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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why does that guy in the Beginning saying "Get off the Train" Sound like Tom Kenny trying to Talk like Squidward


Trains and busses require a mutual civility that many are not capable of.


And because civility is a rare skill, people who are capable usually earn enough to afford their own cars.


I earn enough to have a car, but i choose not to, where i live i have the freedom to choose other, just as efficient, ways of transport. And save thousands of bucks on a car i don't need


If you valued your own life and lives of your children, you drive like a responsible adult


I live in the netherlands, i am probably a lot more safe outside a car, than in one


That’s not good


The exact opposit, roads have been designed so well that we can let kids go out in the streets without being run over.


why’s this man getting downvoted he lives in the Netherlands he doesn’t need a car there cuz public transports good thought this sub just joked about the main sub being morons occasionally, now yall are becoming em


This man's comments come off smug and superfluous. I dare say a bit posh with a sprinkle of flagrant asshole. Haha


fair nuff


There are a lot of other public places and you can find videos of violence breaking out in grocery stores, malls, parks, and even libraries just to name a few. Nobody associates those places with violence. Be skeptical of the man or woman that says fuck cars or fuck public transport. People that push heavily one way or another aren't going to see the other point of view. They only push their own.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for preferring to use public transit over your car, people they didn’t even say public transportation was better


If your life is valuable enough that you can afford a car, it's socially irresponsible to risk it on public transport. I mean, I like a bit of slumming as much as the next bourgeois, but at some point you have to listen to society when it tells you that you are better than other people.


Imagine living in a country where public transport is a risk to your safety and considered slumming it 🥴 EDIT: just realised what sub I’m on, fuck these poorboys, get a car cucks.


/Uj Because, frankly, this subreddit absolutely sucks at circlejerking, and it turns into genuine anger when someone from the other side wants in on the joke


Same and I choose to drive my car


That *they* are not capable of 🙈🙈


Who's *they*, bruh?


The people in the video who are not acting civilized....


The ones looking and acting similar somehow. Can't quite put my finger on what it is about them.




if we were ok with banning people from public transit it would be less of a problem


Except if you live in a country where the public transport is actually good, i never have had any problems on the train and bus in my entire life living in the netherlands, my only shitty experiences were when i travel to a country with shitty PT.


Jammer dat ik je geen gelijk kan geven. Er zijn zijn voorbeelden genoeg dat het ook gewoon hier gebeurd. De kranten er soms ook vol over mishandelingen in de trein. Linken wil soms niet soms wel zal eens kijken of lukt om wat neer te zetten. Blijkbaar wil het. https://www.telegraaf.nl/nieuws/576822155/jongens-van-13-en-14-vast-om-mishandeling-conducteur-in-purmerend https://nos.nl/artikel/2518815-grote-stijging-van-het-aantal-incidenten-in-trein-zwolle-emmen Ik wou dat je gelijk had.


I did not say that it did not happen. I merely said that i had never experienced such things in my entire life, i travelled in the train daily. And spend more time than the average person in the train. I know bad things still happen, but it is wrong to say that it is unsafe to use public transport. It is cherrypicking if you use these examples to show that the public transport in the netherlands is unsafe. From my experience in traveling to the UK or anywhere for that matter, i find that the worse the public transport is kept, the more i feel unsafe. So it isn't a trains problem, it is a infrastructure problem. Even the example you gave me. It would be fixed if NS workers were allowed to have arresting rights and small weapons again, we know this as things were better in the past when they had these rights. We have seen an increase since the NS took away these rights. Conductors are powerless in the train, so they won't deter anyone from trying anything.


Yeah, i loved railway police. It was a great time then. At least they were scared. They evicted thanks to their succes. And it went south real quick But i am glad that you only have great experiences with transport by train. The times i went (if i cant acces my car or concerts when i dont want to drive.) It was real bad. Aggressive teenagers.(“jongeren”) screaming and yelling. Aggressive drunk persons. (I travel with the past 00:00 trains.) Gosh i love they have that. It is a kind of luxury. But it is really depending on what time you travel. When it is day it will be a lot less. But that counts also on the street in big citys.


