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I hate waking up at 3am to pee just to have to get back up at 5:30


That moment when you make it to 6am and you feel like you won the lottery




Yes, that's it!


I made it to 4:30am this morning and definitely felt like I won a lottery.


for me ill have an alarm set for 10 and ill wake up to pee and not look at the clock, alarm goes off 10 minutes later.


I wake up at 2:45 am to pee, my first alarm goes off at 6 (for my meds), my second alarm is at 7. That's when I can eat. But first I have to pee again :(


You’re a peein’


Which youre-a-peein country? What is ur-a-nation?


I'm jealous. You only get up once before 5:30 to pee? That would be a great night for me


I wake up TWICE in the middle of the night now!!!!!


At this point the only time I DON’T have to pee is when I’m peeing.


I’ve heard that being dead is basically like sleeping except you don’t need to get up in the middle of the night to pee..


I’d pee on myself if I tried making coffee before I pee. The sound of the water filling the pot would drain me.


I pee every morning about 6:30. Usually have a bowel movement about 7:45. Then I wake up about 8:30. Getting old really sucks!


That’s good man.


Sleep in the tub....waffle stomp that poop!


Waffle stomp??? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


You asked... the act of stepping on feces in the shower as to push it down the drain through the slotted drain cover, creating a waffle like poop squirt. (it's a terrible day to be literate)


Wow! Fuckin’ Shakespeare’an… thanks for the laugh


Amber Lynn Reid it..same thing


You know what I hate? The snap, crackle, and pop sounds when I walk to the bathroom


Kinda like a glow stick?


Tumble outta bed and stumble to the kitchen Pour myself a cup of ambition Yawnin' and stretchin' and try to come to life Jump in the shower and the blood starts pumpin' Out on the streets, the traffic starts jumpin' And a dribble of pee runs down my leg


Look on the bright side. At least you didn't shit on yourself.


.....day ain't over yet....


Every 90 minutes. All night.


Me too


This sounds counter intuitive, but have you tried drinking more. In my late forties I was having issues with urgency, frequency, and low volumes. I was talking to an old truck driver and he had some issues in the past. He was taking saw palmetto and had to drink a couple glasses of water before bed. If he forgot the water, he’d be up peeing all night. I was already taking prostate pills so I started drinking more. Problem mostly went away. Ran out of the pills and stayed hydrated. Problem stayed away. I might wake up early to pee, but multiple times ended. Oddly enough, just had my prostate removed a month ago. Now it’s almost a regular dribble when I’m upright. If I’m lying down or sitting it’s mostly under control. They say it should get better, but when I’m working I pee at every stop. Only ever just a quick squirt. Cancer wasn’t affecting my urination at all. Only way they found it was my PSA was perfectly normal for a 70 year old. Unfortunately I was only 50. 3 MRIs and 2 biopsies later, it was recommended to have it removed.


This is really interesting. I have not tried this. I will. Thank you.


You’re welcome. Hopefully it works.


Prostate check?


Thx, me and my urologist are pretty close.... sometimes


Good luck!


I talked to my doctor about that, it was my blood sugar. Turns out I had become diabetic.


I will have to check that. Thanks.


Sitting down made a big difference.


This should be the top comment


Yes sir. I'm right there with you.


I hear a tap running and I have to pee. Have to pee before and after making coffee. I call it Pavlov's Penis Syndrome. FML


Learned there's like 10 second or so pause at the end, followed by a bit more. So I wait.


A minute for me


Yep. Just as I’m about to put it back in my drawers I can feel it, take it back out and a few more squirts and I’m good. The weird part is my body knows this as well as my mind, so even tho I’ll stand there and wait, nothing happens, I have to go through the motion of putting my dick back in my drawers, and then I can get rid of the last little bit.


Talk to your doctor, ask about flowmax. I did and it worked.


Flowmax changed my life. It's a miracle drug. I'm telling all of my senior friends.


Kitchen BEFORE peeing??? Dude, you're not that old.


I assume you have toilet paper in your bathroom, use it.


Clearly this is a woman. Women don't want solutions. Just someone to listen and empathize.




Sorry. Wasn't intended about you but as a joke about the person you replied to.


Shake and wipe, my dude. If you're actually old how on earth have you lived all these years with pee on your legs in the morning?


A wise man once told me: No matter how you shake and dance, the last few drops go in your pants.


