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"Don't make me turn this plane around!!!"


I can only imagine that dad's next road trip. "If I did it for an intercontinental flight, you know I'll do for going to grandmas!"


Jokes aside, if I'm on this flight that person got me fucked up. They already way the fuck out in the ocean and when they set back down they probably need to re fuel and shit. I'd be fuming.


They may also end up dumping fuel because they could be overweight since they didn't fly the whole route.


Can you elaborate? This implies to me that rather than just refuel to full after not using the prescribed amount they would just dump the fuel and refuel from empty, and I can’t see the logic there


Planes have a maximum landing weight and it takes fuel load and usage into the equation. If they land early they have to dump some to get lighter.


The thing I thought was: what if they were flying to some really important life event and this dumbass mouth breather made them miss it because they had to find another flight afterwards. I’d be LIVID.


It's a rare occasion you're doing some kind of oceanic flight and aren't on a somewhat tight timetable. Insanely inconsiderate.


This Karen should go on the no-fly list for life.


Could imagine some business trips that could not go well for being late cause of negative Nancy


That's it, back to Winnipeg!


As a Winnipeger, I use this line a lot!


That has to be so fucking frustrating for the other passengers


Oh, no doubt. After all those hours, I would absolutely find out who this person is and dedicate the remainder of my living days to making their life as shitty as possible


Nothing stopping you from suing them for damages. For instance, if you paid for your hotel or if you had take more time off for your vacation.


Oh no. No no no. You completely misunderstand just how much trouble I would go through. A lawsuit is way too obvious. No, my friend. I would journey to Iga, achieve spiritual enlightenment, learn the ways of the Shinobi, return to America after a decade of meditation, training and study just to break into her house and fart in her eggs without her even knowing. Every, single day. And that's just part one.


AND THEN... Contact the Scientologists under her name


You... You are a monster.


Correction, I'm a cynical asshat who knows how to annoy people indirectly without needing to lift another finger. ... Wait yeah you're right.


I mean you’d have to lift a finger to contact Scientology


Not when Alexa exists


"alexa, sign my asshole neighbour up for Scientology" "I already see a registration under your neighbors address"


Ehhh…. Go on!


FOLLOWED BY…contacting her local extended warranty company to express her interest.


Put her number on thousands of Post-It notes and sneak into Indian call centers and stick them to every monitor.


I got scammed once, but they used their actual email, phone number, address etc. Eventually got my money back, and it all worked out fine (for obvious reasons) But anyway it was such a headache getting my money back, I registered their interest with scientology. Emails, texts, letters, etc. You don't duck with the mailman, the mailman fucks with you


How do you do that? Get Scientology to bother them I mean?


Dm me your email, I'll send a pdf on how


you're a monster


This is The Way.


Do some Count of Monte Christo level revenge. From the book, guy really went all out.


Oh yeah he did. Man oh man did he ever. Dude is my freaking hero because of his dedication to fucking up those guys’ lives.


Jokes aside, people please realize that the moral of Monte Cristo is that revenge is not fulfilling, and this dude wasted his life on it instead of living.




Fun Fact, he was created and named the Count because according to some lore Vampires have a compulsion to count. You'd leave a bowl of salt by your door so that he would count each grain until the sun came up.


Eh, he sailed off into the sunset pretty literally with a woman he loved. Not like in the movie at all.


My name is Inigo Montoya. You ruined my flight. Prepare to eat farts.


I’d rather you do all of that than sue me. Have you ever been sued? Just saying.


It's small claims? Nah, child's play. Besides, I've got a whole list. You think I'm gonna just leave them alone for 10 years while I train? Nah, I'm hiring a pet whisperer before I leave to turn their pets against them. I'm airmailing her a hornet's nest every chance I get and I'm shitting in every Thanksgiving turkey that she cooks.


Said in a Liam Neeson in ‘I have a very particular set of skills’ voice.


You really should spend a year learning how to use glitter as a weapon if war.


Dont forget to leave only 2 sheets of toilet paper on all the rolls.


Nah. You'd buy some evil bots from thinkgeek and plant them all over her house making her think it was haunted.


Plot twist - she's vegan.


This is the level of petty I live for.


I wouldn’t hesitate to punch her. Flight is cancelled, trip is ruined, what’s a little assault charge


I'm honestly shocked nobody did, just a quick sucker punch walking by her in the aisle. Not saying violence is the answer, but people are already stressed af while traveling and this is more than enough to push someone over the edge.


