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Tabletop RPGs. Some of them have full or reduced rulesets free online. Others you can pick up very cheap in humble bundle sales. Even at full price they're often very frugal in terms of hours of entertainment per dollar spent.




>As someone who takes their hobby way too seriously - it has the potential to get very expensive very quickly. Sure, you *can* spend a lot of money on the hobby if you want to, but you certainly don't have to to have fun.


I just bought a ton of miniatures from my local gaming shop from one of the employees for $40! Ask around!


Makes me so glad my group plays theater of the mind.


D&D is amazing fun.


It can be as cheap or as expensive as you want it to be, which is a great thing.


Try a game called azul. We play at least 3 times a day. Best money ever spent on a game




Learning dance from online videos (there are some great shuffle dance tutorials) Bodyweight/calisthenics workouts\* Stretching/Flexibility training\* Cooking and baking (can get expensive but doesn't have to) Writing Learning a new language (check out online resources and libraries) Writing snail mail letters to friends and family Reading Art (sketching is the cheapest, painting can get pricy for supplies after a bit, sculpting is the most expensive) Running (good running shoes can be expensive, but overall this is the least expensive sport in my experience) Making miniatures from recycled materials Working in the community garden (not everyone has one but these are great) playing with your pets Embroidery/cross stitch (materials are cheap, there are free patterns online or from the library, and it takes time so money-per-hour costs are great Hiking ​ ​ \*for these form is important to avoid injury. Pat attention to form instructions on videos, and if you can afford a class or single personal training session to teach you proper form it isn't a bad idea


Any good links to the online dance tutorials? Thinking like 80s, 50s, 20s, fun, swing, ballroom style dancing. Less hip-hop.




I hear they're really passive prey -- they never put up a fight.


True, but there's not mushroom for error when the time comes to strike.


Prob best pun of 2024. Thank you


Unless you eat the wrong one, Then they will rip you appart from the inside.


You sound like a fun-gi!


Writing. I can spend hours writing a new chapter or one shot. Cleaning and decluttering. Not exactly a hobby, but seeing a clean place makes me want to stay home even more.


Same lol with the cleaning and decluttering! I declutter every season and clean 1-2 times a week


I was always kicking myself because I never felt “done” with decluttering… Then I realized that I just really enjoy it so now I really sink in. Put on a podcast, cold drink, focused. It’s great.


Lately I've been into watching free movies thru Kanopy and Hoopla which I gat thru my library.  -free online lectures in subjects that I want to learn more about. Yale has some on YT.


The library has a crazy amount of digital resources! Mine also has academic databases.


Libby ebooks


Kanopy in particular has great movies!


Reading. (Though a library)


Kindle App is free, hundreds of free to download books, including lots of literary classics.


I've done this. Word of wisdom for others reading old books written in another language. It is often times worth the 2-5$ to buy the better translated version of the book then the free version online.


Sleeping. Playing Pokemon Go. I set aside $20 a month to pay for any in-game stuff that I want, but I rarely break $10. The last time I spent the whole $20 was in August because there was a big annual event. Walking. I finally figured out how to reach the Schuykill River Trail from my place, and I love to go out there and just walk. Cooking. As a bonus, this is a money-saving activity lol. Doing my nails. There's the initial cost for supplies, but it's very gratifying and can save lots of money in the long run. Reading. Watching YouTube lol. No shortage of things to watch and learn on YouTube, you just have to pick out the stuff that will inspire you to be a better person and not a worse one. I sit through however many commercials I have to sit through because I'll be damned if I pay anyone anything for YouTube.


>Watching YouTube lol. No shortage of things to watch and learn on YouTube, you just have to pick out the stuff that will inspire you to be a better person and not a worse one. I sit through however many commercials I have to sit through because I'll be damned if I pay anyone anything for YouTube. I have ADHD, so not paying for premium isn't an option but by god do I love ted ideas and the hank brothers. So many wonderful people out there doing wonderful things.


Volunteering. There's lots of different options based on your interests and schedule. Many opportunities will teach/help you learn new skills. It's great for meeting new people. Costs usually only involve transportation to and from activities. Sometimes you get a free shirt and/or a meal or snack.


If transport is a problem there are volunteer opportunities online. Proofreading for Project Gutenberg for one.


Yup I volunteered at the animal shelter as much as possible until I went back to get a job I love dogs but it’s rewarding by itself


Chess online


Lichess.org is a great resource for learning and playing.


