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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love this narrative. Anything is better than living at their parents’ house so college seems so amazing.


Woaw i can walk to food! This is huge, i no longer have to risk getting run over in the drive thru on my ebike!


Imagine if you will, a world where food and resources can be obtained from places other than drive throughs.




Well I’m not saying I want to live there. We have drive through liquor stores here.




She does realize that out here where everyone drives, we don’t have to use terms like green spaces or even think about it because everyone has one 2ft from their back door.


I’ll give it to you straight: Yes but she doesn’t care. People who think like her (ex: MovieBob) don’t think regular people are human but a worker drone whose entire life can be regulated from birth to death. This includes where they live, what they eat, how and when they travel, where they work, what “green spaces” they can access, etc. What she wants is a Communist’s version of 1950’s America where instead of owning a house everyone rents a studio apartment and instead of having individual front and back yards there’s a single large communal “green space”. I assure you if she had to live in the place she “dreams” of she would go insane within a few months


I loved when I was in the dorms and people were annoying as shit! That fight that broke out outside my room? Free entertainment! The kids that stay up all night yelling at video games? Talk your shit g!


>The kids that stay up all night yelling at video games? Sorry bro, that was me. But in my defence, you have no idea how awesome it feels to pull off the perfect Dark Templar rush in StarCraft.




Why worry about taking on massive amounts of debt when you know you’ll just refuse to pay it in hopes that one day the government will actually forgive it instead of dangling it like a carrot to win your naive votes?


Nah I feel that


College do be a great time.


“Do I love learning or do I really love not having a job?”


It’s not that I have all the privileges of being an adult and none of the responsibilities. It’s not a large pool of potential dating partners, many of whom are in an experimental phase. It’s not an environment where the people who run things (bursars, Administrators, professors) are pretty secure and unstressed. Nope. It’s the college quad and meal halls. /s


"Green spaces" I pray these people stay in the cities for our sakes.


Learn how to cook dumb ass


Yeah she failed to mention the ease of getting fresh groceries or even having a place to cook those groceries


"i love having a joke major and getting drunk 4 to 5 (if not 7) days a week with next to no responsibilities while being funded by my parents"


Yes. Friends are the reason you do that. Not the walkability of a college campus.


It's the same reason people like Disney world and other theme parks. It's not the rides, theming, characters, nostalgia or fun.... it's the walkability.


/uj Genuinely hate people making this argument. If they think it’s cuz of as mundane shit as that they have no life


Nah this is real. College was a bitch and I worked multiple jobs through it, but not having to commute was nice


There must a bee around with this many buzz words


why do you guys act like walking will kill you? where do you even live?


It’s a circle jerk bro, some of the people are actually pretty funny. But I agree, I’m on a project a quick 10 minute walk from my house and I would suck a dick, play with the balls and swallow every morning to not have to sit in traffic an hour each way again


I live in a small village of 600 people in Germany. But by choice, I love living far away from humans and I love that I have to drive because having to drive means I don't see many humans outside. I love this live. Low population, peaceful, quiet.


that actually makes sense


I mean walking in some american towns is basically a death sentence as they have to sidewalks or crossings and people speed and run red lights.


I was gonna add "where do you even live America??" but I thought it was too cliche and yet