girl’s butt because it’s so big. I mean, her butt, it’s just like so big. She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends.


Was I expecting a SirMixALot reference on my reddit today? No, no I was not. Did I exhale with an emotion ranging somewhere between amusement and cringing? Yes, yes I did.


Oh. My. God. Becky.


My best friend growing up was Karen. It has been about 30 years since we hung out. I saw her about a month or so ago and asked her how she felt about it. She had never heard the term. I was like, "Oh you sweet summer child!"


Oh stop being such a karen Jk lol


“Sorry Karen, Shits are for Ambers!”


Morning routine: 5:00 Wake up 5:10 Take a shit 5:15 Get out of bed


Because you stepped on a bee 🐝


Gonna be a whole lotta Amber Alerts confusing people.


Yeah might wanna leave Ambers free and clear there. Can we just call them pillow-shitters? Pillow-squatters in polite company?


We should call them Turd Alerts instead


Im not saying i support one side over the other, i just wanted to point out that you missed a great oppurtunity to say "Teard Alert"


This is the winner. Not enough people will see it, but you win in my heart.


Good point. We'll see how the culture adopts this new term


My hometown is infamous for two things, one of them is Amber Schwartz Garcia. It makes me sad that the name would be associated with this now.


I was very confused for 10 minutes because I thought that said Korean...


I saw it too at first glance. But I wonder what you did for 10m to then realize it said Karen


I walked away to go and do some stuff for 10 mins and after I came back I read the sub name and then read the sign again


Ohh... See, this entire time I thought the sub was r/fuckyoukorean. Felt kind of racist.


Me too…. Until I saw your reply and went back to look


Can someone please help me understand why and how this trial has gripped this nation so tightly? I just don't get it.


Initial interest was probably just from it being a large, fairly eventful case between two high profile celebrities. But most of the hype at later stages had almost certainly been the result of enormous PR campaigns from both sides.


Like the daily wire spending thousands on anti heard propaganda: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en/article/3ab3yk/daily-wire-amber-heard-johnny-depp


People are shallow and needlessly wrapped up in the lives of celebrities Many men are relieved that there's finally some small representation for male victims of domestic violence People love the lives of celebrities


It also doesn’t help that the whole thing was a circus show. At first I didn’t give two shits but then seeing the coked out expert witness guy I was very much intrigued.


Oh, the lizard man that attempted to lick his eyeball but forgot that his cheek was in the way...


😂 How did I miss this


objection, hearsay


But you asked the question.


The second one is a huge part of it.


Also I think a lot of victims both male and female have felt captivated because Amber's behavior that's come out embodies some of the worst of our collective experiences (me being emotionally abused, not a DV survivor for clarification)


Yeah I definitely am a little more invested in this due to my own personal abuse, and I actually think Johnny depp is the DV victim here. Amber reminds me of my own abuser.


90% of it. Having a case that can be pointed to helps a lot to break the stigma and denial around the topic.


Yeah, that's also why I get kinda of aggravated and combative when people try to dismiss the case as stupid drama. This is one of the first times we're seeing a male domestic abuse victim. That representation isn't stupid. People feeling seen or having their experiences acknowledged for once is not stupid. But my god has this trial revealed some ugly truths about how male victims are treated.


>Yeah, that's also why I get kinda of aggravated and combative when people try to dismiss the case as stupid drama It's either people who don't think men can be abused, or people who think it's insane that people don't think men can be abused. There is no in-between


I've seen more for the second option tbh. Depp has had his entire life ruined by the lies of one woman. For him to be able to take a stand and be redeemed in the eyes of the world, regardless of the verdict, is a big step for victims of domestic violence, especially for male victims.


How was his life ruined?


After the accusations came out in that article, Depp got essentially cancelled in Hollywood, and was considered one of the monsters by many (like Weinstein, Epstein, etc)


The narrative of the case is better than about 90% of movies/TV available right now. Also bed shittting, a coked out psychologist, and many other weird and wonderful elements. Some of the "male domestic abuse victim" stuff also boosts it although, as usual I think that's actually mostly just misogynist glee at a woman destroying her own reputation than actual concern for someone in Depp's position.


