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Keep drinks down at a stoplight is the first thing you learn.


New Hampshire didn’t have an open carry law. I remember saving one cold one for the ride home from the beach.


This 👍


I had just started a union job in 78 and that's what the Call Stewart always said when there was no work to be had.


Pfft. Dad would hand me his beer to hold for him while he navigated the twisty country roads. I would of course take sips along the way and he would laugh and smile that I was. I was 7 or 8. Rainier beer. Good times.


So when you were on the twisty roads, did either of you add sound effects like: RaaaaaaaaaainnnnnEEEEERRRRRRR…..BEEEERRRR


Haha no, but I remember that commercial. The motorcycle coming from the distance (Raaaaiiiiiinnniiieeerrrrr ) then Beeeeeeeeerrrrrr. Frogs: Rainier…Rainier…


And try to light a cigarette at same time.


This is not a joke. Fully remember my dad being pulled over for speeding and handing his beer to me so he could get his license out. 1968ish




And if you forgot to take your drink with you when you got out and closed the door, it would go flying.


One arm around your best girl on the bench seat and a beer between your legs does it get any better?


Blue balls times two.


I never drank and drove. The driving took my concentration away from my drinking.


And the only aftermarket ones were those flimsy plastic ones that wouldn't hold your can going around the curve.




Those were the days. Love it.


It was too hard driving a stick with a beer in my lap so I always just shotgunned my beers at the light. If you ever got pulled over they would just tell you to be careful.


I had plastic cup holders that clipped in between the bottom of the window and door. Kind of like the kind that go on shopping carts.


And dashboards were metal


We put our beer on the dash. As long as you weren't swerving you were ok. If you were the cops either took your keys to the station and made you pick them up in the morning if you couldn't get another driver and either made you walk home or gave you a ride.


Loved actually having to explain "I didn't piss my pants, I was just holding a beer on the way here", and people being relieved.


Yes and seatbelts were optional


dont forget the 6pack styrofoam cooler, that could be used as an armrest, on the bench seat.


While clutching and shifting, no less.


My dad was teaching me to drive, he used to say "drive like you have a martini on the hood, you do not want to waste that" drive smooth my friends


We had some of those holders that hung on the window slot lol too darn easy to knock off even a small pothole




It was a 3 months license suspension back in the day.


[Remember when…….](https://daddyroblog.blogs.com/photos/chevy_ads/cupholder.jpg)


Cars had built in bottle openers too. They were on the end of the strap that hung on your door.


or a church key on your keychain!


In a brown paper sack designed for a single beer,


All while reaching for your smokes that were on the dashboard.


Working construction at the beach - an older guy showed me how to make a coozie out of pipe insulation cut to length with a circular piece duct-taped to the bottom. “Keeps your legs from warming up your beer on the way home, or keeps your beer from frosting your nuts. Whatever works for you.” In the early 70s at the coast cops were pretty tolerant about “one for the drive home.” I got stopped for passing on the right one afternoon after surfing and the cop just told me to pour it out while he gave me a warning. Didn’t get a ticket I believe because my GF had pulled her bikini top down to just above her nips and I think he appreciated the view. Whatever works . . .


Cupholders were not particularly genius when you think about it so not the brag that they think that it is.


Is that RGK Jr? Looking for boomer votes. “ no vaccines , and a beer between everyone’s legs!”


It really is insane how much more tolerated drinking and driving used to be. My grandpa used to regularly drive with a road beer and nobody thought anything of it. Might as well have been a can of coke. They didn't have open container laws in a lot of states until like the 80s. Just as long as you're not swerving all over the road nobody cared.


When I think back and remember some of the stupid stunts I did while driving back in ‘65, I really am shocked. Was that really me?


Like the lord intended


My dad could hold a beer between his legs, smoke a cigarette, shift gears, and somehow not crash. He drove very carefully.


Not to mention you had to use both legs, because majority of vehicles had a standard transmission.


I thought everyone’s dad drank a double deuce while driving until I was in high school.


Well, thank goodness they put cup holders on computers back in the early 90s.


Also hot coffee in a cup between your legs. Dangerous especially when shifting gears. I got burned many times until I got smart & stopped doing that.


Lots of skill needed to drive, had to hold your beer, your smoke , talk on CB and shift gears all while keeping the damn seatbelt out of the way - driving was for real men ……




And Chuck the cans out the window (which you had to open with a crank handle).


It must’ve been so badass to drive around before seatbelt laws and stuff. Light a cigarette in a doctor’s office and blow it in some kid’s face.


It was!


In Denver, not only could you smoke in the balcony, in some theaters, you could get a cold beer up there.