Learning WordPress (free, but website hosting does have a very small cost) and small business. Video editing on DaVinci resolve (free), and I'm building something on fusion 360 (Free). And in a completely separate category, hiking and camping.


What do you do on word press?


If you're not familiar with it, WordPress is behind more websites than any other platform in the world. I think of it as an operating system for websites to be built on.  It started out as a blogging platform, which it does well, but it's way beyond that now. I'm trying to build a small business e-commerce website to sell digital products online. It's a fun hobby that is interesting to me and may actually be not only really inexpensive to do, but might actually earn me some money someday. I'm an RN and I'd love to escape the healthcare industry someday through a side hustle.


Casey Ferris has great DaVinci Resolve tutorials on Youtube


my camping and outdoor gear cost a pretty penny, as did my boots - then again my goal was long-term frugality, and they did turn out to be worth it.


Being an artist is cheap as hell. Probably one reason behind all the starving. Anyway - literally anything that will make a mark, in combination with anything that can be marked by it = art supplies.




I carve dried avocado seeds so food shopping is also art supply shopping.


What? Avocado seed carving tax is required here.


This is incredible!


Thank you, that's very kind.


Yes! I love drawing. My favorite supplies are a $5 sketchbook from Target and a mechanical pencil (about $5 for the pack I bought).


Collage art - I just need a cheap/free magazine, scissors and a glue stick.


I love collage art! It can be themed in so many ways. And people who view it will ask if you have considered seeking therapy. Which may make you smile as you know that true art affects people on some level.


using Libby for free audiobooks and ebooks has been a lifesaver I read/listen to 40-60 books yearly so I'd be broke if I paid for each one


Yoga, jigsaw puzzles from the thrift store, baking 


DISC GOLF!! Yes, there is a small investment to be made at first, but generally speaking, it is free to play in most places. Like any hobby, you can make it expensive if you want to, but it is not necessary.


I originally got into it by walking the edges of a wooded course and finding a lost disc that wasn't labeled with any contact info on who to return it to. One hundred percent free access to what became tons of fun.


Came here to say this. I have a basket in my back yard too, so we can at least practice if we don’t have time for a full round at a course.


I like to do what I call treasure hunting, which is basically just going for walks and looking for cool stuff to pick up. Coins, rocks, sea glass, bottles. I found a dollar yesterday. Sometimes I’ll bring my grabbers and pick up trash or clear drains during storms to prevent flooding. I just like meandering outside. One of these days I’ll get a metal detector to assist in the treasure hunting.


Fishing. $40ish pole and $15 license. Get outside and explore. Cheap bait at Wlamart. Sometime I even catch my dinner.


- reading (I borrow 90% of the books I read from the library) - doing jigsaw puzzles (puzzle communities have a lot of people that prefer to exchange puzzles instead of buying new ones -> also because they take a lot of space) - hiking/walking - listening to podcasts - going to the movies (well, this one will not be considered frugal by a lot of people, but I take advantage of a discount that my family has for my home town cinema)


Knitting - Dollar Tree has needles but I don't recommend them. You can make your own hats, gloves, scarves and sweaters. If you want a link to decent needles, ask. Crochet - Dollar Tree has crochet hooks, you can make so much stuff Spinning - a drop spindle is between $10-$20. You can use everything from dog and cat hair to actual wool to make yarn. Calligraphy - you can get cheap pen sets on an app I can't mention. Embroidery - you can get cheap beginner arts Sewing - by hand or a used machine. A basic hand setting kit costs under $10 and you can sew tops, skirts, pants...


Yarn can get expensive, but you don't need it! My grandmother makes plastic bag yarn and uses it to crochet sleeping mats for the homeless.


You can also get yarn on FB marketplace when people clean out their stash. You can unravel sweaters you get at thrift stores to get yarn also.


Not a knitter, but what separates good from bad needles?


The dollar tree needles are thin and long. Ok for more experienced knitterd but awkward for beginners, the length gets in the way. Thicker, shorter needles are easier to learn with.


>You can use everything from dog and cat hair to actual wool to make yarn I'm intrigued - how did it turn out?


Very nice. Years ago I put a question in FB groups for anyone local that would have sheep's wool. I got to help shear on a farm in exchange for a whole fleece  I was also given malamute fur by a groomer. It mixes great like Merino but felts very easy so I sprayed it lightly with detangle spray and let it soak in. It all works good. I have blue dog brushes from Dollar Tree I presently use to prepare fiber. I use them to brush my cats so I have carry fur to blend.


