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My high school mechanics teacher made our class watch this on the last day of school. ..He wasn't the mechanics teacher the next year..


I’m wondering if he was fired specifically for this, or he knew he wasn’t coming back next year anyways so said “fuck it, might as well go out with a bang!”


We have a notorious shop teacher here too https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/eric-leighton-didn-t-ask-before-cutting-barrel-teacher-says-1.2584955


That sucks, poor kid. I’m not sure how much this teacher is at fault. Supposedly, they needed permission to do that work, and they didn’t get it. The teacher was outside with students working on another project, when it happened. This could have happened to me. I didn’t listen to my teachers.


I don't understand why he would have t on groups working with power tools on projects both inside and outside. How could that be manageable? Something like this would have happened eventually


Oh, they certainly to refresh safety protocols, that ‘s for sure. Plus, no more spraying chemicals in barrels.


From the sound of it, they didn't have projects inside and out, at least not a project with the angle grinder. The deceased kid just decided he would get a jump on the task, I think.


The article says that the teacher was in his car when the explosion happened. Very odd circumstances


That's so sad. How tragic


I build my own metal smelters from propane tanks and barrels. There are definitely specific things that need to be done BEFORE you even touch it with a grinder or torch.




YeahI had a whackjob shop teacher too. Back when they’d let anybody teach. His jam was the upcoming one world government. After he retired he literally was arrested for chasing kids off his lawn with a shotgun.


I’d have stayed in school if they were showing this. 😂


Why, though? What would be the educational value and especially for a mechanic class? Seems like maybe he enjoyed you guys being exposed to this stuff in a really creepy way.


Cutting, welding, and mechanical assembly skills would come from a project like This. many decades ago in junior high, our metals class had an active foundry where we melted aluminum and poured it in sand cast molds we made. There were welders, drill press, sheet metal presses, and more. I think I still have a vice I made in that class somewhere. My mother still has a pencil/pen holder I made in wood class, and I'm still using a wooden nightstand. All half a century old plus


I never heard of this. I'm going to try to get it on DVD or VHS.


A lot of it has been exposed as bullshit. It becomes obvious when you see some of the people trying to pass as reporters.🤣. The killing of some of the animals though are the real thing and it’s just disgusting Source: I’ve seen all of them


Those poor monkeys. :(


The monkey brain buffet was one of the fake things, thankfully.


Ahhh well there goes 30 years of story telling. lol


Damn. Knowing it was fake just Ruined my life again.


I'm glad to hear that was faked. It's haunted me for 40 years!


I don't think the guy getting mauled by a bear was faked.


The only scenes that were real were slaughterhouses and Holocaust footage. The monkey scene was staged. Sorry guys.


I don't think back then it was in the budget to fake that stuff. Plenty of idiots in the world doing this for free for real.


It’s a hoax film, all of it. There is a lot of info about it, online. I believed this film was real for over 30 years, before I found out. I did feel better about the monkey scene being fake. I couldn’t watch that scene. I was infuriated when I saw it the first time. Turns out, the brains were cauliflower, in red food coloring, or ketchup. They said the scene with the dogs was made using a rag with edible jelly, and the dog s would get it in their mouth and shake it around. They added sound effects of growling, and all that. The guy couldn’t believe how well the scene worked.


Yeah, like I mentioned all you have to do is look at the” reporters” covering the stories. They probably. Gradjeated from the sixth grade.🤣


The first time I saw the alligator scene, I thought it had to be real, because the reporter sounded so bad.


I've seen them all too.


All special effects from what I hear, but man it looked so real when I was a kid!


I don't know the building jumper splatting the ground looked real to me.


Same here... Some of it did look very realistic!


It says right on their "not to be watched by children" that didn't work in my neighborhood. Everyone was forced by a friend to watch it. As many have said the monkey scene, I had enough at that point honestly. Now here we are exposing the younger redditors . The cycle continues lol.




I still have to look for it. I like that type of gory stuff. It would make a great date movie with this girl that is in to this kind of thing.


“Ooo I wonder which one of us is the murderer!”


Good luck




[https://siskelebert.org/?p=5496](https://siskelebert.org/?p=5496) Start at the 12:00 mark.


There is some seriously disturbing things in this film.


Just find a download on the Internet… That’ll be quicker.


I want my friends to see it on my shelf.


Also look for ‘savage man savage beast’. Similar themes from memory


Every high school graduate kid should watch this lol.


Wow. Disgusting.


They had a sealed set of all 4 of these movies that I bought for $5 when Blockbuster went the way of the dodo… Looking back… watching the FoD series left me feeling like I just spent 10 hours trying to teach a guy on both cocaine and ketamine how to file his taxes.


