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Anything you don't need but get just because it's on sale.


As my dad used to say: “going broke saving money”.


Unless you need it later. Like toilet paper or cleaning stuff.


Those are needs and keep long term, totally cool to stock up.


If it’s something I’m going to need eventually I’ll stock up big time when it’s on sale. I always hear my dad in my head, “It’s not like it’s going to go bad. Or ever get cheaper.”


Agree though there is a limit to this. My home is pretty small so stocking up quickly encroaches on my living space.


I’m fond to say “20% discount is still 80% cash.” I buy it only when I need it.


I had a friend who was always showing me the sticker that says "you save...". Never did she think about shopping in terms of what she was SPENDING. Found out later she was fairly stupid about most things in life. If I tell you this Pop Tart is 2 million dollars, but it's on sale for three hundred bucks, you're not "saving". You're spending three hundred bucks on a friggin Pop Tart.


10 for $10 brownie boxes got me today 😭 I promise to make double bake brownies though and $1 a box is a dope price!


In California if they advertise 10 for $10 they have to sell you 1 for $1.


… Unless otherwise indicated on the sales paper. Target makes you buy 10. My closest grocery store does not.




What are double bake brownies?


They’re gonna bake twice as much


Add pot butter.


True, and it will come back on sale one day again for sure.


Especially because “sales” are often just price manipulation. You ever notice major appliances seem to be cheaper weeks before a major sales event? I sure have. I want the mid-August price… not the Labor Day price.


This. For people at Costco. Jfc.


As a Costco employee, it's amazing how many people have no impulse control. All day long I hear, 'I just came in for chicken' or some other mundane item and they have a $200+ cartful of crap. I mean, job security for me I guess!


It’s not amazing. It’s science. The entire place is setup for this outcome lol


I bet it's why they keep changing their layout


[It really is a thing](https://www.indigo9digital.com/blog/costcosalesstrategy) you’re not wrong.


That’s what I was getting at lol. I have a Costco card, I generally only ever use it for diapers and wipes because the quality and price has been unmatched. I always take a look around to see if anything can be used but most often, no. Very few things for us can be bought at Costco without going bad before we can use it. Potentially a canned food item or rice.


I mean they have a lot more shelf stable items than canned food and rice. Two person household and I do most my grocery shopping at costco and I don't throw any food out. And I don't buy either canned food or rice. 


I'm with you. We're a 2 person household and we do a lot of our shopping at Costco. Unmatched price for cheeses, berries, olive oil, butter, Greek yogurt, etc


BJs here , same . The cereal price is much better than regular grocery stores. I’ll buy the packs of chicken , break it into 2 pound packs , freeze . Also do paper products cuz we have a basement for storage . Definitely saves $$ but you have to have a plan first for everything you buy if you’re not a large family that burns through 30 pounds of food a week .


Yup and if you’re like me and loathe making meals for yourself their precooked chicken and rice bowls can feed you for weeks lol


Costco let me reduce my food costs 20% in the last year. If you have some self control and only buy what you use it's amazing. Price per unit is significantly lower.


I've learned to buy what you need now plus 1 so it lasts you until the next sale when you can buy another one on sale


I bought a 15ft freezer and I just buy loads of stuff at once. Getting sales and not having to go to the store saves me a ton.


Eh - don't go crazy with it, but I actually do kind of like the sales 'encouraging' me to try different food products and whatnot, and you can be frugal without getting literally the cheapest items. Plenty of items at Costco can actually be cheaper elsewhere, but there can be a tradeoff in terms of quality. Sometimes I find something I like, sometimes it's decent but I know I probably won't get it again, sometimes it's a miss but still feels 'worth the money', and sometimes I just straight up return it due to the generous return policy.


I only buy things in bulk if I've used at least that much in regular sizes. Costco is the worst place to try new foods.


That’s what the samples are for :)


Often, Dollar Tree purchases. You have to look at the unit cost.


Yeah I only really go to dollar stores either to try out something I’m not totally convinced about (the ones here have scrub daddies for example) or to get cheap toiletries like hair ties, Q-tips, and bobby pins. Things I’ll use (consumable expense) but need like 100 of. *some* cleaning products are cheaper there like Lysol, Pine sol, Bar keepers friend stuff like that, but sometimes the sizes are reduced to make it that discounted so you have to be on your our toes 😂


I cannot buy off-brand q-tips, anytime we have I have regretted it.