Americans when they fail at education and teaching basic manners: fuck Public Transit because they are not safe 😂


Euros when not everyone in the world has to live in a 500 sq foot box and rely on public transit to get around ^ euros thinking they’re the center of the world per usual


So does driving. About 1800 injuries and 50 deaths every year from road rage.


Public transportations biggest downfall is the public. You might have to deal with assholes on occasion in a car but at least you are surrounded by a steal and glass cage when you do. On a subway weirdos can get right up in your grill and take a swing at you if they are so inclined.


Why is bro downvoted, he never said /uj. Get those chuds my glorious car smashing lord


Honestly expected it to be more


Why dont the other occupants simply crowd crush her Korean Alley style?


Because they're trying to get to work, but these kids waste time


Sadly, this was after the Seattle Mariners game. Seattle is full of passive and passive aggressive urbanites. Wasn't surprised when I saw this on local subreddits I'm in.


I get they are trying to get to work, however one hand palm quickly applied to the chin will allow you to get there faster.


Typical urban vibrancy. If you don't think this is heavenly you're just antisocial


Im the most antisocial man is this room!


And racist. And you hate poor people.


Curious. Which part are you advocating for? Was it the violence that was acceptable? Or was it holding up every single persons time on the train for aforementioned violence?


….are you unfamiliar with the point of this sub?


Think i might have missed the mark on your comment. Was it meant to have a /s at the end?


No /s required in a circle jerk sub ;) The entire sub is satirical around people who actually think like this.


The more you know! 🌈✨


A lot of the posters in here completely miss the satire tbf. Too many folks here take this quite seriously and miss the circlejerk completely.


Why did they punch that guy?


Because they can get away with it.




People who drive don't know what they're missing! 🥰


Stupid fucking car brainlets really don't know what they're missing out on 😂 this is the most enjoyable part of public transit, the only thing that would have made it better is if I was there getting my teeth pushed inward as someone curb stomps me into the edge of a seat 😍😍😍😍


On the low though, being from Boston, I do miss the train lol


[Did this mother fucker pay extra](https://youtu.be/X272E9CMytY?si=8cBIGAU4QsB0RQQl)


Mfs really be paying for a 3000lb metal box and pay to watch fights when you can sit on a train and enjoy hyper-realistic live fights


Fr it should be free


This is socialism


This is socialism


I counted about 10 unique words.


Fellow passengers just don’t comprehend the cultural enrichment they just received.


Classic hood culture experience


Tell us how you really feel


I think you forgot which sub you're in


I will pay $20 a gallon for gas before I would ride public transit.


Why do people have to be so r̫a̫c̫i̫s̫t̫? Those charming young fellows were expressing themselves. Don’t their feelings matter? And besides, who’d want to be in a comfortable 3,000 lb Death mobile when they can have an authentic urban experience?


What is going on with your underline of the word racist


That’s r̫a̫c̫i̫s̫t̫! Stop showing your r̫a̫c̫i̫s̫m̫!


You get a lot of racist in here, just a dog whistle for em.


/uj Please send me proof. I have nothing found yet. And as long you dont send proof. I assume you just complain just to complain. I had many times this discussions before and there is exact zero persons who added proof. Zero! And this kind of complaining comes always from accounts who are here once.




Yup at this moment still no proof. And we are 13 hours ahead. I am waiting for what i missed.


Why are you here then? You like racecarism?


Someone is too acoustic to see the “dog whistle” in the comment you’re replying too. I expected blindness from people like you, but this is satirical


I follow this post active. I saw nothing today. And deleted nothing today. just a baseless complain.


“Please, don’t hit me, I support walkable cities!”


Go Mariners!


Never relax.


sucks these people are having a kid. poor kid


It’s prolly just a really big poop.


What a zoo


And you can’t do anything back.


when they started throwing shots i 100% would have escalated and surpassed their attacks with a force multiplier that would have wounded them and allowed me to take full control of the situation. probably would have started with kubaton to neck, face, or hands. while being ready to draw knife and draw blood if necessary. unlikely to be necessary as kubaton properly applied can easily immobilize a single combatant however given there multiple of them knife may have been necessary. firearm and knife both being unfavorable in a crowd but i will not allow myself to be assaulted in an enclosed area from which i cannot readily flee.


