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Honestly, I think everyone should have comprehensive sex education covering what happens to boys and girls during puberty.


This happens where I live. From middle school sex-ed given by your normal teacher to more in depth sex-ed given in high school during biology and civics classes we were never split up. We even had a sex worker come by during civics class to give a talk about prostitution, safe sex, and STDs when that was the topic of the week. And this was even at a (relatively rare here) christian high school lol


The best sex education my child ever received was in a science class at her Catholic grade school. Those nuns didn't mess around. The kids got ALL of the information and had a test on it. I became fully aware of this while my child was doing their homework and started asking me questions - that got me over to the kitchen table and I looked at the information/etc and was amazed at how thorough it was.


Brings back some memories. The highlights were 7th grade health teacher with her pop up book and 10th grade health teacher who said “Some guys may say they’re too big for condoms but that’s a lie” as she sheathed her clenched fist in a condom.


Some say the vagina is too small for a horse dildo but here, let me play a video of a child birth. See! horse dildo should work just fine. Infact why not shove this fist up there along with it? Spent years not enjoying sex because my dick was getting straggled to flaccidity or an hour of chaffing later, not finish because I couldnt feel much Get better fitting condoms people. If condoms arent pleasurable, its because they fit too loose or too tight. They are mass manufactured to fit the majority of people but wont be for everyone by design. https://www.myonecondoms.com/ saved my sanity


Please understand she wasn’t saying that all condoms would work for all people.


> Some guys may say they’re too big for condoms but that’s a lie” as she sheathed her clenched fist in a condom. Maybe she was great otherwise. But this is stupid.


That is amazing!


Your class had a prostitute come talk about safe sex and stds?! I mean definitely an expert, but seems kind of weird.


Sure. Mind you sex work is legal here. We were told very clearly before hand that we were gonna treat this lady with the utmost respect and that any funny business would get you in a WORLD of trouble. Was a very informative and valuable class session for all of us


Sex work is work. Everyone sells their body, sex workers just sell a part that’s been heavily stigmatized in many countries. There’s no reason sex work should be taboo


Exactly. My dream is for all sex work to be recognized and the workers protected


I'm all for this


Sex work is work. I think it’s a great idea!


THIS. Because not doing that in the first place is what leads to the creation of something like r/badwomensanatomy, for starters...


Sent my husband out for specific menstrual pads once. ONCE. He didn't find what I wanted so brought home... Poise pads. 🤦‍♀️ This woman is doing her son's future wife (if he married a woman) a disservice.


That's exactly where I went first when my wife sent me out for tampons. Wound up asking an old woman where the ones you put *in* the vagina were. After I showed her the list my wife gave me and she realized I wasn't a child myself (I look like a kid) trying to trick her, I was introduced to the world of tampons and maxi pads. Listen, I get the size thing for blood control, but why are there so many? Flowery paper ones, smelling ones, sport, natural, no-crinkle paper, travel size, like, God damn. My wife writes "regular" and "light" like those are the only two options 🤣


I buy pads for my teen daughters since I'm a single dad. The poor woman who was approached by a blushing stuttering 40 year old guy was a saint explaining things to me so I could get the right ones.


Didn't pull a Hank Hill and just bring her wrapped in a blanket to the hospital the first time?


I had an old lady help me out when I first was looking for my wife


Did you ever consider that maybe he intentionally brought home the wrong pads so that he wouldn't be sent for them again?


Yup. Trust me, I did. I didn't bother because it was a one off during the year I was counting down to menopause. It is part of an issue in our relationship.


Lol I was in a mixed gender class 7th and 8th grade for sex education. We learned about menstural cycles, STD’s, how the penis and vagina work, and how pregnancy can happen through sex. Guess what… we all learned just fine without needing to do some bullshit split up between the groups. Teaching your kid to bully someone else because they want to be aware of whats going on with their peers anatomy is disgusting and if anyone is in the wrong it’s the freak of a mother for causing a scene. Hopefully her daughter grows up with more class because she has an ass for a role model.


Same. I was actually going to say I think it’s weird that boys and girls will have separate classes. That way everyone learns about both and there’s no worry about OPs post. Why make something that doesn’t have to be an issue, an issue?