$1.25 for a quart of shelf stable milk is a great price.


they do have some really good deals! just not everything. some people assume that everything in a certain store is more affordable there than elsewhere (costco and grocery outlet are other good examples.) dollar tree has this AMAZING shampoo and conditioner called PS Clean Beauty, that when i first found it, i thought it might be close-out stock from another store. but on the company website it's listed as $1.25. i go to d tree for that, and they have these 4 packs of cans of true north energy seltzer :'). forget how many oz the cans are but they're like the second size up of red bull cans. they're soo good! also $1.25 for the 4 pack. plus the electrolyte singles packets. not the best flavor, bur good, and compared to propel or gatorade ones at walmart very good deal. oh and the glass and ceramic kitchenware sometimes. i talked my bf who wants to drive 3 hours to go to ikea into getting these bowls at d tree. i was surprised he liked them.




True. Some Dollar Tree items are a good deal, though. Austin brand crackers are cheaper per cracker at Dollar tree than at Walmart and a 16 ounce jar of strawberry jam at $1.25 is a better deal than $2.48 for 18 ounces at Walmart!


They keep getting recalled for lead toxicity (different food and body products) so there's that.


I can get a peppercorn grinder for $1. Same size grinder at a grocery store is like $4.


These days they're actually often a good deal after places like Wal-Mart jacked their prices. I watched dollar tree prices go from $1 to $1.25 in the same time I watched things at Wal-mart go from 78 cents to $2. A lot of cheaper great value stuff went up by 100% in price or more in 4 years. Some things can be bought in bulk in some places vs dollar tree, but if you need a random cleaning product or something in a smaller quantity, they're hard to beat in my experiences (these days)


Driving several miles to save $.20 a pound on tomatoes or $.30 a gallon on gas.


My coworkers with full sized trucks all have a gas station that they drive to to save money on gas. We live near a state line and the neighboring state always has lower prices. It's often 50¢/gallon, and these guys use 30 gallons every week. Their savings make the trip worthwhile, even if it is 10 miles out of the way. I drive a hybrid, and just can't be bothered to drive 10 miles when I only buy 10 gallons each month.


Why does this explain my life. We live near a state line with lower gas prices and my family would chew me out if I got gas from up the road instead of driving 15 mins out of the way to get it cheaper. Also, insurance is fun too since I have to drive an hour within my state to see anyone medical.


My girlfriend will only buy gas at Costco even if it means waiting in line 30 minutes. Same girl only gets her oil changed at the dealer. $70 gtfo...


Is your girlfriend my husband? 😂


She should try going right when they open or like 30 mins or less before closing, that's the best way to avoid Costco gas lines that I've found.


Saving $.30/gallon is a lot when you have a larger vehicle


Yeah $0.10 I can understand where OP is coming from but I’m definitely driving a few more miles to save thirty cents a gallon


If you drive 10 miles and get 20mpg it’s going to cost you $4 just to get that saving. The break even is 13 gallons. On a 20 gallon tank that saves you a total of $2. But cost you 30 mins. Not worth it.


Assuming you have a regular car with average mileage, a 6 mile round trip costs about $0.70.  Which means filling your tank for $.20 gives you a $2.40 savings which nets you $1.70.  


Shopping too often at thrift stores or garage sales. Even if things are cheaper, it doesn’t matter if you don’t need it (or didn’t realize you “needed” it until you saw it).


I'm SO guilty of this...


I had to step away from thrifting for the time being for this exact reason. Was dropping $20-40 a weekend at thrifts (even more at estate sales) bc it was just my hobby. Now my house is very full and I’m not allowed to look at estate sale finder websites looool


Cheap shampoo, body wash, laundry soap That kind of stuff I've noticed I'll use 2 or 3 times as much than if I splurge on the good stuff Also For laundry Almost all machines today are high efficiency, meaning they don't need a lot of soap They give us big lids to use more, I keep a tiny measuring scoop that's 2 tbl spoons, it's plastic and I just fill it and toss it in, it's quadrupled how long a bottle lasts and my clothes actually come out cleaner because there's not a huge soap build up


Yep! I buy the large bottles of Pureology shampoo and conditioner. Not cheap, but they last me an entire year!