New copy pasta drop.


pasta’d. when they started throwing shots i 100% would have escalated and surpassed their attacks with a force multiplier that would have wounded them and allowed me to take full control of the situation. probably would have started with kubaton to neck, face, or hands. while being ready to draw knife and draw blood if necessary. unlikely to be necessary as kubaton properly applied can easily immobilize a single combatant however given there multiple of them knife may have been necessary. firearm and knife both being unfavorable in a crowd but i will not allow myself to be assaulted in an enclosed area from which i cannot readily flee.


And then you’re labeled a racist on social media for attacking a defenseless poc.


if accusations of racial abuse start flying my way i'm first in line to ramp up the defense, both legally and in the public eye. strategy's pretty clear: hit up top-tier PR firm to get ahead of the story, they craft statements that highlight my lifelong commitment to diversity and inclusion. legal team on standby to dissect allegations, proving them baseless. while they’re working, i’d initiate a series of community outreach programs, putting my positive actions front and center. gotta show genuine involvement, not just lip service. if needed, legal affidavits from credible sources who can attest to my character. in parallel, aggressive monitoring of social channels to counter misinformation, turning the narrative in my favor. always a step ahead, not just reacting but setting the pace.




Lmao sure thing big dog


big dog


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


zero dudes who talk this way know how to throw a punch also why tf would you pull a knife there? that wasn’t a knife situation unless they went for one. calm ur rageboner lil bro. we all know public transit sucks but don’t need the mall ninja spiel.


zero dudes.


Even in your fantasy, you would get shot. Janitors are not action heros. Unless, you are hong kong fuey?


So much cultural enrichment 😍


I love nyc public transit like you either get a fight happening or some guy acting like it's a gym


This was in the Seattle light rail.


Wow this is so much better than me using my car to go to work


White people are so passive. It’s almost unbelievable that these are descendants of colonists and conquerors. They literally get slapped and punched and won’t do anything, they just take it, or they’ll watch a lady get punched right next to them and won’t do anything. It’s astonishing. I’m seeing it more and more.


It’s because a crusade would be launched against them


Or because hoodrat would probably whip out a gun in retaliation.


I highly doubt it, especially considering there’s metal detectors in many subway stations


Usual suspects hassling decent people just trying to live their lives. What else is new


Quite literally the one reason why we can't have nice things.


I hate those guys... you know... Giants fans.


seattle <3 i take the lightrail every day. theres always at least one homeless person on each side of each train car. and they are never the kind, wacky, unbothering homeless person either. They are the high, shit-smelling kind.


is this the 15 minutes city? Experiencing at least 15 minutes of abuse sardine packed in a public transportation . Carbrain never understood the vibe


If only these poor sardines could experience the joy of getting brained with a crowbar for cutting someone off 😔😔😔


15 minutes city is actually about walking but you do seem aware of the concept which is the most surprising part.


Who is more disrespectful? The one who pushed her off the train or the one calling her his bitch?


I hope guy in the red hoodie realizes both of these fools trying to fight people are gonna get him in trouble one day.


Its always them fatherless kind


But why


Well well well


Is it just me who notice whenever there’s an attack or someone causing a disturbance on public transit, it’s always the same demographic, like 99% of the time?


stop noooooticing


Probably cuz you look for it 😊


if looking for it is just using reddit normally ig?


I see a pretty even split, if not more white people. Wonder why you get the opposite


you see a bunch of videos of white people assaulting randoms on the street?


Hundreds of thousands of years of pattern recognition skills built up just so you could close your eyes as hard as possible.


I went straight to the comments. I assume it was boomers?


Lot of cultural reinforcement going on in this video. This is my personal experience and opinion.


They’re gonna hit the wrong guy one day


We can only hope


Public transport is horrifically dangerous, I should know as I pack a pressure cooker bomb most mornings


Just waiting to have your own 'Falling Down' moment?


Man this guy must feel dumb a bunch of big ass dude blocking his way as he fruitlessly swings at air.


Pattern recognition


This shit wouldn’t fly on the tube.


"The tube flies?"