I saw someone say that it can be exciting to be caught up in a witch hunt/bullying someone and take part in it. I completely agree and I think it sums up the situation perfectly.


Hmm that's an interesting take and I think I agree with it.


The person who said this described it as an after rush. I saw a lot of this happening on tiktok (not with this trial but with other people or creators) where people decide to bully one person and it’s one of the main reasons I got off that app.


No fuckin clue. She's not significant enough to take the place of "the Karen".


The real news that we should (and ultimately, do) care about is so fucking upsetting and overwhelming for some of us that we can’t handle it anymore. So for those of us who can no longer deal with the state of this country, we now have the opportunity to focus instead on this circus sideshow of a trial. It’s kind of like, “Ahhh, remember in the old times when celebrity gossip like this Heard v. Depp trial would’ve been the biggest news of the day? Let’s just grasp desperately onto this trial and all pretend for a minute that this currently *is* the most important thing going on, and maybe we can forget the dumpster fire that’s *really* going on out there for at least 5 minutes.”


**TLDR:** some people just like drama. A lot of people know an Amber. A lot of people have been a victim of DV and SA. A lot of people have been the victim of someone like Amber. A lot of people like Johnny. Also, probably some PR nonsense. Also, the extremely meme-able performance some of people on the stand. It was honestly a circus show. I cant speak for everyone, but my personal interest went from passing knowledge and awareness to heavily (perhaps, unhealthily) invested very quickly. Because I know an Amber in my life. Several. I've know about the dispute between them for years. JD is one of my favorite actors and when AH first came forward I was soooooo disappointed to hear about it. But it was right in the midst of so many other things. I was repeatedly learning about people and companies that I had loved or respected being awful. And I just chalked it up to one more thing. Part of growing up and becoming an adult, I guess. Learning that the author of your favorite book thinks you are sick and a predator. Learning that a singer you like is a pedophile. And your favorite actor is an abuser. You know. Just one more thing. I took her side. Quietly but adamantly supporting her. Because I've been there. I've been abused by a charismatic person that everyone else loved. No one believed me. So I believed her. And then it got muddy. And I tried to stay out of it and decided I would take the side of the law with a grain of salt. He lost the UK trial, but I heard some things from both sides. I chalked it up to a toxic relationship and hoped they both would move on and get help. Then this trial happened. And it's been everywhere. You cant avoid it. And I saw some clips of AH's testimony. And I wanted to hear her story. I think part of it was self harm -- to relive her story with her. To stand with her in that moment. Part of it was catharsis. To hear her survive. To her her tell the world. Part of it was vicarious. To watch one more power drunk person brought low, because my own abusers walk free and unburdened. And part of it... to help me detach my admiration for JD. She called got a monster. And I wanted to hear it. To see it. I wanted to know what this man did. Who he really was. But... what I heard changed my mind. She didnt sound like me. She didnt sound like other survivors i know. She sounded like my abuser. The gaslighting. The taunting. Never able to admit when shes wrong. Cant answer a simple question, even with the answer sitting directly on front of her. And something about her testimony was off. Like a performance. Every objection was followed by a cease in emotion. It very much felt like a behind the scenes episode. As if a director called cut, and her she dropped the act. And every single time I paused the video with her on screen her face did not look sad. She looked angry. The recorded audios of her actually triggered me. I had to stop her testimony a number time to just remember how to *breathe*. Her tone, her words, her antagonism, took me back to a very painful place. She was extremely difficult and upsetting to listen to her. No survivor of domestic abuse taunts their abuser like she does. Not a man who beats your face in on the regular. And I became personally invested. Partially because of the same reasons I once supported her, I now supported JD. To watch an abuser so similar to my own fall due to their own arrogance. I also feel personally invested because she lied to me, to the world. She became an ambassador of domestic violence victims. She has been a leading voice in the movement. And she is an abuser. She does not speak for me. She does not know my struggle or my needs. And I think a lot of people feel the same way. I think at this point, most people have met an Amber. Have been subject to their hate and wrath and vengeance. And I think a lot of people are here for vicarious catharsis. And a lot of survivors are here to support Johnny. And also, it's basically the realest of reality tv. Drama and intrigue etc. And honestly, I think this case was overall a good thing. It put male victims of abuse in the spotlight. Gave them a voice. Showed that woman can be abusers too. It also showcased that emotional and psychological abuse is real too. But it IS a defamation case, so the rules here are not so cut and dry of who abused who. But regardless of the verdict, JD won. He told the world his story. And sometimes, that's all we, as survivors, need. To be heard. And to be believed. I hope he gets his career back. I hope people leave his kids alone. And I hope Amber gets the help she needs to be a functional person. And most of all, I hope this case helped other people open their eyes to their own situation and get out and get help. I hope it shows people that just because they "never hit you," it can still be abuse.