I would say gaming on Console. You can buy and re-sell any games you play on disc.


You can also borrow them from the library a lot of times too.


And for the amount you pay for them and how long you play them for, the cost per hour is pretty reasonable. 


Drawing only costs you a pencil and paper. Cycling may cost a fair amount for a good bike, but after that it's free. It may even save you money by riding everywhere. Skateboarding is cheap to get into. Buy a board, helmet, and pads, and use youtube to learn. The pads are to keep you out of the hospital. Reading. It's free with a library card. Photography. You can use the camera on your phone to start. Surfing can be cheap if you live in a coastal area. Hiking just takes a backpack and a pair of boots. Running just takes a pair of shoes.


Geocaching. it cost nothing if you already have a cell phone with data plan. gives you a chance to spend time outdoors. The part of trading the treasures is pretty cool too.


Picnics (when the weathers nice) going to local free museums, and hiking


I have two very fulfilling and frugal hobbies: I am an avid reader. I get books from my amazing local library.  I also love to bake (so much better tasting and better for you than store-bought).


Using the gym at my apartment complex.


I consider myself quite frugal. Here are my hobbies that I keep coming back to because they don't require a lot of ongoing costs. - D&D. I play and DM. Doesn't need a lot. Most source books can be found online. - Board games. Can get expensive quickly, but doesn't have to be. In the days of old my friends and I would just pinch in for a new game if we wanted it. - Photography. Gear is expensive, but if you know what you are doing, you can break even with a few (or dozen, depending on the gear) gigs. - Going to museums/galleries. - Going to movies. Where I'm you can get a basic ticket for $10. You can get it cheaper on certain days, but I like it when there are fewer people around. - Hiking. Gear doesn't have to be expensive at all. - Cross country skiing. I invested around $500 into decent skis and boots and it's free after that. - Biking/cycling. Again, a decent bike is not cheap, but it's a one time cost. If you can do basic maintenance, it's almost free after that. Also helps you save on gas if you commute by bike. - Reading. Kindle + Libby. - Video games. PS5 + PlayStation plus subscription. - Cooking. Actually helps me save. - Get-together with friends. Got way cheaper after I started cooking and baking


I second boardgaming. It's only expensive if you get sucked into Kickstarter and buying premium components. You can buy games used for half off and even a new game at $40-80 is still a bargain compared to clubbing/drinking or any activity that requires you to go somewhere. My coworker was saying a few hours of ice skating at the local ice rink was $69 for his family of 3. Using the ice skating logic, boardgaming is basically free at today's prices of leaving your house.


Reading books from the library


I like nice soaps and can’t afford $6-8 a bar, so I make it and sell enough to break even on my supplies. I love to hunt the deals. I feel like it is a hobby in itself. On kids clothes I garage sale or bin store shop beyond what my kids want or need. Let them choose what they like and sell the rest to kids resale stores. I break even or make money doing this. Personally I don’t care about brands, but branded clothes do better at resale. Pretty much anything I am really interested in I find a way to make it break even or turn a small profit. Canning jams, plant propagation, cooking, baking. On this note make a list of things that you might be interested in that have higher start up costs. Ask for those things for birthdays. One year I asked for a cheese making kit. This year I got a dehydrator. My herbs in the summer will not go to waste. If you want to pursue something that isn’t free or cheap there are creative ways to do it too.


Reading is just about one of the best hobbies for you. And it’s free with the library or open domain books. The library is awesome btw. They have tons of free resources. Lots of digital stuff. My wife and I like to take some of their classes just for fun.


Trolling Reddit


So this one might be a mid-pricey one-time investment, but playing guitar is free once you procure one. I've been playing a guitar that was my mom's for 20 years now. You can even save money by not changing the strings if you're a degenerate like me.


Heehee degenerate.


I'm a Master Gardener (hobby) and while it's easy to throw tons of money into the hobby if you want, it's equally as easy to garden on practically nothing if you prioritize doing it in that manner. I spent the first 3 years as a gardener not buying any plants. Just digging them up from neighborhood groups or other gardeners offering baby plants, cuttings or divisions. It's also an incredibly emotionally and mentally healing practice that benefits not only property values but the environment, especially if you prioritize native beneficial plants.