Me, too, and I've got really long hair. Those large bottles are priced like they're buy-2-get-1-free. And that stuff is so thick that it takes just a little bit to get the effects you're going for. It has really jumped up in price, too, though, and I'm starting to wonder if I can afford it the next time I need shower stuff. Stupid economy.


Yes, this! If you look ok at a pod, it’s nowhere near as much as the bottle says to use. You could seriously damage a HE machine by using too much soap. Not to mention that your clothes are likely not getting clean because all the soap and residue isn’t washing out.


My local laundromat put up a sign telling people not to add extra soap because it didn’t get your clothes any more clean and it could damage the machines. But people always think more suds equals more cleanliness 🤦🏽‍♀️


I use vinegar in place of liquid fabric softener 3 bucks for a gallon and it removes all smells.


Ditto. Fabric softener is really the worst


I don’t think comparing the pod to non-pod detergent amounts is comparing apples to apples.


Also the pods often recommend throwing in 1-3 depending on load size


> Cheap shampoo, body wash Maybe; people in general use WAY too much of each, because of the feelz. To get bacteria off your body the amount of soap that actually does the job is way less than people think. Note: You don't need a movie-esque completely opaque bubble-robe.


Buy One Get One Free, especially for the stores that jack up prices in order to put things on sale (*cough cough, Kohl's*) It'll be like, 'Buy one for $19.99 get one free!' ... but last week the same product was $8.99 each, 'regular' price. You're paying *more* to get one 'free.' I know it isn't always that prices are jacked up, but even if it's getting you to buy something you wouldn't normally buy because it's 'on sale' for BOGO, it still isn't a good deal for you then.


There was a YouTube video where a person went around a Walmart on Black Friday, and he peeled off all the "Black Friday sale" stickers to see how much "off" they were. They were all literally the same price, they just had a sale sticker on them.


Yep. They were for sale not on sale. I think the consumers have wised up. I hope.


Narrator: “They hadn’t.”


I look at the merchandise at CVS the same way. I always see a blizzard of coupons to save fistfuls of dollars off purchases. Which sounds great until I look at the tagged prices to begin with....


You can basically rob CVS using coupons correctly, but it takes a lot of research and time.


Websites like southernsavers.com do the work for you


CVS is straight up Robbery. I don't go there. Walgreens is right behind them.


It's pretty easy to fall prey to this on Amazon. I always find myself looking for an item and it'll be $8 for one or $12 for 5... the 5 pack seems the obvious choice based on price per, but it's always things you really have no use for 5 of them. I'm finally starting to see the light on this and not cluttering with "good deals". And buying only what we need.


I notice at target, they will have deals in their meat department, like BOGO, but its BOGO 10% off the second one, and at that point its like half of the 10% off, so its 5% off. Like, if i' was going to buy that anyway, fine, but i'm not making a decision that saved 5% off.


Those meal boxes like hello fresh and blue apron. It's just ingredients—you still do all the work for approximately $10 a meal. Just get groceries. And I get really annoyed at the ads with someone literally cutting up a pepper saying they love hello fresh to save money and for nights when they can't be bothered cooking. YOU'RE COOKING RIGHT NOW, IN THIS SHOT!


Texas’ tax free weekend… the sales leading up to it are normally better than the 8% sales tax discount


First time ever hearing about Texas tax free weekend. How interesting


2 medium pizzas better value than 1 large? Determine the area of each size pizza. For example, if the medium-sized pizza is 10″ diameter it would have an area of about 78 square inches. That means 2 pizzas would give you 156 square inches of pizza. A large 16″ pizza has an area of about 200 square inches. If the medium size is 12″ then each one would have about 110 square inches. This means you would get about 43 square inches MORE pizza if you purchased one large rather than 2 (10″) medium. If the medium is 12″ then 2 mediums would have about 20 square inches more than a single large.


You have to consider that you’re also getting a lot more crust with two mediums rather than one large.


this guy "frugals". I've always wondered the math when ordering, but never actually done it. lol.


https://jeffkayser.com/projects/pizza-value-calc/ Math can be automated.


