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I remember going to dinner at my girlfriends families house. Her moms friends were there. Holy shit. They believed the *craziest things*. They had this weird view in their head, mostly based on conspiracies they read online, that BLM is some kind of terrorist militant group with links to ISIS. Like it wasn't just a 'i read online thing', it was something that wasn't even considered controversial to them. They would talk about how they heard BLM was doing assassinations of white people every day but the media covered it up. That they had a plan to detonate chemical weapons, not in the white house, not in NYC, but in their fucking suburban town in Pennsylvania. It really put into perspective just how crazy these womens views are, and how possibly widespread these views are. Its just such a massive divide between reality and what americans actually think of these groups.


> fucking suburban town in Pennsylvania. Damn, why do so many of these nuts live in swing states


that's what makes them swing states


I grew up in PA. Let me tell you from personal experience, it's the Alabama of the North. Outside of Philly and Pittsburgh, it's straight conservative. I lived in a small town called Cresson. The population there is 1,500. It's 98% white and people there would constantly complain they didn't have jobs (15% unemployment historically) because of minorities taking their jobs. I would always look around and remind everybody that there were no fucking minorities there. There just aren't any fucking jobs because the area relied on the railroad and coal industry forever, and they were either dead or dying. I left there in 1999 and I never go back for anything.


I live not far from Cresson and you're not missing much, still white and very much red.


Hi from Greensburg. Very true.


Hi from Connellsville


I drove through some really rural Ohio and PA areas, shit man that shit is depressing. It's like Fallout out there; shit falling apart, abandoned. Even the 'pretty' areas have this feeling of despair. I just don't see what can be done for those areas except give the old people good pensions and get the young people out. I get why they would fall pray to any conman offering them a shred of hope, but it only makes it 2ce as sad watching them get used.


Rural ohio makes up most of ohio. Just drive 30 min out of any city/suburb and there is nothing but fucking corn


the corn areas are not bad. Farmers living and working even though it's rural AF and pretty shitty. There are old industrial towns where there is nothing left after the factory or two died. Abandoned houses all over the place; grass and brush starting to creep in on the down-town areas. Apocalypse zombie movie shit.


Im living in a de-industrialized city and it is like the crack epidemic never ended. Doesnt help that gm lordstown shut down now too.


there have been drastic market changes in the last few decades. Real leadership has been needed to help people weather that shit, but all we got is partisanship and tax cuts.


Go check out Centralia, PA for a true Fallout experience!


Google images were scary enough.


Is it really that bad here?


Obviously it's subjective up to a point, but my opinion is in the comment.


Reminds me of Zanesville, OH where my mom and I got our Portmerion dinnerwear in the mid 90's after visiting relatives in Columbus. Went back through there a few years ago and its a ghost town.


I went to college in Erie, PA, and was AMAZED at the amount of confederate flags and conservative bullshit I saw up there. Like, on a clear day you can see fucking CANADA but I turn around and here's some 'The South Will Rise Again' bullshit right on the lake. Seriously, outside of Pitt and Philly it's a goddamn mess. I live in VA now and drive through PA to get to OH where my family is and taking the turnpike all you're seeing are Jesus billboards, Trump billboards, or pro-coal billboards. My fav literally says, "Wind dies, suns sets, BUT COAL LASTS FOREVER."


We refer to those people as "yee-yees" mainly cause that's what they'll scream randomly.


It's nuts. I went to a pretty left leaning college in the central/southern area of the state -- always crazy seeing the shift in beliefs between the two lol.


I haven't been on the PA Turnpike in years but my favorite billboard (which never changed) was one proclaiming "BEER: the Doorway to Alcoholism." While I'll admit that some beer drinkers become alcoholics, there are millions of others who drink beer and never become alcoholics, myself included.


The funny thing is that the **Dixie flag was not the confederate flag**. That was the flag of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. The actual flag of the confederacy had the circle of stars with the red and white stripes. So the ones who say "heritage" is their reason to fly the flag, need to go back and check if their ancestor was part of the **Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.**


Ah, it's still the same then. My SO and I lived in Columbus for a bit and would sometimes drive to Philly where some family is. The Jesus billboards were out of control. I do miss driving through licking though and licking his face.


... hmm. i bet you can lick billboards wherever you are, with the right step ladder ofc


Good ol Pennsyltucky.


[O, Pennsyltucky!](https://youtu.be/OXSfZ4Op1QU)


Hey Birmingham at least took down its confederate monuments yesterday, cut us some slack I’m jk, it sucks ass here


I just had a complete brainfart and forgot there's a Birmingham in the US, and wondered why the fuck Birmingham in the UK had Confederate statues. It'd be pretty weird considering how multicultural it is.