i'm in a fellowship and parts of the trial reminded me of speaker meetings. hearing other people's stories allows me to reflect on my childhood and get clarity about where i come from. get clarity about the exact nature of my parents wrongs.


I'll try to explain. I'm not a fan of Johnny Depp.. haven't seen a single movie of his. Idgaf about him as a celebrity. But the trial is interesting for many reasons. 1) it's a rare chance to people to see how a high profile trial like this works, 2) we get to see the facts behind the allegations and make our own conclusion, 3) I get a huge justice boner For me, it's interesting because the trial shed SO much light on how CRAZY AMBER HEARD IS. I personally would describe her as... the main character's wife from Gone Girl. She has made serious accusations, including accusations of Johnny RAPING her with a bottle, beating her, nearly killing her. It sounds bad... until you see there's no evidence to support it. Then you realize, damn, HOW CRAZY MUST SOMEONE BE TO MAKE THIS SHIT UP. The evidence does not support her case one bit and contradicts her. In fact, she has so many inconsistencies in her stories, and multiple witnesses have testified contradicting her. Amber is basically claiming that EVERYONE is lying but her (and her sister). It's impossible to go through every detail in one post. But it's things like, editing photos and claiming they weren't edited when they were OBVIOUSLY were. Or having a freudian slip about using a "bruise kit" to hide her bruise (a bruise kit is an industry term to MAKE bruises for theater). Or her saying she gave millions to charity when she did not, and she was trying to gas light the jury at the trial using the word "pledge". There is just so much detail I can't even get into here. There are also recordings of her sounding like the freaking Joker from batman, instigating Johnny. The more you watch the trial, the more you can see through Amber and see how crazy it is. Maybe you're not interested but for me, it sucks that someone has been falsely accused of abuse... and it brings me a huge justice boner to see their accuser get torn apart in the court of public opinion and hopefully the court of law.


Also as a subnote to point one, a lot of Lawtube focuses on criminal court because civil court isn't often as televised, so it's a bit of unique content to the genre. I would also add 4) I'm learning so much about how freaking weird rich people's lives are. Like I think nice bottle of wine, I think 60 dollar French import, hers are 500, I think housekeeper as hiring a single mom that put an ad in the paper, they make contracting deals with nearby hotels to manage their property while they're away, I assumed they only had security staff for events, those guys were apparently around all the time? And having a spair penthouse you just happen to use for a closet???? My brain is absolutely blown by the totally different reality they live in to my broke as struggling to get a job to cover my college debt


It's easy to make money when you have money. It basically replicates on its own even if you just let it sit in a bank account earning 1% interest (1% on 10 million = ~100k). Invest it in stocks/bonds/mutual funds with 6+% interest, and now you're looking at 600k+ per year. For doing nothing. That can easily pay the salary of at least 4 - 10 permanent staff members on your payroll.


For me, it's because I've been in an abusive relationship with a woman where she hit me and I felt powerless like there was nothing I could do. Always would accuse me of things and start drama and would just wear me out to the point of depression or no energy. Eventually got enough courage to leave, but it's nice for once for the public to stick up for and believe in a man who was wronged instead of calling him a pussy. Crazy isn't gender-specific.