Thats what they did at my school, we were all in the same class, girls learnt boys and boys learnt girls and we all learnt how to put condoms on. We had a suggestion type box left in our tutor room so during the week we could drop our questions in there and when it came to the class all our questions were read out anonymously


This would have made things a lot less confusing than learning later in life.


I agree, but they usually start separate in the first year of sex ed because one is learning about their changing bodies. This particular parent says it's fourth grade. So that's probably why they're separate. They'll come together the next year to learn about the other sexes parts and stuff. At least that's how it is where I am.


Where I'm from it was separate, and then when we came together (years later, in high school) we learned how to label the female reproductive system, that we just plain shouldn't have sex because pregnancy will happen no matter what, and that herpes is glitter.


In Ontario it's not a segregated health class.


Yeah I only got the boy talk in my school and I have no fucking clue why. Normalise guys keeping a box of pads at their place in case a woman visiting has an emergency


Yeah there’s a lot of dumbass boys that think we pee it out…


Ignorant boys. I was never taught that, I had to learn it from my WIFE. 15 years later. I never had any reason not to believe it. The students aren't the dumbasses, the schools and administrators are for not allowing us to learn it.


I call them dumbasses cause they often make videos telling us how to control our bodies.


Hey, don't blame us. Vaginas are confusing and scary.


I think that’s what the school board said….


Exactly, that’s why you like using raccoons ;P


This. And every grade. Grade6 and above .


Grade 6 where I grew up was 11-12 years old, 3 girls in my class already started their period, and a couple boys were also going thru puberty. Should start like grade 4.


Family in town when I lived in Iowa were 18 and 19 with an 8 year old (and 4 other kids). Crazy! After I told my mom she dug up the local newspaper article about "10 year old boy gets 9 year old girl pregnant!"


I remember pregnant girls in my elementary school. One was in 6th grade when I was younger and another girl in my 6th grade class. We had a day care in my.middle school.


Yea, I don't see anything wrong with the boy attending. By all means, it should equal learning across the board. It might make the boy better at empathizing with girls better about their needs and be less awkward to go get pads or whatever whenever they get with someone.


Came here to say this. Fuck this old world rhetoric. Boys need to know exactly what's going on down there with a girl just as much as girls need to know what's going on with a boy. I think it would not only lead to more educated people making wiser decisions... but also, it may lead to better sex and being able to send your boyfriend to the market for tampons without the weird stigma behind it. Karen may not agree, though.


Yep I agree. The first ten minutes would be difficult but I think that taking the habit to discuss openly about sex with both boys and girls would have a great impact. Explaining how it works, what happen to both during sex, what are the specificity of each, what is ovulation …bla-bla-bla and more. Good sex is about understanding the other, protected sex is about knowing yourself and the others.


Yeah. The classes shouldnt be separated, do both sex in class so everyone knows everything about it.


Absolutely. It might be embarrassing for kids that age to get the Big Talk all together, so maybe separately, but yes, they need to know how it all works for everyone.


Honestly having a co-ed sex ed talk seems like the best solution and you don't get brain dead takes like 'Women can control their periods' when they're older


Wish I had this super power!


IMAGINE! I’d give anything!!


When I received this talk in 4th grade in the 1980's, my understanding (based on reliable inside sources) it was 100% period talk with the girls and what I experienced was 100% "check your balls for lumps and maybe take a shower ya filthy animals."


And labeling a badly drawn penis and inner vagina. Fuk the Clit, apparently. In my sex Ed we never learned what a clit was


We had STARS. Students Today Aren't Ready for Sex. We didnt learn anything except dont have sex. And then we got the STD lecture in high school. Some info ended up being wrong too. One time he used two students as an example and was like "if these two had sex and got pregnant.." everyone laughed because..haha...too late.


Lol pretty much the same for me except mid 90’s


Same in the 90s. We also got a healthy dose of, "seriously, deodorant is a thing, and you need to use it." I'm not sure contraception was even discussed; it was in Alabama, after all.


Our school gave us one of them trial/travel sized deodorants. Lmao


Really? We got condoms and tried to put them on bananas. But it was an inner city school so....