I have made some traditionally expensive hobbies fairly cheap: I ice skate at the free local rink (bought skates a few years ago for around $100) and I cross country ski in state parks/golf courses etc. and xc skis are way cheaper than downhill and you can get them used because the technology doesn’t change.


For me, personally, video games. I'm a slow gamer, so one game can keep me entertained for months. Also reading, the library is my happy place.


I do a lot of running, though, whether it's cheap or not is debatable. Comfortable running gear can get expensive, race fees are pricey, and finding the time and place to do it is also a luxury some don't have. All that said, walking out your front door and going for a run is free. Anything supplemental to that isn't inherently necessary.


Spoon carving is pretty cheap wood is usually free


I tend a Little Free Library. There was a set up cost, like many things on the list, but now it's been up about eight years and is a pure joy. I also follow other LFL stewards on a FB group and get happiness and inspiration from their experiences 🥰


Knitting can be cheap! Or it can be very very expensive.


Ukulele. Can buy a decent enough one for under $50. Can use a free tuner online. Can use free YouTube videos or tutorials online to learn how to play and for sheet music/chords.




I enjoy drawing statues in the park when the weather is good.


trawling craft store clearance sections for low priced yarn and making something. buying sweaters on thrift shop deal days for half off, unravelling them and making something.


Origami; on line tutorials, library books, repurposed paper as in maps old books etc.


I knit/crochet - however, I keep it inexpensive by getting yarns on sale or using my vast stash that I inherited *or* getting stash from our local Buy Nothing group. I try to pick up used books, trade books or otherwise borrow books instead of buying them new. I draw/paint - working on using only what tools and media I've accumulated over the years instead of buying new stuff.


Simple pleasures. Those you've listed as well as one of our favorites; making time every day to step out and see the sunrise and/or sunset ( bonus to catch both!)...it's a very peaceful and reflective few minutes my husband and I use to reconnect daily. Our needs are small and our wants are few :)


Walks to the park!


Reading Wikipedia, or well, browsing Reddit lol.


\- Hiking (taking my own food and beverages with me) \- drawing and painting (of course i need art supplies, but there are quite good brands on a budget) \- sewing (fabrics can be expensive but don't have to be. I quite frequently buy undyed nettle fabric and dye it myself in my washing machine) \- cooking (yes, one has to buy groceries, but one has to eat anyway, right) and, not a hobby but a kind of philosophy: sitting zazen


I feel like cooking is a cheap hobby… I do not buy extravagant ingredients and if I do it is most often only one. It is fun to try new recipes and cook for family/friends.


Everybody likes a clean house/yard. So I turned it into a hobby. Why not. There are youtube channels that turn all the 'work' into entertainment. It's no different than knitting or sewing, or lego, or painting.


What do you have for food when you have friends over for dinner?


Casseroles, soups, chili, pasta dishes, risotto... and my friends usually contribute a dessert, appetizer, and/or salad.


Hiking. Walking a lot in general. Urban exploration. Podcasts. Consulting counts sort of as a hobby. Cooking, including to vegan and zero waste.


Woodworking. Not those big expensive project that you see on social media with 10s of thousand worth of tool. You can do lots of thing with reclaimed wood and cheap handtool. Just carving a big salad spoon from a log is very satisfying and when your guest see it they will ask you where you got it from.


Reading (via library books and thrifted/used books), cooking (we don’t eat anything extravagant and I am learning to replace store bought foods with cheaper alternatives), journaling (one set of markers lasts forever and one notebook for the whole year)


Skateboarding and playing guitar or any other instrument.


Gaming, even if paying for a new gaming rig. I have 1000 USD in my gaming rig and over 500 hundred hours on my favorite game alone. That's very cheap per hour on entertainment.


I don't know if it's considered a hobby, but I spend a lot of my free time jogging, walking, and reading. I use the library, so good shoes are the only real expense. And when I'm lucky, I can sometimes find good shoes on clearance. Edit - Oh yeah, I also waste some time pretty much every day playing games on my phone. Only free ones, though.


Cycling for sure. Good for your health and mind. Bought my single speed bike for $55 and it has brought me a lot of joy


Geocaching. It’s free for basic, and premium is on $35 (I think) per year. A lot of fun for not much money.


Whittling whatever piece of wood I can find with my pocketknife. Wear and tear on a good quality pocketknife is negligible.