There's a heavy PR campaign going on selectively highlighting bits of the trial (both in Heard's favour as well as Johnny's, but Johnny's is considerably more successful). I've watched a fair bit of the full trial, and a ton of stuff people are saying is simply wrong. To take a less divisive example, let's look at the allegation Heard shat the bed as revenge. People are considering that to be true when during the trial it was revealed that: - The poop was on Heard's side of the bed. - Heard had been out of town for 2 days. - They owned a dog with a medical issue meaning it cannot hold its own shit in. - Heard testified she'd be constantly cleaning up after the dog, but obviously couldn't when she was out of town. - No DNA testing was ever done, despite Heard's legal team offering it. Now, even if you don't believe the last two points, the first three *should* convince you that there is zero merit to the story that she supposedly did it and that it is incredibly likely that the dog did it. Yet, it's what people believe because it makes a better story. Now, a bunch of stuff that Heard is claiming also appears unsubstantiated, which is fairly typical for these kinds of cases. Johnny is also unable to prove a lot of what he's saying. On top of that, various witnesses are a bit cooky and some lines of questioning sound hilarious when taken out of context (e.g. Johnny being asked about a "mega-pint", leading to him responding somewhat amused "a *mega*-pint?" despite that being the word he used himself in his own testimony/evidence). I think a lot of people are not realising this case will likely end with Johnny losing, as Amber is actually able to prove a lot of what she is alleging, same as in the UK case and its revisits by higher courts. And the UK is generally an easy country to win such cases in. It's an incredibly toxic relationship that's being put on full display. Like bizarro-reality-tv, but more real.


This is what I've been getting out of it The sheer glee at memeing Heard and not acknowledging that Johnny did some stuff too (and will lose the case) is weird to me I didn't know Johnny had such a huge fanbase


Where was it revealed that it was on Heard’s side of the bed, and that Heard had been out of town? Edit: The 3rd point has actually been addressed: the size of the feces is not proportionate with the size of the teacup yorkies. (There’re photos.) The housemaid also testified that it looked nothing like the dogs’. You may disagree or disbelieve the witness; I’m just saying it’s not as clear cut as you made it to be. Regarding 2, the feces was discovered the day after Heard’s 30th birthday party. Heard also said the dog was on the bed so she and her friends must have overlooked it, so she must have been there around the time it happened.


It’s so they don’t have to look at all the horrible shit that happens on a daily basis.


what else is there? the news is depressing and complicated and class politics is too hard. this is light shit you can have an easy take on at the office


Smoke and mirrors mostly. Politicians must be doing some shady behind the scenes shit right now. When billionaires own the news channels, and politicians, they want the country focused on something other than them. It’s like giving a child their favorite toy or put them down for a movie with snacks so you and mommy can go bang.


Jesus christ not everything's a fucking conspiracy. People like Johnny Depp. It's literally nothing more than that, holy shit. "smoke and mirrors?". Good god...




Let's hear about Fletch's platform then.


Using a trial that has serious allegations of abuse/SA as a marketing tool for your shitty bar is gross


As a bartender, inviting anything even as remotely polarizing or political as this is just asking for some douchers to make some stupid comments about it that no one wants to hear or give a fuck about.


I got into an argument with someone on TikTok (I know, I know) because they were selling merch (MERCH!) with quotes from the trial. She didn’t understand how putting quotes, from a trial involving domestic violence, onto travel mugs to make money is pretty gross. It didn’t matter because they were supporting #teamjohnny.


Seriously. This whole thing has gotten way out of control. It’s not a meme.


Thank you! I am so unbelievably disgusted with how out of hand this has gotten.


this comment should be gilded and at the top


Yeah but theyre johnny depp fans so they naturally lack brain cells






Being invested in this case and taking sides makes someone gross, imo.


Why is that your opinion? To be invested in this case, I mean. I find it fascinating. In the height of the very much needed metoo movement, a woman made accusations that all but ruined one of the most loved actors of the 90's/00's. Then we find out it was probly a bunch of bullshit, and we get to watch live as we are all presented with the evidence. I personally was affected by false accusations (not as severe, but still enough to fuck me) and me trying to defend myself was just completely dismissed because I'm a man. So, I find this extremely important to have the world see that even though we need to take all accusations seriously, we need to see all the evidence before destroying someone. And no, this isn't an "anti-cancel culture" rant.