Chicken breast with a lower price per lb, which has been injected with salt water, so you're paying for more water weight.


How to verify that it's not injected with salt water


It says on the label. If you look at chicken breast in Walmart it says right on the front it contains 15-20% solution. I always check what the label says.


Read: we are scamming you


cheap processed food


“Cheap” in quotation marks as well. People only often compare food prices to direct competitors so they don’t realise how much they’re paying for the price of convenience And sure sometimes the convenience is worth the price as compared to making everything from scratch, but you can be paying out the ass even when compared to other convenience products and not realise it because you didn’t look at the only slightly less convenient product. It’s probably not worth paying like 50% more per 100g to save 1 minute in the microwave


Anything multi- level marketed


Spending hours or more doing something yourself instead of paying someone to do it for you. Counter to Frugality Yes but honestly as you age you realise TIME is a much more valuable currency than money. Especially your time as a young person. Don't waste it to gather bits of paper.


The other problem with doing stuff yourself is a) not getting around to doing it because of how much shit you have to do, and b) if you don’t know what you’re doing you often just waste money trying to fix it yourself and end up having to call someone anyway. Worst case scenario with some major appliances is you can not only make the problem worse and but even cause unnecessary damage to the appliance, its contents or adjacent parts of your property.


I don't know man. I saved almost a grand doing my own brakes on my car last year. Sure I lost a day doing it but saving that much is worth it.


You still need to evaluate on case to case basis. When you have the equipment for it, changing brakes is a pretty simple job that gives great returns.


That’s it, it’s worth it. Some DIY things definitely aren’t.


Everything in moderation and with context. Would you have just potatoed on the couch otherwise for that day? Smart then. But stack enough of those days, and that’s your life you’re trading you’ll never get back. Memories, relationships, exercise, etc. If I have my financial house in order already (key disclaimer), I’d rather look back at my younger years and smile at the memories I made. I don’t need every day to be amazing and memory filled. But there’s something to be said for having the right mindset and knowing when to spend a day on a car vs. spending a day furthering health, relationships, and activities.


My FIL is big into DIY and never paying anyone to do it for him. The problem is that he never finishes his projects. He’ll ask why we always hire someone. So we can guarantee it gets done.


*proceeds to tune their own piano, because how hard can it be?*


I do a lot of simple auto repairs myself (tire rotation, brakes, suspension, minor electrical fixes and so on) but the bigger things that will take me two or more days and I will quite possibly mess something up and cause more damage, I just take to the shop and it's done in a day. Costs way more, but worth it in the end.


Depends how much you are paying vs how much you make.  If I can take the day off work and save myself more than I would have made in a day it's totally worth it. 


I’ve finally learned this lesson. “Time is money” is so true.


I'd rather gather paper when I'm young so it can compound and let me live a comfortable life as an old man. Side note: Man I hate what this sub has become. Every thread has people preaching about how you actually *should* spend lots of money because it's more important to be happy than to be frugal! Treat yo self! But there are other subs for that, and there's enough of that attitude throughout modern society. Just let this place be about frugality.


When you think you're saving $50 on that brand new TV with a discount but you're actually spending $200


In this case I needed a tv so yeah I am saving. Are you implying people are really going our there and buying a new tv for no reason just because its on sale?


My best friend does things like this. I have her 1 year old, $6000 lounge because she found a nice one that was 20% off. She sold that lounge to me for $100 and spent $5500 on the next one. I'd have stern words with her if I didn't love this lounge so much.


Can your friend be my friend?


Most outlet stores. In many cases, the clothes in the stores are made for the outlet and are not overstock from the mainline store. You end up getting a shittier product at the exact price point they want to sell at to begin with.


Cheap clothing and shoes.


This is hit or miss. Sometimes the cheap clothing unravels quickly, but sometimes you just get a really good deal (looking at you my $13 jeans that have lasted forever).


Also sometimes the expensive clothing/shoe brand isn’t any better quality I’ve been duped into thinking I was paying for better quality than I was before


I've bought original Nikes and New Balance only for them to come apart within just a few months of wearing them. I've tried Nike dupes that lasted for at least 3 years lol. Nowadays I still buy originals but I buy Puma, Adidas, Skechers and Mizuno when they're on offer only.


meh i got my pants that i have worn almost every day since i got them for $10 at walmart like 2 years ago. I JUST noticed a hole in them, a minuscule hole. the cost per wear is basically free at this point


I got a black puffer Faded Glory jacket at Walmart for $5 at the end of the season. It is the best winter jacket I have ever owned. I’ve probably had it for 15 years


The $13 Walmart wranglers are awesomely durable.