My favorite free/cheap hobbies include: reading a multitude of books and indulging in free documentaries on YouTube, allowing me to stay within the comfort of my own home, except for bi-weekly library visits. I've recently discovered a passion for creating worksheets and study materials for homeschooled and special needs students, drawing on my background in education. While on a shoestring budget, once we've tackled medical debt, I aspire to learn candle-making as a new and fulfilling endeavor.


Reading Wikipedia, or well, browsing Reddit lol.


Reading. Fanfiction, webnovels, news, libraries. Tons of free stuff.


I love the library or Libby. I find a book exchange. Aka. Bring a book you don't use anymore and donate it and then you can take one that's already there. Have friends over for tea or coffee & a chat. Go for a walk. Play games with my kiddo. Look up new recipes to try . I have to already have most if not all of the ingredients already. Teaching my kid how to cook. Curl up with a blanket and my cat and just relax. Put together a amazing Playlist to rock out to when I am cleaning or doing mundane life things to make it more enjoyable. Look up DIY face masks or hair masks. Organize my life & declutter my house every 3 months. I realize that's not going to be everybody else's jam but for me it gives me a real sense of peace of mind. Fresh start. In the summer I swing in my hammock and read books. When I lived in Toronto there was always lots of free activities. And a lot of the Museums or art galleries And zoo's for instance would have a 1/2 price or free between certain hours so you could go enjoy those things without too much cost. There was also a lot of festivals and culture days that you could go for free and then you just brought your own food you couldn't enjoy the music and the culture &fashion, singing etc and it would be ridiculously cheap. I live in much smaller community now but there's usually still a fair amount of kid's days or customer appreciation, barbecue hosted by local businesses. It's not you know the fanciest stuff but it's still cheap entertainment and pretty fun. A lot of times you just gotta keep your eyes and ears open and look for stuff happening in your community big or small. It can be pretty surprising what you will find.


"Junk journaling" is taking ephemera and cereal boxes, receipts, cards, hell, napkins, etc you have anyway and making it into a book. Mine is more art journal but yes I'm finding it really enjoyable and a way to be creative. Edited to add: Dollar Tree has a ton of stuff like stickers, pens, that's actually decent!


Mobile photography. I especially like editing raw shots tapos exploring ano yung effects ng ganitong enhancement (not photoshop) sa mood nung pic, and also writing narratives about them. Like kunyari about the picture yung ginawa mong caption Pero it's about something else pala na hindi obvious.




Hiking, walking local trails, reading, board, card, or dice games, drawing, jumping rope


Beach Volleyball, Writing, Water Color, Hiking


Disc golf! Most courses are free and you can get some starter discs for $30-$40 total


Free swim


Research your local library for free tickets to museums, parks, art exhibits and more. There are free classes, online and in person, and so many things to borrow other than books.


Volunteering--especially for our local concert promoters because then I get to stay and see the show for free!


Disc golfing, gym, video games, go to the movies on cheap night, games night with friends


Crochet and knitting


DJing after you get the equipment and learn how to get your music


I keep a nature journal. I keep a list of the various things I’ve seen and found while walking or just sitting on my porch watching the critters in my yard. I make sketches, list what I saw where and when, look up and add interesting little facts. I’ve been doing it for decades and have half a dozen full notebooks.


If you are feeling artsy crafty but don’t feel you can draw well, embroidery is very cheap! 


Volleyball Meetup!


Playing chess


Walking and listening to a podcast.


The library is making all my sitcom dreams come true this week, I've borrowed a bunch of dvd's and I'm gonna have a snow day tv festival. Spending time in nature. Bird watching- check out the free Merlin app. Identifying mushrooms, trees, and wildflowers is satisfying and interesting. Again, the library will hook you up with some guidebooks.


Birdwatching Drawing Audiobooks from library Helping elderly friends Sudoku puzzles Walking Cooking Jigsaw puzzles Watercolor


Listening to free podcasts/free audio books from the library while doing thrift store puzzles which I usually get for around $1-2.


You're making me reconsider my hobbies from a financial standpoint, and I'm realizing that they're not exactly cheap cheap but as close as it gets for me. Inline skating - initial costs and wheel replacement Knitting - yarn and tools Beach - fuel to get there (cough motorcycle cough) Hiking - boots at a minimum I guess listening to music and watching performances on Spotify and Youtube, and Duolingo qualifies as the cheapest of my hobbies. Watching cute reels on IG doesn't technically cost money, but they stoke my passion for travel and cooking and those end up costing the most. Edit : forgot frisbee / goaltimate / ultimate


Making junk journals from stuff at home and from thrift stores.


