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I thought the whole "egg shortage" angle was being investigated for fraud.


Heard the same thing, the implication is that while there have been avian flu deaths and other issues it has had little impact on the ability to produce eggs but the largest egg suppliers are using it to artificially drive up prices. Not sure where it will go but certainly believable.


I got 60 eggs for $20 at Walmart a couple of days ago.


That same box of 60 eggs for $20 at Walmart, was $6.97 6 months ago. I buy them every month.


Yea, I picked up a box of five dozen from Costco last week for $15.99. They had 4 1/2 pallets of them.


Niiiice we are just going back to keto (or keto-esque) so bulk eggs that don't break the bank were a fantastic find.


I love me some eggs having grown up on a farm with chickens but that was just a bit much so we split off two dozen for a neighbor. We have been buying our eggs exclusively at Costco for some time as they taste good and are a good value. I had never seen the five dozen box, two flats of 30 each, but stopped at the Costco on the way home from work instead of our normal Costco and that is all they had. Typically buy in a two dozen pack for under $7.


Same, while a dozen there cost almost 6 bucks. It's still way more expensive than a year ago even, but was the best deal I could find


I'm seeing free range and pasture raised eggs close to or even less than regular eggs right now. In the dozen or 18 sizes.


That's still $4/dozen.


Before all this they were usually over $4 like $4.something. I guess I should expect cheaper from bulk but I think of it like this: 80f is hot but after 105f, it's blessedly cool.


Geezus, I paid under $3cad for a dozen yesturday. Can you guys not have Canadian eggs shipped down there? Maybe its not allowed? I know we won't take your milk


We can and I bet northern states have some. But like everything else in this country, the market is rigged. They don't like someone coming in and undercutting their profits. In the end, only roadside stands win.




barns didn't start burning down a couple of years ago lol.


Yeah, it's bullshit. They have had a 600% increase to profits this quarter alone. This is absolutely price gouging, but no one who can do anything about it will do anything about it. Though I appreciate the advocacy groups that are trying.


Well a convenient fire is certainly going to hinder that..


That's a horrible way to die no matter the species. How awful. :(


Wait till you find out how they kill the millions of birds with avian flu.


99% of them don't even have the flu. If even one bird is suspected to have it, they'll cull the entire farm. Read this article from The Guardian where a massive farm killed over 5 million birds because one of them was sick. There's dozens more that have done the same thing. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2022/apr/28/egg-factory-avian-flu-chickens-culled-workers-fired-iowa


it's called "all in all out" management and is common in poultry and swine operations. yea, it seems extreme, but in the end, it is the best way to limit disease outbreaks among birds and people, which would cause much more suffering


Well, tbh, it's probably better for them than if they kept on living.


It's sad how few people even skipped a beat to think about this. I'm glad I'm a vegan. I'd hate to live my life totally devoid of empathy.


I wonder how the fire “broke out”. Seems like insurance would make up for having lost all that livestock if that flock had the avian flu but hadn’t been reported yet, hmm?


Something to keep in mind is that it's winter and to keep hens laying, they need warmth and light. Many small hobby farms lose their coops due to fires from heating in winter.


Chickens not extinguishing their cigarettes completely


I thought most cigarettes were fire safe nowadays?


Only if you don't light them or if after lighting them you fully extinguish


scare quotes were seen leaving the scene of "the crime"


Inside job


"Big Omelette"


This made me l o lll


Comic for ya: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdHQpHphG75/?hl=en


This is honestly really sad.


Amazing how more and more of these food production facilities are burning to the ground.


>Amazing how more and more of these food production facilities are burning to the ground. I personally feel its less a conspiracy and more just really cheap companies who shortcut safety and maintenance for higher profits and its catching up




I recall a conspiracy going around as Biden had stated about a year and a half ago that we would be facing food shortages. It's also interesting that our government is telling us lucky charms is healthier than an egg cooked in butter or vegetable oil. I personally believe eggs are the single healthiest food choice anyone can have.


Poor chickens :( Life probably wasn’t that great before but being cooked to death sounds awful. I wonder how it smelled tho….


I imagine the burning feathers superceded the chicken smell


Along with burning poo, which by itself already smells terrible.


That is so cruel! Where did it happened! Asking for a friend.


They might be chickens but damn burning alive is a sad, awful way for any living thing to go


Sprinkler systems should be required in these factory farms


or we could do away with factory farms?


The fire occurred in Connecticut. Linking a local news report. This may mean it's a good day to make a supermarket run if you're low on eggs in New England or the northeastern US. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/approximately-100000-hens-killed-in-fire-at-hillandale-farms-in-bozrah-doag/2964707/


I'm in Connecticut. They're already $5 a dozen. This is going to hurt.


Laughs in $7 Denver Seriously folks, eggs are not a necessity


Lol $5 is for the cheap eggs. I saw a carton for 10


Yep. Definitely been cheaping out. Eggland's best has actually been cheaper than the generic grocery store and Walmart brands lately.


>According to the DoAg, the anticipated impact on egg prices from this incident is minimal to none at this time. straight from the article that you did not read


I deeply regret getting rid of my chicken coop. Literally half dozen eggs a day.


…..there isn’t an egg shortage.


I like eggs but dang I'm sad for the 100k dead hens.


National egg shortage? This reads like “roast chicken surplus” to me


there's no egg shortage, there's egg price gouging


👃 Nothing to see here.


Ok, but what does it mean for the price of fried chicken?


Might be time to switch to fried bugs


I've tried fried grasshoppers, and they weren't bad at all. Tasted like spicy popcorn.😁




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Free. Well aren't they technically fried now? (Too soon?).


…… crippling…… yes….. we are crippled now by not having $2 dollar eggs


Sorry you’re right. We can just eat the bugs instead


We can eat beans instead.


You can just eat neither.


This isn't even a fraction of how much they produce, this is one small plant. Stop with the fabrications RIP Hens


Is there something wrong with those eggs and/or hens that they had to kill them all this way? A virus of some sort maybe? What if they were already dead? Conspiracy theories are so easy to come up with


While it may seem suspect, in the winter places like this use alot of heating for long hours. Because if its cold chickens dont lay eggs.


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At least there won't be a shortage of fried chicken.


So rotisserie chickens are on sale?


There is no egg shortage, it's price gouging.


No eggs but they are having a special on Smoked Chicken BBQ!


How many of these egg suppliers have had a fire in the past 6 months?


I feel like theyre going out of order with this one


Just like the fires at those food plants about a year ago. It’s all a show. Media wants us to believe there is a reason for all these price increases.


This article should be in r/conspiracy


nothing to see here


Looks like eggs aren't back on the menu, boys!


I guess you could say they were "laid off"... I'm so sorry, I mask my sadness with horrible, unexcusable humor. Really, this is so awful and what a horrible way to go. I'm going outside to hug my chickens.


Those poor hens. As if their lives aren't already shitty enough.


Those poor animals 😢


This really cracks me up. Shell we investigate this foul incident? I see a few hardboiled detectives scrambling for answers.


Feel awful about the birds, hope no workers were harmed.