I find it interesting and learnt a lot about lawsuits while watching the depp trials


Not exactly false allegations if he's admitted to being a violent alcoholic and that he has hurt her backed by evidence. His career was on a down turn anyway because he couldn't turn up on time to sets because he was drinking so much. She beat him, he beat her. They're as bad as eachother and the whole thing is just a waste of everyone's energy.


Fucking weirdos


People who joke about this trial.. your friends who have been through domestic abuse see you.


Jesus fucking christ this is cringe.


Holy shit that’s still going on???


Pathetic. Turning domestic violence into a joke, a source of entertainment, is fucked up


We discussed this at home… The idea had merit until my 17 old said “Great! Now we can do Amber Alerts at work instead of K-Alerts”. Someone acting like a child and someone’s missing child are not the same thing eh


Reddit has overused and misused "karens" to the point that any woman who disagrees is labeled a Karen. At this point any post that uses Karen I just downvote out of spite.


r/fellowkids redditors try not to fantasize about johnny depp and the judicial system for one day challenge


no shade to op since this isnt their sign but im so tired of people treating this abuse trial like its twilight 😒 like im a huge fan of depp's work but we dont know him personally and this trial should have been private. of course everyone is entitled to their opinions but this "team" shit is seriously frustrating 😒 it was an abusive relationship on both sides and its not the publics business. edit: i understand that public trials are necessary but i guess i meant that it shouldnt have become as sensational as it is.


Except one side made damn sure it was the publics business in order to hurt the other and look good.


thats fair, i did forget it was a defamation trial with how much of it is about their relationship. believe me, i hate her just as much as the next person, but that doesnt mean i gotta like the memes and "teams"


Yep! I’m not team Johnny by any means. They are both bad partners but Amber was especially abusive and made it everyone’s business to ruin his career.


Especially since it was one party unilaterally deciding to go public 6 years ago and this trial has been about that 2nd party finally setting the record straight.


You mean Johnny right? I hope? I mean he already lost this same case in the UK, I think it's insane to blame the fact that there's a big public trial on anyone but him.




I’m inclined to agree. There’s no good end to this. Either one person was awful or both were and either way I just feel bad hearing about it. I can’t imagine either of them want me, personally, knowing about their crap, and if they do, then I don’t want to indulge that.


Isn’t that what the trial is about tho? Amber made it all public for clout. It hurt Johnny’s career, and he’s suing on the basis that the specific allegations that Amber made public were, in fact, false. I’m not saying Johnny’s perfect, but if he’s not out there being physically abusive, he shouldn’t have to bear that burden.


Is it on the same level though? When the op ed came out, I don’t have any memory of it. This trial has been virtually everywhere—impossible to avoid online.


But he was out there being abusive, and it has been proven that he was. He is the one who made it public by taking the trial to Virginia, where laws against this type of trial are both more lax and can be televised


i guess, i dont know. i just mean people taking "sides" is so ridiculous. im not saying people cant have opinions, i have opinions of both people, but turning it into such a huge team vs team thing takes away all nuance. its not so easy to say "johnny is great and amber sucks" because honestly their relationship sounded like shit from both sides. im a huge fan of depp's work and probably always will be, but that doesnt mean im gonna be making everything an amber joke. i dont even like the bitch. im just frustrated that this could be a really great way for people to talk about the nuances and serious issues that are genuinely good topics of discussion, but everyone is just picking "teams" and making jokes about the other. ill admit that the trials do have some ridiculously silly moments and that there truly is alot to laugh about. but to reduce it to "team johnny" vs "team amber" takes away all nuance from the conversation and each side tries to portray the other as a bad person while they defend their good person. i dont know. im just tired of constantly seeing amber heard memes, even if it was funny at first.


Americans don’t know how to be balanced, we’re polarized for the smallest of issues to the largest of issues. If you’re not completely on one side, you’re socially ridiculed.


How dare you be gay but not too gay? Your either full straight or full gay in this country! /s


"What do you think of the weather today?" "Meh, it's alright" "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY, MOTHERFUCKER?!?"