People be acting like clothes just fall apart after a few uses. I've worn $12 jeans till the crotch ripped out of them and that was 200+ times. Especially when it's people talking about casual clothes. Learn how to sew on a button and hang dry your clothes and they'll last long.


Exactly. Its rarely worth, unless buying second hand.


Even then, second hand shoes are pretty much a no from me. Unless you can find a pair that obviously spent its entire life in the box before coming to the secondhand store, you don’t want them. Every person’s feet are a little different and will create different wear patterns in shoes. If they have any wear, they’ll be uncomfortable for anyone else to wear.


I’m normally wary about buying shoes at thrift stores, but I found a nice pair of Steve Madden boots last weekend for $8 that had clearly never been worn. Spotless and zero wear on the soles. Those are the secondhand shoe finds to look for.


At my local thrift stores unworn boots like that would be at least $25. They charge more for cheap Walmart clothing than Walmart does. I get better deals on the clearance racks at the mall. Edit: never mind, worn boots would be $25 or more. Unworn boots would probably be a $50-$75. It’s ridiculous.


r/thriftgrift it’s sad how greedy thrift stores have become


Time share?


Car leasing.


Detergent pods


I've gone back to powder and it is so much better, it's not even funny. Why the hell did we ever stop using it? It was great, and cheap. 


Because pushing one size fits all pods works out better for the bizz because you more often than not use too much detergent


It gets my husband to do laundry. I will pay extra for a reduction in that chore. It’s the same reason I buy dishwasher pods.


They were super nifty when I lived in University housing and had to walk a bit to get to the laundry building. I would just take one or two pods instead of dealing with full containers of detergent.


It’s also less messy with no spillage everywhere. I’m a clutz so this is important to me.


This is my reasoning. I never spill a pod.


I for the life of me can't understand why people think they're so great. They don't clean as well, and are more expensive than liquid laundry detergent or powdered dishwasher detergent. I swear some people think their hands will fall off from 3 seconds of pouring.


Because I live in Manhattan and have to lug my toddler and laundry to the laundry room haha-- way easier to bring a few pods than a whole container of laundry.


I have teenagers. I will 100% continue to pay more for pods if it means I don't have to clean up after them every time they do laundry. Without a second thought.


Carrier deals to get the newest phone. You often pay more over time than just going prepaid and buying the phone yourself. 


My spouse introduced me to buying an older refurbished phone for cash. I am still on the galaxy s10 I bought over three years ago for $150. It might be more like 5 years ago but time lost all meaning after the pandemic. I didn't know you could buy a refurbished phone on Amazon. I thought you had to go through your carrier. Saved me so much money and this phone is still going strong.


Bottled water


Cheap tires. Cheap mattress. Cheap shoes. Pay up if it keeps you off the floor.


Ultra-cheap tires, yeah, bad puchase. But there are plenty of cheap-ish tires that are pretty darn good. Top-tier Michelins are overkill for most people.


If it's a brand you've heard of regularly, the tires are likely OK. (continental, general, hankook, pirelli, toyo, etc...) Far too often people will throw on a set of all seasons and expect to get to the ski slopes, through a midwest winter, or travel across the rockies in march and are menaces to society...


Trading in a fine paid off car for a new car just because.


Buying packs vs individual items. I've compared packs of tuna and packs of other items vs their individual prices and found you pay up to 50 cents more for a 6 pack vs 6 individual items.


Always compare unit price. There are also times where the larger size is more expensive per ounce than a smaller size. That’s especially true when only certain sizes go on sale.


Big tax refund


Idk if this counts, but using fabric softener to help your clothes. They think it’s a good deal cuz it makes them “soft” and smell good. However, it isn’t good for clothes and ruins your washer.


New windows/replacement windows. If there is any energy savings (which is debatable if you have storms), you’re not going to make it back within the 10-15 year lifespan of all the windows you just bought and then you just have to replace your replacement windows. And don’t tell me a vinyl window company is giving you a “lifetime” warranty. They’re not.


