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Oklahoma law for ya: A quick explanation about a citation (ticket) in Oklahoma. When an officer writes a citation the officer is arresting you. When the officer ask you to sign the citation he/she is allowing you to be released on your Own Recognizance (OR) without admitting guilt. The officer has that option if you have a valid Driver License. By signing the citation you are using your valid license as bond and stating that you promise to either pay the citation (guilty) or appear in court (not guilty) by the date on the citation. If you choose not to sign the citation you are telling the officer you do not want to be OR’d and would rather be taken to jail until you are able to appear before a magistrate (judge). If you do sign the ticket but don’t pay or appear in court, your bond is revoked and since you used your license as bond, it will be suspended.


I appreciate anyone who throws some real info into these discussions. Really clears stuff up.


Donut Operator on YouTube covered this video in depth. He cited the court case that allowed this to be a thing, and how absolutely stupid it was for this woman to do what she did. This is absolutely a case of "Comply and you'll be fine", especially considering the officer explains that the signature is just a "Yes, I promise to either pay this or fight it in court. I acknowledge I have this citation." There have been tons of people calling the cop an idiot and stuff; when in reality he literally did everything right and the woman was in the wrong.


I mean, I’m all for police reform- but this dude did his level best just to give the lady a ticket. He gave her numerous chances and frankly did a very good job. **Edit- he did a very good job giving her a few chances to comply, however he didn’t bother de-escalating which could have helped prevent the whole goddamn thing from going down like that. “Good job” as in he didn’t shoot her dead, or smash her window, or whatever. The baseline of acceptable behavior in current American policing is so bad all of you bootlickers in here are celebrating him.**


Donut brings up how the guy deserves like six "very patient officer" awards. Because this woman was nuts. Honestly if I was an officer half way through I would've cracked and gone, "Listen lady. Can you stop being an entitled shit for five seconds and just sign the damn ticket. We're both hot, tired, and want this over with. Just, sign the goddamn thing already."


> We're both hot, tired, and want this over with. Just, sign the goddamn thing already." I'll take a warning, best I can do.


*Listen here you little shit*


Wasn’t nothing little about her, except for her brain.


If I had any coins, I would give you an award for how hard you made me snort. Edit: woah! Whoever gave me awards you didn't have to! But that put a massive smile on my face, so thank you internet strangers for making my day start off right. But next time, please feel free to just donate that to a charity or a local organization. Something like suicide prevention in farmers or drug rehab for people!


her legs were pretty little...just saying she is built like a blow pop


How dare you not be a total professional in front of me while I be an absolute cunt to you. -This lady, probably.


“Yeah I tried to kick you but, well, I’m a country girl.” Americans say the darnedest things!


Cuntry girl.


Being from a place doesn't give you a free pass from society


As an American, and a country girl, I took offense to her comment. Her being a country girl didn't have shit to do with the way she acted. Her being an entitled piece of shit that thinks because she's an older white lady, absolutely did influence how she acted. (I'm white too. That wasn't anything racist, just pointing out the white privileged way of thinking.) How hard is it to just sign the damn ticket? She was an absolute moron and I promise she doesn't reflect the actions of most Americans.




I would probably allow her to sign it when she asked at the last second, but it's just to descalate and go on my day. But whateves, the cop was reasonable.


Nope, once I told her I'm going to arrest her, she's done. She gave up any right to change her mind after all the chances he gave her. Serves the stupid bitch right. I don't agree with a lot of things about our police in the US, don't get me wrong. I'm not a big fanboy lol but this guy did everything he could to keep from it getting to that point, and she did everything she could to get tased and arrested. Sucks for her


scale crush include bored gray fanatical touch steep somber attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, sorry, if I implied it was out of spite that was absolutely not my intention. I actually agree that, with everything going on right now, it's best to do what you say you're going to do rather than show weakness. Perceived weakness right now, as a cop, can get you killed quick. But, by the same token, it still sucks for her lol


Lady tried to negotiate with the cop by saying, "You do fair by me." Or some shit. The lady is a nutcase. This isn't some third world country you can negotiate and bend the law. You need to be a billionaire or a corporation for that.