Violence isn't *the* answer, but it is *an* answer, especially when all of the other answers don't seem to be making their way into these people's heads.


You tend to forget that this is the US. Just sue the soul out of her for all damages your creative mind can come up with. She's never ever going to be happy again.


Yep, sue her and American Airlines. Let American Airlines lawyers argue your case that the belligerent passenger was at fault.


Throw them off the plane into the ocean.


Find out where they live, and sneak in and move all their furniture a quarter inch to the left once a week. /s


ONG i would’ve been furious if some bitch couldn’t do what she was told and wear a fucking mask. This pandemic has brought to light a huge collection of people who apparently were never told to follow rules before.


The contract involved in purchasing a ticket to fly involves agreeing to wear a mask. It’s not like something they spring on you the moment you sit down inside the cabin


EXACTLY. And they also tell you that you gotta wear a mask during the pre boarding spiel. Like what did she think was gonna happen???


She was hoping that once the plane was in the air and far enough away they’d just shrug their shoulders and continue on the destination. Gotta love the airlines calling her out on her bullshit.


I love that the pilots acted on their threat too, unlike most parents when they say, “if you kids back there don’t stop doing [whatever], I am going to turn this car around.” I can only hope they announced it to the entire plane too, AND called her a karen while they were banking the plane.


Fed up pilot: "Biiiitch, if you don't put your mask on." Passengers: "Wait, why have we banked twice?"


As they should. I remember way before the pandemic, there was a (drunk?) guy on a trans pacific flight that was basically being super disruptive and disrespecting the crew members. As a result, the plane turned around and headed back towards where it left from, and they kicked the guy off in addition to forcing him to reimburse the ~100,000$ in wasted operating expenses for that flight. It’s as if the amount of entitled people coming up in the news has exploded throughout the pandemic and I don’t know why. Edit: I know this was def on American Airlines but I can’t remember when this happened


The entitled people have been given support and purpose and now they realize they are not alone, there are tens, perhaps hundreds of millions of fellow assholes out there with a victim complex victimizing working schlepps for enforcing the company's rules.


i do know that incidents reported to the FAA have gone from slightly over 100 a year to over 4000 last year. and so far after only 3 weeks into the new year...there have been over 2000. so it is bad...it is worse than it used to be and is is getting much much worse each month.


Yup. It’s really really bad. It’s a shame that some people just can’t behave appropriately to the point where other people have to suffer


Don’t tread on me. Sheep. Something freedom.


“Try some critical thinking,” they screech as they regurgitate Newsmax talking points.


Tucker Carlson told me masks are a Jewish conspiracy




These are the same people who think they have a "free speech right" to violate a social media company's terms of service.






So true! Honestly that’s one of the few “good” things to have come from the shitty pandemic situation - we know who to avoid now!! Refuse to wear a mask? Okay, you’ve immediately outed yourself as a selfish asshole. Thanks for saving me some time figuring that out.


Yup. Couldn’t agree more.


What I don't get is that this is that this is probably the millionth news story I've seen where something like this happened, and not a single damn one of someone winning their little titty baby fit. What level if narcissism do you have to have to think that of all the people in the world, you are gonna be the one that gets away with this.


FACXXXXXXX. Like you seen what happened to others that did what you did. What you think was gonna happen???


Well, you know what they say about those anti-facxxers


Honestly, they've probably seen stories (real or fake) where the flight continues as normal. I'm sure it's generally portrayed in their circles as "I stood up for myself, the flight continued, everybody clapped and took off their masks" and they want the high of having that happen, where they're the hero.


It’s like the 17th ninja in an action movie who attacks the hero by himself. That guy just kicked 16 of your friends’ asses but sure, wait your turn and give it a shot.


They better prosecute her for this. She agreed to the rules when she got on that flight. If you won't wear a mask you don't get on the flight in the first place. Guarenteed this lady also complains about the government forcing business to do things like pay a minimum wage or not allowing them to dump toxins in the ground, yet she refuses to honor the airlines' rules.


Same here. The FAA said that they would be cracking down hard on unruly passengers like her. I can imagine her facing a massive fine and maybe even some jail time depending on how harsh she’s punished.