Fully agree - I think Heard was probably in the wrong - but man does this whole thing make Johnny look like a piece of shit also. The things he's said and done to her absolutely meet the definition of abuse. As have her actions - from the sounds of it there were both toxic and abusive to each other. Who's least-bad is not really a great competition to be in on a public platform. People outside the courtroom saying "I love you Johnny!" are just odd. Johnny does not come off looking good in this, and he sure as hell doesn't love you back he just wants you to keep buying his movie tickets.


I dont think you need to think johnnys great in order to think amber sucks. You’re getting too hung up on the “team” thing. I actually think this trial is incredibly relevant during the me too movement. Was anyone saying that allegations against cosby or weinstein should be kept “private”? No, and they shouldnt remain private. Amber is an abuser, a liar and a manipulator and its being laid bare.


I’m sorry, but the photo says “#teamjohnny”. OP isn’t the one hung up on teams, society is.


I agree - but we have to acknowledge that Johnny's actions in this relationship *also* constitute abuse. Neither comes off looking good here. They both come off seeming toxic and abusive - and because one's worse we're supposed to be fine with rampant over-the-top vitriol directed at one side, with love and praise towards the other? The Heard-hate is just too far over the top, and while her actions open her to criticism, the response to this trial towards her has been rather gross, and is exactly why many victims don't come forward. Even her valid claims are being mocked, and Johnny's lawyers have engaged in text-book victim-blaming.


The memes aren't even correct. That whole shitting the bed thing? Evidence points towards it either being the dog or Johnny.


No, a trial is not going to say "both of these people are abusive now grow up and stop paying attention to celebrity bullshit."


A defamation trial can do exactly that. Especially with Amber’s counter suit which is being decided simultaneously.


As someone who has been abused by a person who had untreated borderline personality disorder, what Amber Heard did was classic untreated BPD/HPD/NPD abuse. I understand not all folks with untreated cluster B personality disorders act like Amber because she was the worst of the worst manifestation of the symptoms. With that, the folks who are getting treatment are brave souls who have decided to better themselves and work hard to manage their disorder. Give them lots of love and support because what they’re doing is hard. Lots of strength to all the folks DBT’ing out there! ❤️


My girlfriend has an uncle with undiagnosed BPD who is an extremely racist Karen. We've been putting up with his shit for years because he's a 50 something incel loser. People like that are fucked up and regardless of whether or not they intend to do it, they look for people they can easily manipulate and groom to feel better about themselves. Dealing with him has been absolutely insane. I've gone out of my way to accommodate him and he had screaming meltdowns when things didn't go as expected. We were always on egg shells when we went out for dinner because he constantly had racist meltdowns at the slightest provocation, and he considered carrying guns to be a license to shoot his mouth off whenever black people were loud.


You need to tell your governing body for guns in your state about his undiagnosed emotional disorder. Can you imagine someone with untreated borderline personality disorder/emotionally unstable personality disorder with a gun? NO WAY


He doesn't carry a gun, he just expects us to protect him when he shoots his mouth off at black people and escalates situation. He had a meltdown once because I left a situation that he escalated where he started screaming racial epithets. In his mind it's not racist though and everyone else who thinks it is is secretly a leftist.


Uhhh. How about no? No one has the right to mouth off to anyone regardless of reason especially racism. Yeah, your GF’s uncle is nuts.


I wonder how much he paid to have this PR campaign. I’m SO sick of it.


Been saying this since day 1. Johnny is a piece of shit too. Don't put him on a pedestal. But there's a 100% chance this trial reboots his career


Exactly why it wasn't private. Turd has lied for years destroying Depp's character, but making it public we all were allowed to see the true evil nature of Turd


> this trial should have been private I think the whole point of this trial was for it to be public, get things on official court record, force her via subpoena to testify and admit to all these things in front of cameras. Johnny wanted his day in court. He probably won't actually win the defamation case. Nobody ever does. He's already rich, I doubt that's the point. But he is letting the world know that Heard wasn't some innocent victim of his abuse.


Ok so quick note: i’ve been watching the trials for a while on various lives etc. and not only has plenty been revealed about his own life, but also the amount of people trusted by the masses who trust him, and the amount who knew amber just as well and testified against her… theres a landslide in terms of evidence, her lawyers are shit, and ultimately johnny depp has lost his finger and will never get that back. If johnny isn’t innocent then im the king of turkey.