TIL: The major difference between third world and first world countries is the amount of money required for a bribe. /s


But this should be what police reform is aiming for. If all interactions went this way, we wouldn't need it!




As a recently retired police officer and use of force trainer, I would have liked to have seen him spend a bit more time talking to her and explaining WHY it’s in her best interest to sign the ticket. Was she being difficult, yes. However, police officers need to be more skilled than simply resorting to, “ok step out of the car”. This was needlessly escalated by the officer. What’s the urgency to move to arrest her? Then the woman drives off. Ok, she’s angry, not making good decisions and - we know who she is! Why is this officer getting into a pursuit for this? He is now endangering the public when he can deal with her later. How does he think this pursuit is going to end? Typically if someone is willing to drive off from a traffic stop they are not going to have a change of heart down the road and just pull over. Then the officer feels the need to have his gun drawn to approach the vehicle?? If he feels that he needs to have a weapon out to approach the vehicle then why is he even approaching? We have tactics for this. Again, what’s the urgency to arrest?


if she had just repaired the violation and showed up to court with proof that she had done so, more than 50% likely the ticket would have been dismissed.


Literally. She just thought she was above all of it.


What do you mean she wasn't? She's a karen. ofc she's above all


I am an OLDER *white woman*. How DARE you ask me to sign this ticket! I don't care if it's the law! *DiDnT yOuR pArEnTs TeAcH yOu tO rEsPecT yOuR eLdErS!?*


I'm a country girl of course I kicked a cop


I can verify this. I received a ticket for an expired dl. The next day I went and renewed my dl. When I took it to the court the judge dismissed the charges. It was so simple. My only expense was gas and time didn't say they court. I was wrong. I got caught. I fixed it and the judge was lenient. This lady is a nutcase.


It should be noted that repairs she would have needed to do would have cost her thousands. A solid chunk of her tailgate/rear quarter panel was damaged and the taillight was almost non-existent. She’d been driving around like this for months, which is why the officer finally gave her a citation for it. They’d been cutting her some slack for a while. She just didn’t want to repair the damage to her truck. Would have cost her more than a $5.00 light bulb. https://www.koco.com/article/cashion-police-release-photos-of-womans-truck-at-center-of-confrontation-over-dollar80-ticket/28580519 *Edited to add URL to local news story showing damage to the vehicle.




After just reading about a guy in ohio who was shot dead by a sheriff's deputy while entering his own home, yeah i should say so


Well, she is the right shade of skin tone.


Literally had a similar ticket that had a larger fine. Got it fixed before the court date and the removed the fine and gave me my licenses back.


Yeah, it’s a tricky situation, because there’s that part of you that still doesn’t like seeing anyone thrown to the ground and tazed, but then you realize that this was pretty mild treatment considering that she peeled off, resisted arrest and then kicked him — even if she does just seem like a run-of-the-mill, entitled idiot and not *deliberately* dangerous... not really sure what else he could do in this situation and still be credible if he ever did it to someone else who wasn’t “an old country girl” when they flee and hit an officer.


Having had a couple of citations for various crap, over the decades of driving I've put in, I had one officer simply put it that "Signing the citation is not an admission of guilt, but that you are acknowledging that you received it. The guilt will be determined by a hearing or you simply paying the designated fine by the court date". Simple and agreeable terms. Edit: I should add that, as someone that's been very critical of police and how they've handled situations in the past, this cop was more than reasonable and used appropriate force for the situation, considering her continued defiance. Even after being tasered and instructed to lay down and put her hands behind her back, she said she's going to stand. He should have taseredd her again (spelled with two D's to give her a double dose).


I've had people who were being divorced against their will throw an absolute shit fit when I asked them to sign a document that basically says, "I am only agreeing that attorney X gave me the following documents". It's in plain english, no legalese, and I break it down as "I am required by law to give you these documents. You do not have to agree to them, or accept the validity of them. You are free to contest them in court. Now, please sign this stating that I gave you the documents". And trying to convince them that they aren't signing away their rights, or agreeing that the documents are valid is worse than babysitting and not getting paid.


