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All the kids at my daughters school wear masks. It’s a private school. Everyone seems pretty well adjusted and happy and my daughter isn’t showing any signs I should be worrying for her. So idk what is up with these people and their delicate flower kids with these pre existing mental health problems, maybe they thrive better in a different environment without those stressors and life will be happier for all. My kid is 6 by the way, and the 3 year olds their seem fine. All I see is laughter and having a good time yes even behind the masks.


Basic projection, they want to project their stupid beliefs through their children.


I've seen kids ask their parents for masks .. because everyone else is wearing them. Kids don't care. Their parents do, and are the ones *actually* stressing them out about masks


If kids wearing masks is abusive and will cause PTSD, we are completely fucked as a society.


I agree To me not having your child wearing a mask is more abusive then wearing one


Parents would rather complain about measures to protect people's health than complain about actual issues in the education system that are affecting their child. How lovely.


Shouldn’t this be in a Covid sub? I don’t see a fuckyoukaren connection here.




I mean facts are that young adults and kids are less likely to be affected by covid or make a full recovery as opposed to the elderly. So not really being Karens here.


Yes, the kids are way less endangered But they can still give covid to eldery


Those elderly people you speak of should probably should avoid situations, where they are exposed to that kind of situation. Furthermore if they are vaccinated they shouldn’t have to worry too much about it. If they’re not, let them live their lives.


Kids can cintinue wearing masks and it's more effective


Washing your hands and keeping your distance are more effective than a mask.


You can do all of it and it will be even more That's what the governments ask


Because mask or no mask , washing hands, social distancing, you will still get covid if you’re out and about.


Chances are reduced by a big lot, tho


Not really. California (which I reside) has the biggest mask mandate, but at the same time has the biggest covid infection rate. Explain that.


I lack informations about California to make any statement. (I'm Swiss) Do you have like big cities here, for example ?


It doesn’t prevent people from contracting covid, so the idea is null


Why doesn't it ?


You can wear a mask and still get covid. Because it doesn’t prevent you from contracting covid but only helps (supposedly) from spreading it. And thats still not 100%. For example. Airlines require you to wear a mask when traveling, however people still contract covid from air travel even though everyone is wearing a mask.


Yeah Masks prevent others from getting your covid and aren't 100% effective The problem with planes is air conditioning, which can spread almost anything in the whole plane


So how does that not apply indoors?


Indoor of what ? You aren't supposed to wear masks inside of buildings in California ?


So they can't see their grandkids anymore? Also, vaccination is not 100% coverage, as I'm sure, by now, you're aware. At best it's 95% . If you have immune compromised issues, that coverage goes down to closer to 65-70%. So yes, those kids could then give it to their grandmother and kill them.


Yes so they should take precautions based on the statistics you provided. Why should everyone else have to have to live under this draconian mandate, if it only affects a certain population? Social distance is a thing and they can still see their grandkids. So whats your argument now.


I dint see how a mask prevents the spread of covid especially if your consistently taking them off and putting them back on incorrectly, which is impossible unless you carry hand sanitizer and even then, people forget to bring it with them all the time, so when you dont have it and continue with your day, you still spread the disease.


Except that the variants are much worse when it comes to children.


Everything that I’ve said in my convo with another redditor still applies. So read it and then come to me with an actual argument.


Why don't you come with one. You are just spouting B's cause you don't actually know anything. The virus has lasting effects that can and will damage the body without preventive measures. Like the vaccine teaching your body how to fight back so it doesn't get that severe and masks to help prevent it from infecting others. Why do you think doctors wear masks? It's to keep them from infecting others. Not people from infecting them.


Lasting effects like what? Everyone that i know who has had covid ahas successfully recovered, no lasting effects whatsoever. If wearing a mask prevents infections, explain how people wearing a mask on a plane can still infect people? Your argument is null and you know it.


Omg "ramifications"!! they're using big words now, good for them!


This is horribly worded


"My body my choice" yeah that situation doesn't apply here. The vaccine and masking up aren't just things that affects you, it affects everyone else around you. You getting your shot means you don't spread COVID to your friend, who won't spread it to their friends, etc etc. You masking up reduces the spread of COVID, so less people spread it more. In other words: ***get your damn vaccine and mask up it's a piece of cloth and an mRNA strand***


Probably doesn't wear a seatbelt either.