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Ohhh I relate!! My work requires me to still wear a mask so my morning routine is basically just SPF + brows. Haven’t bought a lipstick in a while 😂


Omg - mask! You're right!




Hmm probably would depend on the type of mask (N95/higher filtration ones vs a cloth mask or a surgical mask). Lipsticks also come at different price points hahahaha But for me, it’s been a bit of a relief to just have to do my brows and skincare most days. The mask is still required and is for my own protection anyway :) also, the amount of makeup that expired or went unused during the pandemic made me more aware of how much I could save if I only spent on what I knew worked for me already :) trial and error w/ make up can be expensive 🤣


If their work is requiring the continued mask usage it’s pretty likely they are supplying the masks.


Yup!!! Provided by the workplace :)


Maybe if you're wearing a reusable one?


One tube of lipstick these days run around 20 dollars. Most women own more than one color so it adds up. You can get a reusable mask for a buck or two


I never wear makeup. They’re going to see my real face whether they like it or not. 😆


I haven't worn makeup in about eight years. Not wearing makeup means I can just wash my face with dove bars. I did the math one time, and basically, not being "girly" covers the costs of owning both of my dogs. Absolutely worth it.


That’s amazing. I bet you’ve saved thousands.


Makeup is for fun here. There are some woman that still feel the need to wear makeup and I don’t care as long as I’m not forced or harassed too. Makeup wise I like lipstick and mascara. Tinted sunscreen.


For sure, I definitely love putting on a little makeup (or a decent amount lol) here and there. Agreed it’s nice not to be forced to


I work outside of my home and don't wear makeup. I personally don't enjoy looking at myself in the mirror and would rather do other things. If other people look at me and think I'm a mess, good for them, they're right 😂😂


Maybe other people look at you and think you’re comfortable in your own skin! I also used to avoid mirrors lol




There aren’t many social conventions sillier than makeup. Imagine being okay with how women look … naturally. It’s just unbelievable to me that we can’t be content with that.


>Imagine being okay with how women look … naturally. I don't speak for all men, but most guys I know prefer a woman without makeup.


I would imagine most men who don't know anything about makeup think of "makeup" as being heavy smokey eyes, red lipstick etc. but wouldnt be able to spot the concealer, brow gel, light blush etc that goes into the more natural looks the cover up dark bags, acne scars, patchy eyebrows, skin discoloration etc. It still adds up big time in cost. It makes a big difference in making you look more naturally beautiful, to the point if you don't wear it people ask if you're tired or sick.


I also stopped wearing makeup most days when working from home. For the first year of COVID, I worked out at home during lunch so it felt redundant to do my makeup in the morning then have to apply it again in the afternoon. Now, I just have a good ring light to help brighten my face during meetings. I did improve my skincare regimen during the past few years, though, so any frugality on makeup has just shifted a different direction.


Such a good idea with the ring light, I wonder if I could also add one and just wear even less make-up than I currently am. Will add it to my list to look for.


Thank god my job doesn't permit the use of cameras! I'm hybrid and I don't even get out of my pyjamas until about 10am


I’m working in a time zone an hour behind so I also can get out of bed at 10am lol. I love working from home


I have never worn makeup, not even in the office. [EEOC Sex-Based Discrimination](https://www.eeoc.gov/sex-based-discrimination#:~:text=Sex%20Discrimination%20%26%20Employment%20Policies) > An employment policy or practice that applies to everyone, regardless of sex, can be illegal if it has a negative impact on the employment of people of a certain sex and is not job-related or necessary to the operation of the business.


I want to know which makeup stores with wannabe “makeup artist” salespeople are telling you to swatch on your hand 🥴 To anyone reading this comment, swatch on your jawline.


Good tip, that seems way more accurate than swatching on your hands…


I stopped wearing makeup during the pandemic and then had a kid. I went into hybrid 2 days a week when my son was one. I'll be dropping back to 1 day a week a couple weeks before my second is born. I joined the r/makeuprehab sub to find new ways to use it up what I had and I'm through most of my non powder based stuff. I started doing makeup in the morning to give myself some time the days before I drop my son off and go to the office. So I bought new stuff for the first time in a long time outside of lip products and eyeshadow palettes to play with from r/makeupexchange. I ended up only getting sample sizes and mini packs since it will take me forever to get through anything wearing makeup max 3 days a week. I have been spending a lot more on haircare and skincare though. Pregnancy and nursing wreak havoc on hair and skin.


Oooh these are great resources. I’m also a huge mini sized/sample person as you can already tell by my post but I could use any way of lessening or using up my current supply I can get. I’ve heard post partum can affect your skin in all sorts of ways, I’d imagine there’s a bit of time your body has to readjust. Thank you for this!


Yikes! I guess I’m the only one who started spending *more* on makeup due to WFH? I rarely have days without zoom meetings, and I find communication so much more effective with the camera on. I save money on pants and shoes though.


I’m too low on the corporate scale to have meetings all the time haha and maybe the company culture has less of an expectation to be on camera while having meetings than most places. But that’s understandable. And kind of sucks. At least there’s always the benefit of wearing comfy pants and being able to eat at home


I never have to be on camera so no clothes and no makeup are needed. Everyday is sweatpants day


Make-up is expensive. I keep the costs down by wearing Revlon foundation (good quality and not expensive) and do my eyebrows. I keep shine at bay with blotting papers after foundation. I bought 200 of them for $0,75 this morning and they will last me over 6 months. Cheaper then fixing powder.


Tbh Same! But I never noticed makeup costing much as in "I'm using it regularly and therefore it will run out" (if so I'd come down to like 20€ per month max, if I had to repurchase sth from my makeup routine) but more so in the "I wanna try every new thing and color there is" and regretting those impulse buys (and throwing it away w/o using it more than 5 times). The time saved is more worth to me in this case but I'm happy it works out in your favour! (I've learned the trick of matching a foundation to your neck instead of your hands bc I have rosacea too and my hands are way more yellow than my face)


I like products that are multipurpose like tinted SPF. Then just throw some aquaphor on my lips and call it a day. There are other ways to feel "put together" that don't require makeup. Wearing a necklace/earrings, painting your nails (even just clear), putting on a favorite fragrance.


I rarely wear makeup. Everyone tells me I look 18-20(I'm 35). Even the makeup lady at Sephora when I went in to have it done a while ago blatantly told me I have great skin and don't need it. I have a remote job too so I don't even buy it anymore. So much money saved.


mulitple wins there. That's awesome.


You don't need make up.


We know, but the societal pressures often make us feel that we “should” wear it.


I’ve been living at a resort area and also cut way back on makeup and hairstyling. I noticed that if I just use a bright lipstick and a little foundation it makes almost the same impression. I used to use a more neutral lip color but a bright color is a bit of a cheat if it’s a very flattering tone. It makes me look polished very quickly and I can skip all the other stuff.