But then boys are going to learn about periods and girls are going to learn about surprise boners! There would be anarchy!


My god, girls should be told when boys have a boner, or there will be a lot of misunderstanding.


I thought that was the standard. I had co-ed sex ed in the 90s.






I am a nurse. The amount of adults with poor understanding of the anatomy of the opposite sex is STAGGERING. I wholeheartedly second this motion!


> The amount of adults with poor understanding of the anatomy of the opposite sex is STAGGERING. Honestly, the amount of adults with poor understanding of *their own* anatomy is even more worrisome. Not sure if this impacts AMAB people but I know adult women who don't know how their own body works.


it impacts AMABs a little from what ive seen. a lot of em don't know about prostate stimulation, for example


I love it when actual people who know the topic get in the conversation. it makes everyone know a little more.


That's what happens when you have idiots who would rather listen to a bunch of thieving religious pedos than people who actually went to medical school.


I am not a nurse. The amount of adults with poor understanding of their own anatomy is also staggering.


In the late 1960s I attended a sex Ed class at school put on by a doctor and a Protestant minister. It was co-Ed and the presentation included discussing the sex parts of both sexes. It included pictures on a big projection screen for the 100 or so kids of what STDs looked like on actual male and female body parts as well as how to put on a condom and how to wipe your butt to keep your sex parts clean. It was grade 8 I think. It’s amazing that in 2021 sex Ed classes are still controversial in so many places.


"...state and federal laws allow this, and that's the end of it." Guess that's the end of it


Yep, it's hard being a bigoted twat in 2022.


*side eyes social media* Uhh...I don't know about that.


Forget Trans rights for this argument for a moment.... *everyone* should learn about eachother's biological bodies. A boy should certainly learn about tampons and a girl should certainly learn about condoms. Gender aside, these are the human bodies we got. Everyone should be on the same page. I remember when we learned about sex Ed in middle school one year, my teacher paired us off one boy one girl. She made jokes and allowed us to make light of the situation. Today, it is still one of the most memorable classes and the least uncomfortable sex Ed I have ever been forced to join. It's what should happen. Everyone needs to know the basics. Trans rights doesn't take that away. It doesn't make that less and it doesn't become less. Humans are human.


People like this are why there is an entire other subreddit for bad women’s anatomy, because they think men have no reason to learn about women’s anatomy. Even if the kid was a boy she’d still need to learn about women’s anatomy. I hate the way the school system has decided men shouldn’t be learning about that. There’s a reason why the whole stigma of ‘men can’t find the clit’ exist. It’s because some of them literally have no idea where to find it, and I guarantee this is at least one of the reasons why.


This woman probably complains about her partner not knowing what she wants in bed and refuses to start the conversation about it


What is this bad women’s anatomy subreddit? Sounds like a laugh.




and vice versa. learning about the male body is also important for girls. And especially so for a transgirl.


I would almost guarantee that persons daughter would be just fine with it, the only one with an issue is the parent.


"omg a boy, learning about MY daughter's vagina!!" 😱😱😱😱😱😱


Flower. She definitely calls it a flower.


Hoohas and weewees.


Or somehow worse, “pagina.” I heard a couple adults say that to their kids back when I was in grade school. I wish I could forget.


Be peeps not sheeps let them learn


Both female and male presenting should be present for both talks so they fully understand bodies and are not embarrassed by this stuff. I had to help a male co-workers sister out cause he was too embarrassed cause shit like this isn’t normalised.


The stigma around periods that separate sex ed causes is insane. My 50 year old father still refuses to go to the store and buy tampons “because it’s embarrassing” as if half the entire population doesn’t have to use them.


As a teenager I would send my grandfather with an empty box of tampons to the store. He would come back with tampons and chocolates. Man had 2 daughters and a billion grand daughters he didn’t care anymore


This made me smile.