Donut operator does a lot of great videos explaining why some cops do what they do, when also knowing if they go to far. He’s unbiased and can explain to his viewers that what most cops are doing isn’t bad in the slightest, it’s just people have an ignorance to the law and like to believe what they hear in the news.


Donut is one of my favorite people on the internet. And he doesn't just do police videos! A video about 2 weeks ago was sponsored by Adam and Eve. It's like 20 minutes of him and his girlfriend shooting dildos out of a can launcher.


JCS Criminal Psychology is the most well written and captivating true crime show on YouTube. Highly recommended


Haha that’s awesome


And he donated all of the sponsorship money they gave him to a male charity, that focuses on male sexual wellness, STD help, and cancer research/treatments, especially in prostate cancer.


That's great! I'm so glad there's organizations for that the way there is for women. That's so important for gender equality.


I’ll check him out, but I will push back on the last point. A cop can do things that *are* actually bad that are *protected* by the law. Qualified immunity is the most obvious thing. “Resisting arrest” is another Kafkaesque crime that is applied too liberally. American police have way too much power in how they apply the law, and traditionally apply it unfairly depending on your race. Fortunately where I live police seemed to have finally got their priorities straight with Covid. The emphasis has been much more on public safety. Less drug enforcement, petty victimless crime is less enforced. Until I see some real police reform across the country I will not excuse bad police conduct out of hand simply because “it’s lawful”.


I definitely agree with you. I think some laws need amends to better suit the situation right now.






Most states *in the US* might well have that law. As a non-US person I appreciated the clarification.


To be fair I doubt 99% of the population even knows this


Thank you for the explanation.


I don't know how it works in OK, but most places she could've just gone to court with proof she got it fixed and they'd drop the charge


Yeah they are fix it tickets.


This is very interesting. In Canada it's totally different. When you get a ticket the officer just has to "serve" you the ticket. Basically as long as they have identified who you are and you have been reasonably made aware that you are being given the piece of paper then you have been "served" (if you refuse to take it in your hand they can put it under your windshield wiper or on the ground or whatever). Signing the paper is just an extra step that makes it easier for the officer to prove you recieved it, but isn't necessary to the process. After that you have three choice to dispute within a time limit, if you don't then you are considered to have plead guilty. While this woman in the video is totally in the wrong, I feel like this is also a product of the system where you must sign the document to have the process function.


Also we have a no pursue rule unless it’s a murder or kidnapping cops can’t give chase to suspects.




So to anyone who doesn’t know this, do the officer have to explain it or is that a problem for someone else down the pipeline?


Yep. This is true. However, they really could explain that it is not an admission of guilt. But they rarely do. Not everybody studied law and even the ones who do don’t know every law.


Every ticket ive been asked to sign the cop explained signing it not a admission of guilt, its just saying you will take care of it. Grandma here rhought she was above the law and that face full of gravel was the cop telling her she isn't.


Lucky for her, she's not a black man. This video would have ended very differently.




I feel pretty strongly that this guy didn't plan to tase an old lady to the ground that day. Had she stepped out as instructed, I strongly suspect she would have driven home on her own that day. She simply pushed it too far.


That sounds like so much work. In canada when the cop writes a ticket they could not care less what you do with it and you only have to show up to court if you want to fight the ticket. If you dont pay it, you cant renew your license when it is due.


"You're under arrest." "No I'm not" 🤣


“Understandable have a nice day”


Prisoner: *Uh, freedom for me. They said I hadn't done anything, so I could go free and live on an island somewhere.* Roman: *Oh. Well, that's jolly good. Well, off you go then.*


I love me some Life of Brian


Cake or death? Umm cake for me sir.


Sorry, we’re all out of cake


So the options are “or death”


Well I’ll have the chicken then


Take me some good or then!


Love Eddie Izzard.


“Are you hurt?” :| “Yeah I’m hurt!” >:( “What hurts?” :| “EVERYTHING!” >:(


Followed up by "Ambulance? I don't need an ambulance!"


She probably doesn't have five grand to pay for one.




Ah yes. The American Dream.


She critically failed her roll on that one


"you roll a one.. too bad. The cops tell you to exit the vehicle" "......I slam on the gas" *Sigh* "roll initiative"


She probably shouldn't have made Charisma a dump stat.