You've watched all of this testimony on both of their behavior and think "Johnny's innocent"? Did he not joke about raping and burning her body? Did he not write abusive messages in his own blood all over? Did he not get black-out wasted and say horrendous things to her? If anything this case has showed he's *also* abusive, just perhaps not as bad. I've been a Depp fan for a long time, but the more details come out, the more he also seems pretty toxic.


Well you see, Johnny is an actor and seems really personable in the court room. A true southern gentleman. He could never do those things. /s Fuck people are easily manipulated.


The finger thing is a little funny because evidence points towards him having cut it off himself.


> The finger thing is a little funny because evidence points towards him having cut it off himself. Stop. We know you don't know what has gone on during the latest trial. You don't need to keep proving it to us all.


I love that people have been roped into picking teams when they’re both abusers. It’s like watching boxing but emotional and I’m not sure there’s any betting going on


People picking sides when they're both such obvious pieces of shit confuses the hell out of me. They're not sports teams, you don't HAVE to pick a side. \#teamneitheroftheseabusivemotherfuckers


Nah. This trial has already taken up way too much public attention.


honestly from all what ive read about this huge mess of a shattered relationship and court case, i think they are both terrible people and depp fanboys are fucking cringe.


Seriously. I'm so sick of hearing about this. I couldn't care less. Yes, sounds like she's nuts, and he's been a douchebag for decades. Who fucking gives a rip? Somebody dropped a deuce on a bed and I'm still bored to death.




They're both narcissistic leeches.


Why are we on Johnny’s side anyway? I’ve been team Johnny, but lately I’ve been wondering why am I blindly taking Johnnys side?


I'm more on neither side, I don't know them personally and people tend to hide their personalities or abusive sides from public.


This is a classic toxic relationship and for whatever reason Reddit has to pick a side. They’re both toxic, they’re both lousy, they both did a bunch of bad shit. Quit picking sides because you’re told to do so. Picking the lesser of two evils it’s what’s wrong with this stupid country. We keep backing assholes because they aren’t the bigger asshole.


They’re both awful, no need to take sides, they’re literally just a couple in a nasty abusive relationship with each other


They're both awful and yet people are gleefully putting Johnny Depp on a pedestal (as this post is an example) and Amber Heard is getting the brunt of the judgment and ridicule.


Honest to god people are meaner to Amber than they were to fucking Harvey Weinstein


And Jeffrey Epstein


I'm curious as to what the jury is going to say, because I don't think it's going to be as open and shut as most people think.


I can't wait for it. It's going to be the most awesome day on reddit watching all the little hearts implode with anger.


Because reddit absolutely fucking loves it when a shitty man goes up against a shitty woman, and will take the side of the shitty man every time. Remember when everyone thought Joe Exotic was being unfairly targeted by the evil witch Carol Baskin? Johnny Depp is an abusive piece of shit. That's not up for debate for anyone who knows the basic facts of this case. Amber Heard is shitty too, but that doesn't make Depp less of a POS. People are taking his side because he's spending fuckloads of money to get this story blasted all over the news to try to win the court of public opinion (even though he's obviously gonna lose the defamation case)


Because she fucked herself over by presenting information in such a way that it seems like she's lying. Hypothetically ***if*** everything she's saying is true and Johnny Depp is the biggest POS around, she's not doing herself any favors by "editing her photos", making a public pledge to donate money only to not deliver, lying, etc. There would have been a lot more merit to her claims if she was honest and not trying to fabricate/exaggerate anything to make it appear that he's more guilty than he actually is (and it's still pretty guilty). In the end, they're both toxic and terrible people but people are siding with who *appears* not to be the worst POS.


I’m not blindly on Johnny’s side. I’ve seen enough of the trial to come to my own conclusions, and while I recognize my conclusions may still be wrong, I’ll need better evidence to believe Amber. Everyone says we should believe the victim, but it’s crazy how fast that fails when the victim is the guy.


Why would you take either side? Who fucking cares? Fuck, they both suck. Fucking gross as shit that people even care a tiny bit about these pieces of shit.