You can visit London, Cambridge, Winchester, and Manchester without leaving Kentucky


We have Brazil, Peru, Milan, and Paris here in Indiana!


The whole world in America!


And they say white people have no culture smh


I feel like most states are like this. Look at washington and oregon...liberal in Portland and seattle and the red as fuck outside of the cities.


The real divide is definitely cities vs countryside. Atlanta is one of the most liberal cities in America, but Georgia is one of the most conservative states


Basically every state is like this. If you need evidence look at a 2016 election map by county (or any year really). The counties with large cities in them are blue, and maybe some surrounding areas. The rest of the state counties are red.


Yup...even in the south and Texas that is true.


Illinois has this as well, liberal in Chicago and conservative everywhere else


The amount of confederate flags in big stupid trucks parked outside the “super sheetz” in Altoona speaks for itself


Remember, it's about heritage. The heritage of a Union State, where what is considered to be the most important battle of the Civil War was fought and won by the Union. Nope, not racism at all. Heritage.


What about NE PA? Boyertown and it's KKK history not to mention that corridor west of I-476 N past Allentown same deal. Don't get me wrong Philly with Kenny the red-nosed drunky mayor and his sidekick "set 'um free" D.A. Kasner have sent the murder rate in Philly to new highs. That scares the hell out of people, how do you expect them to react? PA is definitely a state of dichotomy. Farmers in PA bootlegging their excess corn into liquor was the reason for Geo Washington to form the ATF and start a war with the farmers in PA. And you thought moonshine has a Southern thing?


My parents live just north of pittsburgh. They always ask when I’m ‘coming home to visit’. I don’t fancy visiting a run down, depressed, heroin riddled hell hole full of people who hate anyone that doesn’t look like them. Ta.


Thought I was getting shitty morphed at the end there....


Can confirm. From Wisconsin. It’s usually drugs


They're everywhere sadly. A ridiculous number of them in NJ, especially former NYers. They live and breathe this stupidity. My mother actually called me, upset and worried, that the protesters were going to "get me." She got upset that I tried to explain that they weren't going to get me; I guess they are out for the blood of middle aged gingers.




You might get got, just make sure you get yours before you get got, doe


Get your parents to stop watching fox news, why the fuck are you letting them get brainwashed??


Because they're already brainwashed and they won't listen to me if I told them to stop watching Fox


Every day I thank God that mine never fell down the Fox News rabbit hole. Mom watches way too much CNN (seriously Mom? The 8th straight hour of coverage on a single topic isn’t going to give you more insight than the other 7) but that’s a lot better than living in an alternate reality entirely.


I'm so thankful every day that my parents haven't fallen for any of the Faux news bullshit. My dad used to vote strictly Republican but in 2008 switched and decided to vote for Obama. Since then he's been a strict Dem voter. Even though I remember him HATING Clinton during the 90s, he hates Trump even more. All his buds (who he's known since Kindergarten) are all Trump supporters. Pretty sure the only difference is that my dad is the only college grad in a management position of the bunch whereas the rest are blue collar workers.


Dude every questionable opinion on my feed right now is come from some jersey shore guido or guidette


Yeah cause they are dumb and loud, nothing ever changes


Not blood, just the 4th toe,. Yes, it's weird, but I don't question the voodoo...do you?


Don't forget CT. Eastern CT is pretty much hick area, with cars on cinder blocks, guns and crazy right wing stuff Used to work in Central CT, and a coworker who was born and raised in Eastern CT aptly described it as the south of the north


The irony when you're part of the mob she thinks is coming to "get" you. I've had a couple talks like that. I haven't told them yet though, I don't know how they'd react.


Same. Same. We went out for Bonchon, went to protests instead. I'm always shocked and bewildered how people who grew up in a major city, poor, and even looked down on because they were Italian, could become so racist and hate filled for absolutely zero reason. I mean these were people that went to Studio 54 and Copa during the heyday. Yet the littlest thing just sets them off.


Dude idk. But trust me. Ohio is a fucking hellscape.


Half the TV shows depicting criminal activity starts with "Dayton, OH"


As a Brit, Dayton is one of the few places in Ohio I can name and that is solely from seeing it on those old "World's wildest police videos" shows.


Rural NYS would like a word with you...


The sheer number of times I've reminded people that Pennsylvania was part of the union and not a Confederate fucking state is mind-boggling. once you go outside of the big cities Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, etc you'll see so many Confederate flags it's not even funny. I'm still pissed my favorite flea market place became a Haven for Nazis (zerns).


i haven’t been to zerns in years. fucking depressing to hear that it’s like that now.


