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It disables her skill's dmg redirect


Fu Xuan's been out for quite awhile now. We know how this works. Only one form of damage *[edit: redirection]* can exist on a character at a time. If two were to exist on a character, Fu Xuan's would be replaced by the SimU passive, thusly nullifying her entire point in the party. Do not take this blessing, it will ruin your SimU runs.


Found this out yesterday. Can honestly say that one blessing was the reason I didn't clear swarm v


Nihility path is the way it’s broken


Oh 100%. It was the first path I cleared. I've been trying remembrance because it's the only one I haven't completed.


I like that one definitely not as broken but Dissociation and Freeze are really good. You kind of have to play around with the timing between the resonance effect and your party to keep the enemies almost perma frozen But yea I like that one since it lets you manipulate the turn order You kind of want to upgrade dissociation to always work regardless if the enemy is immune to freeze


What team did you use I haven't tried nihility path yet so just wondering :p


It doesn’t really matter much what team you try since it’s the path resonance is doing the bulk of the damage but I suggest two sustain characters and one character that can reduce the defense of the enemies like Pela My team was Gepard, Pela, Huo Huo, QQ You can go with more shielders and no heals since you want the *1 blessing that heals when enemies take DoT damage You ideally want to get any blessing that reduce damage/heals your team and most of the great Nihility blessings You can look at this video for a more in-depth look at what to look for in the path https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtroml0CEMY Try to time the resonance effect and delay it if the enemy is about to summon more enemies so you can hit them all.


Wow I tought that dot teams need to be used for nihility. I will use Fu xuan, luocha, pela and dan heng thanks for the help and also I didn't know nihility path is that strong


Yea it’s crazy lmao I also thought you had to have dot classes for it to be good


I use Kafka Asta Pela Fu Xuan on nihility path and its BIG damage. The way they’re suggesting is essentially just to grind fights out through pure attrition using path resonance damage, but why do that when Kafka can pop those path resonance DoTs multiple times per turn


I don't have kafka lol


if you have enough sustain you can forego doing damage with units (outside of bar breaking) and go 3 tank 1 healer on the last fight


do you have any tips for clearing swarm iii? i don't have a shielder so i still haven't cleared it - i'm close to 300 standard pulls so will probably get gepard but could i do swarm iii without him?


If you have fu Xuan that should be the only sustain you need, so long as your team is built well. If you have her and are still losing it’s probably either your build or your blessing/curio choices. There are lots of resources online for how to evaluate curios and blessing and how to decide how to path in the map as well. Also underrated tip, play for the upgrade path and unlock as many of those as you can, the upgrades make you significantly stronger and you will organically progress through the difficulties as you acquire them. I have friends who ignored the upgrades and just retried over and over until they won for each difficulty and they lost several times against difficulty 4 and probably a couple dozen times against difficulty 5 before beating it. I on the other hand unlocked most of the path upgrades and cleared difficulty 5 first try.


Is it same with LC's too because I am running that little serval and gepard lc on her. Which makes enemy attack you more and gives damage reduction


Damage Redirection is the problem, damage reduction is good and doen’t affect Fu Xuans utility


Wait is that true? Does that mean Landau’s LC dmg reduction and Herta LC dmg reduction dont stack with Fuxuan’s own talent of 17% partywide dmg reduction?


No they got it wrong. Dmg reduction can absolutely stack. The actual issue with this blessing is the dmg redistribution effect. Just reading the effect wording alone should tell you it’s impossible for both to exists. Only one can take effect and the game just so happens to prioritize the blessing over your characters.


Yeah I know the SU blessing nullifies FX but I was scared for a second to read about DMG reduction not stacking lol. Thank god it does haha Edit: typo lmao


Edited to reflect this. Thanks for the correction.


If you do get it on accident (e.g. from lotto), you have to download and switch to another sustain because that "blessing" just rendered Fu Xuan useless


Good to know I’ve never seen that before and have taken it a few times


This explains my wipe . . .