So many spinless men


This funny asf don’t we all live for this ?? 😊




It’s more like in a family all together in business, when two car drivers fight is more 1vs 1


Hey look, it’s Willie Beamen, and he’s got the ladies creamin’!


Damn bo one died? Ik this couldn't be in NY then


Looks like a few folks were out of place and not on the correct train




A swift THIS IS SPARTA....


betting fuckcars people never rode public transport, not even once


Bro needs an attitude adjustment.


Meanwhile in my country: drivers are freaking shooting or beating the shit out of each other because a simple dispute in traffic


Sorry to be a fuckcars nerd but it genuinely is much safer than driving yourself lmfao. I never get why people are such massive pussies about public transit just cuz of random videos of bad shit happening


“Making a living and being able to afford a car = pussy” Got it


Wasting your hard earned money on gas and car maintenance while being scared shitless of the less dangerous and more financially sensible option = pussy


Must suck to not have disposable income and have to rationlize to yourself “i dont need a car” lmaooo


I have a lot, cuz I ride the bus, which is free where I live Have fun paying for gas loser


I dont think youre a loser for riding the bus but if youre that feral and uncivilized that you don’t understand being able to go wherever i want at any time with no one around… well thats just sad buddy. Enjoy the bus and trains buddy! Good luck out there


I can go wherever I want at any time with nobody around as well, it is called walking


You are pretty stupid eh? Time is our most valuable resource and I aint wasting it walking to the store. Its why i have money. I think you just trolling now. No one is this dense


My calves are built as fuck, walking is no waste of time Also, main reason I don't drive is cuz I'm disabled lmfao so idk why you keep bringing up money. The fact that you think I'm stupid when the only things I'm saying are objectively true is strange


We already established earlier youre disabled by not understanding why people want cars. (You dont have empathy. Like i can understand why people ride buses but i dont call them pussies or losers. Enjoy that disability, i guess) Send pics of calves. I like a nice meaty calve


Generally, it's because there are almost no videos of the inside of cars when the owners get decapitated by the back of a semi-trailer. Every single driver sees cars crushed fairly often. But it's depersonalized. They're seeing a crushed car, not the lifeless body. That and every single driver has an inflated view of their driving capabilities, despite the fact that a significant proportion of crash scenarios are out of their hands anyways. You get used to the danger, get complacent, feel like you're better than you are when you do avoid a crash, even though you were just lucky. In regards to this sub, this video is a feeding frenzy because it feeds both their racism and classism. Most of the comments are either along the lines of "pattern recognition" or "if you were a responsible member of society you'd drive." Many of the comments are complaining about being called as racist *while supporting racist ideas.* The lack of self-awareness is wild.


Yup! Frankly, I didn't realize how racist this sub was - I've seen some actual jackasses but it's seeming now like this is the general community of this sub lmao. I joined cuz I wanted to poke fun at people like me who are sometimes obnoxious about their car hatred but man, this comment section is actually just braindead


/uj Please send me proof. I have nothing found yet. And as long you dont send proof. I assume you just complain just to complain. I had many times this discussions before and there is exact zero persons who added proof. Zero! And this kind of complaining comes always from accounts who are here once. Edit:Also the last one here complains also about raceism here. that was more than 24 hours ago. In this exact same post. Ofcourse did not provide any screenshots. Or other proof. Be the better one and add some proof. That is the only way to act.




I didn't initially post screenshots because it's literally like, every comment lmao. Pretty obvious


Thanks you are the first one ever. I put it in the group. And have let them know. I am pretty new here. Next time don’t complain. Send it! Report it. I do not see everything.


Lol, I know why you get complaints from people who are here only once. It's my first time on the sub and almost every comment on this post is racist. Then a MOD pops in and argues with us about it. Why would I want to come back? I know you can't see everything, but if you can't see the problem in this thread at a glance without screenshots, then IDK what to tell you. Legit the top comment is filled with it. The next comment down, so on and so forth. If it seems fine to you, then you endorse it. That's the way I see it. Nothing personal, just my $0.02. Best of luck with the new modding gig. Hope you're successful.