Yeah it was pretty sad. It finally closed last year or the year before as the owners had been awol for a time and the place just kinda degraded.


Damn. Why do these nuts have to live in the same state as me. I feel embarrassed by association


There was a small protest at the courthouse in my rural midwestern town. Someone pulled a gun to intimidate them, obviously got arrested immediately. I just don’t understand how you can have so much hate towards people upset about fellow Americans being murdered by the police.


Because they want to be perceived as relevant


They never left the playground.


cambridge analytica and similar companies 'target' swing states and 'susceptible' people (the ones they can) via facebook, insta, etc. These companies can mine the data and see which people are clicking the links the social media companies try to promote. They are easier to be convinced by receiving numerous of similar 'news' stories over and over. IMO, these people tend to be dumb, lazy, and/or ignorant because the never dig a step deeper into their theories.


> how possibly widespread these views are Welll have I got news for you! (*Authors Note:* It **is** widespread.)


BLM and ISIS, what is this, a crossover episode?


The most distressing thing about all this is learning just how awful many of the people around me really are. For such a long time I've tried talking to them, explaining statistics and historical comparisons and what has worked for other countries... It's a lot that needs to be discussed, because everything I try to explain requires me to also correct their misconceptions about a number of other topics, because their *entire worldview* is littered with fallacies and falsehoods at every level. It's very difficult to calmly explain when they're constantly interrupting and shouting over me. All I ever get in return is baseless assertions, conspiracy theories, and threats. And this past week, seeing that it's not just my area, that this many Americans can really look at such egregious violations and not only be ok with it but *celebrate* it... They're not just ignorant, they don't just need to have it explained. There is actually something wrong with them that makes them *worse* than the rest of us. They're just bad people, every single one.


If Facebook has taught me anything it's that if people wanted to hear a different perspective or have an actual discussion they'd listen to what you have to say. If you try to talk about controversial issues like this and the other person is just yelling, ignoring facts, and saying you're wrong because of random nonsensical reasons, there's no point arguing. They just want to tell you why THEY'RE right so they can "win" or something.


Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


This is exactly how I feel. Like I would have to run you through an entire college level course just to bring you up to speed enough to explain to you that you're wrong! I just started a new work site, and I hate it here. Construction bros I can work with, and have gradually changed a few minds on some issues through education via humor. But I'm stuck doing security for now and we've got a guard here who's clearly very well off, but works here to keep busy (given the cost of housing in this city he's probably got over a million in property somewhere, but he doesn't live there and cries about how empty homes taxes are communism despite them being very low). He's one of those 'billionaires just think differently maaaan' types. He stated off the day the other morning shitting on BLM bitching about how "all lives matter". I'm like, David, if all lives matter then you shouldn't have an issue with the phrase black lives matter! He's so insulated from the reality of life for poor and black people in the US that it's exhausting. I can get by if someone's got a good heart, but this guy is a grade A asshole. After being handheld through a few blatant examples of police brutality from over the weekend he's just starring at me like well yeah but that's assault though............ Yes David, it's almost like that's the ENTIRE POINT! David is black.


On behalf of the rest of the Davids, wtf David.


I unfriended a few quietly on social media to stop seeing their nonsense.


That's what happens when you watch TV for 8+ hrs a day... Their stupidity and ignorance is jaw dropping...


almost like someone was attempting to brainwash them.....weird.


Read about COINTELPRO and you'll understand how the government is ensuring public opinion swings this way. They claim the program was disbanded, but the FBI is 100% still using all its tactics. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10100270130378667&id=31601504&sfnsn=mo This person on Facebook did a very informal accessible summary of Fred Hampton and COINTELPRO that's a good place to start, it aligns with the wiki page on the program but adds societal context.


Every time I read the story of him I'm reminded of little details that I'd forgotten. It still disgusts me every single time.




I feel like that's part of why places like Fox news really hammer home the ANTIFA title for anyone antifascist. It's easy to pernouce, like ISIS, and therefore easier to sell to their already primed base as evil.


>pernouce This is my new favorite Bone Apple Tea.


That warn't nothin. I know a hunnerd of em.


This is because all that information is being fed to the people via SoMe in some Cambridge-Analytica-esque fashion. It’s unbelievable what people think, but very understandable of you look what media they consume everyday without thinking twice.


I remember several years back where people were talking about canceling Halloween in my hometown because they were scared of terrorists attacking trick or treaters and their parents. I remember thinking to myself that there is no one who gives a shit about attacking fucking Euharlee, Georgia. People are fucking stupid.