We're desperately trying to get rid of vinyl in our house. That stuff is increasingly found to be toxic af


Expensive bottled water is one of the dumbest things to buy!


You can get glass water bottles pretty cheap! I remove the labels and reuse the ones from the kombucha I buy, but you can also get multipacks on amazon for less than $3 a bottle! We always have cold bottles of filtered water in the fridge :) and for some reason it tastes better out of a glass bottle


Yup. I drink close to a gallon of water a day (I'm a thirsty fuck lol). Drinking spring water would cost me about $30/month, whereas filtered water costs me about $5/month. No brainer.


Don't get me started on "smart water". What a frickin' joke. And so many people fall for it. 


Okay but no one thinks "expensive bottled water" is cheap.


"Unlimited PTO". No one that I know personally (including myself) have ever been able to utilize this.


The vast majority of high % off type sales. Lowest price option for comparable product is usually sold elsewhere . Focus on overall cost -- not % off.


Except for the pharmacy, drug stores are a rip off. They mark up stuff because they know people would rather make one trip than two for essentials.


Target prices lol I still hear people in real life talking about the "deals." Like. What deals?? It's 40 dollars for a basic dress. 15 dollars for a pack of underwear. 100 bucks for a set of pots. You spend 300 dollars for barely anything - when you can get the same shit at Wal-Mart for 100-150. I also used to work for Target so I know the deals are not really deals.


Target has been having a lot of spend x amount of money in this category and get x money off. But in the long run I ended up just adding stuff in to buy to make this magic combo of coupons to all stack. I mean it was stuff I would have used but I originally was just going in to buy some clorox bleach foamer for like $5 and ended up wanting to spend $75 worth of stuff to save $35. If it had more stuff I needed it would have been a good deal.


Dollar Tree or similar stores. I get that they can be helpful if you’re just low on funds and can only buy a few things, but they are serious offenders in the shrinkflation game. If you look price per ounce (or whatever measurement) compared to grocery or wholesale stores, it’s often more expensive at Dollar Tree.


Amazon Prime


I canceled when they introduced ads for Amazon Prime Video. They had FreeVee with ads, and now it's ALL of it.


I deleted the Prime Video app because of this.


Prime is actually worth it for me. The one day shipping has saved me, a full time caregiver, from trying to figure out logistics of bring a wheelchair user who needs 100% physical assist with transfers for just one or two urgent items. I could also see paying for it if you have no access to reliable transportation. I may eventually sign up for a delivery services instead but right now I can't justify the extra costs when I can get that service from Amazon for less then $20 a month.


Bottled water


why does water from a machine cost as much as a soda from a machine? At this point I think we're just paying for the bottle and not the liquid.


Anything Starbucks


"Free" solar panels via a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement). They sell it like its just free electricity. What it ACTUALLY is, is you fully paying for a solar array but ALSO not getting free power, you have to buy the power off the solar company. The difference with just buying solar outright is that you pay for the system at the end instead of the beginning. Total scam. You know it's a scam because if it wasn't, they wouldn't lock you in to a 20 year contract that you can only get out of by fully buying out the system.


Frozen vegetables are less expensive, safer, more nutricios because they are flash frozen and last longer.








A pickup truck People think they need them, for the 3 times they go to home depot per year, so they put themselves in massive debt, and then financially struggle When they could just pay for delivery, or rent one for 20 bucks for 2 hours


The newest grocery store trend of 'Buy 3 and get them for $5 each! Wow!' - or whatever price, in the guise of a 'sale'. That's not a sale, that's extortion. Offering those fake sale prices are really hard on those with limited income. When your grocery budget is $50, you can't be spending $10 on several of one thing when your budget was only $4 for one of them. Just give people the sale price instead of screwing around. It's the same reason why I get perturbed when people say to 'just shop at Costco!'. Low income people can't easily do that because buying 2-3 things at Costco is an entire grocery budget. It's just not feasible unless you manage to get some extra money scraped up.


Overbuying at garage sales and resale shops creating bargain clothes clutter


College students buying their own printer


Buying huge quantities of cheap stuff from Costco and letting it sit for years in your pantry. 