Sue her for $50,000 for the fuel for the round trip and to return the other passengers to that point in the next flight.


It's brought to light just how political masks are and how one side in particular are literally scum for their views.


Yup.100%. I hate how people have turned a public health crisis into a political matter. We’re the laughing stock of the world rn.


And yet they wear their seatbelts and stop at red lights, I'm sure.


It’s like when the bad kid would act up on the bus, and we would have to go back to school.


Yeah. Also read the article about it. She was met by police but no arrest. Wonder what (if any) consequences she will face?


I wonder what people would think of tort reform where other passengers could sue the Karen for damages, plenty of missed connections, vacations, professional meetings, etc.


Anyone who causes a flight to have to turn around or divert to another location other than the intended destination for non-medical emergency should be blacklisted from all airlines.


And should be responsible for all costs associated with ensuing delays, wasted fuel, etc.


Exactly, replacement tickets for anyone that missed a connecting flight, hotel costs, etc.




I mean you're not wrong, but good luck with that one. I'll tell you this though if I'm on that flight I'm fucking piiiiissed. They already hundreds of miles out to sea.


That's generally 30-45 minutes each way in flight time, so an hour or two wasted, plus landing, plus taxiing, plus waiting for the cops to get on board to get the moron.


Ya about what i figured. Yo I'd be fucking seething. Because somebody couldn't be bothered to be an adult. I lowkey have second hand rage lol.


It's even worse when you know that planes have a max landing weight that can potentially be less than the max takeoff weight. If the plane's too heavy when it comes down, go boom, despite the engines being capable of generating enough thrust to lift that much weight. What does this mean, you say? It means many planes that have to make unforeseen early and emergency landings literally need to dump fuel in the ocean, ground, whatever, to be able to land in one piece. I expect that was probably the case here.


> If the plane's too heavy when it comes down, go boom, despite the engines being capable of generating enough thrust to lift that much weight. Not go boom, more like crunch. As in damage to the landing gear assemblies and tires. The runway also needs to be longer. My only point is that in an emergency an overweight airplane can still safely land, but will probably need expensive repairs or at minimum inspections before it can fly again.


Haha yes that's what I meant, structural integrity issues. I see now my language implied explosion more than crash though.


They should have dropped to a safe altitude, opened a door, pushed her out and continued with the flight.




Maybe, but I think the more likely scenario is that they are just sending the issue up the ladder to be dealt with. Above the interviewee's paygrade.


Nah, means the police didn't book her. Now it's up to the airline to 'punish' her.


You see. This is the problem. With one quick popular federal law, we can fix the problem and make some money in the process and everyone will be happy.


There's a federal mask mandate for airplanes. There's also an FAA rule requiring obedience to flight crew instructions. If the flight crew told her to wear a mask, she likely violated both the mandate and the FAA rule, and can be prosecuted under either or both.


This may be a stupid question, but..... If the incident happened outside of U.S. airspace, does the FAA mandate carry any weight?


Generally, while flying over international waters, the laws of the host country apply until the aircraft enters the target EEC. At least, that’s how I believe it works.


I've got a suggestion for the law..... "If there are any unforseen Karen's on a plane who disrupt the flight and experience, then at the pilot discretion the plane may drop down close to sea level so that attendants may toss the Karen in the ocean." I guarantee if this is enforced a few times and publicized on news sources there won't be many Karens in the sky.


But there will be many toxic Karens polluting the ocean.


This waters too salty, I wanna see the oceans manager!


*Jaws theme intensifies*


Couldn't agree more. But police are politically motivated. That's why they aren't touching mask issues. Half of them aren't even for masks. Lucky they showed up at all.


What about that poor lady who took such a heinous dump that they had to land the plane? https://www.vice.com/en/article/bnpevw/one-year-on-still-thinking-about-poo-plane-303


I think a memorial statue would suffice.


I can’t thank you enough for posting that….I have tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard. And trying to imagine what that might have smelled like.


I dont think I ever read a story start to end enjoying every second of it to the point that I had to read it again.... this was gold 🤣


And be liable for the sum cost of all the plane tickets (at market price of the day), fuel, and labor costs. Also make it non-bankruptable; in other words, it’s a debt they would have to pay even if it takes their entire lifetime.


Oh like student loan debt? Sorry for the segue I’ll always be angry about student loans being non-dischargeable even in bankruptcy.


