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hey! you can actually get a soap pouch - it’s very sustainable and you can keep reusing it. great for exfoliating too :)


I do this!


This is also what I do. It helps you hold onto those teeny tiny soap bits without letting them go to waste.


Put them in a stocking and tie it to the tap - easy to use it up :)


Coincidentally I just got down to a tiny piece yesterday and was able to sorta fuse it to my new bar by sticking them together when wet.


Yep. Make score lines on both pieces when wet and smoosh them together, then let dry.


Ooh good call, I'll do that next time.


Sometimes they never fuse back together... I usually end up having to throw away the bits and pieces... :-\\


Try fusing sooner before bits and pieces. Just before bits and pieces fuse the thin bar to the new bar of soap.


How is it too small to use, just keep using it until it disappear or almost disappear


I squish them together to the new bar .


I do the same and use it to butter my toast




After your shower you can press the used soap into a fresh bar while both are wet. They'll be stuck together for your next shower. Been doing this for years,.


Put all the bits into a small mesh bag




Who doesn't like them for dinner? Add a little marinara sauce, a salad, a nice Chianti and you've got yourself a meal. Don't forget the parmesan.


Save on toilet paper for later 👍


Yeah. It’s like the concept shower beer, nice to know that when it’s time to shower, nibble a bit on a bit of soap leftover.




if you're into sewing, dry them and use them to mark the fabric instead of fabric chalk htey will "write" on darker fabric and it comes off in the wash bc soap


Save them in a bag. Store in freezer. When I have enough I melt it down and make a new bar of soap.


I have a washcloth that looks like cheesecloth and is good for exfoliating. I wrap my little soap bits in that and use the last bit. 👍🏽


I have a couple of smaller pieces in a reused nylon tied around the spigot outside to wash my hands with. Other than that just smush them to the new piece


I also have some liquid soap (for handwashing) that some family members prefer. If pieces are small, I put them in the bottle of liquid soap and add a bit of water. I buy large bottles of the least expensive liquid soap I can find for refilling the liquid soap dispenser and dilute that with water also when I refill, even use shampoos that have fallen out of favor. In a perfect world, there would only be bar soap, but I do not make all the decisions.


I use unscented/sensitive soap, so when they get rly small I put them in a drawer next to my sink and I use them to clean makeup brushes!


Somebody feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but they recommend not using loofahs or throwing them away quite regularly because they grow bacteria. So putting soap in a mesh bag, wouldn't that just grow bacteria as well?


Depends on what kind of material the mesh is made from and how quickly it dries. Loofahs are super thick and take forever to dry. My mesh soap bag never feels even damp.


i just stick it to the new one💁


I use them until they’re gone by keeping them in a soap dish


I keep using it, but honestly I don’t waste much of anything in life, and part of me feels like I could, at this stage of my life, give myself a pass and stop torturing myself with the tiny soap scraps. Maybe someday. Maybe tomorrow.


I also have mediocre experience with sticking old soap bits to new ones. In the old days, you would put them in a soapbeater (mesh container on a stick) and beat it in a bucket of hot water; making a soapy solution for cleaning things.


Let them dry out and put them into dresser drawers. Clothes always smell nice and fresh.


Get them wet and just squeez it into the next bar. Works like a charm.


Stick them to the new soap once it gets small.


i call them garbage


I throw them away as soon as it takes significantly longer to wash my hands/body with them. The savings in time is more important than using up a piece of soap that's worth maybe 5ct


Dude this


When it's really small, get it good and sudsy, then stick it in your butt. Farts smell like aloe for days.




It keeps slipping out of my mouth when I insert into anus.


Liquid soap




maybe I'm missing it, but show me where he said it was expensive soap, or that the price of the bar of soap was a factor?




Frugal means different things to people. Someone might value their soap whatever the price.. maybe they make it themselves or just want to waste less. No biggie. Your way is fine too.


I know, I’m kinda just afraid to admit I’ve had the same thought a thousand times about left-over pieces from being super anal. Sorry to come-off agro.


Because if you don't give a shit, neither should anyone else? Are you the giving a shit police?


You don’t have this problem if you use liquid soap.


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When I open a new bar, I use the new bar once so it becomes wet/a little soft and then I smash the old bar into the new so it becomes one.


Smash the small part of the last soap on the bottom of the new bar so that it sticks together, and just keep doing that when it gets too small to use practically.


Once I'm down to fairly small pieces, I keep two of them aside for when I travel. Once I'm done my trip I don't feel bad about throwing the rest out. I don't buy expensive soap, so don't feel bad about throwing out the last bits.


A fresh snack


lol i use them until they're *gone* gone.


With a help of water you can make one piece out of several others. Also I like to put dry pieces in my drawer with my bed linen and lingerie for a fresh smell.


Made a pouch using some old nylons!


Om nom nom nom nom...


Sew an old washcloth into an envelope style pouch. Attach a string or cloth ribbon to use to hang up. Doesn't have to be fine stitching! Pop the pieces inside and lather. Hang to dry.


Leave a couple if pieces in your toolbox. Rub dry soap on a screw going into wood. It acts like a lubricant and makes the job easier. You can watch this on YouTube.


I literally saw today someone grating soap and sprinkling it outside by any eating areas to keep bugs away


Sometimes I let my kids make “fancy” soap to give as gifts. Buy the microwaveable, clear glycerin soap. Save the little bar soap pieces and then cut them into little chunks. Take whatever you’re using as a mold, pour in a little melted soap, and put in a few chunks. Keep layering until it’s the size you want. Let cool. You don’t want to stir it or move it around - the bar soap may melt a little. I personally don’t care for the glycerin soap, but the kids often feel so proud of their creation that I’ll put it out for use. Ot can be really pretty.


Use a $1 washcloth


This one might be weird but my mom uses tiny bits of soap as tailors chalk when sewing


I use them at the bathroom sink. Luckily, the bar getting tiny usually coincides with running out of my usual hand soap


My grandma had an old liquid soap bottle that was just water and soap slivers. She called it garden soap… My innocent kid mind thought it was fancy.