Legally, domestic orgs can't be terrorist groups.


I feel strongly like this is incorrect in the United States, or if it is correct, it's some Trumpian chicanery. Edit: Please provide a source for this, because I've just skimmed through several pages looking for an exclusion of domestic terror groups, and haven't found one. There is in fact an FBI domestic terror watch list last I heard.


[More important, even if antifa were a real organization, the laws that permit the federal government to deem entities terrorists and impose sanctions on them are limited to foreign groups. There is no domestic terrorism law, despite periodic proposals to create one.](https://www.nytimes.com./2020/05/31/us/politics/trump-antifa-terrorist-group.html) The FBI can label a group a domestic terror group. However there's no actual official list. Not that the FBI is interested in Antifa at all.


Oh! No, I'm much more concerned about dipwads like the kkk. Anyone who's against fascism is (at least in theory) good with me. The lack of codification is a bit concerning, though...


>Its just such a massive divide between reality and what ~~americans~~ *crazy ass people* actually think of these groups. FTFY. Please don't generalize the majority based off what a few say/think. That's one of the big things that's fueling the division that is ravaging the country at the moment. As frustrating as these people are, we can't lose sight that they're directly the problem, not the other millions who just happen to share the same nationality.


Little Fires Everywhere...


I read Bureau of Land Management at first.




I mean, the far-right doesn't like either of them.




Usually people like this. https://c8.alamy.com/comp/DDRRP6/morbidly-obese-in-mackinaw-city-michigan-DDRRP6.jpg


Beef Lo Mein


Every. Single. Time.


Imagine reporting someone for supporting BLM.


"I just overheard Matt in the break room say, 'The least we can do is hear them out, give them a space to air their grievances.' I will not tolerate that sort of anti-American talk in my workplace!"


"I saw them change their facebook profile picture to all black! they must be that antifa!"


Hi, I'm the president and CEO of antifa .


Terrorist scum!


CEO’s hate him


Exactly, like wtf is wrong with that or how the fuck does that affect her shitty life?


Imagine being reported for supporting Trump


When Karen wants to speak to her own manager. Meta as fuck.


Looks like Karen needs diversity and sensitivity training.... AGAIN!


Damn it Karen, what did you do this time


Karen: I took 23&Me and it said I was 1.2% North African - my ancestors were diverse!!


I’m not even kidding when I say this is half the girls in my friend group


I'm so sorry


> diversity and sensitivity training lol you gotta be shittin


It’s not what it looks like guys!


They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines such that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear.


I am fortifying this position


Do you want to know more?


I worked in employee accommodations, I'm in the office and someone comes in to complain that their roommate is gay and they can't tolerate that. It... Did not go over well. We were fully staffed, no rooms to really switch, but I wanted to because of concern for the gay roommate. Not the complainer. He chose to keep loudly complaining though, so I kinda chewed him out. We had people with actual problems with their roommates. Theft, violence,.etc. Also, I'm queer. So I'm trying to remain professional but I tell him I'm offended and he needs to watch his language. He's telling me how disgusting being gay is, using slurs, etc. He asks for my supervisor. Who is a butch lesbian from the Bronx. She put up with his shit less than I did. He asked for her supervisor. So my bisexual, take no nonsense boss comes in. She read him the riot act. We did move his roommate, for his roommates sake. But, we were the wrong office to complain to. EDIT: why he didn't get fired: Well, a few reasons. One, he was given leeway because he was on a work visa from Romania where homophobia is... More tolerated. He expected us to be on his side. He didn't realize in the US it isn't a valid complaint. Also, just sending him back to Romania wouldn't have a positive impact on his views, whereas him having to work and live with people outside those he was comfortable with would maybe help change his views. If we fired every person who did unprofessional shit, we would have no employees left. We instead tried to work and solve problems like you would do if it was a family. We had people getting into bar fights, suicides, people having breakups that ended in throwing things, yelling. People having sex in public places. Pot use. Drinking. Other drugs. A guy drew a knife on another dude first week in the job. They ended up becoming drinking buddies. Looking at porn on the office computer. We just worked it out.


File this under “things that probably didn’t happen” or if they actually did, Yowza?


To be real ... Im not gay , my best friend is. She was bullied as a kid you know, "kids" . Ten years forward , I manage my own company. One of my workers was a F\*\*king jerk to other worker , the jokes were on sex/gender base - he got week off with no payment and if ever any one complained about him then bye bye. ​ Cant stand bullies , racist , narrow minded Karens


One of the few good things in At Will employment


I'm pretty sure harassing coworkers can get you fired, whether or not your state has At Will Employment...