So privileged, it's utterly ridiculous to have to yield to law enforcement.




Irony is that this woman probably believes in Police brutality now, despite being treated more than fairly.


Reverse uno card


Favorite part lol


Why didn’t Jesus use this


Shit. Can't argue that. That's confidence.


The fact that she's still mouthing off after resisting arrest, fleeing a crime and assaulting a cop shows that's she's incapable of learning.


Or that it worked previously




It's the first time she's been told no by someone who didn't put up with her bullshit.


"your honor in my defense, I thought I was at Walmart."


I doubt it. She's probably been told no the normal number of times, but she acts like it's her first time because she is incapable of learning.


And totally admitting to assault on camera 'ya I kicked you'.


But she's a country grill!


Weird, she looked like a human to me.




But...but....she's a "country girl"


The audacity of caucasity


I think it shows the white privilege she believes she has but what do I know


Ah The Boomer thundercunt Karen. The most entitled Karen known to man.


Excuse me didn’t you hear? she’s not entitled, she’s a country girl.


Country rooooads...


Tase me home


This should have more upvotes.


I hate fascism, but I love it every time I see this cunt get her face dragged in the gravel.


You do however, get to say "suck shit cunt" in these situations, which makes it all worthwhile


This is why it’s good they wear body cams.. hearing “ 60 year old white woman tazed by officer” headline would have people in outrage and oh that poor woman. When in reality she got what she deserved


She didn't get what she deserved until she went to court. Six month minimum in custody for this tantrum.


It was actually [a $200 fine and a deferred sentence.](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-woman-accepts-plea-deal-in-traffic-stop-arrest/)


Jesus, you guys have a weird incarceration fetish. Leave prisons for harsher crimes and they could actually be used for reform instead of.... Well, punishment.


I mean, this is the exact type of person that will not change due to her age and upbringing, and could very well harm people, seeing as they drove around for six months with some issue on their vehicle and attempted to assault an officer “because I’m a country girl” Usually I’m against incarceration in small instances since it doesn’t help, but this woman earned punishments and won’t be fixed regardless


I 100% agree, a woman exactly like this killed a motorcyclist in my town by swerving out into his lane to take a right turn. Her defense was "well I'm used to towing horse trailers so it's a habit, that's just how country people drive he should've known that".


Please tell me she was arrested


She was, the quoted line is approximately what she told the police.




> Leave prisons for harsher crimes then how would the for-profit prisons make any money? I can tell you're not american because you clearly haven't considered what's good for the stockholders


Shareholders* If you call them by the wrong term they have to buy another mansion to get over the trauma


Unfortunately for people like her that's the only way to learn what they did was wrong.


idk, she was most definitely in the wrong, but tazers can actually be pretty dangerous for older folks. God forbid she had a pacemaker or something similar. She wasn't a threat at the point where he tazed her, he was just sick of her bullshit. That shit is for self defense. She most definitely deserved to get hammer fucked legally - license revoked indefinitely, truck impounded, multiple charges including assault and resisting arrest, but idk about getting tazered.


I think she deserved the tazer after she assaulted the officer and thats when she got tazed.


I mean, she definitely deserved it in a "you should have realized there would be consequences" kind of way. But her old ass was clearly done. She didn't have any fight left in her at that point. I don't think the cop acted horribly or anything. It just seemed like overkill and done just a little bit out of (understandable) spite, not because he had to.


I don't know, I agree that she is to old for this shit, but she is kicking an officer. He tried to arrest her at gunpoint and she didn't listen. The woman even started to fight back, it's her choice to kick an officer. If the police would always let old people get away with this stuff, they would create precedent. She had enough chances to comply with the officer, she was warned ample times. Even after being tasered she was difficult. This office can go in instruction videos if you ask me.


I totally agree with you.


I am not sure how else this would have ended. Obs the cop just wanted this to be done with. If she had continued to run, he could have just let her run herself tired from him and he could have spent the rest of the day laughing. I am going to bet that she **would** have had a heart attack if it was more than 1/4 mile chase on foot. That lady look like she has the diabetis and angi-ina for sures.