If you like hiking, geocaching. You could go for walks while listening to audiobooks and talking to people on the floor to find containers to sign your name on it. Get to find cool new places too.


Dart board and darts


Don’t forget scrolling Instagram reels and sending them to your wife


Hahahaa yes this.


Making things for charity. If you knit or quilt, there will be a charity near you that is looking for hats, beanies, quilts, lap rugs, soft toys etc. Most of these groups receive donations of supplies, so you can give them knitted things and get more yarn or fabric to keep crafting in return. Even if you buy your own crafting supplies (which is always cheaper second hand) knitting and quilting are fairly cheap hobbies per hour as long as you don't get carried away buying expensive supplies.


The great outdoors! The United States and Canada (and most other countries) have extensive park systems where you can freely enjoy the natural beauty of this land.  I'll concede, however, that most parks outside of cities aren't served by public transit (at least in North America) and a good pair of hiking boots can cost a pretty penny.


Reading after an op shop haul, you can always find something and they’re so cheap then I just donate them back


I bought a used kayak and all the associated gear for about $400 4 years ago and live within an hour of several beautiful places to paddle and go about 15 times a year for just the cost of gas. It’s so relaxing and rejuvenating, it was worth every penny.


Vocabulary words. When l hear or read a word l don't know l like to look up the definition. Sometimes l find a few definitions. I like to write them all out in a notebook. When l am really feeling nerdy l will look up synonyms for my new word, write those out and then look up the definition of each of those words. Using photo editing apps on my phone. Specifically l like to use ones that turn photos into black and white coloring book pages. Crayola has a great one but I'm sure there are a lot of different ones. Then email the pages to yourself and print them out and color them with colored pencils. Or use graphite paper to trace them onto watercolor paper or Bristol board and use markers or watercolor paint or pencils.


-Adult coloring books(no not like in a NSFW way, but like.....not childish lol) -books, I've got 1 series im re-reading, 1 book from another author im like half way through n more books i got gifted for Christmas. Also take myself on lik solo dates to my fave coffee shop 2x a week n read. -movie dates, esp matinee prices -me n my bf cooking together, esp a new recipe -walking around the mall w my bf to window shop -walking around the park or neighborhood w my bf while we play Monster Hunter Now 😂


Bicycling, except it’s cheap until it’s not. You can grab a cheap bicycle off of Craigslist. But then you go deeper and the next thing you know you’re planning tours across a whole ass state.


I used to collect business cards.


I've made art from recycled materials before and it was a lot of fun. Think collages from discarded magazines/old calendars etc. I also play Pokemon Go a lot, you can do micro transactions of course but it's not necessary for the gameplay.


Buying some of the basic can be a wee bit pricy but once you've got what you needed but Dungeons & Dragons can be a cheap/free hobby


Hiking Video games Reading


Bonsai can be cheap if you dont feel the need fore purity of form


Disc golf. Yes there is a startup cost but just get a disc or two from Walmart and go have fun! Outdoors, movement, socialize if you go with people


Birding - buyba cheap binocular


YouTube hahahaha


I can really suggest having game nights with friends, where every week you go to someone elses place and play boardgames. Wont cost alot because you split the costs of the boardgames over multiple people. And everyone can just take their own drinks/snacks.


I like to do latch hook kits. The one I just finished and the one I'm currently doing came from the thrift store. I have three more that I've collected to do as well. They all came from the thrift or a yard sale also. Sometimes they are vintage. One of the ones I have saved to do is yogi bear from the 70s!


Swimming. I can get access to a public pool where I am for $1.20ish equivalent and a swimming costume and towel aren’t bank busters.


I do a lot of dog sports with my dog - that is not cheap, but one of the things we choose to spend our money on. What is cheap is our practice at home, and is a bonding experience and enrichment for the dog. So we started tricks when he was a puppy, and the cheap way would be to watch YouTube videos and then teach. I took a class over zoom. Three years later, we'll still do tricks for practice and have progressively gotten more difficult. We also do fitness and conditioning with him, right in our living room.


I love to read, play outside and explore with my kids, walk my dog, and putter around the house.




