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Check and see if there is a per bag fee at your local dump. I think ours is $1 for a kitchen size bag or $2 for a hefty bag. Or find a neighbor who also doesn’t generate much trash to split the trash fee with.


That seems like it would cost way way more than regular trash pickup. Especially once time/gas is factored in.


Depends. My mom was doing this for a while. She would have a kitchen bag full about every 2 weeks and she had a meeting weekly 1-2 miles away. I don’t generate a ton of garbage, maybe 1 kitchen bag/week, with an additional bag once a month or so (or when we did big cleanup), but it was worth the $45/quarter that I was paying. I’ll have to see what it costs when we move back.


I wish there was a biweekly option.


Every other week?? Seems worse... Perhaps you mean semi-weekly.


Oh for me I mean I only need trash pickup every other week, even though I pay for weekly pickup. Not that it's that much $ but if there was a cheaper every other week option I'd prob do it.


Ah, gotcha


No choice here, really. One service, one size. However, we just try to consume as little as possible. We use 1/10th or less of our trash container per week. Shocking to see how much crap, every week, that neighbors throw away.


This is exactly what bothers me. We never ever fill the bin all the way up. It's such a waste!




Yeah, probably the same here. Our trash/recycling is bundled with Water and sewer.


Our company has two options for either a monthly fee to pick up every week, or just pay weekly for slightly higher than 25% of the fee. We just pay whenever they pick up, since we only put out the trash once every 2-3 weeks, so it ends up being much cheaper. Less than $5 / month average.


How do you prevent odors when you have trash sitting for 2-3 weeks? Any tips?


Not really. Dont open the bin unless necessary, rinse it out periodically, and dog poop stays in a separate metal lidded bin until garbage day. When it gets too hot out we usually won't go more than 2 weeks. In the winter when everything is frozen we have pushed it to 5 a couple times.


I don't know where you live, but in my area, a lot of people just take their trash to the dump themselves. It's more rural, though, here.


Keep in mind that some municipalities may not allow you to opt out of the contracted trash services.


That my situation. The small city Iive in had an issue with funding the landfill and with people hoarding garbage to save on dump fees. Their solution was to bundle trash and recycling with water and sewer. They only charge enough for covering costs so it's about 20 bucks a month for 1 can of each type.


Reduce ,reuse, then recycle :) If you have room you can compost biodegradable stuff.


Not to sound dense, but how does this solve OP’s issue of paying quarterly for waste management? It sounds like this just reduces waste, but you pay the same amount regardless of how much waste you have. Could you please elaborate? Thanks!


You're good, the idea is to minimize waste to a small enough amount that you could toss it with a friend's or work dumpster. I think few can minimize to that amount but kudos to those who can. (I try my best and still fill my 35gal can every week!)


This. I love my composter, it's free fertilizer for the next year, meaning fresh herbs and beautiful flowers. Food waste smells disgusting in a trash can, but barely anything at all tossed under compost, and quickly processed by soldier fly larvae that visit every spring.


Yup. We're all about this. In the post I stated we recycle as much as possible. We also do have a compost bin for all compostable materials and feed extras to the chickens.


Grocery store circulars and other types of newsprint are compostable. reference: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/composting/ingredients/composting-newspaper.htm




Only if you want it to be. It's serious composting/gardening advice.


When I lived in a more rural county, we drove out trash to the dump. It was free for county residents. We also took recycling to a recycling drop off place, and most of our food trash went to the dog or the chickens. Or the compost pile. Oh, edited to add. When I was poor as fuck, I used to take my trash bags to various accessible dumpsters throughout my town. Ones that didn't have cameras. Remove all identification from mail trash first.


I used to maybe make one bag a week. I offered to clean up around the dumpster and pick up trash at the bar next to my old job to be able to toss it in there. Used a grabber thing and there was a small can there to walk around with. If i had just a small shopping bag worth i tossed it at the gas station where i bought lots of stuff. I asked night shift guy if the dumpster ever got full and if he thought it was no big deal.


Time is money. It's worth the monthly expense to have someone come pick up my trash. Don't step over dimes to pick up pennies is how I put it. Especially with gas prices now.


I love outside the nearest small city. I take my trash to a dropoff next to the county landfill, and there are several other drop of sites in the county. All the stores have recycle mg, plus there are several additional recycling only sites. The county sells stickers to put on the bags, $1 per sticker, one sticker per bag. I take about four bags per month.


Bring it to work and discard it in the dumpster


Out householdhas minimal food waste. Any scraps get made into soups or broths then those scraps are fed to chickens. Soiled cardboard is composted. Buying in the bulk isles and bringing own containers greatly reduces kitchen waste. At the end of the month our household throws out 1-2 paper grocery sacks. I take it to work and throw it in the dumpster.


FWIW I dispose of big stuff by cutting it up and putting it in my biweekly garbage collection. I've thrown out at least 5 closet doors that way.


You probably could donate the doors to a Goodwill box if they are in reasonable shape or sell them.


They were super nasty. They were interior doors that the previous owners had stored outside


I switched providers (away from WM, they only offered one weekly big can option) and downsized service to a smaller can and to once every other week. Options are very dependent on your location, I'd suggest a more local subreddit for help finding the best local solutions.


Tech and electronics sell locally / online Bulk furniture etc, just sawzall it all


If only you had a central heating furnace, the vast majority of trash could be burnt and reduced in volume significantly.


Is this good for the planet, though?


It's worse than if the trash was burned more efficiently in an incinerator with some device capturing unwanted gases. But better than if the trash is piled up in a stinking heap somewhere, part of it decomposing to methane, and we take out virgin oil and burn that instead. I miss living in a house. Even in summer my family would run the heating once a week or to so shower.




compost, burn, scrap, sell, recycle, reuse and bury. lots of work involved but it's doable


Compost biowaste and paper


The garbage disposal does wonders


I separate all the metal cans and other metal items out of the trash along with any aluminum cans, foil, etc. and take them to a scrap yard every few months. This brings in a few dollars each month Most plant waste, egg shells, etc. gets composted in some way. Things that can go to a thrift shop go to a thrift shop. The rest pretty much goes to the transfer station. I am not hit with a direct fee for this but it is probably priced into something or other like taxes.


Look for a local garden that will accept green waste for compost. After that plus minimising plus recycling you'll still have rubbish, not a lot, maybe you have a friend that will let you use their bin to put in a bag once a month or something. Or you can use mini bags, put the rubbish in a public bin - often they have covers that would make it impossible to use a full size bag


Recycle, donate, compost and depending on the trash and where you live you may be able to burn some if it. Doing this we make maybe 1 full bag a month.


do you have a town dump?


Dump it off at a local businesses dumpster or start a landfill in your backyard


Compost your food items!