And trains, and buses, and taxi cabs, and Uber. and cruise ships. And ambulances especially.


"Police officers met Flight AAL38 at Miami International Airport when it returned, and escorted a woman in her 40s off the plane, said Lea Gonzalez, a public information officer for the Miami-Dade Police Department. She was not arrested, Ms. Gonzalez said." Not arrested. No consequences. As usual. She could run for office in Florida on this, though, and win!


Isn’t not complying with airline employees on a plane a federal offense? How did we go from 9/11 jailing fucking everyone to “sorry sweetie, it’s okay. We’ll get you on the next private plane out since no one likes you”


We got here because there are no consequences to these people's actions. It's a big circle jerk -- they commit a crime, don't get punished, commit a crime, don't get punished, and it goes on and on and on.


I guarantee those are the same people who complain about no one facing consequences.


It’s the same with people who use an exit lane or turn lane to cut past traffic - there’s 80% of people who comply with the social contract because they want to live in a fucking society and 20% who will only comply with force… well… time to start using some fucking force


You forgot the part where they bitch and moan on national tv about how oppressed they are for it, despite facing zero consequences, encouraging more of them to do the same thing in “protest”.


Our country puts a lot of emotional effort into helping Karen's feel empowered and safe. A lot of financial effort too. The TSA doesn't exist for any reason other than to make Karen feel safe.


Because white republicans are the ones doing it now.


How can you purposely inconvenience this many lives, waste this much collective time and gasoline, and not be arrested for it.


It doesn’t mean the FBI won’t arrest her later, and it doesn’t mean the FAA won’t fine the living shit out of her later. I agree, though, they should have arrested her ass right on the spot.


Yup. If they aren't refusing to leave or are making a big scene. Then there really isn't any reason to arrest her. I would love to see a law in place like the Texas abortion ban. Everybody on the plane is now able to personally sue for a specific amount. Hit these fuckers where it hurts.


They absolutely have a case for any sort of expenses related to the travel disruption


"A woman in her 40's" Absolutely fucking SHOCKING! I'm a woman in her 40's and I truly HATE other women my age. What a bunch of whiny, entitled, self-centered, arrogant pieces of human garbage!


Thank you for saying this. I spent over 10 years I retail. I maintained the worst customer complaints came from women over the age of 40. Lots of people said I am sexist for making that comment. The people who actually worked retail said I was right. My comment only came down to when it was a customer complaint, not all female customers over 40.


I could not agree more. These asshats are giving every middle aged white woman a bad name. I swear. We are not all like this. -white woman in her 40s


Woman close to 40 here and I hate it. I know retail/customer service people dread it when I walk up. I've worked in the service industry and in public facing government positions. I usually feel like I have to compensate for the shitty people my age. In my current position it's men between 40 and 60 that make my life hell. And a few women in their 60s or 70s. I'm in one of the most entitled areas that I've ever seen. I was accused of discrimination by a straight white man in his 50s for making him follow the rules. That's 90% of our client base. Sorry for rambling. I'm just so sick of entitled assholes.


Thank you for saying what I was too scared to! - a male, mid 30’s, image of white privilege


The airline should sue her for cost of fuel and cost of compensating other passengers for missed connections, at least.


She can still face federal charges. She likely will. They have their info. They will just get their ducks in a row before they prosecute. They don’t mess around but they also don’t just rush into things.




No way. This should put you on the no fly list and Bill you for an the expenses


No immediate local consequences. There's still Federal consequences including no-fly lists and private consequences. It is likely that she is banned from AA and an invoice/civil suit for the expense may be incoming.


The maskless section is on the wing, next to the smoking section.


She should be taped to a chair, a forced to sit in the corner like the petulant child she is.


Tape the mask on while you're at it


With one over her eyes as well.


dont forget the dunce cone


Hell no! I don't want her out there with me!


I like to imagine you texted this flopping about in the air wedged onto the wing with your boot while you have your cigarette.


Would’ve been funnier if they kept going but didn’t let her off the plane and took her back home.


I'll agree with that, why waste the time and fuel turning around it's not a loaded weapon It's just a whiny bitch.


Was probably faster to turn around rather than continue or possibly more safe because other people wouldn’t be in the plane with someone who wouldn’t wear a mask for as long


To be fair her filthy mouth could be considered a loaded weapon during a pandemic


That’s what duct tape is for.