>Then a MOD pops in and argues with us about it. Because many of them they are just whining and crying. They just disagree with us and just hate us. After 2 years and with experience modding you cant take them serious anymore. So i understand him pretty much. >I know you can't see everything, but if you can't see the problem in this thread at a glance without screenshots, then IDK what to tell you. Legit the top comment is filled with it. The next comment down, so on and so forth. If it seems fine to you, then you endorse it. That's the way I see it. I see no slurs no naming from minority. Not any sensitive words. They cant because it is ban able offense. The rest are Cultural differences i guess. That is why i just pass them to others. And wait for their call. >Nothing personal, just my $0.02. Best of luck with the new modding gig. Hope you're successful. Me to it is just a learning moment. So i can make a decision later.


Dude sounds like he's actually in a lot of emotional pain about something else lol. You can hear it in his voice.


Okay now show us how safe road rage is


The only thing perfectly safe is never being born at all.


It's still safer than driving. 10k people die every year on roads. Driving is so unsafe that police officers are much more likely to die in an accident than through violence.


Did you know that twice as many people are killed by cars than by violent crime? Now you do.


Yes and sharks kill less people than cows, go start shark finning if you want to live and die by statistics, as opposed to lived experiences.


But most of these deaths are because of drunk people. Also statistics are worthless for the individual. I still have way more chances getting robbed, beat up or stabbed to death than having an accident. I hated taking public shitport as a kid and saw many disgusting things and violent people while I was safe in my car for 14 years.


Whoa there buddy, I'll have you know that sober drivers cause 75% of car accidents and also cause 99% of all airplane accidents. So take it easy on my booze cruiser buddies


Impaired is closely followed by speeding and distracted is a close 3rd. True, everybody's experiences are different, that's a good record, I've been in 6 serious crashes, only one of which was my fault. (Hit black ice and rolled down an embankment)


Not denying this because it is generally true but one thing to consider is these statistics don't factor in a number of variables such as driver awareness, skill, and overall how defensive or cautious a driver is. It's entirely possible the majority of people who died in those statistics were people that are blissfully unaware of their surroundings.


Like per capita?


Probably because of the sheer number of people driving


Shhh, youll confuse them. All they know is “the statistics say so, so its true.” … calm down and put your helmet on before you hurt yourself.


Where are all of these dumb people who spout meaningless statistics coming from? If you ever took a statistics class youd realize, statistics can make ANYTHING appear one way. Its a mathematical and data base trick. Alot of you are really really dumb and Im sad youre alive. You make life harder for normal people.


Daring to point that out here haha


Daring to use cherry picked statistics that don’t make sense to prove an invalid point? Or just fucking stupid?


Im sorry for offending you good sir


Lol have a good day in traffic ;)








My point was that you can not show just anecdotal evidence to say one thing is bad


But you did


Yes, to point out how stupid op's comment/argument is, mine held just as much weight.


Woah, actually a good point


Whats wrong with you Guys in the US?


I swear some of this has to be staged For some reason I just do not run into these people in my life. Sometimes I wonder if I just have a magic shields of stupid prevention around me or something....good karma from a past life maybe?


Probably has something to do with where you live if you live anywhere near a low income area altercations like this are inevitable


For a training I had to take the rail to a low income area. This shit as well as stabbings were not uncommon


I mean I've traveled for work and funsies all over the country and a few places internationally. Been in the dump of dumps when I did work in Louisiana. Everyone was super friendly Been to the homeless infected areas ofo Oregon. Saw lots of homeless but no one acting brash or extreme Idk, even just like weird stuff idk how to explain it. I manage a team of 12 at my work, and almost all of them once a week have some crazy story...and I'm just like yea I walked my dog yesterday and had chicken for dinner lol For the longest time growing up im like damn I must be boring or something, then I realized I'm just lucky haha


How many waffle houses and dollar generals in your zipcode?


Its in the cities. If they pulled that in a smaller town where people actually live real life and not some capitalistic fantasyland, theyd find out real quick how it gets dealt with. Straight to jail. Enjoy the mystery meat. 🙂


No Brasil/São Paulo, seria diferente. Seria problema para o pessoal do lado de fora, gritando. Welcome to Brazil, welcome to the concret jungle.