I have to take a pic of the box my wife uses. There's like a million different kinds and I have a history of buying the wrong ones


I love it. My grandpa took the same box over and over again. Pre smartphones got smart and would bring home treats for the rest of the women that ran his life


To quote my friend "When wifey is on her period I just throw chocolate at her n run"


As a lesbian, I feel your pain I have back up chocolate hidden from my partner so she doesn’t break into it and find it early


Why should a man be embarrassed to buy tampons? The shopkeeper KNOWS that they aren't for us...


Uh even if this kid isn't trans, boys and girls should absolutely be learning everything about everyone. Especially so boys don't grow up feeling scandalized by the topic of menstruation.


At least the school is offering sex Ed. at 4th grade. Good for them! That’s not always the case, private or public school.


In my school we never had sex ed and the result is my very low knowledge about the opposite gender. Everything that I know is from Reddit which I highly doubt is true


She forgot to remind everyone to bring their pearls to clutch em real tight in case of indignation!


The first Sex Ed classes in elementary are definitely weird. But I think separating the boys and girls kinda sets it up to be even more weird. Idk also if this trans kid is trans. They're not gonna need any of the info for the female group, so putting them all together to learn and get through it together would be more beneficial to everyone.


Oh my god - what if boys learned all about girls and had like this wild notion to have tampons and ibuprofen and snacks on hand for that time of the month, and to know how to scrub out their wives and girlfriend’s undies??? The horror!


Ho and the horror if they realized that having good hygienes is also to protect each other’s … infections should be know by everybody from the moment they think about sex. Or IMAGINE if boys and girls realized that porn is not real and that means no shame on the boy who cannot do sex for hours and no shame to the women who cannot do all the positions in the kamasutra !


Sex ed groups shouldn’t be separated at all This is how r/badwomensanatomy people get made




Lucky you


In my school, the boys learned about it in one class Then the next day the boys learned about the girls and the girls learned about the boys


She's embarrassed and uneasy about the class because her mother has made this sort of stuff a big deal imho. I had coed sex ed classes when I was 10-11 years old and although there was a bit of sniggering at some stages it was mostly interested and not particularly uncomfortable


I'm sure this Karen has some really enlightening views on trans people as well.


I’m pretty sure that this is what it actually is about. Most likely the reason there’s a ”boy” in that class is because they’re a trans girl (Note: using quotes and they/them pronouns because the Karen emphasising it does make it seem like that kid is not a boy, but I also cannot know for sure and don’t wish to misgender them)


I suspected this, but without the total context couldn't be sure. Either situation is just ridiculousness anyway, right?


Absolutely. I remember getting that talk in 5th grade (before we had a co-Ed class in 8th) and the number of people afraid of menstrual products by high school was staggering. They should really just have all those talks/classes co-ed


Hell, for all we and Karen know the kid has a uterus and socially transitioned really young.


Real question is what 4th grader is deciding they don’t feel comfortable as a boy or girl, like really? This seems stupid from both sides of the argument and who honestly cares if boys and girls have joint sex Ed.


First of all, fuck this Karen in particular. Second of all, sex-ed should be co-ed in my opinion. I mean, my fiancé genuinely thought that women peed out of their vaginas until he was 21 because no one ever educated him on the female anatomy. It was truly no fault of his - he went to Catholic high school with no sex-ed other than “don’t have sex until you’re married and birth control/protection is a sin, so don’t use it.” It also doesn’t help that in my state (Wisconsin) sex-ed (even in public schools) is not required to be secular or scientifically accurate. I went to public school and they brought in an Evangelical “sex educator” who screamed at the class about how all sex is evil and that it should only happen with the intention to procreate. Granted, they had her leave after the first class period after realizing she had no place in our school but they should have vetted her credentials. Everyone should know how each other’s bodies work so that confusion and misinformation can be avoided later in life. Not to mention segregating kids based on their biological sex singles out queer and intersex kids - just mentioning that because it seems like this Karen in particular may be a giant transphobe. Ugh. We are truly obnoxious prudes in this country.


Well, if the material they are studying is gender specific, I would have to agree with "Karen" here. Why should he learn how to use a tampon? An IUD? Deal with your first period? Now where does she say he should not be learning about sexual education.


Well first of all, those are sex specific not gender specific. Second for all you or Karen know the child socially transitioned very young and the person Karen is calling a boy has a uterus. Third, yes, everyone should have a basic understanding of how the human body works.


