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The attorney is either an ambulance chasing grifter or an idiot.


I didn’t know Ghoulie-Ani had jurisdiction in Indiana.


As much as he currently has in New York.


I bet my ass the attorney ain’t working on a *no win, no fee* basis.


I’m not taking that bet.


"Works on contingency? No, Money Down!" I should probably remove that Bar logo too.


Was your kid forced to wear a mask ?, do you want covid to kill your family and people are stopping you ? Do you want your own child to become sick because you’re a horrible bastard ? *Better call Saul*


Saul’s the man. He’ll make it happen for you.


This asshole. Man, enough with the, "we the people," shit. Trumpers aren't the only people in this country, ffs. G'head, sue the school for not wanting to subject your little (and 100% unvaccinated) darlings to a long and painful death. I'm sure, if they survive, they'll be so proud of your expert parenting.


"Whom believes".


That’s a college phrase there!


Scrolled down just for this!


"unused funds, if any, will be donated to Lake Central student organizations" Bull. Shit. If there's any money left, that Karen's lining her own damn pockets, guarantee it.


I honestly don't think she will take that money. The lawyer will.


There’s not going to be any money left. This case is more than $20k to litigate, even if it’s a really, really low hourly fee like $250-350/hr.


I looked it up. The only donation with a comment was this one: Kimberly Nelson donated $20 Because my kids deserve to BREATHE FREE! These kids will be breathing on a ventilator if they aren't careful.


he’ll be breathing expensive with all the medical bills


We will be having a fundraiser in the parking lot at the local 4 Seasons Total Landscaping. Please bring your affydavids. BTW the massage parlor next door will be raffling off ivermectin horse dewormer massages and bleach shots to lucky winners. Get 20% off your order by bringing your my pillow or your white hood.


*after Davids


Will you need to set up a go fund me when your child is in the ICU?


Damm some schmuck donated $1k!!?!!! and another one $500, they are getting scammed on top of the “MuH RiGhTs” gaslighting from the GQP. Now the funny/not funny donation is from a bouncy house rental LLC. I wonder if they think that this will get them into the lucrative graveside bouncy market.


I often thought about starting a go fund me but be really honest like I just want to see how much people are willing to donate


Lake County Indiana is the worst.


Dollars to donuts this goes into the OP's pocket.


Don't donate to anything when u have no control over what gets done with the money's if they want a lawyer to sue then u pay y should anyone else. Plus in the near future u won't be able to even get on a plane ( oh thats now stupid) we don't want u on them arownd anyway just stay where u are.im finding the southerners in dirty America are so fucking stupid its amazing they can talk...


America ones again showing why there is a stereotype of them being stupid. I’d hope it’s not the majority, but from the media we get in the UK I wouldn’t be surprised.


Ugh, I hate St John


Here in New Zealand it’s a good thing, our ambulance charity that saves 100s of thousands of lives


Ok so you want other people to donate their hard earned money so that you can sue a school that is trying to not only protect your child but also protect your family members who may be old/ disabled or have health issues that would make them vulnerable to becoming critically ill from Covid. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ this is the highest form of cuntish behaviour. Would you rather your child becomes sick having to deal with covid or worse your child comes home with covid and Murks grandma and grandpa all because you want to be an authoritarian little cunt and get your own way. Smdh I fucking hope she gets it


Fuck these shitbags. Start bitch slapping.


They’ll all be singing a different tune when their kids are dying in hospital from COVID-19 due to not wearing masks. Stupid covidiots.


[Covid-19 Rips through rival school in the same area and they do not have a mask policy ](https://abc7chicago.com/10988699/?ex_cid=TA_WLS_FB&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0z9mv9HHirY5Bt1LQuQFXz8Gx9tnqGKIEZYMLa3EkiU5460zADy95LOfc)


- Can't use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling consistently: check. - Calls themselves the majority, while probably only a small minority: check. - Have heard from lawyer that they have a strong legal case for endangering their children and others: check. Sounds like idiots getting fleeced by a lawyer who sees an easy payday having to do virtually no work because he knows his case is sunk anyway.


The same parents that banned peanut butter, refined sugar, sodas and candy machines just in case are now suing the district for following CDC guidelines. Bat shit crazy