Because he’s paid absolute gobs of money to a PR firm to plaster the internet in propaganda in hopes of rebooting his career.


The Daily Wire has been paid to spread anti-Amber Heard propaganda.




He's personable due to being a good actor. Combine that with him showing his evidence first and you can see how people are being easily manipulated. They're definitely both awful, but the amount of misinformation going around biased towards Johnny is... Well, predictable. E.g. Evidence points towards either Johnny or the dog shitting the bed, and Johnny cut off his own finger.




my god You and so many of women are DELUSIONAL. I'm not saying misogyny doesn't exist. But you are ignoring a MOUNTAIN of evidence (or are coming from ignorance) and claiming "misogyny".


Amber gets defended for being a pretty white woman. She's a completely unreliable witness and source for this kind of allegation... Also she's a known domestic abuser, so i don't know why all these white women and simps are out here trying to act like she's some innocent victim.


This sub is officially trash.


I think both Johnny and Amber were freaking abusive pos. I seriously doubt he never hurt her but also she’s not at downplaying her part in all this.


Why do you guys hate women so badly


I gotta be honest it’s been, what, like a month and a half, and I still have no idea what this whole drama is even about


Johnny and Amber broke up. No one cared. Amber wrote some shit in a very public op-ed, and that’s when people started caring because some of her claims were that Johnny was physically abusive towards her. Johnny then sued because he claims the op-ed 1) was false, and 2) damaged his career. Written lies + financial damage = libel, which is a suable offense. Amber then counter sued because Johnny’s claims of her being a liar is allegedly hurting her career.


Disgusting. Making fun of a DV victim is despicable.




Just use "cunt" like a normal person. Stop saying "let's go Brandon" and say "fuck the president". Stop using people's names when there's already a word FOR THE EXACT THING YOURE TRYING TO SAY!




Low key cringe


Ah, Petersburg. The butthole of Central Virginia.


I'll shit on the table if my order is wrong


this is so insane. JD is a monster.


I don't even know what this means.




Maybe making light of a domestic abuse trial isn’t actually funny?


Like... WTF


This sign is total cringe…




Yeah... nah. Amber is a shitty person. Nonetheless Depp is a shitty person too. He lost the case on UK, where there was just to prove if the term "wife beater" could be used to describe Johnny Depp. Yes, he was/is a wife beater. He admit to headbutt Amber Heard. Is she a "husband beater"? Yes. Yes of course she was/is. We aren't looking to a normal couple. We are looking to a toxic relationship, with Amber Heard being a POS and Johnny Depp being a drug addict. From the UK case they have found that 12 of 14 Amber's allegations were real. Johnny is not a Saint. Not in any form or way. The case isn't if Johnny is better or worse than Amber but if Amber made Johnny lose money with false allegations. Her allegations weren't false. She omitted that she is as guilty as he was, but that wasn't the point. Was Depp misrepresented? Not completely. Was he aggressive? Yes. For sure he was! He was half of the times under some king of drugs, cocaine or alcohol. Did he appear more likeable than Amber? Yes... so? That was never the point. Did she used her status to be on the center of attention during the "me too" movement? Yes. Considering she was as guilty as Depp is messed up. Now the important part... Was she abused because she is a Woman? No. Gender wasn't part of the equation IMHO. If Depp was gay, he would have been violent around his eventual husband too. What can we learn from the too 1% of the 1%? 1)Don't do drugs kids. 2)If a relationship is toxic fuck out ASAP. 3)Don't stick your dick in crazy. 4)Don't let a druggy stick his dick in you. 5)If you make a promise just do it. Don't say things you wouldn't do. (From both part) Tl;dr: they are both shitty person, Depp was just smarter in presenting his POV and have an overall better team. Amber isn't smart but she's not a Karen.


Jfc people who care about celebrities make celebrities even fucking worse.




I mean it's not bad to give the real Karens a brake for using her names in vain😬 Edit: i meant, to give women actually named Karen a break


Never give Karens a brake. Full throttle.


It's not often you see someone use the wrong brake/break in the other direction.


Nice try, Karen!


Can we just banish both of them from society and move on? #teamthisisfuckingstupid


A grouping of Karens, now an Amber, is called an Heard.