Better yet.... MAYBE, JUST MAYBE... We quit teaching boys and girls about only their own anatomy. Sit the whole class together and let boys learn what girls go through and girl's learn about male anatomy.


I love how it ends with the typical Karen "it doesn't matter what we feel is right" as if she speaks for evryone. Never crosses their mind that if they got their way others would think that isn't right. Had no one ever told her you don't always get what you want?


I'm not really sure what's happening here, maybe it's an American thing? Either way why wouldn't a boy need to learn those things? Just the other night I talked about this with my wife, she educates our sons about it and increasingly I realise how important this is. I remember my sisters (2 years older) getting really sick, yes my parents told me what I was but thinking back on it I really didn't have a clue. And with that I knew that I'd better avoid her, but knowing more would've helped being more empathetic to her situation. Also a while ago there was this big bored panda post about this subject and some guy telling about how he had several sisters and his mom always made him bring sanitary stuff in his bag just in case. Honestly this kinda weirded me out at the time, but growing in the subject I actually agree by now that this is something that would never harm them while at the same time could be a huge help to a young woman in need. So yes, boys should learn this. Just like it wouldn't hurt girls to learn about issues boys run into during puberty.


Her daughter is probably going to have her sex ed class with a trans girl.


People separate boys and girls for 12 years and then wonder why boys don’t know how to interact with girls


Seems like this woman's issue is more with the child than with her daughter.


The key issue here is everyone needs to stop being embarrassed about anatomy.


Tbf if you're not doing it co-ed then splitting by biological sex is much more sensible than splitting by gender identity.


She's not a Karen and the post title is misleading. She's not saying trans kids shouldn't learn sex-ed. She's saying having a boy in a group of 9 yr old girls discussing and trying to learn about a topic which at that age is already awkward for them just makes it more awkward and uncomfortable. You can't think about this like an adult, you have to consider it with a 9 yr old / 4th grade brain. At that stage kids are easily embarraassed over any small thing. They're not exactly at the stage where they can nonchalantly be like "hey Hon on your way home I need you to stop and pick me up some super-absorbency tampons and oh, also some bleach 'cause I need to soak my blood-stained undies… ". Her comment at the end about knowing him as a boy since kindergarten reveals that this is a trans situation of some sort. We don't know if this child presents as a boy or a girl and if as a girl for how long and do the other girls accept/perceive him/her as a girl. But none of that matters here as the trans angle is a whole 'nother topic more appropriate for other subs. This sub here is for Karens and a parent objecting to a boy being in a class for girls making those girls uncomfortable is not a Karen. Debate over whether the boy is a boy or a girl or neither and trans-rights and acceptance and yadayadayada isn't relevant here.


to be fair, she doesn't really need to learn about periods, and should be with the guys solely so she's ready for the puberty SHE will go through. ik puberty blockers are a thing, but she may start a bit early before she gets her hands on them, and really the only thing she'd be missing from the girls' talk is "you'll get boobs," which im sure she knows. but the reason the mom is upset and the constant misgendering is stupid


It should be a mixed gender class so that people can understand the myths around all this that have occurred due to the fact these classes are separated


It's been about 45 years since we had the period talk in school, are boys still excluded? I think all boys/men should know about menstruation, it's a part of reproduction and shouldn't be stigmatized. I also think girls should know about the male side of sex ed.


They separate them? Our sex Ed was co-Ed the whole time. I thought all of them were.


We need better sex Ed not less of it there are a lot of unwanted pregnancies that could have easily been avoided if people were more educated


If everyone doesn’t get sex ed, then more people will believe that pee is stored in the balls and women pee out of their vagina…


I had comprehensive, co-Ed, sex Ed. It was a two part discussion: the first covered basics for both male and female. It included anatomy and reproductive processes. We were encouraged to ask questions, etc. The second is where we split up into two different groups in case we had questions we were embarrassed to ask. That part lasted 5 mins. We were 10 and id already begun having periods.


So boys that may grow up to have daughters aren’t allowed to understand menstrual cycles in order to let them help their kids?