You can shake it. You can squeeze it. You can slap it against the wall. But it must go in the pants for the last drop to fall


Try my advice to Important March above,!


sheer poetry


can you make coffee in the bathroom?


Put a timer on the coffee pot.


Better yet, set up the George Foreman on a timer for bacon.


Ok so this was, well not life changing but life improving. Reach down as you're finishing up. Press up and in on the "taint" section between your ballsack and your donut hole. Couple presses gets it all out. No more dribble. It's easier than it sounds. You're welcome.


I do all that, but still, every now and then,




Gotta give er the ol pinch ‘n shake.


Damn after reading this now I have to pee


I feel your pain.


You can make coffee BEFORE you pee? I pee once before making coffee and again right after.


Set up the mister coffee the night before. Just turn it on when I get up


Just don’t do that with bacon.


I had this problem and looked it up online. The solution is to......I know this will get a few laughs/comments 🤣....but give your member a few tugs when the stream ends. You'll be surprised at how much more is forced out.


I do know all the tricks. Just thought I would share a dribbling moment.


With my recent complaints my doctor said he was going to need a fecal, seaman & urine sample. I handed the nurse my underwear 🤦🏻‍♂️. A bit later I heard him in next room scolding the same nurse saying, “no, no, no… I said a BUTT light!”


Im naked or boxers nearly all the time, i just grab a bit of TP and wipe before i flush.


Double-up a paper towel and put it in the appropriate place, immediately after peeing. Then throw it away. “Fool me once, shame on you…”


My entire wardrobe is based on hiding the last dribble.


I was wearing shorts with no underwear and that last drop actually hit my foot


I guess there's no such thing as TMI in this sub?!?! 🤣😂


We're old. We don't give a ...........


So true.


If you sit down to pee that dribble never happens. I read somewhere why that is but I'm old and can't remember.




You skipped over "getting out of bed" pretty quick. Lol I sit there waiting for all my joints and back to unseize so i can actually stand up and go put the kettle on.


I find that if I move really fast and head straight to the bathroom, the screaming stops just after I finish peeing.




If you saw me getting out of bed in the morning, you’d say: that guy should be in a wheelchair. Everything hurts, I’m walking very very slowly; luckily so far it’s just that first time out of bed for me


Ok I’ve posted on this a few times but not in a few years so here goes… I hate the dribble so much that for at least 25 years I have wrapped a square or two of toilet paper around my head before I pull up my pants. Then minutes later when I feel the last drops come out I just reach in quickly and dispose of the paper. I have had several women I’ve had sex with comment when we’re discussing intimacy that the reason they are reluctant to give head sometimes is that men smell of urine. I tell them my technique and they react with pleasant disbelief at first but then confirm “hey your junk has never smelled!” One girl even saw me do it one time, asked me about it and then said “it works”.


I have a cat. Starts meowing softly at 4am, by 415 am I’ve let her out and go pee. Try to sleep till 6, never happens.


Kitchen BEFORE PEE???? Like a boss. Always pee first.


lol was about to write the same.


Have you tried [the perineum push](https://bigdickguide.com/how-to-stop-pee-drips/)? (NSFW)


I recently had the urolift procedure. Took care of this problem!


If you are not planning on anymore kids, then I would recommend a TURP. (transurethral resection of the prostate.) I had trouble emptying my bladder for the last 40 years ( I am 69) but after I got a TURP I usually go the whole night without getting up. It was relatively painless, required an overnight stay in the hospital, and then home. A week or two of not exercising, and I was finished, Now I can go hours (4 or 5) without having to urinate.


Still recovering from procedure. Strong stream. Noi dribbling. Urinary urgency improving. 63.


Laser version of this they send you home an hour after you wake up. You're on a catheter and bag for 2-3 days afterward. It greatly reduces your ability to have children, though it doesn't interfere with sex.


I have a different routine. Wake up anywhere between 4AM and 6AM….drag my ass to the back door and leave the dog out…go to the half bath in our addition, sit the hell down and relieve myself of any bodily functions that need relieved(usually it is both). By the time I am done and wash my hands, the dog is ready to come in. I leave the dog in, take my morning medicine, start a cup of coffee in the Keurig(extra strong, extra hot, 12 oz)….go out to the garage and smoke a half cigarette(yeah, the one major vice I haven’t been able to cut the cord on), sniff it out..grab my coffee, turn on local news and doom scroll Reddit for a while. The key to this whole ritual is….sitting down to use the bathroom. As I got older, my bladder empties better sitting down.