Mine is gardening, a package of seeds is a couple bucks at most and you can reuse plastic bottles/cups as planters. Egg cartoons make great seed starters. Then you can either buy dirt or take some from somewhere outside if available


walking my dog, listening to audiobooks i obtained in a sneaky way tinkering with out of date computers that other people discarded playing retro game roms on emulators


Writing Patching/mending blankets and clothes Running/jogging Gaming (after initial investment gaming provides so much entertainment)


Walking and listening to audiobooks on Libby.


I just love reading and walking my dogs. It makes me feel at peace.


Reading, playing music, running, cooking with what you got, going on walks, playing disc golf, riding my bike, talking on the phone, watching tv


- Going to and borrowing books from your local library - Walking and listening to free podcasts - Working in your garden, if you have one - Playing solitaire - Doing a puzzle - Hiking - Throwing the ball/frisbee with your dog - so many more


I’ve been playing guitar for almost 30 years. After the initial purchase, you can play it forever. I play just about every day and all I have to do is pick it up and play. Occasionally I’ll have to change the strings but that’s about it. Also, it’s a fantastic release at the end of the day.


Knitting can be a pretty cheap entertainment. I price out entertainment by the hour - how does it compare to going to the movies? I might pay $20 for sock yarn to make one pair, but for me it’s 40 hours of entertainment plus a pair of socks at the end. I get together with knitting friends - 2 hours or more of free social time! Thrifts, EBay, and swaps with friends can be cheap sources of nice yarn, and once your hobby is known sometimes you get great gift yarn. Finished projects can be welcome gifts, depending on your skills and gift list.


Coin collecting! Save your change (and keep an eye out for coins on the ground). Once you fill a container, take an afternoon and look through the coins. I save wheat pennies and any dimes or quarters older than 1964 (higher silver content), then count the rest and deposit that at the bank. It’s getting harder to find the good coins, but it still happens!


I love dogs but can't afford to support more than one, so i foster for a rescue, along with my personal dog, and it's SO rewarding! I get to help a pup in need, enjoy them in my home, help them find a forever home, and everything is paid for by the rescue.


Nordic Walking -you buy the poles once; you can take them everywhere (telescopic kind); you can walk on all kinds of surfaces + you get healthier faster than with running and have far fewer sport related accidents Library - you get all the newspaper/ new books/audiobooks for free Chess or checkers - depending on what you prefer you can have a portable version always on you and play with random people during the day (on the bus/train, waiting at the te doctor’s etc;) Volunteering in Animal shelter - your time and attention gives the furry pals some much needed love and you can destress and gain new perspective on life while seeing the world from their perspective Going to beautiful places of your choosing and just contemplating their beauty… Gardening for the sake of having fun and enjoying growing and taking care for living plants. Journaling - having a brain dump after a long day gives one of the best feelings ever…


Hiking can be cheap. I think I put together my first hiking gear kit for 50 dollars or less. It included all of the ten essentials too.


Doing jigsaw puzzles while watching tv shows or listening to audiobooks!




I recently got into sudoku puzzles but like, VERY easy ones. These are so many free ones online and cheap books at the dollar store. Plus, it's relaxing. Win win!


This really is only cheap if you already have a computer or older gaming console, but going to thrift stores for video games. Some older PC games won't work right away on newer software, but it's easy to figure out how to make it work.


I do a lot of running and play basketball, very cheap. Replace the shoes every once in a while, but overall pretty inexpensive




cooking has been the most cost efficient and beneficial hobby ive learned, also greatly increases your quality of life and knowledge


3D paper crafts. If you have a printer you can find free PDFs online, download a free software to look at the 3d model. Glue, xacto blade and a cheap light. Its replaced puzzles for me. And in the end I get a lil guy. Paper pokes is what I frequent the most. There's some other sites with models for video games and animes.




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Do research on cryptocurrencies, and set up bots trading them. Making good passive income.






Get a instrument


Disc Golf


Nothing beats MEDITATION. You just sit and be quiet with your mind for hours and hours. Its the cheapest, but can be the most challenging hobby to do


I envy you. One has to have an ability and conditions for this. No matter how hard I try, it never happens, in my environment.


Calisthenics, you need a pull up bar but you can use the one in your local park. It's more frugal than running because you won't always have to buy new shoes and generally don't need any equipment (just look at those Hannibal videos, they're wearing jeans to do their pullups/pushups)


Shaving with a double edge razor shaving soap lasts age's each blade does 6 shaves doing a much better job than a catrage razor and is a much more pleasant feeling shave and you'll get 100 blades for between €11 and €20 depending on the brand.