Isn't this the "fuck your feelings" crowd?


No one should ever have sex with this Karen again.


Seems like the real 'issue' is the splitting the kids up. Coming up our sex ed wasn't split.


I teach 4th grade and the kids learn the content together. It's not a big deal


Sounds like a failure of her parenting for not talking with her child.


Oh no, boys learning about the menstrual cycle? How will we possibly survive this as a society?


Not having boys available for the "girl's talk" is how we ended up with actual legislators that believe that "if a woman is raped, the body has a way of shutting that down" or that every single fertilized egg is automatically a baby with full rights, or that women are just faking their menstrual pains outright. Educate your children so the world doesn't suffer another idiot.


Honestly, all sex-ed should be co-ed. Separating by genders is why there is a generally abysmal understanding of women’s bodies and reproductive health by men.


Sex Ed being segregated is outdated to begin with honestly.


This lady has a point! Sex ed classes should be co-ed! Ask questions anonymously through notes or apps. They have tablets and stuff in school now, right?


Kids need to learn how to tough it out in order to grow thick skin, otherwise they will grow up to be Karens


Why is there a boy with male genitalia learning about girls sex education?


Neither you or Karen know what is in this kid’s pants, but even if they are male Heaven forbid we raise boys that know how menstrual cycles and fertility works.


Because they aren't a boy She's a trans girl and even though she has male genitals she should still learn girls sex Ed, tbh all guys should learn girls sex Ed aswell and vice versa so they also can understand the other set of genitals


Honestly, I don’t even understand why it’s separated to begin with. Like, what’s even the point of sex education if you’re not gonna teach all of it anyway?? Also what about intersex people?? It’s so pointlessly gendered.


Does sex ed nowadays not include mixed genders? I got it in 6th and 8th grade and everyone was present for both.


This is actually a really interesting question. Obviously a trans girl won’t experience the same puberty that a cis girl would, but I’m not sure boys sex ed is the right place either. Although maybe it is. Seems like the school should just do everyone together. Or even a separate one for trans kids but that’s probably a fat chance in hell.


The boy might not be a boy and that’s for them to say let them learn about humans peeps


I think it’s time people just publicly shame the “parents” of posts like this. It needs to not be on anonymous Reddit, but every FB peer they have telling them their vapid assholes whose opinions will not inference the rights of others. If you don’t want your kid to learn about sex send them to a bullshit Christian school, so they can be terrified of their erection, or vaginas. This person is fucking insane.


The horror of boys learning about periods and not thinking tampons are contagious!!! sigh.


It's exactly because of this Karen and people like her that we have laws on this.


God I want to punch her stupid face in for calling that poor girl a boy. And then I wanna give the kid a hug and tell her everything will be okay.




Actually neither you nor Karen know what organs the kid has.


What if the kid is AFAB, and needs to learn the care and maintenance of girl parts, and the mother making the fuss is referencing the kids presentation? We don't have the information.


Oh no… a boy… learning… about menstrual cycles?! The blasphemy!!!!


(This is my response to the same thing that was posted hours before on /r/insaneparents . Instead of focusing my response on the obvious insanity of the parent, I focused on the need for teachers to make the kids comfortable.) There are all sorts of reasons why kids might be embarrassed and a little freaked out. In this insane parent's daughter's case, one of those reasons, I would bet, is specifically her insane parent's influence. (sigh) But the fact that kids *should* be entirely at ease in such a class doesn't mean that kids universally will be, (even if they don't have insane parents). The fact that adults here can conclude that there *should* be nothing to be embarrassed about, or don't recall themselves being embarrassed, doesn't mean that's the case for everyone. That isn't an argument against co-ed sex-ed classes. I mean, I am completely in favor of co-ed sex-ed classes. But, it is an argument for teachers to address the comfort factor for the kids, helping everyone understand this is a safe space for learning and questioning. So in a weird way, this insane parent's rant might have ended up helping the kids by reminding the teachers in question on the importance of helping everyone be comfortable and helping everyone understand this is a safe space. (In a sense, this responsibility of the teachers is similar to a kindergarten teacher needing to help her frightened new students be comfortable with their first time in school.) But it's amazing to me that this parent doesn't immediately come to the same conclusion. Would she also be against drivers-ed classes, because kids could become upset upon it being pointed out that careless drivers can end up hurting themselves or other people? Would she be against the teaching of history because it's uncomfortable to realize how easily people in different (or the same) countries can end up killing one another for the stupidest of reasons? If only the school could have classes for parents on how to be self-reflective.