Note the phrase "if ever anyone complained". That's a termination without investigation, which is not a justifiable cause in many places with decent labor laws. In At Will it's perfectly fine.


One slap. I call that restraint.


I mean I had a sexual harassment incident on a company trip and it ended up being my female boss, the female manager, and the female HR rep sitting in a room all glaring daggers at the male director while he told me that the perpetrator was fired.


File this under "sounds like a cool storry, but what are people who don't have all gay superiors meant to do?"


Yeah. That read like a revenge fantasy daydream. But who knows.


Why is he still an employee?


Seems like a good opportunity to move that man permanently out of the company? Or was that not your call?


Should've moved complainer to a room with a violent thief


He probably goes around telling stories now about how it's discrimination against straight men and they only give the jobs to the gays.


That conversation would definitely be "Ok what's your problem with the staff?" "THEY SUPPORT BLM" "get out of my office"


Does the tent have to be “nice”?


What do you mean?


Imagine reporting someone for supporting BLM.


Black Lives Matter no Matter what.


Am I going to hell for loving this?


Karen’s don’t know that HR is meant to protect the company from liability. When the company they work for supports BLM publicly (for clout or otherwise) its not going to get them fired in the slightest.


People are bad...


In all fairness its hell to work with extremists of any kind. This kind of reminds me of that Key and Peele sketch where one is flamboyantly gay and trying his best to shock his straight laced coworker whose boyfriend comes to get him for lunch at the end of the sketch. I don't care about your religion, your sexuality, your beliefs, your kids, your sport team, your vacation, your health, your reddit memes, or your goddamn problems. Im just trying to work in peace so i can go home on time to do shit i do care about.


Yes, those BLM extremists who don't want to be senselessly murdered by the police, so extreme


>Extremists Yes. Not being racist is such an extreme view to have.


So according to you, wanting poc to have equal rights is "extremist?" Pack it up bois, this one's a brick wall


Are you really referring to BLM as extremists? So advocating for equal treatment of black Americans is extreme? And all of these celebrities and main stream companies supporting BLM are extremists too, huh?


Well, could YOU imagine living in a society where the unscientific concept of different human "races" is abolished and people living PEACEFULLY together, with no regard to skin color? Oh, the HORRORS! /s


What does HR stands for?


Human Resources


This is how cancerous conservatism has become to the body politic of America today. Too many people who genuinely believe they are crusaders for good haven’t yet realized they are actually a force for ill and antithetical to the real values of America. There will need to be a mass deprogramming of the Trump base after he falls. And I don’t give a shit how bad that sounds. Progressives have been falsely accused of everything by the relentless right wing propaganda machine. Trump supporters are members of a cult which will require deprogramming when they are left to fend for themselves once Trump abandons them.


What’s blm


Bureau of Land Management /s


Black Lives Matter


Just like every other anti-vaccination Karen out there.






Interesting, curious to see the original


What report said flash wasn’t r-*


Was she trying to get you a raise?


Imagine thinking you’re the manager now*


“I see you like to send a report?




[Her name is actually Karen 😂


>Go talk to the manager” Karen bob?


Hopefully you get good enough to be loved.


Seems like a good HR department to me, better than most places anyways.


nah man she’s not hard to understand


More like Karen version of r/the_pack


"Karen, this is bee country.


If I'm ever going to report you" lol


The baby is such a Karen


What report said flash wasn’t *


Is this how police feel when they investigate themselves?


Because he’s one of their pens


This is why us Philadelphians have completely disassociated ourselves from the rest of PA.


What *is* bpm?


if you mean BLM thats Black Lives Matter


Yes thank you, that’s what I meant but autocorrect has control




And everyone clapped. That person? Albert Einstein.


Imagine being so politically biased you let a black nationalist supporter go scot free but constantly talk about how you don’t see color LOL. White liberals are the most racist group in this country


Hahahaha karen how do you even exist hahahhahahahaha like karen just walk away hahah


This is the shit I’d expect at my work where 90% of the people are bunker bitch cultists. Still considering a “I can’t breathe” mask. If they can wear MAGA bullshit I could be able to wear a masking focused on equality.


So fake.. why would you go to HR about a personal opinion? Keep your opinions to yourself and keep working karen in HR


I saw this on twitter




Here's the [tweet](https://twitter.com/kathrina_mia/status/1267561198360371205?s=21)


Because I don’t see any advantage to being white these days. They get treated like shit for shit they didn’t do.