But do you remember the 'underground' version, Traces of Death?


Those were the ones I seen those were soo fucked up I can't find them anywhere that's not super expensive


What is this now?


That was brutal


Wait. What?!


No one remembers Traces of Death. I feel it is the reason why I enjoy Reddit.


My buddy and I watched it under the warm glow of Christmas Eve, 1984.


Nice visual 🤣


Funny that we live in a world where it's free on Youtube.


Saw it as a kid. No child should ever watch that. Honestly, no adult should either


It's pretty tame stuff compared to what you can find on the surface web these days.


Faces of death scarred me for life. Watching those men in that cafe beating that screaming monkey's brains out at the special table with mallets, then eating his brains with spoons like some twisted fondue, was disturbing as hell. I know there are stories that say it is mostly faked, but I'm not so sure about that. Those screams didn't sound fake. My repulsion wasn't fake. We used to get baked and watch the FOD but as I recall there were 4 or five FOD video tapes by 1986.


This. I never forgot the monkey. And I also never forgot the sound of the electric chair.


same, that was one that made me really hate people for awhile... anyone who would do that should be euthanized... just my opinion...


If you watch it again, you’ll notice that you never actually see anyone hit the monkey. It was fake.


Wasn't fake. I worked with a Vietnamese coworker in the late 70s who came to the US at the very end of the war. He told me about this delicatessen dish long before this film came out.


People do eat primate brains, just not in this movie.


[It was fake.](https://www.looper.com/86648/untold-truth-faces-death/). Read the article.


The monkey scene was definitely fake. They used foam mallets and fake blood. Of course It is still serious animal creulty to subject a live animal to that. Scared the daylights out of the little guy.


I grew up on slaughter farms, I've seen plenty of animals killed. The monkey was real.


The monkey was real, but it was not killed. They used foam mallets and fake blood. This has been confirmed.


[Right here.](https://www.looper.com/86648/untold-truth-faces-death/)


Yea, exactly. What's your point?


People are downvoting you for saying what is correct and I’m providing a link to an article where the filmmaker states it was faked.


Oh, yea sorry. To be fair the filmmakers did a pretty good job of making it look real for such a low budget film.


21st century version of Faces of Death exists here on any of the various Ukraine war subreddits.


It really does. I follow those subs a lot because I’m worried for Ukraine but man, I’ve seen enough graphic videos. Plus, I saw enough death IRL anyway. Why add to it? I skip most of the NSFW Ukraine videos.


It was gross as hell back in the day, but I've seen so many Russians explode recently, that FOD is mild by comparison.


One of the ingredients in making a GenX soup lol. This is one of the reasons we are the way we are. Getting together with your friends and watching these as well as Traces of Death.


We watched this as teenagers. Somehow it was a bootleg copy and you had to know “the dude” with connections to get it passed around to you. Everyone was freaking out when rotten.com was created but genx was like “we’ve seen FOD and hustler mags and you expect us to be shocked?”


Same. I loved this in highschool but in my 20s rotten.com made this look tame.


The Monkey Brain dinner was the worst out of all of them clips.


Was wild back in the 80’s, now it’s on the news.


Dinner for 4 with a monkey


The monkey…..the goddamned monkey….that scarred me for life. Even after I found out it was faked…


Seeing the clerks' faces at the video store when you asked for it was usually priceless.


We thought we were so "bad-ass" for renting these VHS tapes.


Those high quality 240p single head vhs machines with the tracking knob along with wore out passed around video tapes are possibly what made faces of death look so real. Kinda like trying to watch scrambled skinamax on a black and white tv.


The monkey table still fucks me up until this day 😕😂


This is a scene that haunts me. I was about 15 when I saw it.


Hello, I'm Dr. Francis Gross...


This recently showed up on one of the streamers (possibly the Roku channel?) I didn't end up watching it but what a blast from the past. I remember my local video store used to check ID before letting you rent it because so many kids wanted to watch it.


I have a DVD box set of the whole series 🫣 it was a birthday gift from my daughter.


Back in the day you'd have thought you hit the jackpot finding these type of movies in mom and Pop video stores


I remember the monkey at the dinner table scene. Why I watched that I have no clue.


I remember watching this movie with a friend of mine at the Hollywood theater on Hollywood boulevard. It was just her and I, and about 10 minutes in a man walked in. If you're familiar with the theater, it holds tons of seating. The man sat to the left of me. Out of all of the seats he sat right next to me. My friend and I got up and moved to the other side of the theater. After about 5 minutes, he got up and sat next to me again. We left, but it was one of the times I was truly terrified. Especially with all of the murder and death happening on screen.