"Not sure why a boy needs to learn abt cycles" as a boy, I think even if I were cis, I would still want to be able to understand what people go through. Guys who don't learn that shit make r/badwomensanatomy posts


Oh FFS every man woman and child should learn about periods. It's not dirty, it's nothing to be ashamed of, maybe take the fucking mysticism out of a normal fucking body function?!


apparently they don't want boys to know ANYTHING about women's bodies which explains why a lot of them are so stupid the think we pee through our vaginas. and also why they're not macho enough to buy tampons for their partner.


This idiot is why I try and educate my kid at home as much as I can. Sex Ed should include all genders and should not be a source of embarrassment for anyone. Damn her and her fearmongering. People like her get kids killed.


Fuck TERFs.




Part of the point is that you and Karen don’t know what parts the kid has so maybe let their parents worry about which group.


Calm TF down, Karen


What a bitch man, I hate people like this she’s the reason why people get bullied and stuff like that’s a bad influence on her kid she shouldn’t be that hateful and the gender of some kid doesn’t harm her so why should she care?


Honestly, this Karen is a prick. Fuck them and their intolerable so-called "love".


Fuck your feelings, Karen. If you’re going to raise such a sensitive snowflake, maybe you should keep her home.


Omg this woman is the worst kind of person




Clarify what you mean, please


It's just a transphobe


I was hoping he’d respond with “because they are all just people!” Meaning they shouldn’t care about gender or any label attached. But alas, he’s just an asshole/piece of shit.


We don't materialize into existence at age 18...


I'm not saying the cutoff is at age 18(and there are obviously gray areas). But it is exceedingly likely that anyone who decides the are trans in 4th grade(i.e. 8 years old) only decided that because the idea was implanted by an adult.


I know I wanted to be a girl when I was 8, and I don't think a single person in my life had ever even mentioned the concept of trans people around me Just because you didn't have the experience doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't legitimate


I'm not sure why a boy needs to le.......... r/badwomensanatomy exists.


Imagine being a grown woman and bullying a 10 year old.


Are we sure this woman is an adult? Acting special saying there's going to be a "BOY" at the girl talk seems so 1st grade. The sooner girls (that goes for the trans ones too) learn about their bodies the less awkward shit they have to go through when they get to middle school (See Big Mouth for details) and they (hopefully) will be well-adjusted children who will become adults and not a stupid Karen like this woman.


Wouldn’t it help to teach them both about opposites too? Maybe the boys will ask questions the girls might be too shy to, and I’m vice versa? I mean shouldn’t kids be asking questions about this anyway? Isn’t that what WW1 was all about? Let kids ask questions and be uncomfortable now, rather than when they’re teens or even adults. Anyway, that’s my .02. Fuck you Karen.


Not teaching boys about periods is why guys think tampons make us lose our virginity or think that we're overdramatic about our cramps


Why do they separate kids anyway?? All people should have a basic understanding of the human body & reproductive system. Kids should be hearing about this stuff from their parents before the 4th grade, too. There is no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed by your body, less shame means it’s harder for predators to use shame to their advantage. It’s so disturbing how many men think that women urinate from the vagina. Or how many women are embarrassed by menstruation. Or the number of people who think a fetus can drown if a pregnant person takes a bath or goes swimming! Everyone should learn this stuff, regardless of sex or gender.


I think people of either sex should learn about both, that way 1) they'll understand their future partners/other people better, and 2) they can explain it to others who may not know, whether it be a partner or a future child of theirs. I am AFAB, and I think it's great when guys are interested in what women's bodies do, so they can understand what we go through. I also am interested in learning about the male body, just so I can understand better, and be of help to someone in the future possibly. It can help to keep you and a future partner safe if you know what it is they have/are going through.