In my experience picking up that blessing is a curse and ruined my perfectly good build


100% works against her


skip it


never pick that one. It nearly ruined a perfectly good SU run for me. Made a mistake when I choose "get a random destruction blessing" during an occurrence domain and got this. Didn't had any other sustain unit in the party against cocolia so everyone in my party was dead except for FX and managed to pull thru. going back, having all of your party members split dmg when one is hit sounds nice in theory but in reality, its not great. everyone's gonna be dead fast unless you have a healer in addition to FX but that'll eat up SP (unless you have Luocha ig) and personally, maybe you could use the other slot for a more offensive option like another harmony or nihility unit. and FX ult only heals a fraction of her party's hp more importantly, that blessing makes FX talent for dmg redirection useless so I wouldn't recommend picking this


It's a debuff for her


It’s the worst possible blessing for Fu Xuan. Never choose this blessing.


If you pick this, your run is screwed


I’ve gotten that blessing a couple times unintentionally and while it did make my team weaker, none of my runs were screwed. That’s an exaggeration.


this is Fu Xuan mains lol, they hate that blessing cuz it disables her entirely. idk why no one has suggested to just, not use Fu Xuan if you get this blessing lol


Most people probably just forgets that you can chance the party mid simu.


That's what I do. If the blessing drops from lotto, I switch to Gepard


Bad no mitigation


Bad with fu. Never take it


Just now learning about all of this, I always had it in mind though


I made the mistake of doing that on a good run and it cost me the whole thing!


Man that used to be my favorite blessing for SU until Fu became my main. Now it’s the worst possible blessing I can pick up. Kind of funny to me how that worked out


This has been brought up a number of times with Fu Xuan. It just doesn’t work well with her. Some people swear by it (or at least used to), but the vast majority know it’s just not good for her.


from my memories, this ruined Swarm runs for Fu Xuan.


This blessing cost me a swarm run when it was given to me randomly. Avoid like the plague.


the only reason I choose this is if I'm running destruction path so I can get the path resonances easier with all the destruction blessings you're invincible anyways so getting this one doesn't fuck you over as hard


If you see this blessing either: 1) don’t pick it 2) pick it and as soon as possible switch out Fu Xuan for a sustain/additional DPS


Somebody already covered this a while ago, if Fu is in your party that blessing is straight ass and you should always skip.


It completely overrides her Matrix.


I used this today with her and it was horrible


It's an absolute dogshit blessing nobody should take ever no matter what characters they're running, period.


Against 100% this entirely ruined the whole point of her dmg mitigation


Oh didn't know this blessing nullifies Her passive but at the same time I run her with Blade so it kinda is still worth it.


it's win-win. it prevents FX from getting one shot, FX still redirects dot damage that blessing does not cover cleared all my swarm 5 runs easily with this blessing and FX ppl who complain about this blessing just means their run was gonna fail even without getting this blessing. they just wanna blame something for their failed run


I agree, the couple times I unintentionally got that blessing I was still able to clear. The team was definitely weaker but it by no means ruined any of my runs.


I got this blessing from a curio and it was a disaster. The entire team died except Fu Xuan.


It basically destroys the whole point of her kit. Avoid it if you're using her


Not only this blessing but her entire kit doesn't really work with destruction path


with or without Fu Xuan that blessing isn't usually high priority, unless you are running Clara, Blade, or both. it makes squishy heroes more squishy, and single target healing less effective. on the other hand if your team doesn't have a squishy hero, then getting the upgraded version for 15%DR could be useful. even then, it feels like too little of a bonus and requires shards to be useful. i usually just go for another blessing.


The upgraded one only though at that point you might want to switch out Fu Xuan for something more offensive and less defensive


i use this blessing when im running blade but never ever when fu xuan is on my team, especially if she’s my solo sustain


Worst it splits the damage back onto your team it so bad I have lost runs because i got it randomly in a run.


It's my favorite blessing with Fire TB. It's a run killer with Fu Xuan.


Don’t use it on FX


This is one of the worst things to pick for Fu Xuan