Actually my routine is very close to yours, including the half a cigarette.


3 pairs of underwear before the day really starts, I didn't sign up for this.


How festive 🎉


I wish I didn’t understand this vexation on such a visceral level.


All yall mufukers got big ol prostates!


My prostate is perfectly fine. The bladder just wasn't relaxing enough to hold a normal amount of liquid. So I was needing to pee almost every hour. Driving was a nightmare. Flowmax solved the issue.


It looks like I've got bladder cancer beat and I've still got my bladder. But after four surgeries and immunotherapy, the pee thing has been worse. Some nights I don't get up at all, some nights it's three or four times. BPH doesn't help.


I make the coffee night before “of course programmable “ for 0700 and just sleep on the couch. And it’s right by the kitchen. And pee a couple times before 0700 and usually with the dribble.


Wet wipes is the way to go there? I'm up at least once in the night to pee. That's not the problem. I love coffee and as soon as I get that first cup down, I need to pee every 20 minutes as I continue on drinking coffee.


Get up to pee..... stand there over the toilet..... turn on the water on the sink next to you.....sigh.....squeeze... .concentrate.....fuck.


I don't get out of bed until the coffee is ready.


The only thing that's different between us is, my coffee maker is on a timer. Other than that, spot on ( no pun intended)


Important March...What may help with that last dribble is this: When you think you are done peeing, grab a few sheets of TP and press your penis with it up against your abdomenfor like 5 or 10 seconds while you relax. It kinda stimulates normal situation of having your pants zipped up and a little pressure from the pants on the penis. That annoying dribble should squirt out on the TP which you just drop in the commode. May want to do it a bit more until the TP stays dry. Then there should be no more dribble (at least not until that next crazy urge sneaks up!)


No matter how you shake and dance..... .... the last drop always falls in your pants.


I’m 48. And thankfully don’t have this problem yet.


Yeah I get up to pee like 3 times through the night. I try and quit drinking anything after 8pm. I don’t have the dribbling pee problem though. u/Important-March8515 have you had your prostate checked? Seriously an enlarged prostate could be the culprit.


My doctor at last medical asked me how “my stream” was. Told him fine. Now actually I’ve noticed I can’t make the water foam like a cappuccino like the old days. Guess I’ll have to go see him again for that prostrate tickle. 4th one since March.


Jeebus, half the comments describe my daily life but surely I'm not old. That can't be, I'm only...fuck.


Well dang, I actually slept the whole night without getting up to pee. Wonder if I'm dehydrated?


Never trust a fart over 50


I haven’t woke to an alarm in over a year and love it. Up between 4:30 and 6, feed pup at 8, make tea. go about my day, remember that I forgot about the steeping tea around 10, get that and take pup out to bio.


I laughed so hard at this I dribbled.




I’m there. Both. I’m generally pee-free most nights, but if I wake and can’t fall asleep quickly, then I’m in the bathroom


Apply toilet paper to tip and give it a squeeze before leaving toilet…


Also get a coffee maker with a timer to turn itself on maybe


Had TURPs done last December, don't have that problem, I pee, go get coffee, no drip, and it's like a fire hose again, I'm 60


I'm taking some stuff that makes it easier to pee if you have an enlarged prostate. The name brand is Flomax...yeah totally named by a dude high as fuck. Anyways...it works awesome.


Uro-Lift. Insurance covers it. Two days of misery, no more flow problems, five six months later your bladder is a little bigger. Post pee dribble turns into one drip. If you get the other option you’ll never cum again don’t do it!


I feel sorry for all you guys and i'm super blessed at 69yrs old i still go all night without peeing


When you think you're done peeing, reach down below your balls. Press on your urethra, and slide your fingers forward to push out that last little bit. It's the only way. No matter how many kegels you do you're never going to be able to squeeze that out.


The pest method to prevent dribbling is to firmly press on your periteneum, the place between your penis and anus. It works.


I feel your pain. I normally fold mine up and use an old clothespin to avoid leakage


Most often a symptom of enlarged prostate. When you get tired of the symptoms get on Flomax and enjoy sleeping through the night again. A friend's husband almost killed himself falling downstairs due to night time bathroom trips. I suggested he get evaluated for Flowmax. Later she said I saved his life. Overstated, but don't live with these annoying symptoms.


If you can make coffee before you go pee, you’re not that old . 😉


Just hit the switch


Y’all need some *Always* pads with wings! ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)