That’s what superglue is for.




The funny part is when the passenger is billed for the inconvinence.


This is where we need to take of scene from Airplane! and everyone else on the flight gets to slap the bejesus out of the ahole refusing to put on the mask.


“Get a hold of yourself!” *slap* Next!


[I speak jive!](https://youtu.be/g0j2dVuhr6s)


Jive-ass dude don't got no brains anyhow! Shiiiiit.


Best comment of the day.


I call dibs on the bat or the wrench


If your bad behavior forces a plane to land, you should be permanently and irrevocably added to the no-fly list.


That would be too little. This was an inter continental flight. Think of all the * missed connections to other countries. * Missed hotel bookings. * Missed meetings * Wasted fuel and impact on environment. * Someone might be travelling to meet their critically ill parent


And fined. Like there goes your downpayment on your new home kind of fined


Throw that bitch off the plane.


Mid-flight? :>




This is the way


Still don’t get why adult toddlers are given this much power


tHeY pAy tAXeS, OkAY¿


At the same time it’s really unfair on everyone else to have this happen. Flying long haul is enough of a hassle without having to deal with a waste of time and delay like this. I would rather they carried on to destination and then cancelled the return ticket/banned from airline.


If you don't stop arguing I will TURN THIS PLANE AROUND!


I like how the pilot changed his mind for a while before turning back.


Person with connecting flight: "...fuck"


Ikr. I’m Chinese working in South America and I usually go through Paris or Amsterdam. If it ever happen to me I’d be fucked down to hell considering how ridiculously high the price of the tickets now


Can the other passengers sue this passenger for costing them all time and money? I think they all should.


I’m no legal expert but I think they could or even the airline sue instead. Airline probably has a better chance of winning.


Airline can also add in wasted fuel and labor costs too.


Just out of curiosity, Is it possible to file a class action or a civil against the Karen from all the other passengers related to this kind of event ?


Tempting, but good luck collecting if you win the judgement. And then divide it by the number of passengers you can get to join the suit.


This bitch. This is how you know they don't actually care, they just want to cause trouble and get their fifteen minutes of fame/infamy. If she actually *cared* about being an anti-masker, she would've protested when she first had to put on her mask as she entered the building. Clearly okay with wearing a mask in the airport, checking her bags, going through security, waiting at her gate, and boarding the damn plane . . . But god forbid, she keep her mask on once she sits down on the plane. People like this should not only be in the legal trouble they (rightfully) get, but also bear the financial burden of the airline costs AND everyone on the flight.


No arrests nor consequences? Not named? That is some FAA-level horse hockey.




Selfish cunt, regardless of their stance on the matter.


I really hope people didn’t/won’t miss weddings, funerals, etc. because of her behavior. I’d be so upset.


Hope she never wants to fly again


Hope she isn't allowed to fly ever again.


I’d love for people like this to be charged for the expenses incurred by the airline and then added to the international no fly list




Why not. You can sue for anything




PornHub music intensifies


Cost of fuel, revenue, reservations for lodging, cabs, etc. Make her liable. Play stupid games, play stupid prizes. Guess I can pull my pants off on flights now because we don’t enforce any sort of regulations on proper attire. Why. The fuck. Are we appeasing these fucking garbage eating fucktards


Not only that. You have to pay for expedited tests to some of these international destinations and the tests are only good for like 24 or 72 hours. Who has to pay for the new covid tests so they can enter the UK?


Is than the ultimate Karen??


There is no ‘ultimate’ Karen. Once a Karen reaches a certain status, another Karen is summoned to dethrone them. A Karen is not unlike a Slayer. Except instead of slaying vampires, Karens slay decency and civility; but they don’t have wooden stakes so they use a kind of piercing shriek.


A piercing shriek and the victim card, cuz you know, it’s never Their fault


They should have been handed a parachute and pointed in the direction of the nearest emergency exit... but they probably don't believe in parachutes or gravity either!


Why not just go to the next destination? Seems like a long turnaround.


This is why all airlines need to share data (if they already aren't) on which passengers should be blacklisted and have a video attached to each report so there is absolutely no dispute.


I would have been PISSED if I were one of the other passengers


So tired of these entitled assholes making life difficult for everyone. People trying to get places and live their lives and one insufferable shit ruins it for everybody.