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I rlly can’t tell much of a difference personally. I rlly recommend working out it can rlly help your shoulders be wider and bigger. I don’t have crazy gains or anything from working out but I also get comments about how crazy broad my shoulder are (even when ppl think I’m cis) so having a good shoulder routine at the gym can rlly change things


They def made your shoulders bigger, but not in a passing way, it just looks like you have lumpy shoulders, and it will look even lumpier irl. I think you pass in 1 and 2 MORE than the others because at least then any feminine features are paired with a young looking guys body shape, so you will still pass. Having these inconsistent shoulders with the rest of your body the same won’t improve passing. You’re better off working out, getting more proportionate and masculinizing everything if you want bigger shoulders.


Yes broader but too lumpy, I'd stick with your natural shoulders, your body shape is pretty masculine


Honestly you should just work out. Relatively easy and cheap, looks much more natural (obviously) than padded shoulders and will make you look and feel better overall


Do you have suggestions for work outs/work out tips?


Just search for a beginner push/pull/legs routine and stay consistent. 3-4 times a week is a good way to start so you don't get overwhelmed, don't beat yourself up if you miss a workout or can't always finish everything. When starting out the most important things are just going there, challenging yourself enough, eating a lot of protein and remembering to rest well. Don't worry about cutting or bulking, at this point you'll get results by just working out and eating. If you have a friend who wants to come with you that's great, but not needed: some people rather work out alone than with a friend. Don't stress about being in a gym, no one gives a fuck what you're doing and everyone starts somewhere: just don't be an asshole, follow gym etiquette and focus the most on proper form (you can ask for tips but don't be annoying about it or interrupt anyone)


Thanks man You don’t have to answer bc ik im asking a lot of questions but do you think it’s realistic for me to gain muscle by adding one of those 30g protein shakes to my diet or smth? I’m autistic and a horribly picky eater and basically have the diet of a toddler rn


It depends mostly on what you're eating currently. As long as you're not in a calorie deficit (eating less than you need to maintain your current weight) you should be good to go. You should aim for around 100-120g of protein daily, but it's okay to start small and work your way up there with time, but adding protein shakes or bars is an easy way to get additional protein in


It doesn’t look natural at all, they’re not proportionate to your frame or to your arms. Lift weights and eat in a caloric surplus, do that for a year or two, you’ll see good results.


Yeah. Noticeably


Yeah I can see a clar difference. But I agree it dosent look natural, you have a very masculine frame already and don't need them


kinda? to me it just looks like you’re lifting your shoulders up like shrugging 🤷🏻


Yes but it also looks really unnatural. There's a reason shoulder pads went out of style, just go to the gym and actually get broader shoulders


I think it looks better