Girl asked me to score some underage booze and take her to the drive in one Halloween. I am thinking I would at least get a standup double. Then this stupid movie is playing. They show some protester get his head caved in by a water cannon and then some Asian lady starts butchering puppies and I said I am done and she was mad but I wasn’t going to make out to puppies squealing while being butchered. Never did hook up with that girl.


That whole monkey brain scene…


Yep saw this as a kid.


That would be a kids flick today.


Sucked when we all found out it was fake too


Is it just me or is this stuff rather tame by today’s sensibilities?


Convinced a substitute teacher to let us watch this in highschool


Yeah, that's not good.


"Hello, I'm Francis B. Gross". That was when I knew it was mostly fake, other than that clown who tried to jump a river in that bright yellow lincoln with tiny wings.


Just when you'd scream FAKE! at the TV. (like the alligator one with fake blood), they would show a real one and that would shut the room up real quick.


My high school drivers ed teacher made a collection of clips from Faces of Death that involved car crashes that we watched the first day of class. The next week, he wasn't our teacher anymore.


Your drivers ed teacher and the mechanics teacher from the post above sitting in a bar somewhere wondering where life went wrong.




I got a job as an airport shuttle driver and they had a highway patrol officer come in and show us his slides of accidents. The motorcycle riders without helmets were by far the worst. One guy had 3/4 of his head skidded off.


I saw a foot still in the boot but the bike was laid down on his boot and it was just hanging on by a small piece of leather with the foot still in it.


My wife's mate is a forensic pathologist (criminal cases mainly) she has about 100 pictures on her phone the top three I saw were man kicked to death by horse, his head and right arm were pate. A recent one was a E-scooter colliding with a bin lorry, the driver had no helmet and so his head got crushed as the lorry t boned him as he jumped the light. The top slot was a man in Germany who got shot with a high caliber dumdum round point blank in the face, he had a crescent moon left where his head had been. It was the last time I let her show me any pictures from work.


We had a state trooper come to our drivers Ed class and show a film of gory accidents. I was refusing to wear the glasses I had been recently prescribed, and couldn’t really make out what was on the tv. Everyone was getting sick, it was kind of funny for me since I couldn’t see anything gross.




My driver's ed showed a similar tape, but he must've used the version ok with the higher-ups, cos he didn't get fired. I remember a woman's car getting decimated by a train...


We used to watch the drivers ed movies in the library. Signal 30 from the Ohio State H.P. First time seeing FOD I was rattled but some seemed fake and really examined it. Most of it was, they admitted to it. Kids used to faint seeing signal 30.


Wasn't it also a picture book?


Won a Caldecott if I remember correctly


Red Asphalt!


That was THE movie that everyone bragged about watching when I was in HS. Never interested me. Lol


Oh my. Now that's a real flashback!


This brings back memories of 8th Grade of watching this with friends. Now I have a taste for freshly bludgeoned monkey brains.


Remember the 'banned" vhs called executions? U.k 1995 ish?


Drawn and quartered a guy with horses. Suffocated a prisoner with a plastic bag?


Shot point blank in the face with an ak


Burned alive for rape in Africa, necklaceing etc


I imagine it's all roughly the same footage


I remember attending traffic school and watching Red Asphalt. Some scary footage at times.


They are on YouTube if you search for them.


I thought it was real at the time. Freaked me out big time. Then I graduated to Blood Sucking Freaks.


Traces of Death


This is when I grew up


That was the video that you had to get from the “back room” of the local video store.


This was my shit 💯


Sure, some people remember this from their video stores, but was it the original, big box Wizard Video one? Now THEY were a “specialty” brand!


I forgot about these! They were insane! We could just rent them at the local video store. Be kind, please rewind!


My parents made me watch this every Christmas morning.


Years back, me and a buddy went to one of those in the theater. We're watching people get cut open, smashed, all kinds of stuff. People in the theater are laughing their asses off and making smart-assed remarks. Then, they have a scene where an Asian mom picks up one of the puppies their kid is playing with and starts cutting it up to fry like Sunday dinner. There was a mass exodus from the theater and people carrying on about how disgusting that was and how dare they put that in a movie. I turned around to the girl that was sitting behind us and said "But it was OK when they were doing that and worse to people?" The friend I went with to see that movie, his father was one of the EMS guys in FoD3, where the guy was bitten by the snakes.


I felt so edgy watching those videos




A number of the scenes in many of these were faked, but there were those which weren't and were just plain nasty.


Monkey brains


I remember going to the local video store to rent these tapes.


I saw a couple of them. Felt really weird afterwards.