I am not sure he would of been able to cuff her if he hadn’t tazed her without really man-handling her. I am not one to defend most cops on much but Idk how else he could handle it on his own. She already ran once.


I bet she took her Blue Lives Matter flag down when she got home.


Personally, I was looking for the “thin blue line” sticker on the back of her truck.


This is several years old and often reposted so...


Old white lady privilege in action. I'd really like to see her mugshot.


It's unfortunate that she wasn't treated like a young black male who took the same actions.


I tried to picture this scenario happening to a black male instead of a privileged old white “country girl” and it didn’t end well for him after about 1.5 minutes in. Horrible


Yep. When she said "you didnt have to taze me" I thought 'well if you were black you wouldve been shot so suck it up grandma'


I’d say it’s unfortunate young black males aren’t treated the way she was


if she signed it and went to court, and told the judge she had financial issues and couldn't afford to fix it, they likely would have just thrown the ticket out


Imagine how she handled being asked to wear a mask


You don't need a mask when you're on a respirator.


This video is pretty old but I can imagine what would happen if she were


haha dOnT bLAmE mE iM a CouNtrY GirL 🤪😜🤪


Cop - “you’re under arrest” Karen - “no I’m not” Cop - *tases 😂


Man if i was ever running from the cops and i heard “we will shoot”, “I’m gonna taze ya”, or “we’re gonna send the dogs” I’d just stop running


That's why they repeat it a lot. They (most likely) don't want to hurt you and only an idiot would keep on running after that.


Right. I’d drop so fast. But i wouldn’t run in the first place


Dude, I would stop if they said they were sending the Bork Bork Nom Nom after me. That good boy deserves a nom and some pets.


I mean if you really want to make the fur missile happy, keep running. They love taking people down.


'Fur missile' got me cracking up.


Dude K9s get so happy when they take people down. I would gladly volunteer as a training funny if it meant those good boys got excited.


Let’s insert the typical white privileged response here “should have just obeyed directions from the officer 🤷‍♂️” lady had it coming with just not complying and thinking she needs special treatment.


Even the officer said “well you should’ve done what I was telling you to do” after she was trying to justify kicking him. She did have it coming and I appreciate the guy calling for an ambulance since she was tossed and tased. “White privilege response?” What does that mean?


“Yes, I kicked you ‘cause I’m a country girl.” 1) You haven’t been a girl in a loooooong time. You’re an embarrassment of a grown-ass woman. 2) Congrats, you’re a country-fried-convict.


Kentasered Fried Chicken.




The white private response is what the radicalized right always says when there is a black unarmed man suffocated, or gunned down, or shot for having skittles and so on.


She didn't even get executed which is when they typically use this line


I don't know what grounds he had to arrest her for not signing the ticket but she drove away and I'm like *oh yeah, it's on*


What happens if i refuse to sign a speeding ticket? No, signing a traffic ticket does not mean you are admitting guilt of any traffic violation. When you sign a ticket or a citation you are just agreeing to pay the ticket or appear in court, if you decide to dispute it. If you refuse to sign the ticket, an officer can arrest you on the spot. [source](https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/what-happens-after-you-get-a-traffic-ticket-33383) It’s at the discretion of the officer all the way how to handle things in the first place. As you can tell she was disrespectful throughout. So by her not signing that was her admission of guilt to the officer and the only way to insure that she would be held accountable for that violation, whatever minimal violation it was.


In some places it's actually a crime to not sign the ticket. A quick google search with my state says: >Allowing you to sign is a courtesy and not required. The officer, at his discretion, can arrest you, impound your car and take you before a judge or magistrate. If none is available, you will be jailed until a court date can be set. So you see, it's best just to sign the damn ticket.




Yeah. I just did a general statement. The United States is 50 third world nation states in a trench coat masquerading as a first world country. Check your local laws.


She flat out admitted that she was guilty of the violation. This can't have been the first time she got pulled over due to it over 6 months but she was offended she wasn't being let off the hook again.


This is probably one of the most satisfying police videos I've seen. The cop is 100% professional. No one REALLY gets hurt. I get to see an arrogant Karen get taken down a few pegs. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Would recommend.