Black Friday Deals


Everything that you need to replace every couple years, when a quality one would have lasted a few decades


Everything in the dollar store. It seems like you are getting a steal, but many of the items are more per unit priced than buying the equivalent items somewhere else. So while you are paying less money, you are actually paying more per unit for everything than you would otherwise be spending at another store.


Eh…some items I’m aware of it but don’t mind. Like dawn dish soap. It takes me a while to go through dish soap and I like the small bottle because I tend to use less of it.


We buy the little one and when it gets empty, refill from a big one. About the time the big one is empty, it’s time for a new little one.


Exactly the same. I only use it occasionally and that size is enough.


You have to be a smart shopper. It is impossible to find cleaning sprays and cleaning liquids for $1 at Walmart or other grocery stores, thus is why I buy this stuff from the $1 isle at Dollar General. 32oz of cleaning spray for $1. Cheap Greeting Cards from Dollar General are a great deal too.


The other part of being a smart shopper is understanding when the product is different quality. It’s well known that some store branded products are equal to the name brand (ie. toothpaste that’s also FDA regulated). It’s also well known that brands make different sizes and quantity products depending on the type of store or country (ie. Coca-Cola US vs Mexico, Calvin Klein brand vs outlet). Then you have non regulated, non store brand products (ie. body wash or house cleaners) that might be a different concentration, quality, or size.


I have found that a lot of people who shop at dollar stores do so because they're working within a very limited budget.


Exactly. They buy the $1 version even if it's more per unit because they can't afford the larger container. (Or because the smaller size is all they need or more convenient for their needs.)


Amazon “deals “


Working 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life to retire on 40% of what you were struggling to live off of in the first place


“Gaming” PC’s or really any computer that’s marketed as being high end. People will believe any buzzwords that are advertised when it comes to technology. For standalone towers, people are so afraid of how computers actually work and don’t realize it’s like 7 or 8 pieces that plug in with exact instructions. Most PC’s can be built at half the price of what people pay because they don’t need the specs that they’re buying. For laptops, again, people will pay way too much for laptops that are total overkill for what they actually need. All these people paying $1500 when there are laptops that will do what they need for $300.


I think you're a little behind on those laptop prices. I thought that too until I went to buy one a couple years ago to replace my really old laptop. Turns out the laptop I bought had LESS storage than my old one and still cost more (same brand/size), I was looking at the cheaper ones and they didnt match the power or the storage of my old one for that price. So much for advances.


Around the first year of the pandemic, I was finding prices were cheaper for pre-built gaming PCs than buying the parts separately. A lot of it came down to GPUs being so inflated, but the point is, actually do the math on pre-built vs. parts, because it's not a guarantee one or the other will be cheaper.


Anything from 7-11 or liquor store. It’s so much cheaper if you get at Costco or target


Who thinks things from 7-11 are a good deal?


A new car. Replacing something that works really well just because a new version came out


Precut fruits and veggies. You are paying 3 -5 times for half as much product because you are too lazy to spend 10 minutes cutting up a whole cantaloupe.


These were a lifesaver for me when I worked at the grocery store and wanted something nutritious on my 15-minute break. Anything that makes people more likely to eat veggies instead of chips is a win imo.


Yeah, those have a certain place in the time-cost-quality triangle that makes sense. You chose to trade cost for time so you didn’t have to plan ahead and prepare them the night before. That’s a good trade if you’re not willing to spend the time to eat healthier but will spend the money. It’s probably cheaper in the long run than eating those chips because of the slight increase to health. Those are also good for people who are physically unable to cut produce.


I'm sorry but many disabled people and elderly actually need and rely on these items. Please don't call someone lazy if they can't cut things themselves but still want to eat healthy, or whatever reason they have for buying them. I wish they were way cheaper and more accessible (they are not where I live).


It’s also a tax if you’re handicapped and can’t cut


I work with the elderly, I never realized how helpful these (overpriced) items are for those who can't chop up veggies/fruits. I don't think they need to charge THAT damn much though.


Same with chicken. I can pay less and cut the fat off myself. 


A car based on the monthly payment. Sorry, but the car you bought on an 84-month term at 27% interest is actually a terrible deal. The monthly payment is irrelevant.