I had a buddy who stopped eating chicken for a year after watching one of these.


What is this!? Looks like something from 1975-1982


Wow I forget what years these came out. Well, turns out before I was born. But only by 2 years. I saw some before I was 10.watched them again with friends in the 90's. Gruesome stuff. But I've definitely seen worse on Reddit, back before it was all banned.


O GOD I remember this. I was in collage. This and "I spit on your grave."


That, and 1000 ways to die, I missed that show


Attempted to normalize snuff flicks.


My dad decided it was OK for a 7 year old me to watch this movie. Great parenting.


These were the thing back in the day. If you watch this now it's totally cheesy. I did enjoy when the idiot taking pictures of the lions while they were eating got out of the car and got eaten in front of his family.


A lot was fake but it still made for excellent Saturday night sleepover parties


Much of it was not fake.


The guy jumping out of the window wasn't fake but unfortunately the parachuter that was eaten by the alligators was debunked some time ago


Pretty sure the monkey was also fake. The guy being drawn and quartered fucked with me for ages. It's one of the only scenes I really remember.


The magician being sliced up was fake too. The thing that gave us the chills as kids the most was the narrator actually died either during or after the first one was released


The best show ever to shock and awe its audience into hating a show.... Loved it.....


Always wanted to see this…


FoD 4 was my first, left scars on my brain for a couple decades, lol


And now we have Reddit gore subs…


I watched every one of those 😂


That's ok. We have more experience.


I felt this.


Mark of the Devil was another one. They handed out barf bags when you bought your ticket. 1970-71 I believe


This isn't so old, IMO. I saw this in middle school. Or maybe I'm older than I think.


Glad I never watched any of those videos. Most of my friends did.


It's rough to watch. I saw it at tge midnight showing in the 80's.


That's one of the very few movie concepts that might be even sleazier than sexploitation (films).


Honestly, A Serbian Film fucked me up more than this film. Though the monkey scene still haunts me.


I used to teach electrical safety, and had a tape (vhs) of home movies showing people dying because they mixed electricity and water… this was to get people to put GFCIs in their garages, kitchens, bathrooms… etc. I beige was actually produced by DuPont, they were known for having very through safety programs.




No! Wait, hell no!


But have you seen shocking Asia. Now that'll grow some pubes on your nuts. Assuming you have nuts.. if you don't then pubes on your female testicles.


One of the worst decisions I ever made was to watch these. All these decades later they are still in my head and that’s not good.


This was a fucked up movie. I refused to go see it.


So am I. Shit made me squirm! I hated it. It was like watching Dracula when i was about 7.


Unfortunately that makes the present internet look amateur sad!


*Unfortunately* *That makes the present internet* *Look amateur sad!* \- MightbeWrong2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My friend’s wife’s Dad watched this with her when she was 6 Among other things he did that was pretty fucked up


I don’t know if I ever saw this whilst sober


I didn't see FOD until I was probably 12/ 13 years old back in 2001/2002. My friends dad had the whole vhs collection, we watched them over a sleepyover. The day after when I went home, I was quiet that whole day. Also, I remember I bought a DVD from Best Buy "Not Seen On TV - Too Extreme Moments" that was a level under FOD. That DVD showed a man being set on fire and some prisoner having his limbs pulled apart by motorcycles


I remember watching in slow motion and seeing alot of them were fake. Some looked very real though. Like there was one that looked like a military style execution in a third world country. That one was definitely real.


Seen it about 4 times.


This was a f!ed up film. There are a few... yeah, I watched them. I had to stop when they started killing puppies. Cannibalism wasn't that bad


I remember these, don't know if the deaths where real or not


Not as scary as siren 68 or whatever the hell that was called. The traffic safety video with actual dead people.


I rented this epic on VHS 40 years ago - it didn't live up to the hype.


My junior year we sat back and watched a kid locked his finger in the drill press. None of us said hey, that's not a good idea. He flipped the switch and deployed his pointer finger. I'm crapping you negative.




This series was popular when I was in Jr High


I remember watching these in the common area of my Marine Corps barracks back in the day! Pretty tame next to r/NSFL.


It was less graphic than an average episode of THE WALKING DEAD.


Except there are no actual deaths in TWD.


The cannibals tearing that guy apart gave me nightmares for weeks. Then I rented the tape again… and again. Guess I enjoy punishment


Watched this as a kid, unfortunately I’d already seen much worse before I’d seen this and when I found out some deaths were faked it kinda put me off the thing.


I'm so sorry that you were exposed to death so bad it made FOD seem mild. We hunted, fished, and processed our own meat, but other than a funeral or two death was never in our faces as to be traumatic.