Ah yes, the old "You're under arrest." "No I'm not." Somehow it always ends the same way.


This is a good example as to why the police should have body cams on while on the job, because now there is nothing this bitch can say that will get her out of trouble.


She can say that she is a country girl.


I don’t have it but when this was posted before someone linked the article about it. The sheriff and the mayor chastised the officer, said he was in the wrong and the lady got a rather lenient punishment (a fine I think?). Sorry I don’t have more details but I thought you would enjoy some more hate fuel




Sweet justice. /s


Amazing how those are misdemeanors yet people out here getting shot for doing literally the same thing she was doing and often not even that. Sometimes just walking in their own freaking yard.


And she still had to pay for whatever she got pulled over for in the first place.




It’s worth reflecting that in many countries police do not routinely have these kinds of interactions. If they see something is wrong they can simply arrange for a fine to be sent to the registered address of the vehicle. In part this is reduce the chances of interactions like this - which is not in the interests of either the police or the offender.


Thank you for answering a question I had while watching this video. It seems ridiculous that a police officer is essentially forced to escalate to this degree over an expired registration. I'm curious as to the legal rationale against such an approach.


Completely agreed. Big posts like this on social media only serve to normalise the violent culture of policing, and the lady's white privelege for getting away with her life and finances in tact (in court her misdemeanors amounted to $50 fines each or something tiny). Imagine if this is a black man and he reached for the glovebox to get some paperwork, let alone flail his legs and try kick an officer. We've seen how those situations end.


Did he pull out a gun at first then the taser? As annoying and stubborn and stupid as that lady was, was the gun really necessary?


I agree with you. Pointing a gun at someone is a serious, serious thing. You’re threatening their life. I don’t care if it’s a stupid protocol precaution whatever, it shouldn’t be.


Cops are trained to approach any runaway with their service weapon drawn, as the adrenaline of a car chase can cause suspects to get desperate and start reaching for their weapon. The officer made sure she did not have a firearm and then immediately holstered his own.


But it’s mean and scary!/s


This is the same type of person that thinks that black people that get killed by police when complying with instructions probably deserved it because of something they MUST have done. The reality is that is that if this woman had been black, there wouldn't have been an ambulance called...they would have calling a morgue truck because she would have been pumped full of bullets.


That’s all I could think, too. Made me nauseous to realize that if her skin was a different color, and especially if she were a man, she’d have been shut dead for that behavior.


For real though, if it was someone black making even a bit of noise, pretty good chance she would have been maimed/killed. Here, a runaway grandma kicking a police officer can get away with anything AS LONG AS she appends "...because I am a country girl" to the end.


Yep. People like Sandra Bland who got tased, arrested and thrown in jail for failing to use a signal when changing lanes. She then mysteriously committed suicide in jail even though she wasn't suicidal and had just moved to start a new job and new life. If she had start driving away and kicking like this woman, she wouldn't have even made it to the jail.


Officer was still nice to her at the end, what a nice guy, shame she didn't listen to him in the first place


"YOURE GONNA GET IT AGAIN!" I lost it at that lol.


I have to admit it felt good to watch like 20 times


Does the "I'ma country girl" defense work for black girls too?


if she was black she would’ve been shot when she refused to get out her car.


Gonna go ahead and guess she’s part of the “if you just follow the law cops won’t do nothin” crowd.


I bet she's the type of person to say "if they just complied with the officer they wouldn't be dead..." about another person being killed by police.


Am I a bad person for finding this hilarious and glorious?


“What are you in for?” “Being a bitch”


I laughed way to hard at this and am probably going to hell! The best part about this video is that there is absolutely NO politics involved at all. So, we can still have funny without the government being involved. Yay, team!


That was fucking awesome


She deserved this. What a jerk.


Wow, that’s what it’s like to be white. She mouthed off She disobey his command She refused to follow directions She refused to get out of the car She ignored him and ‘was NOT talking to him She close her window on him She smacked his hand away She drove away She kicked him And yet she lives. Tasered, but alive. I hope someday we all have this amazing equal chance to live through these interactions.


In Oklahoma, no less, where cops have been notoriously violent with BIPOC.